Discover李老師陪你探索英文世界 Exploring English with Ms. Lee
李老師陪你探索英文世界 Exploring English with Ms. Lee
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李老師陪你探索英文世界 Exploring English with Ms. Lee

Author: 李老師與小幫手Aaron

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170 Episodes
本集生字: to categorize v. 分類 例句:Stephen King is a famous author in the category of thriller. I enjoy any movies in the categories of action and romance. to illustrate v. 解釋 autodidact n. 自學者 succinct a. 簡潔的 correspondence n. 書信往來 例句:I have kept up a correspondence with my college friends since we graduated. oversee v. 監督 edit v. 編輯 revise v. 重修 immaculate a. 極度乾淨 perfectionist n. 完美主義 intimate a. 親密的 composed a. 鎮定 blow off steam 片 宣洩情緒 例句:you shouldn’t blow off steam on others. punctual a.準時的 punctuality n. 準時行為 misunderstanding n. 誤解 respect n. 尊重 disrespect n. 不尊重 rigid a. 刻板的 adhere to v. 遵守 demand v. 要求 self sacrificing n. 自我犧牲 morale n. 士氣 fife n. 橫笛 be irked 被激怒 improvise a. 即興的 swear v. 罵髒話/發誓 protégés n. 學生/門徒 complement 互補 compliment 讚美 complimentary 附贈的 to rein v. 控制 to be deprived of 被剝奪權利 advocate v. 提倡 abolition n. 才幹 喜歡我們的節目嗎?歡迎在李老師的FB或IG留言,告訴我們你的想法,或提問相關的英語問題,我們會在下週的節目與大家分享問題內容哦! Facebook: Instagram: -- Hosting provided by SoundOn
立志成為小說家,卻成為孕育小說家的搖籃:紐約客總編輯David Remnick的掌舵之路 小故事大啟發:聽聽現任紐約客雜誌總編的傳奇工作經歷 請李老師喝杯咖啡,支持她繼續說英文故事 想以行動支持李老師繼續說英文故事,來請老師喝杯咖啡吧! 李老師的Facebook與Instagram: Facebook: Instagram: 小幫手Aaron的Instagram: -- Hosting provided by SoundOn
Q&A Why do Greg and Maura go to talk to Mr Z after Maura shows Greg the book club flyer? Because they don’t understand why it’s ok for kids to buy books from the book club, but it’s not ok for them to sell their mini comic books. What do Greg and Maura do to show that their book deserves an equal chance? They show him Maura’s new comic book. What does Mr Z think after looking at Maura’s comic book? He also agrees that there’s less violence in this comic book than there is in many classic fairy tales. He also thinks the drawings are exceptional. According to Mr Z, what do Greg and Maura have to do if they also want to sell books at school? He says that the school committee has a meeting once a month, and they will meet this Thursday night, but he says it’s going to be complicated for them to get the approval from the committee. Why will it be complicated? Well, first, book clubs are big companies, second, they give free copies to teachers, so this way, they are also helping the teachers. Third, book clubs help kids learn, get them excited about reading. Compared to book clubs, Greg and Maura are just kids who want to sell some little comic books and make some money. What do Greg and Maura say to counter the argument? Greg says they can also give away free copies of their comics to teachers. And they will even give some profits to the school library fund. And they ask if Mr Z can help them present their case to the committee. Does Mr Z agree? Yes, reluctantly, but yes. Why does Mr Z feel reluctant? Because mr Z spends most of his life avoiding disagreements and disputes. He knows if he agrees to help Greg and Maura, Mrs Davenport will be upset. Why does he decide to help? Because he honestly sees nothing wrong with the comic books. Why does Mrs Davenport come and have a talk with Mr Z? Because she knows Mr Z is going to help Maura and Greg present their comic book case in the committee. How does Mr Z explain his reason for supporting Greg and Maura? He doesn’t think there’s anything wrong with comic books and he thinks Greg and Maura are very creative. What do Greg and Maura say at the meeting to convince the members? He says that he thinks kids at school will like their comic books because they are fun to read. How prepared are Greg and Maura for the meeting? They are very well prepared. They even make a sample order form for their comic book club. They tell the members the order process will be similar to that of the book club. And they will donate some profits to the library fund. Moreover, to make sure that their comic books will not contain violent content, everything sold by them will be approved in advance by teachers. What does Mr