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Lunch Money 第三講: 一向很理智的數學老師調解兩個爆衝少年的爭執?

Lunch Money 第三講: 一向很理智的數學老師調解兩個爆衝少年的爭執?

Update: 2021-05-02



Welcome, Sophie, thanks again for the help.

Glad to be of help

How does Maura think about Greg’s comic book?

She likes the story, but she doesn’t think many girls will. And if he wants to sell more books, he should write stories that girls will also like.

Why doesn’t Mr Z think Maura stole Greg’s comic book idea?

Because Maura simply uses an old idea. The idea of making a small comic book is nothing new, and everyone has the right to do it. That’s how an idea spreads.

Why does Mr Z think Greg should feel happy that Maura copied his comic book idea?

Because imitation is the sincerest form of flattery. Maura copies Greg’s comic book idea because she thinks Greg’s idea is interesting.

What does Greg tell Mr Z about his future dream?

Greg says that he wants to be really really rich, so he can buy stuff.

How does Mr Z respond to that?

Mr Z says he’s satisfied with what he makes, and he doesn’t want to make more money. He thinks he already has enough, and this is hard for Greg to understand.

So do Greg and Maura hate each other more after this incident?

No, Maura feels bad about punching Greg, so she calls him that night to remind him to do his math homework and also asks him how to make a real comic book. the next day Maura shows Greg her new comic book. Greg is impressed by how much better it is, but he doesn’t want her to know that.

Why does the principal, Mrs Davenport, call Greg and Maura to her office?

She wants to know why Greg and Maura got into a fight and she wants Greg and Maura to keep away from each other.

How does Maura react to the reprimand?

She’s relieved that she’s not suspended or expelled.

What else does Mrs Davenport want from Greg to stop doing?

She wants him to stop selling comic books.

How does Greg react to this order?

He doesn’t understand it because after all he’s not selling toys, but books.

So why doesn’t Mrs Davenport want Greg to sell comic books?

Because in her view, comic books are not books. They are toys. And she says school is a place for learning. It’s not a place for buying and selling.

Does Greg agree with Mrs Davenport’s decision?


That’s all for our Q&A today. Thanks for the help, Sophie.

Thanks for having me


conflict: 衝突

pure logic: 純邏輯

rip someone off: 敲某人竹槓

greedy: 貪心的

merely: 僅只

original: 原創的


civilization: 文明

advance: 進步

imitation: 模仿

sincerest: 最真誠的

flattery: 奉承

profit from: 從某人得到利潤

corner someone: 圍堵某人

speechless: 無言的

be blown away: 被震撼到

take out: 拿出

demand: 要求

punch: 拳





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Lunch Money 第三講: 一向很理智的數學老師調解兩個爆衝少年的爭執?

Lunch Money 第三講: 一向很理智的數學老師調解兩個爆衝少年的爭執?
