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Author: Bear Weir

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ⒻⒷ:Bear老師的中英雙語故事 (

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77 Episodes
繼陽明第一廳口碑熱銷後,城揚建設集團全新奢綠鉅作,廳綠廳水_廳見正義站: 2024 全新公園新品,台鐵正義站綠鄰,東高雄首屈一指黃金地段!地點在 2 千坪正義公園前,陽明國中自由學區。精品廳院、飯店奢華,規劃健身房、双 KTV、閱覽室、交誼廳、運動 Bar、多功能教室,奢華貴氣 ----以上訊息由 SoundOn 動態廣告贊助商提供---- Bear老師的故事每個月15號、30號晚間上架。 📃如果需要PDF文字檔或想知道更多關於每集的英語小知識,請追蹤: 🅸🅶:bear.bilingual 𝓕𝓑:Bear老師的中英雙語故事 💝贊助連結: 本集背景音樂: Hello, this is Teacher Bear. 我是Bear老師。 小朋友,還記得在上一集當中,后羿因為射下了九個太陽,被天帝貶為了凡人,跟妻子嫦娥只能住在人間的故事嗎? Kids, do you still remember the story in the previous episode where Hou-Yi was condemned to a mortal life by the Emperor of Heaven because he shot down nine suns, and he and his wife Chang'e could only live in the human world? 後來他們怎麼了呢? What happened to them later? 后羿跟嫦娥雖然不能再回到天上去了,可是因為老百姓非常感謝他們夫妻倆,所以非常照顧他們。 Although Hou-Yi and Chang'e could not return to heaven, the people were very grateful to the couple and took good care of them. 因此后羿跟嫦娥在人間過著受人尊敬,並且衣食無缺的日子。 Therefore, Hou-Yi and Chang'e lived a respected life in the world, with adequate food and clothing. 后羿也繼續為了人民跟傷害人的怪獸戰鬥喔。 Hou-Yi also continually battled with monsters that were harming the people. 只是變成了凡人以後,后羿跟嫦娥的身體就不如以前強壯了,而且不但不能再飛上天,也得遭遇病痛與死亡。 However, after becoming mortals, Hou-Yi and Chang'e's bodies were not as strong as before. Not only could they no longer fly up to heaven, but they also had to suffer illness and death. 西天王母不忍心后羿幫助了人民卻得受到處罰,因此送給了后羿這世界上唯一的一顆長生不老藥。 The Queen Mother of West Heaven couldn't bear that Hou-Yi had to be punished for helping the people, so she gave Hou-Yi the only elixir of immortality in the world. 西天王母說:「只要吃了這顆丹藥,便能回到天上去,並且永遠長生不老。我就只有這一顆,別弄丟啦!記住啊!只能你自己吃。」 The Queen Mother of West Heaven said: "If you just take this elixir, you can return to heaven and live forever. I only have this one, don't lose it! Remember! You can only take it yourself." 后羿感激地收下這顆丹藥,但是卻猶豫了。 Hou-Yi gratefully accepted the elixir, but he hesitated. 他心想:「為什麼只能自己吃呢?唉~~如果我回到天上去,那嫦娥怎麼辦呢?還有,天帝一定還在生我的氣,我又怎麼能回去呢?」 He thought to himself: "Why can I alone use it? Alas~~ If I go back to heaven, what will Chang'e do? Also, the Emperor of Heaven must still be angry with me, how can I go back?" 因此,后羿便把那顆長生不老藥收了起來。 So Hou-Yi put the elixir away. 但是,嫦娥並不想經歷生老病死,而且她非常想念天上的生活。 However, Chang'e did not want to experience life, old age, illness and death, and she missed the life in heaven very much. 比起人間,天上的生活舒服多了,食物也好吃多了。 Compared with the earth, life in heaven was much more comfortable and the food was much better. 除了這些以外,天上還有她的姊妹們,嫦娥非常想念跟天上的姊妹們一起聊天、玩樂的生活。 And then, there were also her sisters in heaven. Chang'e missed the life of chatting and having fun with her sisters in heaven. 嫦娥心想:「雖然我也不想離開后羿,但是我可以先吃了丹藥,回天上看看,然後再回來陪伴他啊!能這樣兩邊來去,多好啊!」 Chang'e thought to herself: "Although I don't want to leave Hou-Yi, I can take the elixir first, go back to heaven, and then come back to accompany him! How great it would be to be able to go back and forth like that!" 嫦娥知道西天王母交代后羿不可以把丹藥給別人,因此,就決定用偷的。 Chang'e knew that the Queen Mother of West Heaven told Hou-Yi not to give the elixir to others, so she decided to steal it. 某天夜晚,趁著后羿熟睡了,嫦娥偷偷打開櫃子。 One night, while Hou-Yi was asleep, Chang'e secretly opened the cupboard. 正當她猶豫要不要馬上吃下這顆丹藥的時候,后羿突然醒了。 Just when she was hesitating over whether to take the elixir right away, Hou-Yi suddenly woke up. 嫦娥一緊張,居然就把丹藥往嘴裡塞,吞下去了! Chang'e was so nervous that she stuffed the elixir into her mouth and swallowed it down! 后羿:「嫦娥,你在做什麼?」 Hou-Yi: "Chang'e, what are you doing?" 嫦娥:「對不起,我吃了你的長生不老藥。」 Chang'e: "I'm sorry, I took your elixir of immortality." 后羿:「什麼?!」 Hou-Yi: "What?!" 嫦娥的身體越來越輕,越來越輕,往上飄了起來,飄出了窗外,飄到了天上,往寒冷的月亮飛去了。 Chang'e's body became lighter and lighter, floating upward, out of the window, into the sky, and flew towards the cold moon. 無論后羿怎麼追,也追不上了。 No matter how hard Hou-Yi chased her, he could not catch up. 最後,嫦娥也沒辦法飛到自己想去的地方,反而被困在了寒冷的月亮上。 In the end, Chang'e couldn't fly to where she wanted to go, but was trapped on the cold moon. 原來,西天王母給的長生不老藥,只能給像后羿這樣的英雄吃。 It turns out that the elixir of immortality given by the Queen Mother of West Heaven can only be given to heroes like Hou -Yi. 如果別人偷吃了,是會遭到處罰的。 If others take it secretly, they will be punished. 就這樣,嫦娥只能永遠住在月亮上了。 In this way, Chang'e can only live on the moon forever. 小朋友,中秋節快到了,你可以抬頭看看圓圓的月亮,看看是不是有一位美麗的女子住在那裡喔。 Kids, the Moon Festival is coming soon. You can look up at the round moon to see if there is a beautiful woman living there. 關於后羿和嫦娥的故事,是非常古老的神話,也有很多不同的版本。 The story about Hou-Yi and Chang'e is a very ancient myth, and there are many different versions. 如果將來你聽到了不一樣的版本,不要覺得驚訝喔,也可以比一比你更喜歡哪一個版本。 If you hear different versions in the future, don't be surprised. You can also compare which version you like better. 小朋友,你想要長生不老嗎?為什麼呢? Kids, do you want to live forever? Why? 你害怕經歷生老病死嗎? Are you afraid of experiencing life, old age, illness and death? 面對這些,我們能怎麼辦呢? Faced with this, what can we do? 如果你覺得這些都是沒辦法避免的,因為這就是人生,用英文,可以怎麼說呢? “That’s life.” 意思是「這就是人生。」請跟Bear老師再說一次: “That’s life.” 除了嫦娥,聽說月亮上還住了一隻兔子喔。 In addition to Chang'e, it is said that there is also a rabbit living on the moon. 想知道為什麼的話,請聽聽第10集喔! If you want to know why, please listen to episode 10! 我們下次見嘍! See you next time! -- Hosting provided by SoundOn
高雄美術特區2-4房全新落成,《惟美術》輕軌C22站散步即到家,近鄰青海商圈,卡位明星學區,徜徉萬坪綠海。 住近美術館,擁抱優雅日常,盡現驕傲風範!美術東四路X青海路 07-553-3838 ----以上訊息由 SoundOn 動態廣告贊助商提供---- Bear老師的故事每個月15號、30號晚間上架。 📃如果需要PDF文字檔或想知道更多關於每集的英語小知識,請追蹤: 🅸🅶:bear.bilingual 𝓕𝓑:Bear老師的中英雙語故事 💝贊助連結: 本集背景音樂: Hello, This is Teacher Bear. 我是Bear老師。 小朋友,炎炎夏日,當大大的太陽照在身上時,你是不是覺得快融化了呢? Kids, when the sun shines on you in the hot summer, do you feel like you are about to melt? 才一個太陽,就讓我們熱得受不了了,那麼,如果天上同時出現十個太陽,我們一定會被烤焦的,是不是非常可怕呢? Just one sun can be unbearably hot. So, if ten suns appeared in the sky at the same time, we’d be scorched. Wouldn’t that be scary? 傳說,從前從前,天上真的有十顆太陽,他們是十個兄弟,也是天帝的兒子。 Legend has it that once upon a time, there were really ten suns in the sky. They were ten brothers who were the sons of the Emperor of Heaven. 這十個太陽的工作就是照亮大地,天帝規定他們一天一個輪流上班,按照所規定的路線從東到西緩緩移動。 The job of these ten suns was to light up the Earth. The Emperor of Heaven decreed that they should take turns to work each day, and move slowly from east to west on the prescribed route. 在天帝的監督下,每顆太陽盡責地完成一日的工作。 Under the supervision of the Emperor of Heaven, each sun completed the day’s work responsibly. 沒有工作的日子,其他的九個太陽也不能亂跑喔,他們得待在遙遠東方的一棵大樹上休息,等待下一次的工作。 The other nine suns couldn’t run around when unemployed. They had to rest on a big tree in the far east and wait to take their turn. 某天晚上,兄弟們抱怨道: One night the brothers complained: 兄弟一:沒工作的日子就得乖乖待在樹上,無聊死了。 Brother one:“On days when I don’t have work, I have to stay in the tree. It’s so boring.” 兄弟二:就是嘛~~而且工作的時候只能按照規定的路線移動,不能四處走走看看,那有什麼意思? Brother two:“That’s right. And when we’re working, we can only move along the set route, we can’t walk around, so it’s no fun at all.” 兄弟三:對啊,一點自由都沒有,我受不了。 Brother three:“Yes, there is no freedom at all. I can’t stand it.” 兄弟四:我也受不了了。 Brother four:“I can’t stand it anymore either”. 兄弟五:我也是。 Brother Five :“Me too.” 兄弟四:欸~~趁現在沒人注意,我們跑出去玩吧! Brother four:“Hey - let’s run out and play while no one is paying attention!” 兄弟六:這樣好嗎?父親要是知道了,會不會處罰我們? Brother Six:“Is it okay? If father knew, wouldn’t he punish us?” 兄弟七:所以要趁現在父親還在睡覺的時候快點出去,然後快點回來啊! Brother Seven:“So we have to go out quickly while father is still sleeping, and then come back quickly!” 兄弟八:可是現在沒有父親監督照看我們,會不會有危險啊? Brother Eight:“But now that we don’t have father to supervise and look after us, won’t it be dangerous?” 兄弟九:我們可是天帝的兒子,誰敢動我們? Brother Nine:“We are the sons of the Emperor of Heaven, who dares to touch us?” 兄弟十:沒錯!別猶豫了,走吧! Brother Ten:“That’s right! Let’s not wait around, let's go!” 兄弟們:走! All of the brothers:“Let’s go!” 就這樣,十個太陽飛奔出去,在天上亂跑亂跳,只顧著玩樂,忘了回去的時間。 So just like that, the ten suns flew out, running and jumping around in the sky, just having fun and forgetting about the time to go back. 而當十個太陽在天上玩得正開心的時候,地上的老百姓苦不堪言。 And when the ten suns were having fun in the sky, the people on the ground were miserable. 有的人昏倒了,有的人皮膚曬傷了,有的動物被熱死了,田地上的農作物枯了,河水都快乾了,怎麼辦呢? Some people fainted, some people's skin was sunburned, some animals were killed by the heat, and the crops in the fields withered. The rivers almost ran dry. What could they do? 就在人們快要絕望的時候,天神后羿看到了這個情況,憤怒地大罵:「你們這幾個小子只顧著自己玩,人間都快被你們給毀滅了,太可惡了。」 Just when people were about to despair, the god Hou-Yi saw this situation and cursed angrily: "While you boys only care about playing and fun, you’re about to destroy the whole world – this is terrible." 后羿舉起了弓箭,咻咻咻一連射下了九個太陽,人間立刻涼快了起來。 Hou-Yi raised his bow and arrows, and shot down nine suns with several blasts, making the world feel cooler immediately. 后羿追著最後一個嚇得瑟瑟發抖的太陽大喊:「看你往哪兒跑!」 Hou-Yi chased the last trembling sun and shouted, "Nowhere you can go!" 正當后羿準備射下最後一顆太陽時,他的妻子嫦娥趕來提醒他:「不可以!如果你把最後一顆太陽也射下來了,將來誰來照亮大地?沒有了陽光,這個世界也會滅亡啊!」 Just when Hou-Yi was about to shoot down the last sun, his wife Chang'e came to remind him: "No! If you shoot down the last sun, who will light up the earth in the future? Without sunlight, this world will surely be ruined." 后羿這時才冷靜了下來,放下弓箭。而老百姓們也紛紛走上前來感謝后羿和嫦娥。 Hou-Yi finally calmed down and put down his bow and arrow. And the people also came forward to thank Hou-Yi and Chang'e. 天帝終於醒了,發現自己的九個兒子都被后羿給射死了,氣得把后羿跟嫦娥貶為凡人,只能生活在人間。 The Emperor of Heaven finally woke up and found that all nine of his sons had been shot to death by Hou-Yi. He was so angry that he condemned Hou-Yi and Chang'e to be mortals, living in the human world. 而剩下的最後一顆太陽,每天都得辛苦地工作,一天也不能偷懶。 Now the last remaining sun has to work hard every day and cannot be lazy even for a day. 小朋友,聽了這個故事以後,你是不是覺得太陽兄弟們太調皮了呢?你一定很慶幸我們不必面對十個太陽,對不對? Kids, after listening to this story, do you think the sun brothers are too naughty? You must be glad we don't have to face ten suns, right? 還有,你是不是覺得后羿太衝動了呢?雖然他很想幫助人,可是當一個人在氣頭上的時候,是很容易的犯錯的,因此,我們一定要學會在憤怒的時候冷靜下來。 Also, do you think Hou-Yi was too impulsive? He wanted to help others, but when a person is angry, it is easy to make bad decisions. We must learn to calm down when angry. 如果,你的朋友忽然很生氣、很衝動,你應該怎麼勸阻他呢? “Please calm down first and don't be impulsive!” 意思是「請先冷靜下來,別衝動!」請跟Bear老師再說一次: “Please calm down first and don't be impulsive!” 小朋友,夏天這麼熱,記得要注意自己的健康喔,你也可以聽聽第73集,學會怎麼在炎炎夏日中保護自己。 Kids, the summer is so hot, remember to look after your health. You can also listen to episode 73 to learn how to protect yourself in the hot summer. 我們下次見嘍! See you next time! -- Hosting provided by SoundOn