Z say at the meeting to convince the members to say yes to Greg and Maura’s proposal? He says that Greg and Maura are both creative and responsible. He also believes as teachers, they try to prepare kids for life after they leave school, so he thinks Greg and Maura are learning how to be self reliant, and that’s good. What does Mr Z do to show the members that reading comic books does not have negative influences on kids? He asks those who read comic books to raise their hands, and most adults there do, and this proves that they didn’t become terrible people just because they read comic books when they were young. Why does Mrs Davenport oppose to selling comic books? She says comic books were forbidden at her home when she was growing up because her mom felt comic books were cheap and trashy. And she agrees with this perspective. But the main reason why she doesn’t want Greg and Maura to sell comic books is she doesn’t want their school to turn into a flea market. If they agree to let Greg and Maura sell their comic books, other kids will want to sell other things. How does Mr Z defend Greg and Maura’s idea? He says school are supposed to prepare kids for a happy successful life, and there’s nothing wrong with having kids learn about money and economics at school. What’s the committee’s final decision? They agree to let Maura and Greg sell their books. Your help is much appreciated, Sophie. My pleasure 重點單字 flyer: 傳單 thumb through: 快速閱覽過 can’t help but: 不得不 exceptional: 非凡的 school committee: 學校委員會 present one’s case: 提案 complicated: 複雜的 profit: 利潤 feel trapped: 感覺被困住 avoid: 避開 disagreement: 不合 dispute: 爭議 get on the wrong side of: 讓某人不開心 agenda: 議程 greedy: 貪心的 selfish: 自私的 question: 質疑 welfare: 福利 coherently: 有條有理地 approve of: 贊同 show of hands: 舉手表決 apparently: 明顯的 anonymous: 匿名的 flea market: 跳蚤市場 graduate: 畢業生 propose: 提議 act as: 當成 permission: 許可 be granted: 授予 當然希望大家可以到apple podcast按讚分享或留言。或到Spotify, Soundon 平台訂閱。也歡迎歡迎在李老師的FB或IG留言,告訴我你的想法,或提問相關的英語問題,我會在下週的節目與大家分享問題內容哦! Facebook: Instagram: -- Hosting provided by SoundOn
Q&A So how does Greg show his willingness to be Maura’s friend? By telling Maura what the strengths and weaknesses of her comic book. According to Greg, what’s good about Maura’s comic book? He says her pictures are good, and she also nails the pace of the plot. And what problems does her comic book have? Some of the scale in her drawing is wrong. And he offers to help her fix that problem. What business deal do Greg and Maura work out together? If Greg helps Maura turn her unicorn story into a comic book and sell the copies, Greg will receive 25% of the profits on every copy sold. Why does Maura come to see Greg on Friday night? She wants to show him her new drawings to make sure the scale of them is correct. How is the relationship between Greg and Maura changed over that weekend? They went from being rivals to friends and business partners. Greg and Maura work on improving Maura’s comic the entire weekend. What characteristics do Greg and Maura share? They are both hardworking and focused. They can work on comics side by side without even uttering a word. They are both driven and ambitious. They care about the quality of their works. How many copies of Maura’s unicorn comic books do they make over that weekend? Greg teaches Maura how to mass produce with a printer, and they make fifteen copies. What’s Maura’s reaction when she sees the first copy of her work? She’s so excited that she was in her little universe for a while. Is Maura also excited about the prospect of making money selling her comic? Not really, she doesn’t care that much about the money. She views herself as an artist who just wants to make a great comic book. What’s Greg’s reaction when Maura tells him that she doesn’t care about money? He doesn’t believe her. He hates when everyone around him keeps acting like they don’t care about money, and pretends that money isn’t important. Does Greg really just care about money? No, he admits that it’s not just about money for him. He also cares about the quality of his work. Has Maura’s attitude towards business and money changed