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Andrew Clements 的 Lunch Money 是在寫國中生版的巴菲特傳嗎?

Andrew Clements 的 Lunch Money 是在寫國中生版的巴菲特傳嗎?

Update: 2021-04-18



Sophie, can you tell us a little about our protagonist, main character, Greg?

Greg is fifth grader, and his greatest talent is making money. He knows how to save money, and how to make it when he is very young.

What was Greg’s first job making money?

When he saw his two older brothers grumble about doing housework, he offered to do it for them. He started a housekeeping business, like making a bed, putting dirty clothes in the laundry, etc, and he was still a preschooler.

Does Greg want to make quick money?

No, he’s happy to get rich slowly being patient is a big part of having money talent.

What other work does he do while growing up?

Well, as a seven-year-old, he shines his parents’ shoes, does some garden work.

What goal does he set for himself when he is in the third grade?

He wants to be rich.


Because he wants to have money that he can spend buying anything he wants.

Why doesn’t he want to be famous when he grows up?

Because he figures if he gets rich enough, then the famous part will happen automatically.

What’s the biggest difference between Greg and his classmates?

He doesn’t just dream about it. He’s working at becoming rich.

What does he accidentally discover at school when he’s a fifth grader?

He realizes that school is an excellent place to make his fortune because every kid has quarters to spare.

What’s the first thing that Greg sells at school?

He sells candy, but he quickly stops because it’s against school rules.

What does he sell next?

He starts selling toys.

What happens to his toy business?

It’s shut down Mrs. Davenport, the principal.


Because students throw the unwanted toys all over the school.

Is Greg discouraged by this?

No. Because the principal only tells him not to sell toys. She didn’t tell him to stop selling。

So what does Greg sell instead?

He sells comic books which he creates.

Why does Greg think selling comic books is a good idea?

Because school is all about books and reading.

What’s the theme of his comic books?

His comic books are all about superheroes.

What shocking news does Greg learn when he’s selling his comic books at school?

Another student named Maura Shaw is also selling her comic books, so now he has a competitor.

Thanks Sophie for helping out with the Q&A part of this episode.

The pleasure is mine


talent: 天份

natural: 天生的

household chores: 家事

set a goal for oneself: 替自己設目標

fantastic: 極好的

instead of: 與其

figure out: 想出

rake leaves: 耙葉子

lemonade: 檸檬汁

shovel snow: 鏟雪

year round: 一年到頭

money lending: 借貸

interest: 利息

persuade: 説服

suddenly: 突然的

decide: 決定

profit: 利潤

principal: 校長

initiative: 進取心

nuisance: 討厭的事物

discouraged: 感到沮喪的

match one’s expectations: 符合某人的期待

plot: 情節

volume one: 第一冊

unexpected: 沒預期的


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Andrew Clements 的 Lunch Money 是在寫國中生版的巴菲特傳嗎?

Andrew Clements 的 Lunch Money 是在寫國中生版的巴菲特傳嗎?