城揚建設新推出的「陽明第一廳」 緊鄰三民區的明星學府-陽明國中 46~52坪,每層四戶兩部電梯 最適合有換屋與置產需求的你 讓生活中充滿書香、運動風,滿足食衣住行的消費需求 城揚建設 陽明第一廳 07-384-2888 ----以上訊息由 SoundOn 動態廣告贊助商提供---- Bear老師的故事每個月15號、30號晚間上架。 📃如果需要PDF文字檔或想知道更多關於每集的英語小知識,請追蹤: 🅸🅶:bear.bilingual 𝓕𝓑:Bear老師的中英雙語故事 💝贊助連結: 本集背景音樂: Hello, this is Teacher Bear, 我是Bear老師。 小朋友,農曆七月──鬼月已經到了。 Kids, the seventh month of the lunar calendar - the ghost month - has arrived. 傳說這個月鬼門打開了,有很多鬼在人間遊蕩,你會害怕嗎? Legend has it that the gate of ghosts opens this month and there are many ghosts wandering around the world. Are you afraid? 你有沒有想過,其實鬼可能也怕人呢? Have you ever thought that ghosts might actually be afraid of humans? 今天Bear老師要給你們介紹一本英文繪本,看看鬼到底怕不怕人。 Today, I am going to introduce to you an English picture book to see if ghosts are afraid of humans. 讓我們一起來聽聽吧! Let’s listen together! An English picture book “Ghost in the House”/英文繪本《房子裡的鬼》 Author/作者: Ammi-Joan Paquette Illustrator/插畫家: Adam Record Translator/翻譯:Bear Weir BOO! 嚇! There's a ghost in the house, in the creepy haunted house, on this dark, spooky night, all alone. 房子裡有一個鬼,在令人毛骨悚然的、鬧鬼的房子裡,在這個漆黑、陰森的夜晚,只有祂一個。 And he goes slip-slide with a swoop and a glide until suddenly he hears…… a groan! 然後祂俯衝而下滑行著,直到突然聽到……一個呻吟! And a mummy makes two in the house, in the creepy haunted house, on this dark, spooky night, on the prowl. 是一個木乃伊,現在房子裡有兩個鬼怪,在令人毛骨悚然的、鬧鬼的房子裡,在這個漆黑、陰森的夜晚中徘徊。 And they shuffle around without even a sound until suddenly they hear …… a growl! 他們無聲無息地拖著腳步,直到突然聽到……一聲咆哮! And a monster makes three in the house, in the creepy haunted house, on this dark, spooky night, midnight black. 是一隻怪物,現在房子裡有三個鬼怪,在令人毛骨悚然的、鬧鬼的房子裡,在這個漆黑、陰森的夜晚,暗黑的午夜。 And they creep and crawl, down the echoing hall, until suddenly they hear ……click-clack! 他們緩慢地爬行到了充滿回音的大廳,直到突然聽到……嘎啦嘎啦! And a skeleton makes four in the house, in the creepy haunted house, on this dark, spooky night, cold and bleak. 是一個骷髏,現在房子裡有四個鬼怪,在令人毛骨悚然的、鬧鬼的房子裡,在這個漆黑、陰森、寒冷和淒涼的夜晚。 And they stagger and stomp in a spine-chilling romp until suddenly they hear…… a shriek! 他們搖搖晃晃地跺著腳,發出令人脊背發涼的嬉鬧聲,直到突然聽到……一聲尖叫! And a witch makes five in the house, in the creepy haunted house, on this dark, spooky night- best beware! 是一個巫婆,現在房子裡有五個鬼怪,在令人毛骨悚然的、鬧鬼的房子裡,在這個漆黑、陰森的夜晚——我們最好要小心了! Then a sudden flash makes them topple and crash and suddenly they hear…… “Who's there?” 然後突然一道閃光使他們摔倒撞在了一起,突然祂們聽到……“是誰在那裡?” There's a boy in the house, in the creepy, haunted house, on this dark, spooky night - what a fright! 有一個男孩在房子裡,在令人毛骨悚然的、鬧鬼的房子裡,在這個漆黑、陰森的夜晚——多麼可怕! Five, four, three, two, one - all the creatures run! Leaving him alone to say…… “ Good night!” 五、四、三、二、一──所有的怪物都跑了!只留下男孩一個人說……「晚安!」 小朋友,這五個鬼怪居然被一個小男孩嚇跑了! Kids, these five ghosts and creatures were actually scared away by a little boy! 可見,鬼也是會怕人的, It can be seen that ghosts are also afraid of humans, 因此,你不要自己嚇自己,好嗎? so don’t scare yourself, okay? 雖然Bear老師也不確定這個世界上到底有沒有鬼,但是Bear老師始終相信,如果你沒做虧心事,就不怕鬼來傷害你。 Although I am not sure whether there are ghosts in the world, I always believe that if you haven't done anything bad, don't be afraid of ghosts coming to harm you. 如果,你的朋友很怕鬼,你要怎麼安慰他呢? “You have done nothing bad, so there is no need to be afraid of ghosts.” 意思是「你沒做虧心事,不必怕鬼。」請跟Bear老師再說一次: “You have done nothing bad, so there is no need to be afraid of ghosts.” 小朋友,如果你想聽聽更多有關鬼的故事,也請聽聽第8、9和51集喔! If you want to hear more stories about ghosts, please also listen to episodes 8, 9 and 51! 我們下次見嘍! See you next time! -- Hosting provided by SoundOn
南科特區第一環LM重劃區,別稱台南首富里,聯上APPLE位居核心, 鄰A類雙語學區,獨棟雙併、大面寬大地坪別墅,隱私性高,受企業主,科技菁英青睞, 移居台南,首選聯上APPLE! 即刻入主065832388 ----以上訊息由 SoundOn 動態廣告贊助商提供---- Bear老師的故事每個月15號、30號晚間上架。 📃如果需要PDF文字檔或想知道更多關於每集的英語小知識,請追蹤: 🅸🅶:bear.bilingual 𝓕𝓑:Bear老師的中英雙語故事 💝贊助連結: PS. 感謝7月19日某位不具名聽眾的贊助,Bear老師感受到大大的鼓勵 : ) 本集背景音樂: Hello, this teacher Bear. 我是Bear老師。 小朋友,八月八號父親節快到了,你有什麼話想對爸爸說呢? Kids, Father’s Day is coming on August 8th. What do you want to say to your dad? 平常你跟爸爸的互動如何呢? How do you get along with your father? 今天Bear老師想給你介紹一本英文繪本,讓我們來聽聽看繪本中的小松鼠是怎麼跟爸爸互動的喔! Today, I would like to introduce to you an English picture book. Let’s listen to how the Little Squirrel in the picture book interacts with his father! An English Picture Book “I love my Daddy”/英文繪本《我愛我爸爸》 Created by David Bedford and Brenna Vaughn/創作者David Bedford and Brenna Vaughn Translated by Bear Weir/翻譯 Bear Weir One day little squirrel went out to play with his daddy. Little squirrel wanted to show Daddy squirrel all the things he could do. 有一天小松鼠跟爸爸出門去玩。小松鼠想給爸爸看所有他能做到的事。 “What shall we play first?” said Daddy. 「我們先玩什麼呢?」爸爸說。 “I know.” said Little Squirrel excitedly. 「我知道。」小松鼠興奮地說。 “Digging! Look, Daddy!” said Little Squirrel. As he dug and dug and dug, with his little tail wagging. 「挖呀挖!爸爸你看!」小松鼠一邊說,一邊挖,他的尾巴搖來搖去。 “Well done!” said Daddy. 「做得好!」爸爸說。 But suddenly Little squirrel's tail stopped wagging. 但忽然,小松鼠的尾巴不搖了。 “Help Daddy!” cried Little Squirrel. “I'm stuck!” 「爸爸救我!」小松鼠大叫。「我卡住了!」 Daddy Squirrel helped Little Squirrel wriggle out of the hole and gave him a soothing hug. 松鼠爸爸幫小松鼠慢慢地蠕動身體從洞裡脫離出來,並給了他的一個安慰的擁抱。 “You are a good digger!” said Daddy. 「你真是挖掘高手!」爸爸說。 “What shall we play next?” 「接下來玩什麼?」 “I know!” said Little Squirrel. 「我知道!」小松鼠說 “Climbing! Look, Daddy!” said Little Squirrel, and he climbed as high as he could go, looking around as far as he could see. 「爬樹!爸爸你看!」小松鼠一邊說,一邊能爬多高爬多高,能看多遠看多遠。 “Well done!” said Daddy. 「好樣的!」爸爸說。 But suddenly Little Squirrel closed his eyes tightly. 可是忽然小松鼠緊緊地閉上眼睛。 “Help Daddy!” cried Little Squirrel. “I'm stuck!” 「爸爸救我!」小松鼠大叫。「我卡住了!」 Daddy squirrel helped little squirrel climb down and gave him a soothing hug. 松鼠爸爸幫助小松鼠爬下樹來,並給了他一個安慰的擁抱。 “You are a good climber!” said Daddy. 「你是一個爬樹高手!」爸爸說。 “What shall we play next?” 「接下來玩什麼?」 “I know. Jumping! Look Daddy!” said Little Squirrel as he jumped and jumped and jumped with a big smile on his little squirrel face. 「我知道。跳來跳去!爸爸你看!」小松鼠一邊說,小臉上掛著笑容,跳啊跳啊跳啊! But suddenly Little Squirrel stopped smiling, and…Splat! 可是忽然小松鼠不笑了。然後…啪! “Help Daddy!” cried Little Squirrel. “I'm stuck again!” 「爸爸救我!」小松鼠大叫。「我又卡住了!」 Daddy squirrel helped Little Squirrel out of the sticky mud and gave him a soothing hug. 爸爸把小松鼠從黏黏的泥地裡拉出來,並給了他一個安慰的擁抱。 “You are good at jumping!” said Daddy. 「你很擅長跳躍喔!」爸爸說。 But Little Squirrel shook his head sadly. 可是,小松鼠難過地搖搖頭。 “I don't want to play anymore.” said Little Squirrel! 「我再也不想玩了。」小松鼠說! “I always get stuck. I can't do anything.” 「我總是卡住,我什麼都不會。」 Daddy squirrel lifted little squirrel high onto his shoulders. 松鼠爸爸把小松鼠高高舉起放到了肩膀上。 “Let's play together.” he said. 「我們一起玩。」他說。 “Let's run!” cried Daddy Squirrel. 「我們來跑步!」爸爸大喊。 Little Squirrel held on tightly as he whooshed through the woods. 小松鼠緊緊抓住爸爸,咻咻咻地穿過樹林。 “Yippeee!” he shouted. 「耶!」他大叫。 “Let's climb!” said Daddy Squirrel. 「我們來爬樹!」松鼠爸爸說。 Little Squirrel kept his eyes open wide as they reached the top of a tree. 他們到達了樹頂,小松鼠睜大了眼睛。 “Wheeee!” he shouted. 「Wheeee!」他大叫。 “And now,” said Daddy Squirrel. “Let's jump!” 「現在…」爸爸說。「我們跳!」 Splat! 啪! “Oh help!” cried Daddy Squirrel. “Now I'm stuck.” 「幫幫我!」松鼠爸爸大喊。「現在換我卡住了。」 Little squirrel giggled as he helped his Daddy out of the sticky mud. 小松鼠一邊嘻嘻笑一邊幫爸爸爬出黏黏的泥地。 “You can do everything Little Squirrel!” said Daddy proudly, as they washed their muddy paws in the stream. 「小松鼠,你什麼都會!」爸爸引以為傲地說。他們一起在小溪邊洗著沾滿泥巴的手。 “You can even save a Daddy Squirrel!” 「你甚至能救松鼠爸爸呢!」 Little Squirrel climbed high onto his daddy's shoulders again. 小松鼠再次爬到了爸爸的肩膀上。 “I love playing with you, Daddy.” he said. “And…I love my daddy!” 「爸爸,我喜歡跟你一起玩。」他說。「還有…我愛我的爸爸!」 Shouted Little Squirrel, as they raced home happily together. 小松鼠喊著,他們一起快樂地跑回家。 小朋友,聽了這個故事以後,你想跟爸爸一起玩什麼呢? Kids, after hearing this story, what do you want to play with your father? 如果你想邀請某人跟你一起玩,用英文,你可以怎麼說呢? “Let’s play together, shall we?” 意思是「一起玩!好嗎?」請跟Bear老師再說一次: “Let’s play together, shall we?” 小朋友,爸爸總是幫助你的那個人嗎?而你,能夠幫助爸爸什麼呢? Kids, is your father always the one who helps you? And what can you do to help your daddy? Bear老師相信你一定是個很棒的小幫手。也記得跟爸爸說「父親節快樂」喔! I believe you must be a great little helper. Also remember to say "Happy Father's Day" to your daddy! 我們下次見嘍! See you next time! -- Hosting provided by SoundOn
南科特區第一環LM重劃區,別稱台南首富里,聯上APPLE位居核心, 鄰A類雙語學區,獨棟雙併、大面寬大地坪別墅,隱私性高,受企業主,科技菁英青睞, 移居台南,首選聯上APPLE! 即刻入主065832388 ----以上訊息由 SoundOn 動態廣告贊助商提供---- Bear老師的故事每個月15號、30號晚間上架。 📃如果需要PDF文字檔或想知道更多關於每集的英語小知識,請追蹤: 🅸🅶:bear.bilingual 𝓕𝓑:Bear老師的中英雙語故事 💝贊助連結: 本集背景音樂: Hello, this is Teacher Bear. 我是Bear老師。 小朋友,天氣越來越熱了,你是不是感覺快融化了呢? Kids, the weather is getting hotter and hotter, and don’t you feel like you’re about to melt? 在炎熱的天氣當中,一不小心,就有可能中暑,這是很危險的喔。 In hot weather, it’s possible to get heatstroke if you’re not careful, which can be very dangerous. 讓我們來聽聽應該怎麼避免中暑,應該怎麼保護自己。 Let’s hear about how to avoid heatstroke, and how to protect yourself. Jasper:好累,我想休息一下。I’m so tired, I want to rest a while. Robin:我也累了,休息一下吧。I’m tired too, let’s rest. Robin:Amy,你來了啊?欸,Emma呢? Oh, Amy, you’re here? Where’s Emma? Amy:Emma昨天上體育課的時候中暑,被送去醫院。Emma got heatstroke in sports class yesterday and went to hospital.今天趁著周末,在家好好地休息。Since it’s the weekend she’s taking the chance to rest at home. Robin:天啊!這麼嚴重。Wow - that sounds serious. Jasper:這幾天真的好熱。It’s been really hot these last few days.就像現在,我也覺得頭暈,呼吸困 難。It’s like now, I feel dizzy and it’s hard to breathe. Amy:你的臉好紅啊,一直冒汗。Your face looks very red and sweaty.你還好吧?Are you OK? Robin:我也覺得你看起來怪怪的。I think you don’t look too good, too.走,我們別站在太陽下說話, 到樹蔭那兒去休息一下。Come on, let’s not stand in the sun talking. Let’s go and rest in the shade under the trees. Jasper:嗯。OK. Jasper:這裡涼快多了。It’s much cooler here. Amy:喝一點水吧!Drink some water! Robin:別急,慢慢喝。Don’t rush, drink slowly.我覺得你差一點熱衰竭了。I think you have a touch of heat exhaustion. Jasper:不知道。我就是覺得頭暈、呼吸困難、嘴巴很乾,一直流汗,而且還想吐。Don’t know … I just felt dizzy, trouble breathing, dry mouth, sweaty and felt sick. Amy:熱衰竭?跟中暑不一樣嗎?Heat exhaustion? Is that different from heatstroke? Robin:嗯,熱衰竭的時候會大量流汗,導致身體缺乏水分,要馬上喝冷水。If you have heat exhaustion, you will sweat a lot, and you will eventually become dehydrated. You need to drink cold water as soon as possible.如果沒處理好,就會導致中暑,體溫過高,無法自行降溫,要馬上送醫。If you don’t treat it properly, it may progress to heatstroke, your body temperature is too high and no way to cool down without help. You’ll need to go to hospital immediately. Amy:聽起來都好危險啊!Sounds like both are dangerous. Jasper:有這麼嚴重嗎?Is it really that serious? Robin:當然嚴重!Of course it’s serious!我聽爸爸說,如果沒有及時處理,可能導致器官衰竭。My dad said if you don’t deal with it quickly, it can progress to organ failure. Amy:對,我聽說中暑還可能死翹翹。Right, I heard that it’s possible to die of heatstroke. Jasper:你們別嚇我。Don’t scare me! Robin:我們沒嚇你。We’re not scaring you.熱衰竭和中暑是很嚴重的,一定要小心。Heat exhaustion and heatstroke are both serious, so be careful. Jasper:可是天氣這麼熱,怎麼可能避免?But the weather is so hot, how can you avoid it? Amy:我知道怎麼避免,我媽媽教過我,她說了三個重點:躲太陽、補水分、要通風。I know how to avoid it. My mother taught me. She said three key points: stay in cool places shaded from the sun, drink frequently, and get some airflow. Jasper:躲太陽?So stay out of the sun? Robin:對,就像我們現在這樣,躲在樹蔭下,避免直曬在太陽下。Yes, just like we’re doing now, resting in the shade away from direct sun. Jasper:補水分?And stay hydrated? Amy:嗯,所以我隨身都帶著一瓶水,常補充水分。I carry a bottle of water with me so I can drink often. Jasper:要通風?How about airflow? Amy:是啊,要注意環境是不是通風,有沒有風扇或空調。Yes, you should pay attention to the airflow in your environment, like whether there are fans or air conditioners.就像這裡,有風吹過,幫助身體降溫。Just like here, the wind is blowing and it cools you down. Jasper:我現在真的覺得舒服多了。I really feel much better now. Robin:走吧!這麼熱,我們別打籃球了。Let’s go! It’s so hot, let’s not play basketball now.找一個涼快一點的地方玩別的東西吧!We’ll find a cooler place to play something else! Amy:嗯,走吧!OK, let’s go! Jasper:走吧!Let’s go! 小朋友,你還記得怎麼避免中暑嗎? Kids, do you remember how to avoid heatstroke? 躲太陽、補水分、要通風。 Stay in cool places shaded from the sun, drink frequently, and get some airflow. 要是你覺得熱得受不了,需要休息,你怎麼用英文告訴身邊的人呢? “I feel I am getting too hot. I need to take a rest.” 意思是「我的身體太熱了,我需要休息」。請跟Bear老師再說一次: “I feel I am getting too hot. I need to take a rest.” 小朋友,在炎熱的夏天裡,一定要隨時補充水分,留意通風,隨時注意自己的身體狀況。 Kids, in the hot summer weather, you must stay hydrated and pay attention to ventilation and your physical state. 一旦有任何熱衰竭或中暑的症狀,必須馬上處理喔。 If you have any symptoms of heat exhaustion or heatstroke, you need to deal with it immediately. 我們下次見嘍! See you next time! -- Hosting provided by SoundOn