after spending some time with Greg? Yes, she starts thinking about how many copies of her comic can be sold, and she can become a recognized artist. What announcement does Mrs Davenport, the principal, hang on every bulletin board at the school? She says selling small comic books is not permitted at school, and the School Committee has a strict policy about what may or may not be sold at school. Which part of the announcement catches Maura’s attention? The part that reads Our town school committee has a strict policy about what MAY or MAY not be sold at school. Why does Maura find this part interesting? Because that implies some things are ok to sell at school, and some are not, and the committee gets to choose. What does Maura start noticing as she walks around the school campus? She notices school is also selling things to students or telling students what to buy. What do you do mean by this? Could you give me some examples? Their language art class teacher passes out a flyer from the school book club, trying to sell students books. So what does Maura do after making this observation? She shares the information with Greg. Thanks again for the help Anytime 重點單字 competitor: 競爭對手 nail something: 切中重點 weakness: 弱點 scale: 比例 unicorn: 獨角獸 franchise: 經銷權 profit: 利潤 reach a deal: 達到協商 set to work: 開始工作 a person of action: 行動派的人 a man of his word/ a person of her word: 信守承諾的人 a person of few words: 寡言的人 pay someone a visit: 拜訪某人 unaware of: 沒意識的 artistic: 有藝術氣息的 become absorbed in: 專注在 drink in the story: 投入在故事中 attitude: 態度 trick someone into doing something: 騙某人去做.. admit: 承認 quality: 品質 policy: 政策 catch one’s attention: 吸引某人的目光 pass out: 分發 flyer: 傳單 place one’s order: 下訂單 希望大家可以到apple podcast按讚分享或留言。或到Spotify, Soundon 平台訂閱。也歡迎歡迎在李老師的FB或IG留言,告訴我你的想法,或提問相關的英語問題,我會在下週的節目與大家分享問題內容哦! Facebook: Instagram: -- Hosting provided by SoundOn
重點單字 surrogacy: 代理懷孕 surrogate: 代理孕母 compensate: 補償 criminalize: 判定為非法行為 carry a child: 懷孕 biologically-related: 有血緣關係 in exchange for: 交換 fee: 費用 genetically: 基因上的 legal: 合法的 widely-practiced: 廣範被實踐的 source: 來源 heated debate: 很有爭議的事情 opponents: 對手 contend: 聲稱 stereotype: 刻板印象 financially:財務上的 vulnerable: 脆弱的 disingenuous: 不真誠的 claim: 宣稱 retired: 退休的 marine:海軍陸戰隊 infertility: 不孕 coerce: 強迫 lupus: 紅斑狼瘡 conceive a child: 受孕 complications: 併發症 fulfill: 實現 a fraction of: 少數的 applicants: 申請者 guidelines: 指導原則 term: 任期 undergo: 經歷 psychological: 心理的 screening: 篩選 overly-dependent: 過度依賴 be deemed: 被認為 lose eligibility: 失去資格 benefit: 福利 ensure: 確保 daily hormone injections: 每日賀爾蒙注射 self-administer: 自己注射 lead up to: 導致 embryo: 受精卵 transfer: 轉移 當然希望大家可以到apple podcast按讚分享或留言。或到Spotify, Soundon 平台訂閱。也歡迎歡迎在李老師的FB或IG留言,告訴我你的想法,或提問相關的英語問題,我會在下週的節目與大家分享問題內容哦! Facebook: Instagram: -- Hosting provided by SoundOn
重點單字 NPR: 美國公共廣播電台 headline: 頭條新聞 product placement: 置入行銷 reality: 現實 global brand: 全球品牌 push: 推廣 fast food chain: 速食連鎖店 by store count: 店數 spokesperson: 發言人 positive impact: 正面影響 global sale: 全球銷售 informal tally: 非正式的計算 have access to: 可得到 leading portal: 主要入口網站 sleekly: 圓滑的 present: 呈現 harbinger: 前兆 pristinely: 原始的 social gossip: 社群八卦 haute: 高級的 cuisine: 料理 roll ones eyes: 翻白眼 freshly wrapped: 剛包好的 unexpected: 沒預期的 drop by: 臨時來訪 crave for something: 渴望 suicidal: 有自殺頃向的 episode: 集數 express: 表達 fondness: 喜歡 disrupt: 打斷 plot: 情結 demographic: 某年齡層 stream: 串流 希望大家可以到apple podcast按讚分享或留言。或到Spotify, Soundon 平台訂閱。也歡迎歡迎在李老師的FB或IG留言,告訴我你的想法,或提問相關的英語問題,我會在下週的節目與大家分享問題內容哦! Facebook: Instagram: -- Hosting provided by SoundOn
Q&A Welcome, Sophie, thanks again for the help. Glad to be of help How does Maura think about Greg’s comic book? She likes the story, but she doesn’t think many girls will. And if he wants to sell more books, he should write stories that girls will also like. Why doesn’t Mr Z think Maura stole Greg’s comic book idea? Because Maura simply uses an old idea. The idea of making a small comic book is nothing new, and everyone has the right to do it. That’s how an idea spreads. Why does Mr Z think Greg should feel happy that Maura copied his comic book idea? Because imitation is the sincerest form of flattery. Maura copies Greg’s comic book idea