Discover李老師陪你探索英文世界 Exploring English with Ms. LeeLunch Money導讀第四集: 原本是死對頭的Greg和Maura 竟變成神隊友?!
Lunch Money導讀第四集: 原本是死對頭的Greg和Maura 竟變成神隊友?!

Lunch Money導讀第四集: 原本是死對頭的Greg和Maura 竟變成神隊友?!

Update: 2021-05-16



So how does Greg show his willingness to be Maura’s friend?

By telling Maura what the strengths and weaknesses of her comic book.

According to Greg, what’s good about Maura’s comic book?

He says her pictures are good, and she also nails the pace of the plot.

And what problems does her comic book have?

Some of the scale in her drawing is wrong. And he offers to help her fix that problem.

What business deal do Greg and Maura work out together?

If Greg helps Maura turn her unicorn story into a comic book and sell the copies, Greg will receive 25% of the profits on every copy sold.

Why does Maura come to see Greg on Friday night?

She wants to show him her new drawings to make sure the scale of them is correct.

How is the relationship between Greg and Maura changed over that weekend?

They went from being rivals to friends and business partners. Greg and Maura work on improving Maura’s comic the entire weekend.

What characteristics do Greg and Maura share?

They are both hardworking and focused. They can work on comics side by side without even uttering a word. They are both driven and ambitious. They care about the quality of their works.

How many copies of Maura’s unicorn comic books do they make over that weekend?

Greg teaches Maura how to mass produce with a printer, and they make fifteen copies.

What’s Maura’s reaction when she sees the first copy of her work?

She’s so excited that she was in her little universe for a while.

Is Maura also excited about the prospect of making money selling her comic?

Not really, she doesn’t care that much about the money. She views herself as an artist who just wants to make a great comic book.

What’s Greg’s reaction when Maura tells him that she doesn’t care about money?

He doesn’t believe her. He hates when everyone around him keeps acting like they don’t care about money, and pretends that money isn’t important.

Does Greg really just care about money?

No, he admits that it’s not just about money for him. He also cares about the quality of his work.

Has Maura’s attitude towards business and money changed after spending some time with Greg?

Yes, she starts thinking about how many copies of her comic can be sold, and she can become a recognized artist.

What announcement does Mrs Davenport, the principal, hang on every bulletin board at the school?

She says selling small comic books is not permitted at school, and the School Committee has a strict policy about what may or may not be sold at school.

Which part of the announcement catches Maura’s attention?

The part that reads Our town school committee has a strict policy about what MAY or MAY not be sold at school.

Why does Maura find this part interesting?

Because that implies some things are ok to sell at school, and some are not, and the committee gets to choose.

What does Maura start noticing as she walks around the school campus?

She notices school is also selling things to students or telling students what to buy.

What do you do mean by this? Could you give me some examples?

Their language art class teacher passes out a flyer from the school book club, trying to sell students books.

So what does Maura do after making this observation?

She shares the information with Greg.

Thanks again for the help



competitor: 競爭對手

nail something: 切中重點

weakness: 弱點

scale: 比例

unicorn: 獨角獸

franchise: 經銷權

profit: 利潤

reach a deal: 達到協商

set to work: 開始工作

a person of action: 行動派的人

a man of his word/ a person of her word: 信守承諾的人

a person of few words: 寡言的人

pay someone a visit: 拜訪某人

unaware of: 沒意識的

artistic: 有藝術氣息的

become absorbed in: 專注在

drink in the story: 投入在故事中

attitude: 態度

trick someone into doing something: 騙某人去做..

admit: 承認

quality: 品質

policy: 政策

catch one’s attention: 吸引某人的目光

pass out: 分發

flyer: 傳單

place one’s order: 下訂單

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Lunch Money導讀第四集: 原本是死對頭的Greg和Maura 竟變成神隊友?!

Lunch Money導讀第四集: 原本是死對頭的Greg和Maura 竟變成神隊友?!