本集節目由「夢の花屋—草本花道/JR Floral Boutique」贊助播出 「草本花道」官網: FB:搜尋「草本花道」 LineID:@517rduyh Bear老師的故事每個月15號、30號晚間上架。 📃如果需要PDF文字檔或想知道更多關於每集的英語小知識,請追蹤: 🅸🅶:bear.bilingual 𝓕𝓑:Bear老師的中英雙語故事 💝贊助連結: 背景音樂: 本集節目由溫暖又美麗的花店「草本花道」贊助播出。 This episode is sponsored by the warm and beautiful flower shop "JR Floral Boutique". 如果您想送重要的人一束有品味的花朵,請到「草本花道」去看看,一定讓你滿意喔。 If you want to give a tasteful bouquet to someone special, please go to "JR Floral Boutique", and you will be satisfied. 相關資訊,請參考資訊欄。 For related information, please refer to the information column. Hello, this is Teacher Bear, 我是Bear老師。 小朋友,夏天到了,一朵朵荷花盛開了。 Kids, summer is here, and the lotus are in full bloom. 所以,今天Bear老師要跟你們說一個關於荷花的故事。 So today, I am going to tell you a story about lotus. 從前從前,有一個聰明、孝順的孩子,名叫王冕。 Once upon a time, there was a smart and obedient child named Wang Mian. 王冕從小就失去了爸爸,他和媽媽過著貧苦的生活。 Wang Mian lost his father when he was a child. He and his mother lived a poor life. 媽媽每天在農地裡辛苦工作、賺錢,好讓王冕能到學堂讀書。 His mother worked hard on the farm every day to make money so that Wang Mian could go to school. 但是這一年,稻子收成很壞,他們連吃飯都成問題了,哪能再供王冕去讀書呢? But this year, the rice harvest was very bad. They didn’t even have money to buy food. How could they afford Wang Mian’s school fees? 媽媽傷心地對王冕說:「孩子,媽媽很想讓你去讀書,但是家裡越來越窮,不能再供你上學了……正巧隔壁秦老爺要找一個牧童,你願意去工作嗎?」 Mother sadly said to Wang Mian: "Son, I really want you to go to school, but we are getting poorer, and we can no longer afford it … you know, Mr. Qin next door is looking for a cowherd boy. Are you willing to work?" 王冕雖然很喜歡上學,但是看到媽媽傷心的樣子,就笑著說:「娘,別擔心。我也可以一邊放牛一邊讀書啊!」 Although Wang Mian loved going to school, when he saw his mother's sad look, he smiled and said, "Mom, don't worry. I can also study while herding cows!" 第二天早上,王冕便跑到秦老爺家去,牽了牛到湖邊吃草。 Next morning, Wang Mian ran to Mr. Qin's house, and brought the cows to the lake to let them graze. 有很多牧童也都在那兒放牛、遊玩。但是,王冕卻不貪玩,他常坐在柳樹下,靜靜地看書。 There were many cowherd boys grazing cattle and playing there. However, Wang Mian didn’t play with them. He often sat under the willow tree and read quietly. 秦老爺每天給他的兩個銅錢,他都存下來交給媽媽,或者去買書。 He saved the two copper coins that Mr. Qin gave him every day and gave them to his mother, or bought books. 一個炎熱的下午,天氣非常悶熱,突然,天空下起了傾盆大雨。 One hot afternoon, the weather was so humid. Suddenly, it started pouring rain. 過了一會兒,雨停了,王冕忽然看到湖中的荷花,在風中輕輕搖擺,荷葉上亮晶晶的水珠子就像一顆顆閃亮的珍珠。 After a while, the rain stopped, and Wang Mian suddenly saw the lotus in the lake swaying gently in the wind. The shiny water drops on the lotus leaves were like shining pearls. 「荷花真美麗!可惜沒人把她們畫下來。」王冕想著,拿起一枝小樹枝,在濕地上畫了起來。 "The lotus are so pretty! It's a pity that no one is painting them," Wang Mian thought. He picked up a small branch and started to draw in the mud. 「對!我為什麼不學著自己畫呢?」於是,他決定買一些紙筆來學習畫荷花。 "Yes! Why don't I learn to draw by myself?" So, he decided to buy some paper and writing brushes to learn to draw lotus. 從此他每天起得更早,放牛吃草後,自己坐在湖邊,把紙筆攤開,畫著荷花。 From then on, he got up earlier every day. After grazing the cows, he sat by the lake, spread out his materials, and sketched the lotus. 但是一開始的時候,他畫得一點都不像。 But at first, his paintings were not even close. 「哈哈哈,畫的是什麼呀,一點都不像荷花。」牧童們圍在旁邊笑他。 "Hahaha, what is that painting? It doesn't look like a lotus at all."The cowherd boys gathered around and laughed at him. 但王冕聽了這些話,一點也不灰心,仍然繼續畫。 But after hearing these words, Wang Mian was not discouraged at all and continued painting. 有時候,為了把荷花看得更清楚,他脫了鞋,捲起褲管,走進水中仔細觀察荷花的形狀。 Sometimes, to see the lotus more clearly, he took off his shoes, rolled up his trousers, walked into the water, and carefully observed the shape of the plants. 因為他看得仔細,畫得又勤,就越畫越好了。 Because he looked carefully and painted diligently, his painting became better and better. 從此,他便把工錢存下來買顏料。 From then on, he saved his wages to buy paint. 有些村民看了王冕的畫,非常喜歡,就向王冕買了,掛在家裡的牆上。 Some villagers liked Wang Main’s paintings very much, so they bought them from Wang Mian and hung them on the walls of their houses. 「王冕畫的荷花真美,掛在我的破房子裡,使我的家漂亮多了。」 "Wang Mian’s paintings of lotus are so beautiful. Hanging them in my dilapidated house makes my home much more beautiful." 買畫的人到處向人誇獎王冕的畫,就這樣,向他買畫的人也越來越多了。 People who bought paintings praised Wang Mian everywhere, and more and more people began to buy paintings from Wang Mian. 終於,王冕不必再放牛,靠著賣畫,就能養活自己和母親了。 Finally, Wang Mian no longer had to herd cattle and could support himself and his mother by selling paintings. 可是王冕並不因此而驕傲,還是不斷地思考怎麼樣才能畫得更好。 But Wang Mian was not arrogant because of this, and kept thinking about how to draw better. 經過不斷的練習和觀察,王冕畫出的荷花,越來越生動自然。 After constant practice and observation, the lotus painted by Wang Mian became more and more vivid and natural. 而他畫的荷花,最後也成為了後世畫家的模範喔。 And his paintings of lotus eventually set the standard for later generations of painters. 小朋友,雖然王冕沒有機會上學,但是他卻不放棄任何提升自己能力的機會。 Kids, although Wang Mian did not have the opportunity to go to school, he never gave up the chance to improve his abilities. 並且他不因為別人取笑他就輕易放棄,也不因為成名了就驕傲自大。 And he did not give up easily just because others made fun of him, nor did he become arrogant just because he became famous. 這種不卑不亢的精神,值得我們學習。 To be neither timid nor arrogant is a worthwhile attitude to learn. 如果,你很想向他學習,用英文,可以怎麼說呢? “I want to learn from him.” 意思是「我想向他學習」,請跟Bear老師再說一次: “I want to learn from him.” 小朋友,希望你不放棄任何一個學習的機會,不斷地提升自己的能力喔。 Kids, I hope you will not give up any learning opportunity and continue to improve your abilities. 我們下次見嘍! See you next time! -- Hosting provided by SoundOn
有空吃水果,沒空園之味! 不論你有空沒空,都要為自己補充100%自然能量~ 5/29-6/25就到小7,園之味指定品項2件88折、3件75折。 一起負能量掰掰,3件Buy起來! ----以上訊息由 SoundOn 動態廣告贊助商提供---- Bear老師的故事每個月15號、30號晚間上架。 📃如果需要PDF文字檔或想知道更多關於每集的英語小知識,請追蹤: 🅸🅶:bear.bilingual 𝓕𝓑:Bear老師的中英雙語故事 💝贊助連結: 本集當中歌曲的演唱者為3歲的Claire Ryann ( Hello, this is Teacher Bear, 我是Bear老師。 小朋友,端午節過後,夏天就到了。 Kids, after the Dragon Boat Festival, summer arrives. 今天Bear老師想給你介紹一本英文繪本,讓我們來聽聽美國小朋友是怎麼度過夏天的。 Today, I would like to introduce to you an English picture book. Let's hear how American children spend their summer. An English picture book “And then comes Summer!” /英文繪本《然後,夏天到了!》 Story by Tom Brenner/作者:Tom Brenner Illustrated by Jamie Kim/插畫家:Jamie Kim Translated by Bear Weir/翻譯:Bear Weir When the days stretch out like a slow yawn, and leaves and grasses sparkle with dew, and the cheerful faces of Johnny-jump-ups jump up….. 當日子伸伸懶腰,緩緩地打了個哈欠,樹葉和青草上的露水閃閃發光,歡樂的三色堇蹦地開花了… Then throw on flip-flops and breathe the sweet air. 然後穿上人字拖,呼吸甜美的空氣。 When bumblebees bumble around in flowers, and warblers flit from tree to tree, and the air thrums with the sound of lawn mowers. 當大黃蜂在花叢中嗡嗡作響,鶯兒從一棵樹飛到另一棵樹時,空氣中迴盪著割草機的聲音。 Then pump up your bike tires, dig out your helmet, and raise your seat 然後給你的腳踏車輪胎打氣,挖出你的安全帽,調高你的座椅 ─ my, how you've grown! —─ 天啊,你長高了那麼多! When the last class project is finished, and your cubby is cleaned of cookie crumbs and eraser bits, and end-of-the-year hugs have been given…….. 當最後一堂課結束時,你置物櫃裡的餅乾屑和橡皮擦屑都被清理乾淨了,並且你也得到了年終擁抱。 HIP HIP HOORAY 太棒啦! Then swap out backpacks and notebooks for pitchers and cups. 然後把背包和筆記本換成水罐和杯子。 When daylight pushes back bedtimes, and cricket crick-crick in the evening air, and bugs as big as thumbs bang against windows… 睡覺的時間被更長的日照時間推遲了,晚上的空氣中傳來蟋蟀的聲音,大拇指那麼大的蟲子撞擊著窗戶… Then play hide-and-seek until darkness wins. 然後玩捉迷藏,直到黑暗贏了比賽。 When stores unfurl the Stars and Stripes, and flags wave from porches and cars, and the whole town seems wrapped in bunting… 當商店掛上美國星條旗,從門廊到汽車上都飄揚著旗幟時,整個城鎮似乎都被彩色的旗子包裹著… Then dress up your bike and pedal to the parade. 然後裝飾好你的腳踏車並騎著腳踏車去參加國慶日遊行。 When bands march by 當樂隊行進時 ─ left, right, left, right ─ —─ 左、右、左、右 —─ and all manner of floats float past, and Scouts and pioneers toss candy… 各式各樣的花車經過,童子軍和打扮成拓荒者的遊行隊伍扔著糖果… Then grab your blanket and watch the night explode in colorful sprays. 然後拿著毯子,觀看夜晚色彩繽紛的煙火。 When every day is like a Saturday, and porches and lawns and sidewalks are playgrounds, and a familiar jingle interrupt the game… 當每天都像星期六一樣,門廊、草坪和人行道都是遊樂場時,總會有熟悉的鈴聲打斷遊戲… Then race to be the first in line 然後大家搶著排隊排第一個 ─ “Almond fudge, please!” ─ 「請給我一球杏仁牛奶糖口味的!」 When the dog days of summer roll around, and it's so hot you're practically panting and not even the sprinklers provide relief… 當三伏天到來時,天氣非常熱,你幾乎氣喘吁吁,甚至灑水裝置也無法讓你舒服一點… Then it's time to head to the lake. 那麼~~是到了該去湖邊的時候了。 Roll down the window and smell the hot, dry grass, shout your favorite songs at birds swooping across fields, 搖下車窗,聞聞乾熱的青草味,對著飛過田野的鳥兒大聲唱出你最喜歡的歌曲, and ask for the millionth time, “Are we there yet?” 並問了第一百萬次:「我們到了嗎?」 When the familiar sign appears at last, and a silver lake winks through the trees, and old friends run to greet you… 當熟悉的標誌終於出現,銀色的湖水在樹林中閃爍,老朋友跑來迎接你… Then scramble out of the car, dash down to the beach, 然後用手撐著爬下車,衝向岸邊, YA! 耶! and swim till the sun is low and your lips are blue. 一直游到太陽下山,嘴唇變成藍色。 And when dinner is over and stories have been told, and your fingers are sticky with marshmallow and chocolate, and the fire burns down to glimmering coals… 當晚餐結束,故事也講完了,你的手指沾滿了棉花糖和巧克力,散發出微光的煤炭還燒著… Then snuggle into your sleeping bag and plan tomorrow's Adventures. 然後躺進你的睡袋裡,計畫明天的冒險。 小朋友,聽了這個故事以後,你是不是也開始期待暑假了呢? After listening to this story, are you starting to look forward to summer vacation? 不過,暑假雖然令人興奮,但是,也常熱得讓人受不了。 Although summer vacation is exciting, it is often unbearably hot. 如果你覺得很熱,熱得像冰淇淋快融化了一樣,用英文,你可以怎麼說呢? “I’m melting!” 意思是「我正在融化」。請跟Bear老師再說一次: “I’m melting!” 在漫長的暑假裡,你有什麼計劃呢? What are your plans during the long summer vacation? Bear老師希望你能好好地利用你的暑假喔。 I hope you can make good use of your summer vacation. 我們下次見嘍! See you next time! -- Hosting provided by SoundOn
城揚建設新推出的「陽明第一廳」 緊鄰三民區的明星學府-陽明國中 46~52坪,每層四戶兩部電梯 最適合有換屋與置產需求的你 讓生活中充滿書香、運動風,滿足食衣住行的消費需求 城揚建設 陽明第一廳 07-384-2888 ----以上訊息由 SoundOn 動態廣告贊助商提供---- Bear老師的故事每個月15號、30號晚間上架。 📃如果需要PDF文字檔或想知道更多關於每集的英語小知識,請追蹤: 🅸🅶:bear.bilingual 𝓕𝓑:Bear老師的中英雙語故事 💝贊助連結: 背景音樂: PS:本集故事參考自《楚辭─〈漁父〉》,但是為了讓小朋友更容易了解,Bear老師簡化並改編了一些細節。 Hello, this is teacher Bear. 我是Bear老師。 小朋友,農曆的五月五號是端午,也就是端午節。 The fifth day of the fifth lunar month is “Duanwu”, which is Dragon Boat Festival. 你還記得嗎?在第43集當中,Bear老師提到端午節划龍舟、吃粽子是為了紀念2000多年前的屈原。 Do you remember Episode 43? Teacher Bear mentioned that people row dragon boats and eat sticky rice wraps during the Dragon Boat Festival to commemorate Qu Yuan, who lived more than 2,000 years ago. 今天,讓我們來聽聽屈原的故事。 Today, let’s listen to Qu Yuan’s story. 在2000多年前,中國東南部有一個本來很強大的楚國。 More than 2,000 years ago, there was once a powerful kingdom called Chu in southeastern China. 但是,由於楚國的國王越來越昏庸,臣子越來越自私,因此,楚國的國力不但越來越弱,而且也快輸給了西邊的秦國。 However, as the King of Chu's behavior became increasingly frivolous, and his ministers became more and more selfish, the nation became weaker and weaker, and was almost defeated by the Qin kingdom in the west. 屈原是一個有理想的政治家,因此,他不斷地提醒楚王必須改革,才能抵抗秦國的侵略。 Qu Yuan was an idealistic politician, so he constantly reminded the King of Chu that he must reform in order to resist Qin's invasion. 沒想到,他的意見不但引起了其他臣子對他的不滿,也讓楚王越來越厭煩。 Surprisingly, the other courtiers objected to his opinions, and he also made the King of Chu increasingly annoyed. 最後,楚王不但沒採用屈原的意見,還把他驅逐到遙遠的地方。 The King continued to ignore Qu Yuan's advice, and eventually exiled him to a distant place. 幾年以後,秦國入侵楚國,攻陷了楚國的首都,眼看楚國就要亡國了,屈原感到非常地絕望。 A few years later, Qin invaded Chu and captured the capital of Chu. Seeing that Chu was close to defeat, Qu Yuan was very despondent. 在端午這天,他走到了江邊,想要投河自盡。 