because she thinks Greg’s idea is interesting. What does Greg tell Mr Z about his future dream? Greg says that he wants to be really really rich, so he can buy stuff. How does Mr Z respond to that? Mr Z says he’s satisfied with what he makes, and he doesn’t want to make more money. He thinks he already has enough, and this is hard for Greg to understand. So do Greg and Maura hate each other more after this incident? No, Maura feels bad about punching Greg, so she calls him that night to remind him to do his math homework and also asks him how to make a real comic book. the next day Maura shows Greg her new comic book. Greg is impressed by how much better it is, but he doesn’t want her to know that. Why does the principal, Mrs Davenport, call Greg and Maura to her office? She wants to know why Greg and Maura got into a fight and she wants Greg and Maura to keep away from each other. How does Maura react to the reprimand? She’s relieved that she’s not suspended or expelled. What else does Mrs Davenport want from Greg to stop doing? She wants him to stop selling comic books. How does Greg react to this order? He doesn’t understand it because after all he’s not selling toys, but books. So why doesn’t Mrs Davenport want Greg to sell comic books? Because in her view, comic books are not books. They are toys. And she says school is a place for learning. It’s not a place for buying and selling. Does Greg agree with Mrs Davenport’s decision? No That’s all for our Q&A today. Thanks for the help, Sophie. Thanks for having me 重點單字 conflict: 衝突 pure logic: 純邏輯 rip someone off: 敲某人竹槓 greedy: 貪心的 merely: 僅只 original: 原創的 spread:傳播 civilization: 文明 advance: 進步 imitation: 模仿 sincerest: 最真誠的 flattery: 奉承 profit from: 從某人得到利潤 corner someone: 圍堵某人 speechless: 無言的 be blown away: 被震撼到 take out: 拿出 demand: 要求 punch: 拳 喜歡我們的節目嗎?歡迎在李老師的FB或IG留言,告訴我們你的想法,或提問相關的英語問題,我們會在下週的節目與大家分享問題內容哦! Facebook: Instagram: -- Hosting provided by SoundOn
Q&A Describe the relationship between Greg and Maura They have been rivals since they were five years old. How does Greg view Maura? Greg views Maura as a copycat because she likes to copy what he does. How has Maura copied Greg’s ideas? Can you give me some examples? Sure. Greg’s first business outside his home was a lemonade stand. After his lemonade business took off, Maura also started her own lemonade business right across the street. Because her lemonade was cheaper, Greg lost half of his customers. How did that make Greg feel? He was outraged. So what did Greg do? He challenged Maura to come up with an idea of her own, rather than just copy his. What business idea did Maura come up with then? She went door to door selling pot holders, and she made a lot of money from it. How did this make Greg view her differently? He realized that Maura was smart and she would be a tough competitor in the future. In chapter seven, we have another new character, Mr. Z. Who is he? Mr Z is Greg and Maura’s home room teacher as well as their math teacher. What’s Mr. Z’s greatest passion in life? Mr Z’s greatest passion is math. He lives math. He breaths,eats, sleeps and dreams math. Why does Mr Z love math so much? Because he believes math is the source of all that is beautiful, good, and true. How does Mr Z live math? Can you give me some examples? Well, he wakes up at 6:15 every morning and he has an appointment at the barber shop every third Thursday at 4:15. He lets numbers control his daily life. Why do Greg and Maura have a big argument in class one day? Because Greg believes Maura stole his comic book idea. What accident happens as they are in a heated argument? Maura accidentally punches Greg’s nose, and his nose starts bleeding. What’s Mr Z’s reaction when he sees blood? He feels woozy. Is Greg angry at Maura? No, in fact he starts thinking about what Maura says about him as a money grubber and thinks whether what she says is right. And while he’s at the nurse’s office, he gets a chance to look at Maura’s comic book. To his surprise, the writing and the drawing are actually quite good. And unlike Greg, who prints out his comic books, Maura actually draws every book by hand and putting them together one at a time. Is Maura going to be Greg’s serious competitor? No, because she does not know how to mass produce her books. Thanks for helping out with the Q&A Anytime 重點單字 notice: 注意 existence: 存在 Big Wheel: 給兒童騎的車 driveway: 車道 over and over: 一再重複 lemonade stand: 檸檬汁攤位 helplessly: 無助地 come up with: 想到 creative idea: 有創意的點子 imitate: 模仿 method: 方法 door to door: 挨家挨戶 furious: 憤怒的 original: 原創的 pot holder: 隔熱布墊 prove someone wrong: 證明某人是錯的 take something lying down: 逆來順受 eccentric: 古怪的 character: 人物 be passionate about: 對..很熱情 storage: 儲藏室 every aspect of daily life: 日常生活的每一部份 a sense of humor: 幽默感 geometry: 幾何學 frictionless: 沒摩擦的 oasis: 樂土 order: 秩序 rip: 撕破 bleed: 流血 woozy: 頭暈的 accompany someone: 陪伴某人 clutch: 緊抓著 admit: 承認 -- Hosting provided by SoundOn
Q&A Sophie, can you tell us a little about our protagonist, main character, Greg? Greg is fifth grader, and his greatest talent is making money. He knows how to save money, and how to make it when he is very young. What was Greg’s first job making money? When he saw his two older brothers grumble about doing housework, he offered to do it for them. He started a housekeeping business, like making a bed, putting dirty clothes in the laundry, etc, and he was still a preschooler. Does Greg want to make quick money? No, he’s happy to get rich slowly being patient is a big part of having money talent. What other work does he do while growing up? Well, as a seven-year-old, he shines his parents’ shoes, does some garden work. What goal does he set for himself when he is in the third grade? He wants to be rich. Why? Because he wants to have money that he can spend buying anything he wants. Why doesn’t he want to be famous when he grows up? Because he figures if he gets rich enough, then the famous part will happen automatically. What’s the biggest difference between Greg and his classmates? He doesn’t just dream about it. He’s working at becoming rich. What does he accidentally discover at school when he’s a fifth grader? He realizes that school is an excellent place to make his fortune because every kid has quarters to spare. What’s the first thing that Greg sells at school? He sells candy, but he quickly stops because it’s against school rules. What does he sell next? He starts selling toys. What happens to his toy business? It’s shut down Mrs. Davenport, the principal. Why? Because students throw the unwanted toys all over the school. Is Greg discouraged by this? No. Because the principal only tells him not to sell toys. She didn’t tell him to stop selling。 So what does Greg sell instead? He sells comic books which he creates. Why does Greg think selling comic books is a good idea? Because school is all about books and reading. What’s the theme of his comic books? His comic books are all about superheroes. What shocking news does Greg learn when he’s selling his comic books at school? Another student named Maura Shaw is also selling her comic books, so now he has a competitor. Thanks Sophie for helping out with the Q&A part of this episode. The pleasure is mine 重點單字 talent: 天份 natural: 天生的 household chores: 家事 set a goal for oneself: 替自己設目標 fantastic: 極好的 instead of: 與其 figure out: 想出 rake leaves: 耙葉子 lemonade: 檸檬汁 shovel snow: 鏟雪 year round: 一年到頭 money lending: 借貸 interest: 利息 persuade: 説服 suddenly: 突然的 decide: 決定 profit: 利潤 principal: 校長 initiative: 進取心 nuisance: 討厭的事物 discouraged: 感到沮喪的 match one’s expectations: 符合某人的期待 plot: 情節 volume one: 第一冊 unexpected: 沒預期的 dare:膽敢 當然希望大家可以到apple podcast按讚分享或留言。或到Spotify, Soundon 平台訂閱。也歡迎歡迎在李老師的FB或IG留言,告訴我你的想法,或提問相關的英語問題,我會在下週的節目與大家分享問題內容哦! Facebook: Instagram: -- Hosting provided by SoundOn