On the day of Duanwu, he walked to the river, intending to commit suicide by throwing himself into the river. 這個時候,他遇見了一個老漁夫。 At this moment, he met an old fisherman. 老漁夫問道:「欸?你不是我國有名的政治家屈原嗎?你怎麼在這裡?」 The old fisherman asked: "Hey - aren't you Qu Yuan, the famous politician in our country? Why are you here?" 屈原:「唉~全國當中只有我能清醒地給國王意見,但卻被放逐到這裡來了。」 Qu Yuan: "Alas, I am the only one in the country who can give the king a clear-headed opinion, but I am exiled here." 老漁夫:「你啊~應該學學聖人,把眼光放遠,根據時局的變化來決定應該是進還是退。」 Old fisherman: "You should learn from the great sages - take a long-term view of the future, and decide whether this is the right moment to advance or to retreat." 屈原:「哼!剛剛洗過澡的人,一定要拍掉衣服上的灰塵。怎麼能讓自己乾淨的身體被弄髒呢?」 Qu Yuan: "Those who have just taken a bath must dust off their clothes. How can you let your clean body get dirty?” 「我寧可跳河自盡被魚吃了,也不願意看到國家滅亡,更不願跟著那些貪腐的臣子同流合污。」 "I would rather jump into the river and kill myself and be eaten by fish than see the country perish. I don't want to follow those corrupt ministers and become as dirty as them." 老漁夫:「唉~如果河水乾淨,我就用它來洗我的帽子和帽帶。如果河水是髒的,我就用來洗我的腳。」 Old fisherman: "If the river water is clean, I may use it to wash my hat and hatband. If the river water is dirty, I will use it only to wash my feet.” 「唉~你不必同流合污,但是也別期待全世界跟你一樣清白啊。」 "You don’t have to join the others, but don’t expect the whole world to be as clean as you.” 「要根據情況做出改變。年輕人,不要太固執啊。」 “Adapt to the situation. Young man, don't be too stubborn." 老漁夫說完,就划著船走了。 After the old fisherman finished speaking, he rowed away. 沒想到,老漁夫並沒能說服屈原,就這樣,屈原抱著必死的決心,抱著一顆大石頭,跳河自盡了。 But the old fisherman had failed to convince Qu Yuan. And so Qu Yuan, determined to die, jumped into the river and committed suicide with a big stone in his arms. 老百姓聽到屈原跳河自盡的消息,紛紛划著船想打撈屈原的屍體。 When the people heard the news that Qu Yuan committed suicide by jumping into the river, they rowed boats one after another to retrieve Qu Yuan's body. 打撈不著後,因為擔心屈原的屍體被魚蝦吃了,因此把米用葉子包起來丟到河裡去餵魚蝦,以保護屈原的屍體。 After they failed to find him, they became worried that Qu Yuan's body would be eaten by fish and shrimp, so they wrapped rice in leaves and threw it into the river to feed the fish and shrimp, hoping to protect Qu Yuan's body. 傳說,這就是在端午這一天划龍舟、吃粽子的由來。 Legend has it that this is the origin of dragon boat racing and eating sticky rice wraps on the day of Duanwu. 小朋友,聽了這個故事以後,你有什麼想法呢? Kids, what do you think after listening to this story? 屈原和老漁夫代表了兩個完全不同的道德觀和價值觀,Bear老師沒辦法告訴你哪一個才是正確的。 Qu Yuan and the old fisherman represent two entirely distinct moral perspectives and values. I can’t tell you which one is correct. 但是,我能確定的是「如果死了,就什麼機會也沒有了。」你同意嗎? But what I can be sure of is this: if you die, you will have no chance at all. Do you agree? 如果是你,你更欣賞誰的想法呢?為什麼呢? If it were you, whose ideas do you admire more? Why? 希望你能多跟家人、老師、朋友們討論討論喔。 I hope you can discuss it more with your family, teachers and friends. 如果你有個朋友一直想不開,你可以怎麼勸他呢? “Think about it from another angle!” 意思是「換個角度想想吧!」請跟Bear老師再說一次: “Think about it from another angle!” 小朋友,端午節快到了,希望你在吃粽子、看龍舟比賽的時候,思考思考這個故事。 The Dragon Boat Festival is coming soon. I hope you will think about this story while eating sticky rice wraps and watching the dragon boat race. 想知道更多端午節的知識,也請聽聽第43集喔! If you want to know more about the Dragon Boat Festival, please listen to episode 43! 我們下次見嘍! See you next time! -- Hosting provided by SoundOn
城揚建設新推出的「陽明第一廳」 緊鄰三民區的明星學府-陽明國中 46~52坪,每層四戶兩部電梯 最適合有換屋與置產需求的你 讓生活中充滿書香、運動風,滿足食衣住行的消費需求 城揚建設 陽明第一廳 07-384-2888 ----以上訊息由 SoundOn 動態廣告贊助商提供---- Bear老師的故事每個月15號、30號晚間上架。 📃如果需要PDF文字檔或想知道更多關於每集的英語小知識,請追蹤: 🅸🅶:bear.bilingual 𝓕𝓑:Bear老師的中英雙語故事 💝贊助連結: 背景音樂: Hello, this is Teacher Bear. 我是Bear老師。小朋友,在上一集當中,Nandi小朋友不想去睡覺。(In the previous episode, Little Nandi didn’t want to go to sleep.)在這一集當中,小老虎也不想上床睡覺。(In this episode, Little Tiger doesn’t want to go to bed either.)你想聽聽看不願意睡覺的小老虎去了哪裡嗎(Do you want to hear where Little Tiger went when he didn't want to go to bed?) An English picture book “I don't want to go to bed” /英文繪本《我不想上床睡覺》 Created by Julie Sykes and Tim Warnes / 創作者:Julie Sykes and Tim Warnes Little tiger was very naughty. He did not like going to bed. 小老虎非常調皮。 他不喜歡上床睡覺。 Every night when Mummy Tiger said“Bedtime!” 每天晚上當老虎媽媽說:「上床睡覺了!」 Little Tiger would say, “ But I don't want to go to bed!” 小老虎就會說:「可是我不想上床睡覺!」 Little Tiger wouldn't let Mummy Tiger clean his face and paws, and he wouldn't listen to his bedtime story. 小老虎不讓虎媽媽幫他洗臉和爪子,也不聽睡前故事。 One night, Mummy Tiger lost her temper. 有一天晚上,虎媽媽發脾氣了。 When little tiger said, “ I don't want to go to bed!” 當小老虎說:「我不想上床睡覺!」 Mummy tiger roared, “All right, you can stay up all night then!” 虎媽媽吼道:「好啦,你就熬夜一整晚吧!」 Little Tiger couldn't believe his good luck. He scampered off into the jungle before Mummy Tiger could change her mind. 在虎媽媽改變主意之前,他就蹦蹦跳跳地跑進叢林裡了。 Little Tiger went to visit his best friend, Little Lion. 小老虎去探望他最好的朋友小獅子。 When he arrived, Little Lion was having his ears washed. 當他到達時,小獅子正在洗耳朵。 “ It's bedtime,” growled Daddy Lion. “ Why are you still up?” 「該睡覺了,」獅子爸爸咆哮: 「你怎麼還沒睡?」 “I don't want to go to bed!” said Little Tiger, and he skipped off into the jungle before Daddy Lion could wash his ears, too! 「我不想上床睡覺!」 小老虎說完就跳進叢林裡,因為他怕獅子爸爸也把他抓去洗耳朵! Little Tiger decided to visit his second best friend, Little Hippo. 小老虎決定去拜訪他的第二好朋友小河馬。 He found him splashing in the river, having a bedtime bath. 結果發現小河馬正在河裡濺起水花洗澡,然後準備上床睡覺。 “It’s bedtime,” bellowed Daddy Hippo. “Why are you still up?” 「該睡覺了,」河馬爸爸用低沉的聲音大聲說道:「你怎麼還沒睡?」 “I don't want to go to bed!” said Little Tiger, and he scurried off into the jungle before Daddy Hippo could give him a bath, too! 「我不想上床睡覺!」小老虎說完就小跑步地溜進叢林裡,因為他怕河馬爸爸也把他抓去洗澡! Little Elephant was Little Tiger’s third best friend. 小老虎跑去找小象,他是小老虎的第三好朋友 。 He went to visit him next. Little Elephant was not out playing. 小象沒有出去玩, 他躺在床上,聽著睡前故事。 He was in bed, listening to his bedtime story. “It's bedtime,” trumpeted Mummy Elephant. “Why are you still up?” 「該睡覺了,」大象媽媽用響亮的聲音大聲說: 「你怎麼還沒睡?」 “I don't want to go to bed!” said Little Tiger, and he bounced off into the jungle before Mummy Elephant could put him to bed, too! 「我不想上床睡覺!」小老虎說完就彈跳進叢林裡,因為他怕大象媽媽也把他放到床上去。 Little Tiger thought he would go and find Little Monkey, his fourth best friend. 小老虎認為他應該去找他的第四好朋友小猴子。 But he found Mummy Monkey first. She put a finger to her lips and whispered, “Little Monkey is fast asleep. Why are you still up?” 但他先找到了猴媽媽。 猴媽媽把一根手指頭放在嘴唇上小聲地說:「小猴子已經熟睡了。 你怎麼還沒睡?」 “I don't want to go to bed!” Little Tiger whispered back. Quickly he tiptoed into the jungle before Mummy Monkey made him fall asleep, too! 「我不想上床睡覺!」 小虎小聲地回答,然後很快就躡手躡腳地走進了叢林,他怕猴子媽媽也讓他睡著了! Little Tiger didn’t know where to go next. It was the first time he had been on his own in the jungle so late. 小老虎不知道下一步該去哪裡。 這是他第一次這麼晚了還獨自待在叢林裡。 Even the Sun had gone to bed. Suddenly it seemed very dark. 連太陽也上床睡覺了。 突然間,天似乎很黑。 “What was that?” Little Tiger looked up and saw… two very large yellow eyes staring back at him! 「那是什麼?」 小老虎抬頭一看……兩隻黃色的大眼睛正盯著他! The eyes belonged to a Bush Baby. “Shouldn't you be in the bed?” she asked. 那是嬰猴的眼睛。 「你不是應該在床上嗎?」 她問。 “I don't want to go to bed!” said Little Tiger bravely, “You haven't!” 「我不想上床睡覺!」 小老虎勇敢地說:「你就還沒睡!」 “That's because I go to bed when the sun rises,” said Bush Baby. 「那是因為太陽升起時才是我去睡覺的時間。」嬰猴說。 “Fancy going to bed in the lovely sunshine!” thought Little Tiger. “真想在美好的陽光下睡覺!” 小老虎想。 He shivered and thought how cold and dark it was in the jungle at night. 他不禁打了個冷顫,想到叢林裡的夜晚是多麼寒冷和黑暗。 “I'm going to take you home.” said Bush Baby. “Your mummy and daddy will be worried about you.” 「我要送你回家。」 嬰猴說。 「你的爸爸媽媽會擔心你的。」 “I don't want to go home! I don't want to go to bed!” said Little Tiger. 「我不想回家! 我不想上床睡​​覺!」 小老虎說。 But he didn't want to be left alone in the dark either. So Little Tiger followed Bush Baby through the jungle. 但他也不想獨自留在黑暗中。 於是小老虎跟著嬰猴穿過叢林。 He was glad of her big bright eyes to show him the way back home. 他很高興嬰猴明亮的大眼睛為他指明了回家的路。 “We are nearly there,” said Bush Baby as Little Tiger’s steps became slower and slower. 「我們快到了。」嬰猴說道,小老虎的腳步越來越慢。 “I don’t want to…” said Little Tiger sleepily, dragging his paws. 「我不想……」小虎拖著爪子,睡眼惺忪地說。 “Ah, there you are,” said Mummy Tiger. “Just in time for bed!” 「啊,你在這兒啊,」老虎媽媽說。 「正好趕上睡覺時間!」 “I don't want to …” yawned Little Tiger, and he fell fast asleep! 「我不想……」小老虎打了個哈欠,就睡著了! Mummy Tiger tucked him up and then turned to Bush Baby… but the den was empty. 老虎媽媽幫小老虎蓋好被子,然後轉向嬰猴……但在老虎住的巢穴中,本來嬰猴站著的地方已經空了。 Bush baby had disappeared into the jungle before Mummy Tiger could tuck her up, too!” 嬰猴趕在老虎媽媽也把她放進被窩裡之前,消失在叢林裡了。 小朋友,每天晚上你是不是也折騰老半天才願意上床睡覺呢?(Do you struggle for a long time every night before you are ready to go to bed?)你可要好好地謝謝父母耐心地等你睡著喔。(You really have to thank your parents for waiting patiently for you to fall asleep.) 如果折騰了半天,你終於想睡覺了,用英文,你可以怎麼說呢? “I’m sleepy now.” 意思是「我現在睏了」。請跟Bear老師再說一次: “I’m sleepy now.” 小朋友,該睡覺的時候,就快去睡覺,身體才會健康喔。(Kids, when it’s time to sleep, you should just sleep – it’s better for your health.) 我們下次見嘍(See you next time)! -- Hosting provided by SoundOn
城揚建設新推出的「陽明第一廳」 緊鄰三民區的明星學府-陽明國中 46~52坪,每層四戶兩部電梯 最適合有換屋與置產需求的你 讓生活中充滿書香、運動風,滿足食衣住行的消費需求 城揚建設 陽明第一廳 07-384-2888 ----以上訊息由 SoundOn 動態廣告贊助商提供---- Bear老師的故事每個月15號、30號晚間上架。 📃如果需要PDF文字檔或想知道更多關於每集的英語小知識,請追蹤: 🅸🅶:bear.bilingual 𝓕𝓑:Bear老師的中英雙語故事 💝贊助連結: Hello, This is Teacher Bear, 我是Bear老師。小朋友,你每天都幾點去睡覺呢?(What time do you go to bed every day?)當睡覺的時間到了時,你都能乖乖地去睡覺嗎?還是不願意睡呢?(When it's time to go to bed, can you go without a fuss? Or you still don’t want to sleep?)有的時候也會失眠嗎?(Do you sometimes suffer from insomnia?)睡不著或不想睡覺的時候,怎麼辦呢?(What should you do when you can’t sleep or don’t want to sleep?)在今天的繪本當中,Nandi小朋友不想去睡覺,(In today's picture book, little Nandi doesn't want to go to bed.)那麼,最後她是怎麼睡著的呢?(So, how did she fall asleep in the end?)讓我們來聽聽吧!(Let’s hear it!) An English picture book “I don't want to go to sleep.”/英文繪本《我不想去睡覺》 Author/作者:Sarah McGregor Illustrator/插畫家:Subi Bosa “I don't want to go to sleep.” 「我不想去睡覺。」 “Goodnight, Nandi.” 「晚安,Nandi.。」 “I… don't… want…to… go…to…sleep.” 「我…不…想…去…睡覺。」 “That's enough now. Good night, Nandi.” 「夠了喔。Nandi,晚安。」 “I want more supper. Another book! Just one more song? I don't want go to sleep.” 「我還要多一點宵夜。再一本書。只要再一首歌?我不想去睡覺。」 “Goodnight, Nandi.” 「Nandi,晚安。」 “Mama! I need a glass of water. Please? Please. I don't want go to sleep.” 「媽!我需要一杯水。拜託?拜託。我不想去睡覺。」 “It's time to go to sleep now. Good night, Nandi.” 「現在是該睡覺的時間。Nandi,晚安。」 Mama sighs: “What about an adventure? Do you want an adventure?” 媽媽嘆了口氣:「我們來冒險吧?你要來一場冒險嗎?」 “…Yes…” 「…我要…」 “Do you want to creep through the jungle on the trail of the fearsome hippocrocoturtleduck?” 「你想要沿著那隻可怕的河馬鱷魚龜鴨獸的足跡,秘密地穿越叢林嗎?」 “Yes! Yes! Yes!” 「我要!我要!我要!」 “I want to fly across the sky!( 我要飛越天空!) Leap from star to star!(從這顆星星跳躍到那顆星星!) Fill my pockets with stardust! (在我的口袋裡裝滿夢幻星辰!)I want a Nandi-sized glass submarine to see the creatures at the bottom of the ocean!(為了看看海底生物,我要一艘跟Nandi一樣大的玻璃潛水艇!) And the pet giant squid to do water Ballet there with me!(我還要一隻巨大的烏賊當我的寵物,跟我一起跳水上芭蕾!)” “I want to build myself a pair of butterfly wings and zoom to the roof of the sky where I'll see all the world and everything in it!”「我想為自己做一對蝴蝶的翅膀,迅速飛到天頂,在那裡我可以看到整個世界和萬物。」 “Look here Nandi.( Nandi,看這裡。) Here is your very own adventure boat.(這是專屬於你的冒險船) It's waiting to take you wherever you want to go.(它正等著帶你去任何你想去的地方。)See, put your head here…(看,把你的頭放在這裡……)that’s right…(沒錯……)and I’ll just tuck you in…(然後,我把你蓋起來)there we go…(我們開始…)now, off you go!(現在,出發嘍!)” “Adventure awaits…” 「冒險等著你喔…」 “Good night, Nandi.” 「Nandi,晚安。」 小朋友,你睡著了嗎?(Kid, did you fall asleep?)你也正在冒險嗎?(Are you on an adventure too?)下次當你睡不著的時候,你也可以試試看來一場進入夢鄉的冒險喔。(Next time when you can't fall asleep, you can try an adventure into dreamland.) 如果睡覺時,你希望媽媽幫你蓋好被子,用英文,你可以怎麼說呢? “Mommy, can you tuck me in?” 意思是「媽媽,你能幫我蓋上被子嗎?」請跟Bear老師再說一次: “Mommy, can you tuck me in?” 此外,母親節快到了,記得要跟媽媽說聲「母親節快樂」喔!(By the way, Mother’s Day is coming soon, so remember to say “Happy Mother’s Day” to your mother!)當你發現媽媽因為壓力太大而失眠時,換你給媽媽說個故事,幫助她進入夢鄉,好嗎?(If you find that your mother has insomnia due to stress, maybe you can be the one to tell a story to help her fall asleep?)祝福你們每晚都能睡得香甜喔! (I wish you all a sound sleep every night!) 我們下次見嘍!(See you next time!) -- Hosting provided by SoundOn