重點單字 penultimate: 倒數第二的 representative: 代表 be surrounded: 被環繞 fascinated: 著迷的 adoration: 愛慕 be ill-equipped for: 沒準備好 adamant belief: 堅定的信念 compromise: 妥協 minority: 少數族裔 unity: 團結 obstacle: 障礙 Muslim league: 穆斯林聯盟 designated seat: 指定席次 reserved for: 預留給 predominantly: 主要地 embrace: 擁抱 unwillingness: 不願意 round table conference: 圓桌會議 exacerbate: 使惡化 income inequality: 收入不平等 keep something out of: 讓某事遠離 consensus: 共識 divert one’s attention to: 分散注意力到.. fast: 禁食 issue: 議題 rename: 重新命名 ironically: 諷刺的 liberator: 解放者 reject: 拒絕 term: 名稱 on behalf of: 代表 segregate: 分離 go abroad: 出國 recognize: 認出 devote oneself to: 致力於 the oppressed: 被壓迫的人 patronizing: 以恩人自居的 declare: 宣布 orator: 演講家 appeal to: 懇求 get vaccinated: 去注射疫苗 abandon: 放棄 proponent: 支持者 discriminating: 有偏見的 social structure: 社會結構 breed bias against: 孕育對某物有偏見 practical: 實際的 elect: 選上 democracy: 民主 electorate: 選區 free from: 免於 root: 根源 annihilate: 廢止 revoke: 撤銷 blackmail: 勒索 traitor: 叛國者 disillusioned: 幻想破滅 希望大家可以到apple podcast按讚分享或留言。也歡迎歡迎在李老師的FB或IG留言,告訴我你的想法,或提問相關的英語問題,我會在下週的節目與大家分享問題內容哦! Facebook: Instagram: -- Hosting provided by SoundOn
重點單字 formally: 正式地 launch: 發起 announce: 宣布 take over: 接管 nationwide: 全國性的 non-cooperation: 不合作 campaign: 運動 home-ruled: 自治的 promote: 推廣 location: 地點 hold a rally: 辦集會 preach: 宣導 preach to the choir: 白費唇舌 body gesture: 身體語言 charisma: 魅力 content: 滿足的 vague: 模糊的 resign: 離職 honorary: 榮譽的 title: 頭銜 knighthood: 爵士的爵位 elite: 菁英的 walkout from schools: 罷課 boycott: 抵制 refuse: 拒絕 general population: 大眾 demonstration: 遊行 protestor: 抗爭人士 hear of: 聽說 be appalled by: 對某事感驚駭 call off: 取消 devastated: 心碎的 religion: 宗教 faith:信念 moral entity: 道德主體 seditious: 煽動的 essay: 文章 be charged with a crime: 被控訴犯某罪行 vanish: 消失 revert to: 回復 parliamentarians: 國會議員 mobilize: 動員群眾 tactic: 策略 be prohibited from doing: 被禁止做… affect: 影響 majority: 多數人 immoral: 不道德的 expose someone: 揭發某人 unfair: 不公正的 treatment: 對待 follow suit: 跟風,跟著做 希望大家可以到apple podcast按讚分享或留言。或到Spotify, Soundon 平台訂閱。也歡迎歡迎在李老師的FB或IG留言,告訴我你的想法,或提問相關的英語問題,我會在下週的節目與大家分享問題內容哦! Facebook: Instagram: -- Hosting provided by SoundOn
重點單字 recruit: 招募 conference: 會議 aim: 目標 be provoked into: 被激去做 troop: 軍隊 pacifist: 反戰份子 self-rule: 自治 be against the principles: 違背原則 equal: 平等的 partner: 搭檔 donation: 捐款 interest group: 利益團體 end up with: 最後結果是 peasant: 農工 view someone as the savior: 把某人當成救世主 throw something at someone: 向某人丟某物 defend one’s decision: 捍衛自己的決定 self- sacrifice: 自我犧牲 exceptional circumstances: 不尋常的情況 insist on: 堅持做 arrest: 逮捕 suspect someone of doing something: 懷疑某人做某件事 sedition: • 煽動性的言論(或行為) betrayal: 背叛 launch: 啟動 nationwide: 全國性的 oppose: 反對 moral: 道德的 dynamic: 動力 mob: 暴民 site: 地點 unrest: 不安 wounded: 受傷的 martial laws: 戒嚴 be imposed: 強制 declare: 宣布 massacre: 屠殺 reprimand: 責備 assume: 預設 protestors: 抗爭者 permanent scar: 永遠的疤痕 condemn: 譴責 atrocity: 暴行 applaud: 讚揚 sacred: 神聖的 assault: 攻擊 crawl on all four: 四肢在地上爬 retirement: 退休 aftermath: 餘波 solidify: 使穩固 point of no return: 沒有退路的時候 希望大家可以到apple podcast按讚分享或留言。或到Spotify, Soundon 平台訂閱。也歡迎歡迎在李老師的FB或IG留言,告訴我你的想法,或提問相關的英語問題,我會在下週的節目與大家分享問題內容哦! Facebook: Instagram: -- Hosting provided by SoundOn
重點單字 homecoming: 返鄉 triumphant: 勝利的 roller coaster: 雲霄飛車 leading politicians: 重要的政治人物 view someone as: 把某人看成 have little clue: 對某事沒概念 ban: 禁令 start from scratch: 從頭開始 decade: 十年 out of touch with: 跟..脫節 poverty: 貧窮 corruption: 貪污 witness: 目擊 political: 政治上的 reform: 改革 moral: 道德上的 spiritual: 精神上的 a born orator: 天生的演講家 skepticism: 懷疑 in partnership with: 跟..同夥的關係 self-rule: 自治 entity: 主體 virtue: 美德 despite the fact that: 盡管 place great emphasis on: 著重.. spinning and weaving: 編織 privileged: 有特權的 existence: 存在 have a say in…: 對某事有發言權 ashram: 實驗社區 caste: 種姓階級 fearlessness: 無懼 prohibition: 禁止 set off: 掀起 dispute: 爭執 threaten: 威脅 prevail: 勝利 savior: 救世主 indigo: 槐藍屬植物 peasant: 農民 demeanor: 態度 give in: 屈服 major: 主要的 defeat: 失敗 -- Hosting provided by SoundOn
重點單字 indentured worker: 契約勞工 in retrospect: 回首 humiliating: 侮辱的 defend oneself: 捍衛自己 dignity: 尊嚴 contract: 合約 draw to a close: 結束 bide farewell: 說再見 bill: 法案 deprive one of something: 剝奪某人某物 shrug: 聳聳肩表示不在乎 naive: 天真 legislature: 立法 lack: 缺乏 candidate: 候選人,人選 lobby: 遊說 prevent something from: 預防某事不要 succeed in: 成功完成 issue: 議題 feat: 功績 inclusive: 包括的,不排外的 superior: 優等的 deserve: 值得 ignorant: 無知的 coolie: 苦力 creature of one’s time: 時代的產物 long-term: 長期的 solution: 解決方法 civil disobedience: 公民不服從 civil rights: 平權 act: 法令 insult: 侮辱 identify: 辨認 criminal: 罪犯 fingerprint: 指紋 suspect: 嫌疑犯 resist: 抵制 name: 命名 approach: 方法 put something into practice: 實施 generate power: 產生力量 divine: 神聖的 defend: 捍衛 oppressor: 壓迫者 oppress: 壓迫 colonize: 殖民 take a stand: 表達立場 submit: 屈服 vow: 發誓 undignified: 沒有尊嚴的 register: 註冊 submit: 遞出 registration form: 註冊表 weaken: 使變弱 resolve: 決心 reach a compromise: 達到協議 voluntarily: 自願地 outrage: 使憤怒 elite: 菁英 degrading: 侮辱人的 sympathetic: 有同情心的 minister: 牧師 severely injured: 嚴重受傷的 in tatters: 破損的 doomed: 沒希望的 希望大家可以到apple podcast按讚分享或留言。或到Spotify, Soundon 平台訂閱。也歡迎歡迎在李老師的FB或IG留言,告訴我你的想法,或提問相關的英語問題,我會在下週的節目與大家分享問題內容哦! Facebook: Instagram: -- Hosting provided by SoundOn
重點單字 Be separated into: 被分成 category: 種類 wealthy: 有錢的 merchant: 商人 originate from: 來自於 trading: 貿易 continent: 大陸 indentured laborers: 契約勞工 sugar plantation: 甘蔗田 coal mine: 煤礦 meager: 極少的 income: 收入 salary: 薪水 replace: 取代 slave: 奴隸 slavery: 奴隸制度 abolish: 廢除 formally: 正式的 death penalty: 死刑 opinion: 意見 illiterate: 不識字的 keep down the wages: 讓薪資持續低迷 enable: 使能夠 imperial: 帝國主義的 economy: 經濟 profitable: 有利潤的 offspring: 後代 descendants: 後代 backbone: 支撐 colony:殖民地 remove: 移除 turban:印度頭巾 appropriate: 恰當的 attire: 衣裝 court: 法院 obey: 服從 based on: 根據 rather than doing: 與其做 defer to: 向某人服從 represent: 代表 dispute: 爭執 accent: 口音 novelty: 新鮮 object: 主題對象 respectful: 尊重別人的 curiosity: 好奇心 encounter: 遇到 brutal: 殘酷的 blatant: 直白的 prejudice: 偏見 board: 上公車,船,飛機等 compartment: 火車上的包廂 platform: 月台 deny: 拒絕 beat up: 痛打 sympathy: 同情心 embarrassment: 丟臉 insult: 侮辱 superior: 優越的 ignorant: 無知的 coolie: 苦力 希望大家可以到apple podcast按讚分享或留言。或到Spotify, Soundon 平台訂閱。也歡迎歡迎在李老師的FB或IG留言,告訴我你的想法,或提問相關的英語問題,我會在下週的節目與大家分享問題內容哦! Facebook: Instagram: -- Hosting provided by SoundOn
重點單字 outraged: 非常憤怒的 complete: 完全的 silence: 安靜 entire: 完全的 deliberately: 故意的 disobey: 不順從 on purpose: 故意的 nudge someone over the edge: 把某人搞到憤怒,抓狂 demand: 要求 hand in: 交出 shout back: 回嗆 remain silent: 保持沈默 fold one’s arms across one’s chest: 雙臂交叉放在胸前 criminal shows: 警匪動作片 follow one’s example: 追隨某人的範例 storm out: 像暴雨般離場 to one’s surprise: 讓某人驚訝的 apologize to: 向某人道歉 set a bad example: 樹立不好的典範 call an assembly: 召開集會 kindergarten: 幼稚園 as well as: 和 strict: 嚴格的 get involved: 參與 come up with: 想到 efficient: 有效率的 word usage: 字的使用 有聲書連結 希望大家可以到apple podcast按讚分享或留言。或到Spotify, Soundon 平台訂閱。也歡迎歡迎在李老師的FB或IG留言,告訴我你的想法,或提問相關的英語問題,我會在下週的節目與大家分享問題內容哦!see you next time. Email: Facebook: Instagram: -- Hosting provided by SoundOn
Q&A Why is it harder for the students to continue with this no talking contest at home? Because most parents don’t like succinct answers. What does Brian have to do that day after school? He has to get a haircut. And what happens to Brian because he can’t talk? He ends up with a terrible haircut. Back at school, the principal, Mrs Hiatt, is having a meeting with all the fifth graders’ teachers and asking them about this no talking contest. How do the teachers respond? Well, Mrs Marlow, the science teacher, doesn’t like it because she thinks it’s a bother, a distraction. Mrs Escobar, the math teacher, agrees. The music teacher also doesn’t like it because she can’t teach the kids songs if they don’t sing. What about the language arts teacher, Mr Burton? He still supports the contest because these fifth graders have been driving the whole school crazy by talking non-stop, so he doesn’t understand why the principal wants them to start talking again now that they want to be quiet for two days. What happens the next morning? The principal calls a special fifth-grade assembly. What does Mrs Hiatt do to force them to talk? She asks Dave and Lynsey to lead the Pledge of Allegiance. How do Dave and Lynsey respond to the situation? The entire fifth graders speak with one voice. What order does Mrs Hiatt make? She orders them to stop playing the no talking game. Did they stop? No. Lynsey continues the game during the math class, and then Dave joins in. Why does the science teacher, Mrs Marlow, also decides to allow the students to keep playing the game? Because it doesn’t make sense to force the kids to be noisy again. What about the music class? The students reach an agreement, and they decide that singing is not talking. So everyone sings in music class. What games does Mr. Burton have the students play this time? He asks them to do a debate by only using three words. 