城揚建設新推出的「陽明第一廳」 緊鄰三民區的明星學府-陽明國中 46~52坪,每層四戶兩部電梯 最適合有換屋與置產需求的你 讓生活中充滿書香、運動風,滿足食衣住行的消費需求 城揚建設 陽明第一廳 07-384-2888 ----以上訊息由 SoundOn 動態廣告贊助商提供---- 本集故事涉及性騷擾議題,期盼家長能陪伴孩子一起收聽,並且予以說明。 Bear老師的故事每個月15號、30號晚間上架。 📃如果需要PDF文字檔或想知道更多關於每集的英語小知識,請追蹤: 🅸🅶:bear.bilingual 𝓕𝓑:Bear老師的中英雙語故事 💝贊助連結: 背景音樂: Hello, this is Teacher Bear, 我是Bear老師。小朋友,如果有人隨便摸你的身體,你會覺得不舒服嗎?(If someone touches your body casually, would you feel uncomfortable?)是性騷擾嗎?(Is this sexual harassment?)還是你覺得這是對方表達親切的方式,因此不必太在意呢?(Or do you think this is the other person's way of showing affection, so you don't need to take it too seriously?)這個問題真的沒那麼容易,Bear老師也沒辦法直接告訴你答案。(This question is really not that easy, and I can’t tell you the answer directly.)不過,我們可以先來聽聽Amy小朋友的經驗,再回頭來想想這個問題喔。(However, we can first listen to Amy’s experience, and then think about this question later.) Robin:Amy!……Amy!………Amy!Amy!……Amy! Amy:Robin! Robin:你在想什麼啊?(What are you thinking about?)我叫了你好幾聲,你都沒有反應。(I called you several times, but you didn't respond.) Amy:我……我……我在想………。(I…I…I was thinking…) Robin:怎麼了?(What's wrong?)你好像有心事。(Seems you have something on your mind.)你沒事吧?(Are you OK?) Amy:我…我不知道應不應該說。(I…I don't know if I should say it.) Robin:到底是什麼事啊?(What’s going on?)我能幫得上忙嗎?(Can I help?) Amy:嗯……,我也不知道你能不能幫我。(Hmm… I don't know if you can help me.) Robin:你說了我才知道能不能幫你啊。(I won’t know if I can help you unless you tell me.) Amy:可是,你答應要幫我保密喔。(But you have to promise to keep it a secret for me.) Robin:蛤?你做了什麼壞事嗎?(Huh? Have you done anything bad?) Amy:我不確定是不是壞事……可是……(I'm not sure if it's a bad thing…but…) Robin:喔~~別怕,我答應你不說,而且我真的想幫助你。(Oh~~Don’t be afraid, I promise you won’t tell, and I really want to help you.) Amy:嗯~~~謝謝。那~~我要說了喔!(Yeah~~~Thank you. Then~~I will just say it!) Robin:嗯,放心。你可以相信我。(Well, don’t worry. You can trust me.) Amy:我剛剛去了William 哥哥家。(I just went to William's house.) Robin:就是那個在我們圖書館當志工的大學生William 哥哥。(William? the college student who volunteers in our library?) Amy:嗯。(Yeah.) Robin:我也去過他家,他邀請我去他家看漂亮的魚缸,還玩最新的線上遊戲。(I also went to his house. He invited me to his house to see the beautiful fish tank and play the latest online games.) Amy:那~~你告訴你爸媽你去了他家嗎?(Then~~did you tell your parents that you went to his house?) Robin:嗯~我說了啊?為什麼不能說?這又不是壞事。(Yeah, I told them. Why can't I say it? There’s nothing wrong with that.) Amy:可是他要我不可以說出去,他說如果他爸媽知道他偷玩線上遊戲,一定會打他的。(But he asked me not to tell anyone. He said that if his parents knew that he secretly plays online games, they would definitely beat him.) Robin:他也跟我這樣說,可是我相信我爸媽知道怎麼處理,所以我覺得不必對他們隱瞞。(He told me the same thing, but I think my parents know how to deal with it, so I don’t need to hide it from them.)而且,我覺得沒意思,所以後來也沒再去他家了。(Anyway, I was bored, so I didn’t go to his house anymore.) Amy:嗯,我們玩線上遊戲的時候,他也要我替他保密。(Yeah, when we were playing online games, he also asked me to keep it a secret for him.) Robin:就這樣?(That's it?) Amy:不是……還有……還有……(No…and…and…) Robin:還有什麼?(What else?) Amy:後來,我去欣賞魚缸的時候,他把我洋裝的拉鍊拉了下來,說要幫我按摩。(Later, when I went to admire the fish tank, he pulled down the zipper of my dress and said he wanted to massage me.) Robin:按摩?!你需要按摩嗎?(Massage? ! Do you need a massage?) Amy:我也不知道,可是他說按摩對身體有幫助,他希望我更健康,((I don’t know, but he said that a massage would help my body, and he wanted me to be healthier,)而且…而且他對我們那麼好,我覺得拒絕他的好意好像沒有禮貌。(and… and he’s treated us so well, I felt like it would be rude to refuse his kindness.) Robin:然後呢?(What then?) Amy:一開始,他按摩我的肩膀和背,確實很舒服,(At first, he massaged my shoulders and back, which was really comfortable,)可是…按摩到腰部的時候,我覺得很奇怪…,(but… when he massaged my waist, I felt strange…)可是他說腰部有很多對身體好的穴道,所以,我也不知道應該怎麼拒絕。(he just said that there are many acupuncture points in the waist that are good for the body, so I didn’t know how to refuse.)然後…忽然他爸媽回來了,他馬上把我的拉鍊拉上,還叫我什麼都不可以說。(Then… suddenly his parents came back, and he immediately zipped up my zipper and told me not to say anything.) Robin:如果真的讓你不舒服,你應該馬上跟你媽媽說。(If it really makes you uncomfortable, you should tell your mother right away.) Amy:可是,我騙我媽媽說我是去圖書館看書,她如果知道我說謊,一定會很生氣的。(But, I lied to my mother that I was going to the library to read. She would be very angry if she knew that I lied.) Robin:你為什麼要騙你媽媽?(Why did you lie to your mother?) Amy:因為William 哥哥說我媽媽一定不會答應的。(Because William said that my mother would never agree.)還有,我真的很想看看他的魚缸。(Also, I really want to see his fish tank.) Robin:可是,William 哥哥有問題。(But there is something wrong with William.) Amy:有沒有可能是我們誤會他了?(Is it possible that we misunderstood him?) Robin:可是,你也覺得奇怪、不舒服,對不對?(But you also feel strange and uncomfortable, right?) Amy:嗯~~那種感覺真的很奇怪。(Hmm~~That feeling is really strange.) Robin:走! 我們去跟老師說。(Let's go talk to the teacher.) Amy: 不行, 我們會不會害了William 哥哥?(No, will we cause trouble for William?)他真的對我們很好。而且,他爸媽好像很可怕。(He is really good to us. And it seems like his parents are terrible.) Robin:我還是覺得這件事有問題。(I still think there's something wrong with this.) Amy:那怎麼辦呢?我已經答應William 哥哥不會說出去的。(What should we do? I promised William I won’t tell anyone.) Robin:對了!我們去找Vivian奶奶,我覺得她一定有好辦法。(Right! Let's go find Grandma Vivian. I think she’ll know what to do.) Amy:對,我信任她,很想聽聽她的意見。(Yes, I trust her and would like to hear her opinion.) Robin:那,我們走吧!(Then, let's go!) Amy:嗯。(Yeah.) 小朋友,你覺得Amy應該馬上跟長輩說這件事嗎?(Kids, do you think Amy should tell her elders about this immediately?)你覺得William 哥哥是壞人嗎?(Do you think William is a bad person?)其實,Bear老師在八歲的時候,遭遇過跟Amy類似的情況。(In fact, I encountered a similar situation to Amy when I was eight years old.)不幸地,當時Bear老師不敢跟任何人說起這件事,(Unfortunately, I did not dare to tell anyone about this incident at the time.)沒想到後來那個大哥哥真的嚴重傷害了另外兩個六歲跟九歲的小女孩,而這件事也在Bear老師心裡留下了永遠的痛。(As it turned out, that person seriously hurt two other little girls aged six and nine, and this incident stayed in my mind and made me feel pain forever.)我非常後悔沒有把那個奇怪的感覺說出來,也難過當時因為害怕長輩的處罰而沒敢誠實地說出真相。(I really regret that I did not express this strange feeling. I’m also sad that I did not dare to speak out honestly because I was afraid of punishment from my elders.) 小朋友,不管你是男孩還是女孩,不管對方是誰,覺得不舒服的時候,就要說!(Kids, no matter you are a boy or a girl, no matter who that person is, when you feel uncomfortable, just say it!)即使可能只是一個誤會,也不要因為害怕製造麻煩而自己處理這樣的問題。(Even if it might be a misunderstanding, don't keep it to yourself for fear of causing trouble.)如果是誤會,你說出來了,才能讓彼此都有一個學習正確處理事情的機會;(If it’s a misunderstanding, you can speak out so that both parties can have a chance to learn to handle things correctly;)如果不是誤會,那麼你的勇敢表達,就很有可能阻止更糟糕的事情發生。(but if it is not a misunderstanding, then your brave stance may very well prevent worse things from happening.) 如果,你很想找一個人談一談,用英文,可以怎麼說呢? “Do you have time now? Can I talk to you?” 意思是「你有時間嗎?我能跟你談談嗎?」,請跟Bear老師再說一次: “Do you have time now? Can I talk to you?” 小朋友,一定要學會保護自己,學會說出自己的感受。祝福你健康快樂地長大。(I wish you grow up healthy and happy.) 我們下次見嘍!(See you next time!) -- Hosting provided by SoundOn
城揚建設新推出的「陽明第一廳」 緊鄰三民區的明星學府-陽明國中 46~52坪,每層四戶兩部電梯 最適合有換屋與置產需求的你 讓生活中充滿書香、運動風,滿足食衣住行的消費需求 城揚建設 陽明第一廳 07-384-2888 ----以上訊息由 SoundOn 動態廣告贊助商提供---- Bear老師的故事每個月15號、30號晚間上架。 📃如果需要PDF文字檔或想知道更多關於每集的英語小知識,請追蹤: 🅸🅶:bear.bilingual 𝓕𝓑:Bear老師的中英雙語故事 💝贊助連結: 背景音樂:電影「可可夜總會」插曲「Remember Me」吉他演奏 by Stephen Chau Hello, this is teacher Bear, 我是Bear老師。小朋友,清明節快到了,你會跟家人一起去掃墓嗎?還是你們家有其他祭祀祖先的方式呢?(Kids, Tomb Sweeping Day is coming soon, will you go to visit the graves with your family? Or does your family have other ways of showing respect to ancestors?)讓我們來聽聽其他小朋友他們家要怎麼度過清明節。(Let's hear how other children's families will spend Tomb-Sweeping Day.) Jasper:清明時節雨紛紛,路上行人欲斷魂…。(During the days around Tomb Sweeping Day, it rains non-stop. Those peoplewalking on the road are very sad.) Emma:Jasper,你在唸什麼啊?( What are you reading?) Jasper:清明節快到了,我忽然想起Bear老師教過的那首詩「清明」。(Tomb Sweeping Day is coming soon, and I suddenly remembered the poem "Qingming" taught by Teacher Bear.) Emma:喔~我記得那首詩…。(Oh~ I remember that poem….)我懂那種「欲斷魂」的感覺。(I know the feeling of "very sad ".) Jasper:怎麼了?(What's wrong?) Emma:我奶奶幾年前去世了。(My grandma passed away a few years ago.)每次我們去祭拜她的時候,都很傷心,尤其是爺爺。(Every time we go to pay our respects, we feel very sad, especially my grandpa.) Jasper:我懂,爸爸每年帶我們去掃墓的時候,心情也都很沉重。(I understand. Every year when my father takes us to visit the family grave, he feels very heavy-hearted.)不過我們總是一邊掃墓一邊聊起以前的事,就好像爺爺奶奶還跟我們在一起一樣。(But we always talk about the past while sweeping graves, and it’s as if our grandparents are still with us.) Emma:我們家不是去掃墓,我們把奶奶的骨灰放在靈骨塔裡。(Our family doesn’t visit a grave. We placed grandma’s ashes in the columbarium.)爺爺說,他希望將來我們把他的骨灰放在奶奶旁邊。(Grandpa said he hopes we will place his ashes next to grandma in the future.) Jasper:所以你沒掃過墓?(So you never visited a grave?) Emma:嗯~爸爸說,奶奶生前就交代了不要土葬,要火葬。(Well, Dad said that when grandma was alive, she told him she preferred cremation to burial.)一方面土地真的太貴了,一方面,她覺得放在靈骨塔裡比較方便家人祭拜。(For one thing, land is really too expensive, and she felt it was easier for family members to worship in the columbarium.) Jasper:我爸媽也這麼說,(My parents said the same thing.)他們還說不想被放在靈骨塔裡。(And they said they didn’t want to be placed in a columbarium.)所以我爸爸說要樹葬,媽媽說要花葬。他們都說要回歸大自然。(My father said he wanted to be buried under trees and my mother said she wanted to be buried under flowers. They both said they want to return to nature.) Emma:沒想到你父母這麼早就跟你談了這些。(I didn’t expect your parents to talk to you about this so early.) Jasper:嗯~爸爸總是說「人生無常」,(Well, Dad always said, “life is unpredictable”,)早一點把心願說出來比較好。(so it’s better to express your wishes as early as possible.)不過他們每次說這些的時候,我都覺得有點傷心、害怕。(But every time they talk about this, I feel a little sad and scared.) Emma:嗯~我懂,我很怕我愛的人離開我,我也覺得死亡很可怕。(Oh, I understand. I'm afraid that the people I love will leave me, and I also think death is scary.) Jasper:我爸媽總是安慰我不要怕,(My parents always comfort me and tell me not to be afraid.)他們說,就是因為生命總有結束的時候,所以才要把握活著的每一天。(They say that because life will end one day, we should value every moment of life.) Emma:我還是覺得現在想這些太早了,我不要聽。(I still think it’s too early to think about this, and I don’t want to hear it.) Robin:你不要聽什麼?(What don’t you want to hear?) Jasper:Robin,Emma說她不喜歡談死亡這個話題。(Emma’s saying she doesn't like to talk about death.) Robin:我也覺得這個話題對Emma太難了。(I also think this topic is too difficult for Emma.) Emma:為什麼?(Why?) Robin:因為你還是小朋友啊!(Because you are still a kid!) Emma:才不是,(It’s not like that.) 我只是害怕傷心的感覺。(I'm just afraid I’ll feel sad.)而且剛剛Jasper還說他父母死後要樹葬和花葬,聽起來很可怕。(And just now Jasper said that after his parents die, they will be buried under trees or flowers. It sounds very scary.) Robin:哇!你爸媽好酷啊!(Wow! Your parents are so cool!)你呢?你也要跟他們一樣嗎?(And you? Do you want to be like them?) Jasper:Robin!你不要這樣說,我會怕。(Don't say that, I am afraid.) Robin:怕什麼?(What are you afraid of?)你們知道嗎?我不要被埋著,我要海葬!(You know what? I don’t want to be buried, I want my ashes to be scattered in the ocean!)這樣死了以後也能環遊世界。(That way I can travel around the world after I die.) Emma:你不怕死嗎?(Aren't you afraid of death?) Robin:當然怕啊!(Of course I am.)可是我奶奶總是說怕也沒有用,(But my grandma always said that fear is not helpful)所以她鼓勵我好好地想一想要在這一輩子達成哪些目標,(so she encouraged me to think carefully about what goals I want to achieve in this life,)然後努力去完成,這樣要離開世界的那一天才不會後悔。(and then work hard to complete them, so that I won't have regrets when I leave this world.) Jasper:嗯!你奶奶說得很有道理。(What your grandma said makes sense.) Emma:嗯!我現在也比較不怕了。(I’m less afraid now.) Robin:太好了!那~~我們一起努力吧!(Great! Then~~ let’s work hard together!) 小朋友,今天的話題讓你害怕嗎?(Kids, does today’s topic scare you?)其實Bear老師也很怕死亡,(Actually, I am also afraid of dying.)不過,Bear老師現在更怕和心愛的人分開,更怕這輩子一事無成。(However, I am now more afraid of being separated from the one I love, and even more afraid of accomplishing nothing in this life.)但是沒有人能長生不老,我們能怎麼辦呢?(But we can’t live forever, so what can we do?) Bear老師建議你先把每一天都過得充實、快樂,並且珍惜你愛的人,好不好?(I suggest that you live each day to the fullest and be happy, and cherish the ones you love, okay?) 如果,你想鼓勵朋友把握每一天,用英文,你可以怎麼說呢? “Seize the day!” 直接翻譯的意思就是「抓住這一天」。請跟Bear老師再說一次: “Seize the day!” 小朋友,希望你充分利用每一天。(Hope you make the most of every day.)如果你也想了解「清明」這首詩,請聽聽第34集喔。(If you also want to understand the poem "Qingming", please listen to episode 34.) 我們下次見嘍!(See you next time!) -- Hosting provided by SoundOn
城揚建設新推出的「陽明第一廳」 緊鄰三民區的明星學府-陽明國中 46~52坪,每層四戶兩部電梯 最適合有換屋與置產需求的你 讓生活中充滿書香、運動風,滿足食衣住行的消費需求 城揚建設 陽明第一廳 07-384-2888 ----以上訊息由 SoundOn 動態廣告贊助商提供---- Bear老師的故事每個月15號、30號晚間上架。 📃如果需要PDF文字檔或想知道更多關於每集的英語小知識,請追蹤: 🅸🅶:bear.bilingual 𝓕𝓑:Bear老師的中英雙語故事 💝贊助連結: 背景音樂:韋瓦第〈四季交響曲─春〉 Hello, this is Teacher Bear, 我是Bear老師。小朋友,春天到了,所以今天Bear老師要給你們介紹一本跟春天有關的英文繪本。(Spring is here, so today I’m going to introduce to you an English picture book about spring.)讓我們來聽聽吧!(Let’s listen to it!) An English Picture Book “Busy Spring: Nature Wakes Up”/英文繪本《忙碌的春天─萬物甦醒》 Story/故事:Sean Taylor and Alex Morse Illustrator/插畫家:Cinyee Chiu In the winter time, the garden felt quiet and gray. And it looked like it was sleeping. 冬天的花園給人一種安靜、灰暗的感覺。 而且看起來就像是在睡覺。 Then, one morning, Dad was wearing his sweater with a hole in it. That meant it was a good day for going outside to do gardening 然後,有一天早晨,爸爸穿著一件破了洞的毛衣。 這就代表著那天是去花園做園藝的好日子。 And it was! 確實如此! I went. So did my little sister Jasmine. 我去了花園, 我的妹妹茉莉也一起去了。 The yard was bright, and birds were singing, hopping, and pecking. 院子裡光線明亮,鳥兒在歌唱、跳躍、啄食。 A big bee flew by in a hurry. Everything smelled like wet earth and sunshine. 一隻大蜜蜂匆匆飛過。一切聞起來像潮濕的泥土和陽光。 “It's warm!” said Jasmine. 「很溫暖!」 茉莉說。 Dad nodded. “It's spring.” 爸爸點點頭。 「春天到了。」 Dad told us he had digging to do, and we could carry things to the compost heap, then help plant carrots. 爸爸告訴我們他得做挖掘工作,我們可以把東西搬到堆肥上,然後幫忙種植胡蘿蔔。 He said, “Let's see where I left the fork.” 他說:「看看我把叉鏟放在哪裡了。」 “Let's see!” said Jasmine. 「我們來找找!」 茉莉說。 She splashed through a puddle. 她跳過一灘水濺起水花。 Birds flew up and continued chattering in the trees. 鳥兒飛了起來,繼續在樹上嘰嘰喳喳地叫著。 “The birds are all busy!” I said. 「鳥兒們都很忙!」 我說。 Dad told us, “Everything's busy. The plants are busy. The animals are busy. Spring's a busy time.” 爸爸告訴我們:「一切都很忙。 植物很忙。 動物們很忙。 春天是個忙碌的季節。」 Jasmine shouted, “Busy spring!” 茉莉大喊:「忙碌的春天!」 Dad brushed his hand through flowers as tall as Jasmine. 爸爸用手拂過和茉莉一樣高的花朵。 Bees and bugs and flies zoomed out. 蜜蜂、蟲子和蜉蝣迅速飛了出來。 He told us, “The spring sunlight is nature's alarm clock. Life's waking up. Plants are racing to get more light. Some grow high, and then the wind scatters pollen from their flowers. Some paint themselves brilliant colours, to attract insects.” 他告訴我們:「春天的陽光是大自然的鬧鐘。生命正在甦醒。 植物競爭著得到更多光線。 有些長得很高,然後風就把花粉從花上吹散。有些把自己塗成鮮豔的顏色,以吸引昆蟲。」 Jasmine put her face in some flowers. They made her sneeze! 茉莉把臉埋在一些花裡,讓她打了噴嚏! “You're not a bumblebee!” I told her, laughing. 「你不是熊蜂!」 我笑著告訴她。 But she ran around going “bzzz…bzzz…bzzzzzz!” 但她卻跑來跑去,發出聲音「嗡嗡…嗡嗡…嗡嗡嗡!」 Jasmine buzzed around the pond. “There are tadpoles!” she shouted. 茉莉在池塘邊嗡嗡叫著。 「有蝌蚪!」 她喊道。 Dad said, “Did you know, tadpoles turn into butterflies?” 爸爸說:「你知道嗎?蝌蚪會變成蝴蝶。」 I told him, “They turn into FROGS!” 我告訴他:「他們變成青蛙!」 “Oh yes,” laughed Dad. 「哦,是的,」爸爸笑著說。 “That’s right! Frogs make too many babies to count. The fastest and luckiest tadpoles grow big and strong. And when they become frogs, you'll hear them croaking spring songs.” 「沒錯! 青蛙生下多到數不清的寶寶。 最快、最幸運的蝌蚪長得又大又壯。當牠們變成青蛙時,你會聽到牠們呱呱地唱著春天之歌。」 “Can you jump like a frog?” I asked Jasmine. 「你能像青蛙一樣跳嗎?」 我問茉莉。 “No,” she said, “But I can fly like a FLUTTERBYE!” 「不能,」她說,「但我能像蝴蝶一樣飛!」 Jasmine fluttered away and fluttered back. 茉莉飛撲過去又飛撲回來。 Birds swooped, like they were playing too. One stopped on a branch. 鳥兒俯衝而下,就像在玩耍一樣。 其中一隻停在一根樹枝上。 I said, “She's eating a twig!” 我說:「她正在吃一根樹枝!」 “She's not eating it,” said Dad. 「她不是在吃樹枝,」爸爸說。 “There are lots of tasty caterpillars around for her to eat. She's collecting twigs to make a nest. And soon there'll be new born chicks up there.” 「周圍有很多美味的毛毛蟲供她吃。 她正在收集樹枝來築巢。 很快就會有新生的雛鳥在那裡。」 “Cheepy cheepy!” sang Jasmine. “ Cheep cheep cheep!” “啾咇 啾咇!” 茉莉唱著。 「啾啾啾!」 It didn't sound quite like the birds. But it sounded happy, like them. 聽起來不太像鳥兒的叫聲。 但聽起來很開心,就像牠們一樣。 We still hadn't found Dad's fork. It wasn't by the shed… but the hole where the fox lives was. And Jasmine peeped down. 我們還是沒有找到爸爸的叉鏟。 不是在棚子旁邊……不過我們發現了狐狸住的洞。 茉莉也往下偷看。 “Is the fox inside?” I asked. 「狐狸在裡面嗎?」 我問。 Dad nodded. “Yes. And she'll have fox cubs by now.” 爸爸點點頭。 「是的。 她現在已經有了狐狸寶寶了。」 “Little fox cubs!” Jasmine called. “Come and play!” 「狐狸寶寶!」 茉莉叫著。 「來玩啊!」 “They just want to be with their mum for now,” whispered Dad. “But they'll soon be playing games in the spring sunshine.” 「他們現在只想和媽媽在一起,」爸爸低聲說。 「但他們很快就會在春天的陽光下玩遊戲。」 “What games?” I asked. 「什麼遊戲?」 我問。 “Rolling and bouncing!” said Dad. “And chasing and pouncing!” Then he chased us, like we were foxes! 「滾來滾去,蹦蹦跳跳!」 爸爸說。 「還有追來追去,並且撲向對方!」然後他追我們,就像我們是狐狸一樣! I ran behind the compost heap. “Dad!” I shouted. “HERE'S your fork!” 我跑到堆肥後面。 「爸爸!」 我大喊。 「你的叉鏟在這裡!」 Dad came to get it. 爸爸來拿叉鏟。 “Who lives in THERE?”, Jasmine asked. 「誰住在那兒?」茉莉問。 Dad rolled back a log with the fork. “Insects.” He said. 爸爸用叉鏟滾動了一根圓木。「昆蟲。」他說。 There were rushing ants and some woodlice. There were worms. And a shiny beetle. 有匆忙的螞蟻和一些潮蟲。 有蠕蟲。 還有一隻閃亮的甲蟲。 “Those are nature's recyclers,” Dad told us. “They're working hard, eating up all the dead things.” 「這些是大自然的回收者,」爸爸告訴我們。 「他們正在努力工作,吃掉所有死去的東西。」 I spotted a caterpillar next to the compost heap. “Look!” I pointed. 我在堆肥旁邊發現了一隻毛毛蟲。 「看!」 我指著。 “Spring's all around us!” smiled Dad. 「春天就在我們身邊!」 爸爸微笑著。 “Everything's growing, feeding and making new life. That caterpillar was an egg a few days ago. Now she's eating and eating. Next, she'll wrap herself up in a cocoon. Then she'll change into a butterfly and find a mate. 「一切都在生長、滋養並創造新的生命。 幾天前,那條毛毛蟲還是一顆蛋。 現在她正在吃啊吃啊。 接下來,她會將自己包裹在繭中。 然後她會變成蝴蝶並且找到伴侶。」 “Yes!” I said. “Tadpoles become frogs!” “And caterpillars become butterflies!” 「是的!」 我說。 「蝌蚪變成青蛙!」「 毛毛蟲變成蝴蝶!」 Dad looked at Jasmine and asked, “Can you become a butterfly again?” 爸爸看著茉莉問:「你還能變成蝴蝶嗎?」 “No”, she said. “But I can become a FROG!” And off she hopped! 「不」,她說。 「但我能變成一隻青蛙!」 然後她蹦跳了起來! “It might rain in a bit,” called Dad. “And we came out to do something else, didn't we?” 「一會兒可能會下雨。」爸爸說。 「我們是出來做某事的,對吧?」 “Digging,” I said. 「挖呀挖,」我說。 “And planting carrots!” Jasmine told him. 「還有種胡蘿蔔!」 茉莉告訴他。 “That's right,” said Dad. “Come on.” 「沒錯,」爸爸說。 「快動手吧。」 So we did. Birds sang along. Petals came dancing down. And we got busy. 所以我們開始挖呀挖。 鳥兒們一起唱歌。 花瓣飛舞落下。 而我們忙了起來。 小朋友,春天是不是充滿了生命力呢?你是不是也感覺到充滿活力,並且為新的一年做好了準備呢? Spring is full of vitality, isn’t it? Are you feeling energized and ready for the new year? 如果你已經做好了準備,用英文你可以說: “I am ready.” 意思是「我準備好了!」請跟Bear老師再說一次: “I am ready.” 小朋友,你喜歡春天嗎?如果想知道四季的英文怎麼說,請聽聽第23集喔! Do you like spring? If you want to know how to say four seasons in English, please listen to Episode 23. 我們下次見嘍!See you next time! -- Hosting provided by SoundOn
本集節目由「夢の花屋—草本花道/JR Floral Boutique」贊助播出。 官網: FB:搜尋「草本花道」 LineID:@517rduyh Bear老師的故事每個月15號、30號晚上8:00上架。 📃如果需要PDF文字檔或想知道更多關於每集的英語小知識,請追蹤: 🅸🅶:bear.bilingual 𝓕𝓑:Bear老師的中英雙語故事 💝贊助連結: 背景音樂:「花正在開/花は咲く」村治佳織古典吉他演奏 Hello, this is teacher Bear,我是Bear老師。 本集節目由「夢の花屋—草本花道」贊助播出。(This episode is sponsored by the dream flower house "JR Floral Boutique".)這是一間溫暖又美麗的花店喔。(This is a warm and beautiful flower shop.) 小朋友,中國新年期間,你去拜訪了哪些人呢?(Who did you visit during the Chinese New Year?)去拜訪的時候,你帶了什麼禮物呢?(What gifts did you bring when you visited?)你相不相信有的小禮物能帶來大大的改變呢?(Do you believe that some small gifts can bring about big changes?)讓我們來聽聽其他小朋友的經驗。(Let’s hear about other children’s experiences.) Amy:Jasper,謝謝你陪我一起去探望Vivian奶奶。(Thank you for coming with me to visit Grandma Vivian.) Jasper:不客氣,我也很想去探望她。(You're welcome, I'd love to visit her too.) Amy:其實,我有點怕一個人去。(Actually, I'm a little afraid of going alone.)她家很昏暗,而且,有點亂。(Her house is very dark and a bit untidy.) Jasper:我知道。(I know.)我覺得那是因為Vivian奶奶還沒走出悲傷。(I think that's because Grandma Vivian hasn't gotten over her sadness yet.) Amy:一定很痛苦吧!(It must be painful!)唯一的家人走了,換作是我,一定不知道該怎麼辦。(The last of her family is gone. If it were me, I would not know what to do.) Jasper:我也是。(Me too.)孤單的感覺很可怕。(To be lonely is terrible.) Amy:我好希望她快點走出悲傷,再來我們學校當志工。(I really hope she can get over her grief quickly and come back to volunteer in our school.) Jasper:對啊!我也好想念她在圖書館給我們讀繪本的樣子。(Yes! I miss her reading picture books to us in the library.) Amy:到了到了。我們要開心點。(We are here. We need to cheer up a bit.) Jasper:嗯~~( Yes~~) Amy、Jasper:Vivian奶奶。(Grandma Vivian.) Vivian奶奶:歡迎歡迎,請進請進。(Welcome, please come in.) Amy、Jasper:謝謝。(Thank you.) Amy:哇!Vivian奶奶,你家…你家不一樣了!(Wow! Grandma Vivian, your house…your house is different!) Jasper:是啊!你家…你家好明亮啊。而且…而且…(Yes! Your house…your house is so bright. And…and…) Vivian奶奶:而且不亂了,是嗎?(And it’s not messy anymore, right?) Jasper:沒有沒有,我們不是那個意思。(No, no, that's not what we meant.) Vivian奶奶:沒關係,我知道。(That’s okay, I know.)我也很喜歡我家現在的樣子。(I also like the way my house looks now.) Amy:是誰來幫你整理的?(Who came to help you organize it?) Vivian奶奶:這一切啊,都要從朋友送給我的一束花說起。(It all started with a bouquet of flowers given to me by a friend.)你看,就在那個花瓶裡。(See there in that vase.) Jasper:哇!好美,看了心情真好。(Wow! So beautiful, it’s really so cheerful to see.) Vivian奶奶:是啊!為了放那束花,我把多年前我先生送給我的花瓶找了出來。(Yes! I found the vase that my husband gave me many years ago to arrange the bouquet.) Amy:他很愛花嗎?(Did he love flowers?) Vivian奶奶:是啊,他總是買花送給我。(Yes, he always used to buy flowers for me.)他總是說擁有生活樂趣很重要。(He always said that it’s very important to have joie de vivre.) Jasper:所以你為了放那束花,把那張桌子清乾淨了?(So you cleaned that table to put that bouquet of flowers?) Vivian奶奶:是啊!不但把那張桌子清乾淨了,為了看清楚那束花,我還裝了新燈泡。 (Yes! I didn’t just clean the table, I also installed new light bulbs so I could see the flowers properly.) 看清楚以後,我發現我該打掃了屋子了。(Then, when I could see clearly, I realized it was time for me to clean the house.) Amy:你還換了新窗簾!(You also got new curtains!) Vivian奶奶:是啊,我把多年沒用的縫紉機拿出來用,自己做了新窗簾。(Yes, I took out the sewing machine that I hadn’t used all these years, and made new curtains for myself.)你看,我還自己做了新的桌巾。(Look, I made new tablecloths by myself too.)喔,對了。這兩個我自己做的零錢包送給你們。(Oh, right, these are for you - two coin purses I made.) Amy、Jasper:謝謝Vivian奶奶。(Thank you, Grandma Vivian.) Amy:真不好意思,我們不但沒帶禮物來,還收了你的禮物。