重點單字 silly: 愚蠢的 challenge: 挑戰 figure out: 想出 get along with: 跟某人相處 relationship: 人際關係 face: 面對 situation: 狀況 beg for: 非常需要 alert: 警覺的 bother: 困擾 distraction: 分心事物 have a lot of material to cover: 有很多課程/資料要教導 in a row: 連續 inventive: 有創意的 exercise: 行使 self-control: 自制能力 positive: 正面的 cast one’s vote: 投票 a sense of humor: 幽默感 assembly: 集會 pledge of allegiance: 效忠宣誓 deliberately: 故意的 call on: 點名 entire: 整個的 recite: 朗誦 productive: 有效率的 relieved: 鬆口氣的 come up with a solution: 想到解決方法 focus on: 專注在 persuade: 説服 make an example of someone: 殺雞儆猴 disobey: 不服從 conserve: 節省 define: 定義 normal: 正常的 climate change: 氣候變遷 interaction: 互動 logical: 有邏輯的 adjust: 調整 support:支持 debate: 辯論 希望大家可以到apple podcast按讚分享或留言。或到Spotify, Soundon 平台訂閱。也歡迎歡迎在李老師的FB或IG留言,告訴我你的想法,或提問相關的英語問題,我會在下週的節目與大家分享問題內容哦! Email: Facebook: Instagram: -- Hosting provided by SoundOn
重點單字 leave a for b: 離開a 前往b leave a mark in one’s life: 在某人的生命中留下印記 indelible: 不可抹滅的 spiritual awakening: 靈性的覺醒 social passion: 社會運動的熱情 abstain from: 禁止… alcohol: 酒精 conviction: 信念 jam: 果醬 waste away: 慢慢凋零 cater to one’s need: 符合某人的需求 academic performance:學業表現 vegetarian: 素食主義人士,素食的 vegetarianism: 素食主義 reform: 改革 behavior: 行為 the keys to: …的關鍵 balanced diet: 平衡飲食 encounter: 巧遇 plea: 請求 secular: 世俗的 philosophical: 哲學的 inflict: 施以,使遭受(損傷等) unnecessary: 沒必要的 sentient being: 有意識的生命 incompatible: 不相容的 instinct: 本能 humanity: 人類 radical: 激進的 representative: 代表 counterculture: 反文化 contemporary: 當代 aggression: 侵略性 political: 政治的 ethical: 道德上的 connection to: 跟..的連結 dogma: 教條 Theosophy: 神智學 be passionate about: 對..充滿熱情 Latin America: 拉丁美洲 forbidden: 被禁止的 Buddhist: 佛教的 kingdom: 王國 Tibet: 西藏 reincarnation: 轉世 divine: 神性的 enlightenment: 覺醒 Hinduism: 印度教 attract: 吸引 notion: 概念 Christian missionary: 基督教傳教士 superstition: 迷信 lift: 舉起 shame: 羞辱 affect: 影響 Bhagavad Gita: 薄伽梵歌 exaggeration: 誇張 fearlessly: 無懼地 holiness: 神聖 renunciation: 放棄 commit something to memory: 背誦 publish: 出版 resolve: 下定決心 liberation:自由 salvation:救贖 homecoming: 回家,返國 ritual: 儀式 cleanse: 洗滌 shun: 迴避 outcast: 被逐出的人 miserably: 悲慘地 law firm法律事務所 Facebook: Instagram: email: 希望大家可以到apple podcast按讚分享或留言。或到Spotify, Soundon 平台訂閱。也歡迎在李老師的FB或IG留言,告訴我你的想法,或提問相關的英語問題,我會在下週的節目與大家分享問題內容哦! -- Hosting provided by SoundOn
片頭音樂: Sophie Facebook: Instagram: email: 重點單字 soul: 靈魂 inspire: 啟發 Messiah: 救世主 empire: 帝國 bring one to his/her knees: 讓某人屈服 lead:帶領 communist: 共產黨 openly: 公開的 criticize: 批評 revolutionary: 革命的 activist: 社會運動人士 reform: 改革 protest: 抗議 non-violence: 非暴力 revere: 尊敬 visionary: 有遠見人士 demand: 要求 humanity: 人類 shed: 去除 racial: 種族的 religious: 宗教的 discrimination: 歧視 get rid of: 去除 vanity: 虛榮心 promote: 提倡 minimalistic: 極簡主義的 lifestyle:生活方式 Chief minister: 部長 colonization: 殖民統治 formal: 正式的 competent: 有能力的 administrator: 行政長官 absorb: 吸收 Janinism: 耆那教 core value: 核心價值 exist: 存在 equally: 平等的 avoid: 避開 inhale: 吸入 tiniest: 最小的 creature: 生物 expose: 暴露 materialistic: 物質的 be divided: 被分成 temple: 寺廟 path: 道路 spiritual: 精神上的 liberation: 自由 fast: 禁食 observe:遵守 intermittent fasting: 間歇性斷食 principle: 原則 autobiography: 自傳 play: 戲劇 biography: 傳記 recall: 回憶起 affect: 影響 pursuit: 追求 truth: 真理 vegetarian: 素食主義 alcohol-free: 禁酒的 academic performance: 學業表現 mediocre: 平庸的 hint: 暗示 holy man: 聖人 freedom fighter: 自由鬥士 admit: 承認 distracted: 分心的 teens: 青少年時期 obedient: 順從的 diffident: 沒信心的 custom: 習俗 neighbor: 鄰居 passive: 消極的 carry out: 執行 order: 命令 the elder:年長人士 phase: 階段 adolescent: 青少年 rebellion: 叛逆 atheist: 無神論者 theft: 偷竊 oust: 驅逐 incompetent: 無能的 mayor: 市長 feeble: 虛弱的 vow: 誓言 honesty: 誠實 escapade: 越軌行為 confess: 吿解 crime: 罪行 weep: 哭泣 in silence, 默默的 devoutly: 虔誠的 upbringing: 成長過程 conscience: 良知 dutiful: 有責任的 vigil: 守夜 at one’s bedside: 在某人的病床旁 pass away: 過逝 burning passion: 燃燒的熱情 better oneself: 讓自己更好 mythology: 神話 quality: 使符合資格 barrister: 律師 represent: 代表 client: 客戶 obstacle: 障礙 hurdle: 障礙 overcome: 克服 raise: 籌錢 reluctant: 不情願的 witness: 目睹 promise: 承諾 permission: 許可 blessing: 祝福 caste: 種姓 deny: 拒絕 go abroad: 出國 insist on: 堅持 pronounce: 宣布 outcast: 被逐出的人 -- Hosting provided by SoundOn
這集前半段是Andrew Clements No Talking 第九到13章的再複習。 9:25 開始則是我訪談一位瑞士朋友,Rabi, 和一位馬來西亞朋友,Vi-Sing, 暢談他們在自己國家的英文學習狀況和英文閱讀在他們人生中扮演的角色。 片頭音樂: Sophie -- Hosting provided by SoundOn