(We feel really sorry. We’re just receiving your gifts but didn’t bring anything for you.) Vivian奶奶:哪裡的話!(Don’t say that.)你們來看我,送給我你們寶貴的時間,這是最棒的禮物。(You came to see me and spend precious time with me. This is the greatest gift.) Jasper:Vivian奶奶,我們學校的小朋友都很想念你。(Grandma Vivian, the children in our school miss you very much.) Amy:是啊,以前下課後常到圖書館聽你說故事。(Yes, I used to go to the library after class to listen to you tell stories.)你還會再回來嗎?(Will you come back again?) Vivian奶奶:會的會的,我最近覺得好多了。(Yes, yes, I feel much better recently.)我想,是時候走出去了。(I think it’s time to go out.)喔!對了,我給你們做了小點心,我去廚房把它們拿出來,我們邊吃邊聊。(Oh! By the way, I made some snacks for you. I will go to fetch them from the kitchen and then we can chat while eating.) Amy:好,我們幫你一起拿!(OK, let’s help you.) Vivian奶奶:謝謝!(Thank you!) Amy、Jasper:不客氣!(You’re welcome!) 小朋友,去年Bear老師心愛的狗狗過世了,我悲傷了好一陣子,家裡也亂糟糟的,無心打理。(My beloved dog passed away last year. I was sad for quite a while. My house was in a mess and I had no motivation to take care of it.)後來,也是從一盆花開始,Bear老師一點一點地在生活環境上做一些改變。(Later, starting from a pot of flowers, I made changes little by little in my surroundings.) 過去的事,我們已經無能為力了,但是未來掌握在自己手裡喔。(We can't do anything about the past, but the future is in our own hands.) 如果,你也想鼓勵朋友掌握未來,用英文,你可以怎麼說呢? “The future is in your hands.” 意思是「未來掌握在你手裡」。請跟Bear老師再說一次: “The future is in your hands.” 小朋友,Bear老師祝你新的一年光明燦爛。(I wish you a bright new year.)如果,你還有放不下的煩惱或悲傷,Bear老師希望你找一個辦法讓自己走出來。(If you still have troubles or sadness that you can't let it go, I hope that you will find a way to get past it.)可能是讀一本書、學一個新的興趣或是完成一個新目標。(It may be reading a book, learning a new interest, or completing a new goal.)許多生活中的小改變都能帶來大大的影響喔。(Many small changes in life can have a big impact.) 我們下次見嘍(See you next time)! -- Hosting provided by SoundOn
Bear老師的故事每個月15號、30號晚上8:00上架。雖然間隔時間較長,但如此才能兼顧生活品質與錄音品質,細水長流地陪伴大家喔。 📃如果需要PDF文字檔或想知道更多關於每集的英語小知識,請追蹤: 🅸🅶:bear.bilingual 𝓕𝓑:Bear老師的中英雙語故事 ( 💝贊助連結: 特別感謝:今年1月28日Bear老師收到了Axxxx的贊助,是Bear老師的第一筆聽眾贊助喔。特別感動的是您留下的文字,謝謝您看到了Bear老師的用心,也讓我知道持續製作這個節目是有意義的。藉此機會也謝謝其他聽眾的留言鼓勵與回饋。感謝收聽、分享,讓Bear老師有機會做這樣有意義的事。知識就是力量,一起努力、成長。 片頭、片尾【婷婷唱古文《生查子•元夕》】: 婷婷姊姊製作了一系列適合孩子聽的說唱古文節目,歡迎一同欣賞、學習。 背景音樂【劉泳嘉二胡版《青玉案•元夕》】: Hello, this is teacher Bear. 我是Bear老師。小朋友,西洋情人節剛過,你感受到浪漫的氣氛了嗎?(Valentine's Day has just passed, do you feel the romantic atmosphere?)接下來就是農曆一月十五號華人的元宵節,你打算去燈會欣賞花燈嗎?(Next is the Chinese Lantern Festival on January 15th of the lunar calendar. Do you plan to go to the festival to enjoy the lanterns?) 今天,Bear老師想給你們介紹一首大約一千年前跟情人、燈會有關的宋詞〈生查子──元夕〉,(Today, I would like to introduce to you a lyric from the Song Dynasty about 1,000 years ago, “Shēngzhāzǐ──Yuánxì”, which is about lovers and lantern festivals.) 作者是宋朝鼎鼎大名的文學家歐陽修。(The author is Ōuyáng Xiū, a very famous Song Dynasty poet and writer.) 〈生查子〉是曲調的名字 ("Shēngzhāzǐ " is the name of the tune.)。歐陽修為這首曲調寫了新的歌詞,並取名叫「元夕」。(Ōuyáng Xiū wrote new lyrics for this tune and named it "Yuánxì".) 從前的宋詞都配上了音樂,但是因為過了太久了,所以沒有人知道怎麼唱了,只留下美麗的文字讓我們欣賞。(In the past, Song Dynasty lyrics were set to music, but because so much time has passed, no one knows how to sing them anymore, leaving only beautiful words for us to appreciate.)不過,有些人為一些宋詞配上了新的音樂,所以,有的宋詞我們又能唱嘍。(However, some people wrote new music for some Song Dynasty lyrics, therefore, we can sing them again.) 「元夕」的意思就是「農曆年第一個月圓的夜晚」,("Yuánxì " means "the night of the first full moon of the lunar year",)也就是「農曆一月十五日的夜晚」,(that is, "the night of the 15th day of the first lunar month",)跟「元宵」是一樣的意思喔。(which has the same meaning as " Yuánxiāo".)所以農曆的一月十五日也叫「元宵節」。(Therefore, the 15th day of the first lunar month is also called "Yuánxiāo Festival".)至於為什麼也叫「燈節」,請聽聽第二十九集喔!(As for why it is also called “Lantern Festival”, please listen to the episode 29!) 現在,讓Bear老師來為你們讀這首詞:(Now, let me read this lyric for you:) 去年元夜時,花市燈如晝。月上柳梢頭,人約黃昏後。 今年元夜時,月與燈依舊。不見去年人,淚溼春衫袖。 現在讓Bear老師一句一句地給你們解釋:(Now let me explain it to you sentence by sentence :) 去年元夜時,花市燈如晝。 意思是:去年的元宵節,花市裡的燈會,亮得跟白天一樣。 At last year's Lantern Festival, the flower market was as bright as the daytime because of the lanterns. 月上柳梢頭,人約黃昏後。 意思是:我跟她約好了在黃昏以後,月亮爬到了柳樹枝頭上的時候見面。 I made an appointment with her to meet after dusk, when the moon climbed over the willow branches. 今年元夜時,月與燈依舊。 意思是:今年又到了元宵節的夜晚,月亮和花燈還是一樣美麗。 It’s the night of the Lantern Festival again this year, and the moon and lanterns are still as beautiful as last year. 不見去年人,淚溼春衫袖。 意思是:可是去年跟我在燈會見面的那個人已經不在了,讓我忍不住哭了起來,袖子因為擦眼淚都濕了。 But the person I met at the lantern festival last year is no longer there, and I cry uncontrollably. My sleeves are wet from wiping my tears. 這裡的「春衫」,意思不是「春天的衣服」,而是「年輕人穿的衣服」。(The "chūn shān" here doesn’t mean "spring clothes", but "clothes for young people".)這首詞寫的正是歐陽修年輕時候的回憶。(This lyric is about Ōuyáng Xiū's memories of when he was young.) 這首詞是歐陽修為了懷念他過世的妻子所寫的。(This lyric was written by Ōuyáng Xiū in memory of his deceased wife.)雖然是作者寫給妻子的,但這首詞卻讓Bear老師想起了童年時的回憶。(Although it was written to the author’s wife, it reminded me of my childhood memories.)小時候,Bear老師也會跟爺爺一起逛燈會,但是Bear老師的爺爺已經過世很多年了,因此,雖然現在每年的元宵節都依然有燈會,卻已經沒有爺爺陪我一起逛了。(When I was a child, I went to the lantern festival with my grandfather. However, my grandfather passed away many years ago. Therefore, although there are still lantern festivals every year, my grandfather no longer goes with me. ) 小朋友,你還小,所以大部分你愛的人都還在你的身邊,可是這並不是永遠的,因此,要珍惜與他們相處的每一刻。(Kids, you are still young, so most of the people you love are still with you, but this is not forever, so you must cherish every moment with them.) 請跟Bear老師再把這首詞念一次:(Please read this lyric with me again:) 去年元夜時,花市燈如晝。月上柳梢頭,人約黃昏後。 今年元夜時,月與燈依舊。不見去年人,淚溼春衫袖。 你記住了嗎(Do you remember it already)?如果還沒,別擔心(If not, don’t worry)。多念幾次,你就會記住了(You will remember it if you read it more)。 小朋友,如果你想說「這真是美好的回憶」,用英文,可以怎麼說呢? “What a beautiful memory!” 意思是「多麼美好的回憶啊!」請跟Bear老師再說一次: “What a beautiful memory!” 今年的燈會,希望你能跟家人一起好好地欣賞,留下永恆的美好回憶。(I hope you can enjoy this year's lantern festival with your family and have lasting, beautiful memories.) 我們下次見嘍(See you next time)! -- Hosting provided by SoundOn
城揚建設新推出的「陽明第一廳」 緊鄰三民區的明星學府-陽明國中 46~52坪,每層四戶兩部電梯 最適合有換屋與置產需求的你 讓生活中充滿書香、運動風,滿足食衣住行的消費需求 城揚建設 陽明第一廳 07-384-2888 ----以上訊息由 SoundOn 動態廣告贊助商提供---- Bear老師的故事每個月15號、30號晚上8:00上架。雖然間隔時間較長,但如此才能兼顧生活品質與錄音品質,細水長流地陪伴大家喔。 📃如果需要PDF文字檔或想知道更多關於每集的英語小知識,請追蹤: 🅸🅶:bear.bilingual 𝓕𝓑:Bear老師的中英雙語故事 ( 💝贊助連結: 背景音樂: Hello, this is Teacher Bear, 我是Bear老師。小朋友,中國新快到了。(The Chinese New Year is coming soon.)你知道代表今年的生肖是哪一個動物嗎?(Do you know how this year is represented in the Chinese zodiac?)今年是龍年。(This year is the Year of the Dragon.)你知道十二生肖是哪十二種動物嗎?(Do you know what are the twelve animals?)你知道每一種動物代表什麼意義嗎?(Do you know what each animal represents?) 十二生肖分別是鼠、牛、虎、兔、龍、蛇、馬、羊、猴、雞、狗、豬。(The twelve zodiac animals are Rat, Ox, Tiger, Rabbit, Dragon, Snake, Horse, Sheep, Monkey, Rooster, Dog, and Pig.)每兩種動物是一個互補的組合,每個組合都有一個特別的意義。(Pairs of animals are complementary, and each combination has a special meaning.) 第一組是鼠和牛。(The first pair is the Rat and the Ox.) 我是老鼠,我很聰明。(I am a rat, I am smart.)我是牛,我很勤勞。(I am an ox, I am diligent.)如果你只有聰明的頭腦,可是不勤勞,那麼就只是「耍小聰明」,什麼大事也做不了。(If you only have a smart brain but are not diligent, then you are just "playing smart" and can't accomplish anything big.)如果你光勤勞卻不動動你的頭腦,那麼一定事倍功半,沒有效率。(If you are diligent but don't use your brain, you will get half the result with twice the effort and be inefficient.) 小朋友,想要達到目標,你不但要勤勞,還要動動你的頭腦喔。(Kids, if you want to achieve your goals, you not only have to be diligent, but you also have to use your brain.) 第二組是虎和兔。(The second pair is the Tiger and the Rabbit.) 我是老虎,我很勇敢。(I am a tiger, I am brave.)我是兔子,我很謹慎。(I am a rabbit, I am cautious.)如果你很勇敢,可是卻不謹慎,那麼就是魯莽,魯莽的人容易犯錯。(If you are brave but not cautious, then you are reckless. Reckless people are prone to making mistakes.)可是如果你太謹慎,什麼事都不敢放手去做,那麼就是膽小。(But if you are too cautious and dare not do anything, then you are timid.) 小朋友,你一定要又勇敢又謹慎,膽大心細,才能創新喔。(Kids, you must be brave and cautious, fearless and careful in order to innovate.) 第三組是龍和蛇。(The third pair is the Dragon and the Snake.) 我是一條龍,我很剛強。(I am a dragon, I am strong.)我是一條蛇,我很柔軟。(I am a snake, I am soft.)如果太剛強就容易被折斷;就好像在颱風當中,樹容易被吹倒,可是小草卻不會,因為小草特別柔軟。(If something is too unyielding, it will be easily broken; just like in a typhoon, a tree will be easily blown down, but the grass will not, because the grass is very soft.)但是,太柔軟的人沒有主見,就容易被別人牽著鼻子走。(However, people who are too soft have no independent opinions and are easily led by others.) 小朋友,可見,我們做人要剛柔並濟,才不會太固執或太軟弱喔。(Kids, so we can see that we need to be both strong and soft in life, so as not to be too stubborn or too weak.) 第四組是馬和羊。(The fourth pair is the Horse and the Sheep.) 我是馬,我總是往前衝。(I am a horse, I always rush forward.)我是羊,我總是合群。(I am a sheep, I always cooperate with others.)如果一個人只顧著往前衝而不顧旁人的感受,那一定會跟人發生衝突。(If a person only cares about moving forward and ignores the feelings of others, he will surely conflict with others.)但是如果只顧著配合他人,那就會失去自己的目標和方向。(But if you only focus on cooperating with others, you will lose your own goals and direction.) 小朋友,所以我們勇敢往前衝的同時,也要適時地停下來關心別人的需要。(Kids, so while we rush forward bravely, we must also stop and care about the needs of others at the right time.)要不然即使你達成了夢想,卻失去了家人、朋友,那麼你會快樂嗎?(Otherwise, even if you achieve your dream, but lose your family and friends, will you be happy?) 第五組是猴和雞。(The fifth pair is the Monkey and the Rooster.) 我是猴子,我很靈活。(I am a monkey, I am flexible.)我是雞,我很穩定。(I am a rooster, I am stable.)如果一個人能夠又靈活又穩定,那麼不但能夠隨機應變,(If a person can be flexible and stable, he will not only be able to adapt to changes,)還能持之以恆喔。(but also persevere.) 小朋友,不管做什麼事,一定要有恆心,並且根據情況修改你的方法,這樣才會成功喔。(Kids, no matter what you do, you must have perseverance and modify your methods according to the situation, so that you will succeed.) 第六組是狗和豬。(The sixth pair is the Dog and the Pig.) 我是狗,我很忠誠。(I am a dog, I am loyal.)我是豬,我很隨和。(I am a pig, I am easy-going.)如果一個人能夠又忠誠又隨和,那麼就不但能交到知心的好朋友,(If a person can be loyal and easy-going, he will not only make close friends,)也能多認識新朋友喔。(but also make more new friends.) 小朋友,人際關係是很重要的,你需要能和你談心的親密朋友,也需要能幫助你開開眼界的新朋友。(Kids, interpersonal relationships are very important. You need close friends who can talk to you, and you also need new friends who can help you broaden your horizons.)朋友能幫助你在人生的路上不寂寞喔。(Friends can help you to not be lonely on the road of life.) 現在,你知道為什麼華人選擇這十二種動物了吧!(Now you know why the Chinese chose these twelve animals!)你覺得有道理嗎?(Do you think it makes sense?)如果有不懂的部分,記得要問問師長喔!(If there is anything you don’t understand, remember to ask your teachers and parents!) 如果你想問別人屬什麼生肖,用英文你可以怎麼說呢? “What is your Chinese zodiac animal?” 意思是「你屬什麼生肖?」 請跟Bear老師再說一次: “What is your Chinese zodiac animal?” 小朋友,如果你想知道更多有關十二生肖的英文和知識,請聽聽第二十八集喔! If you want to know more English and knowledge about the twelve zodiac animals, please listen to episode 28! 祝你農曆新年快樂!龍年行大運! Wish you a happy Chinese New Year! Good luck in the Year of the Dragon! 我們下次見嘍!(See you next time!) -- Hosting provided by SoundOn
城揚建設新推出的「陽明第一廳」 緊鄰三民區的明星學府-陽明國中 46~52坪,每層四戶兩部電梯 最適合有換屋與置產需求的你 讓生活中充滿書香、運動風,滿足食衣住行的消費需求 城揚建設 陽明第一廳 07-384-2888 ----以上訊息由 SoundOn 動態廣告贊助商提供---- Bear老師的故事每個月15號、30號晚上8:00上架。雖然間隔時間較長,但如此才能兼顧生活品質與錄音品質,細水長流地陪伴大家喔。 📃如果需要PDF文字檔或想知道更多關於每集的英語小知識,請追蹤: 🅸🅶:bear.bilingual 𝓕𝓑:Bear老師的中英雙語故事 ( 💝贊助連結: 🧸如果家長您手頭方便也願意贊助,Bear老師感謝您的支持。 本集背景音樂: Hello, this is Teacher Bear,我是Bear老師。小朋友,今天Bear老師想給你們介紹一本日文繪本《きみにありがとうのおくりもの》,意思是「送給你一份感謝的禮物」。(Today I would like to introduce to you a Japanese picture book《きみにありがとうのおくりもの》. The Japanese title means “give you a gift of gratitude”.)不過,臺灣的出版社給這本繪本取了一個新的中文名字「有你多麼幸福」。(However, the Taiwanese publisher gave it a new Chinese name – “Having you around makes me so happy”.)因為Bear老師的日文還不夠好,所以Bear老師讀的是中文譯本,然後,Bear老師再把這個故事翻譯成英文給你們聽。(My Japanese is not good enough, so I will read the Chinese translation, and then translate the story into English for you.)現在,我們來聽聽這個故事嘍!(Now, let’s hear the story!) 日文繪本《有你多麼幸福》/ a Japanese picture book “Having you around makes me so happy” 作者:宮野聰子 / Author:みやのさとこ 中文翻譯:游珮芸 / Chinese translator You Pei-yun 森林的角落有一個大洞穴,大熊和小松鼠相親相愛的在那裡生活。 In the corner of the forest is a big cave, where two dear friends, big bear and little squirrel, live together. 每天早上小松鼠一起床,就開始打掃、洗衣服,然後做早餐。 Every morning when little squirrel gets up, he starts cleaning, washing clothes, and making breakfast. 大熊伸了個懶腰慢吞吞的以床後,就悠閒地在院子裡散步,然後為青菜和花朵澆水。 Big bear gets out of bed slowly, stretches, and takes a walk in the garden, where he waters the vegetables and flowers. 小松鼠也好喜歡慢吞吞的大熊,大熊也好喜歡充滿活力的小松鼠。 Little squirrel likes the big slow bear so much, and big bear also likes the energetic little squirrel very much. 有一天,小松鼠看著大熊,心裡想著……因為有大熊的細心照料,庭院裡才有這麼多美麗的花朵和好吃的青菜。 One day, as the little squirrel was watching the big bear, and thought to himself: it’s because of big bear’s care that we have so many beautiful flowers and delicious vegetables in the garden. 大熊也看著小松鼠,心裡想著……因為有小松鼠勤奮的清洗,家裡才有太陽味道的床單和柔軟蓬鬆的毛巾。 The big bear also looked at the squirrel, and thought: because of little squirrel’s careful cleaning, the house has sheets that smell of sunshine and soft fluffy towels. 溫暖的午後,兩個好朋友一起出門散步。 One warm afternoon, the two good friends went out for a walk together. 「大熊,我找到好多你喜歡的蘑菇喔!」 "Big Bear, I found a lot of those mushrooms you like!" 「這邊也有很多小松鼠喜歡的草莓呢!」 “Over here there are also a lot of little squirrel’s favourite strawberries!” 小松鼠一邊想著大熊,一邊摘蘑菇。 「大熊會不會很開心呢?」 Little squirrel picked mushrooms while thinking about big bear. "I wonder if big bear will be very happy?" 大熊也一邊想著小松鼠,一邊摘草莓。「小松鼠一定會很高興吧!」 Big bear also picked strawberries while thinking about little squirrel. "Little squirrel will definitely be very happy!" 摘完蘑菇和草莓後,他們來到小河邊清洗。 After picking mushrooms and strawberries, they went to the river to wash. 「水好冰啊!」小松鼠說。 "The water is so cold!" said the little squirrel. 「不要緊吧?我們到草原上曬太陽。」大熊說。 "Are you alright? – let's go to sunbathe on the grass," Big Bear said. 「哇!大熊的肚子暖呼呼的!」 "Wow! Big bear's belly is so warm!" 「怎麼樣?是不是暖和了呢?」 “How’s that? You feel warmer now?” 「嗯,好溫暖,謝謝。」 “Oh, it’s so warm. Thank you.” 小松鼠為了感謝大熊,做了一頂花冠送給他。 To thank the big bear, little squirrel made a flower crown and gave it to him. 「呵呵,有點癢癢的。」 “Haha, it tickles” 「好看嗎?大熊,你喜歡嗎?」 “Does it look good? Do you like it?” 「嗯,很喜歡,謝謝。」 “Oh, I like it very much, thank you” 回到家後,他們一起準備晚餐。 When they got home, they prepared dinner together. 今天的餐點是磨菇煎蛋和草莓果醬麵包。 Today’s meal is mushroom omelette, and bread with strawberry jam. 吃晚餐時,大熊對小松鼠說:「小松鼠,謝謝你為我做的一切。」 During dinner, big bear said to little squirrel, "Thank you for everything you have done for me, little squirrel." 小松鼠睜大眼睛問:「怎麼了?為什麼忽然這麼說?」 Surprised, little squirrel asked, "What's wrong? Why did you say that?" 「我一直在想,乾淨的房間、有太陽味道的床單、好吃的早餐,還有花冠……全都讓我覺得好幸福喔!("I keep thinking that the clean room, the sheets that smell like the sun, the delicious breakfast, and the flower crowns… it all makes me feel so content!)『謝謝』一定是在感到幸福的時候才會說的話吧!("Thank you" must be the thing people want to say only when they feel content.”)」 聽到大熊這麼說,小松鼠也說(Hearing big bear say this, the little squirrel replied:):「我也一樣!(Me too!)因為有大熊,庭院裡才會有美麗的花朵和好吃的青菜;(Because of big bear, there are beautiful flowers and delicious vegetables in the garden;)餐桌上才會有整齊的碗盤和杯子。(there are neat bowls, plates and cups on the table.)而且你還溫暖了我的手!(And you keep my hands warm!)我很喜歡你為我做的一切,謝謝你為我做的所有事!(I love all the things you do for me, thank you for everything!)」 到了該睡覺的時間。 It’s time to sleep. 小松鼠一邊打哈欠,一邊說:(The little squirrel yawned and said,)「哇!像這樣跟你一起睡覺,是我最幸福的時候唷!(Wow! Sleeping with you like this is the happiest time for me!)大熊,今天也是,謝謝你所做的一切。(Big Bear, today I feel the same, thank you for everything you did.)晚安…(Good night…)」 小松鼠睡著了,發出呼嚕呼嚕的鼻息聲。大熊輕聲的說:(The little squirrel fell asleep and snored. Big Bear said softly:)「晚安。(Good night.)看著你睡著的臉龐,是我最幸福時候。(To see your face while you sleep is the happiest time for me.)謝謝你,一直在我身邊。(Thank you for always being by my side.)」 那天晚上,小松鼠和大熊都沉浸在幸福的感覺裡睡著了。 So that night, big bear and little squirrel fell asleep full of contentment. 小朋友,你覺得幸福嗎?(Do you feel happy?)如果覺得幸福,你想感謝誰呢?(If you feel happy, who would you like to thank?)如果不幸福,你覺得應該怎麼辦呢?(If you are not happy, what do you think you should do?)Bear老師建議你,記錄下每天完成的事,並且想一想是誰幫你完成的。(I suggest you can record what you achieved every day and think about who helped you achieve it.)比如說,你平安 地抵達了學校,你可以感謝路上指揮交通的警察;(For example, if you arrive at school safely, you can thank the police who directed traffic on the road;)你吃完了午飯,感謝為你準備食物的廚師;(after you finish lunch, thank the chef who prepared the food for you;)洗完了澡,感謝父母為你準備了溫暖的水。 (after you take a shower, thank your parents for providing warm water for you.)Bear老師知道,世界並不 公平,總有讓你羨慕的人。(I know that the world is not fair and there are always people you might envy.) 但是Bear老師知道幸福的秘訣就是:珍惜你所擁有的。(But I know that the secret to happiness is: cherish what you have.) 如果,你想感謝某個人為你所做的一切,用英文,你可以怎麼說呢? “Thank you for everything you have done for me.” 意思是「謝謝你為我所做的一切」。請跟Bear老師再說一次: “Thank you for everything you have done for me.” 小朋友,新的一年,Bear老師也謝謝你的陪伴。祝你幸福喔! This new year, I also appreciate your company. Wish you happiness! 我們下次見嘍!(See you next time!) -- Hosting provided by SoundOn
Bear老師的故事每個月15號、30號晚上8:00上架。雖然間隔時間較長,但如此才能兼顧生活品質與錄音品質,細水長流地陪伴大家喔。 📃如果需要PDF文字檔或想知道更多關於每集的英語小知識,請追蹤: 🅸🅶:bear.bilingual 𝓕𝓑:Bear老師的中英雙語故事 ( 💝贊助連結: 🧸如果家長您手頭方便也願意贊助,Bear老師感謝您的支持。 本集背景音樂: Hello, this is Teacher Bear. 我是Bear老師。小朋友,聖誕節剛過,你收到了什麼禮物呢?(Christmas is just over, what gift did you receive?)你喜歡你的禮物嗎?(Do you like your gift?)有的禮物,雖然不貴重,但卻是無價的,你收過這樣的禮物嗎?(There are some gifts which are not expensive, but are priceless. Have you ever received such a gift?)讓我們來聽聽其他小朋友收到了什麼禮物。(Let's hear what gifts other children received.) Amy:聖誕節你們收到了什麼禮物?(What gifts did you get for Christmas?)我收到了一件我很喜歡的毛衣。(I got a sweater that I like very much.) Robin:我收到了一輛腳踏車。(I got a bicycle.) Emma:哇!聖誕老公公對你好大方,我只收到了一雙手套。(Wow! Santa Claus is so generous to you, I only got a pair of gloves.) Robin:是我爸媽送的。(It was a gift from my parents.) 你不會真的相信有聖誕老公公吧? (You don’t really believe there’s a Santa Claus, do you?) Emma:我寧願相信有。(I would rather believe there is.) Amy:欸,Jasper呢?(Hey, where is Jasper?) Emma:我剛剛碰到他,他看起來好像不太開心。(I just ran into him and he didn't look happy.) Robin:對啊,這幾天大家都在談收到了什麼聖誕禮物,可是他好像什麼都沒收到。(Right, everyone has been talking about what gifts they got for Christmas, but it seems he didn’t get anything.) Amy:新冠疫情的時候,他爸爸開的餐廳收起來了,所以這幾年他家的情況不太好。(During the COVID-19 epidemic, his father’s restaurant was closed down, so his family’s situation has not been very good the last few years.)好像去年他也沒收到禮物。(It seems like he didn't receive a gift last year either.) Emma:我們來假扮聖誕老公公送他禮物 !(Let’s pretend to be Santa Claus and give him a gift!) Robin:可是聖誕節已經過了。(But Christmas is already over.) Amy:沒關係,我來想辦法。(It doesn't matter, I'll figure it out.) 啊!我家到了。我晚上再打電話告訴你們。(Ah! This is my house already. I'll call you this evening to tell you.) Robin、Emma:嗯!我們晚上談談。(Let's talk this evening then.) ********************************************************************************************************* Amy:Jasper,最近怎麼樣?(How are you lately? ) Jasper:你們相信嗎?昨天聖誕老公公在我的抽屜裡留了一個禮物和一張卡片。(Well, can you believe this? Yesterday Santa Claus left a gift and a card in my drawer.)卡片上他跟我道歉。(In the card, he apologized to me.)他說聖誕夜那晚,他送禮物送著送著,忽然肚子痛,所以只好先回家了。因此今天才送禮物給我。(He said that on Christmas Eve, while delivering gifts, he suddenly had a stomachache and had to go home first. So he just gave me my gift today.) Robin:哇!真的嗎?聖誕老公公真的很在乎你。 (Wow! Really? Santa Claus really cares about you.) Emma:是啊!他還特地送禮物來學校給你。(Yes! He specially brought the gift to school for you.) Jasper:我真的很感動。(I’m really touched.)他知道我在努力學英文,所以送給我一本英文文法書。我很喜歡。(He knew that I’m learning English very seriously, so he gave me an English grammar book. I like it so much.) Amy:我很開心你喜歡這個禮物。(I'm glad you like this gift.) Emma:我們本來很擔心你會因為今年沒收到禮物而失望,現在放心了。(We were worried that you’d be disappointed not to receive a gift this year, but now we’re relieved.) Jasper:其實,你們一點都不必擔心。(Well, you really don’t need to worry.) Robin:為什麼?(Why?) Jasper:因為我已經擁有最棒的禮物了。(Because I already have the greatest gift.) Amy:那是什麼?(What’s that?) Jasper:就是你們啊!(It’s you guys!) 小朋友,對你來說,最棒的禮物是什麼呢?(What is the greatest gift for you?)希望你也能擁有最棒的禮物。(I hope you also have the greatest gift.) 還有,當你要送別人禮物的時候,用英文你可以說 “I got you something. I hope you like it.” 意思是「我有一個東西要給你,希望你喜歡。」 請跟Bear老師再說一次: “I got you something. I hope you like it.” 小朋友,不管你今年有沒有收到聖誕禮物,不管你今年過得如何,都希望你擁有一個嶄新的一年。(Whether you received a Christmas gift this year or not, no matter how your year went, I hope you have a super new year.) 祝你2024年新年快樂! (Happy New Year 2024!) 我們下次見嘍(See you next time)! -- Hosting provided by SoundOn
本故事靈感來自於戰火下的兩個真實故事: (1)一位父親為了讓孩子能在戰火中正常生活,每當遠方的轟炸聲響起時,就帶著孩子唱歌,苦中作樂,讓孩子能夠堅強地活下去。 (2)記者詢問戰火中的一個小男孩有何希望,他卻反問記者:「我還能活著嗎?」 Bear老師小提醒: (1) 由於涉及戰爭這個殘酷的議題,期盼父母能與孩子一同聆聽,在必要時為其解釋、給予安慰。 (2) 戰爭雙方的百姓都是無辜的,本創作無意控訴任何一方,因此選擇了阿拉伯世界與西方世界的兩個名字Amal 與Olivia作為主角,分別意寓「希望」與「和平」,期盼兩個不同的世界能走向希望與和平。 🎧每個月15號、30號晚上8:00更新。 📜如果需要PDF文字檔或想知道更多關於每集的英語小知識,請追蹤: 🅸🅶:bear.bilingual 𝓕𝓑:Bear老師的中英雙語故事 ( 🎁贊助連結: 🧸如果家長您手頭方便也願意贊助,Bear老師感謝您的支持。 本集背景音樂: 背景音樂: 聖誕音樂: 幻想即興: 命運交響曲: 新世界交響曲: Hello, This is Teacher Bear,我是Bear老師。小朋友,聖誕節又快到了,你打算怎麼慶祝呢?(Christmas is coming soon, how will you celebrate?)你期待聖誕老公公會送來什麼禮物呢?(What gifts do you hope Santa Claus will bring?)你覺得世界上的小朋友都有機會收到禮物嗎?(Do you think all children everywhere have the chance to receive gifts?)讓我們來聽聽Amal和Olivia這兩位小朋友的故事。(Let's listen to the story of two children, Amal and Olivia.) Olivia:Amal,這麼晚了,你怎不在床上睡覺?(It’s so late, why don't you go to bed and sleep?)坐在窗邊做什麼?(What are you doing sitting by the window?) Amal:Olivia,你怎麼來了?(Why did you get here?) 我坐在這裡,因為我睡不著。(I am sitting here because I can’t sleep.) Olivia:我也睡不著,那邊又在轟炸了,我怕等一下會炸過來這裡。(I can't sleep either, they are bombing over there again, and I’m afraid they will bomb over here later.) Amal:別怕。(Don't be afraid.)就像院長教我們的一樣,把爆炸聲想成音樂。(It’s just like the Director taught us - think of explosions as music.) Olivia:太難了。(It’s too difficult.) Amal:試試看啊,不試你怎麼知道。(Just try. If you don’t try how can you know?) Olivia:好吧~~(All right~) Amal:你覺得這次像誰的音樂?(Whose music are you thinking of this time?) Olivia:蕭邦,幻想即興(Chopin,Fantasie Impromptu)。 Amal:哪裡像?(Why is it like that?) Olivia:哪裡不像?(Why not like that?) Amal:好吧。欸,又來了又來了,你聽。(OK … well, here it comes again, listen …) Amal:你覺得這次像誰的音樂?(You think it’s like whose music this time?) Olivia:貝多芬,命運交響曲(Beethoven,Symphony No. 5)。 Amal:對,我也覺得像。(Yes, I think so too!)啊!又來了又來了,這個很近。(Here it comes again … this one was close.) Amal:這次呢?(So, this time?) Olivia:德佛札克(Dvorak)! Amal:你是不是覺得像新世界交響曲?(Like「The New World Symphony」?)? Olivia:對,就像新世界。(Yes, like「The New World」.) Amal:咦,你聽到了嗎?(Hey, can you hear that?)外面好像有人在哭。(Sounds like someone crying outside.) Olivia:這麼晚了,會是誰呢?(It’s so late – who could it be?) Amal:走!出去看看。(Let’s go out and have a look.) Olivia:不行啊!很晚了,外面好冷。(No, it’s so late, and cold outside!)Amal………好吧!欸!等我! (…OK, wait for me!) Olivia:咦,那不是聖誕老公公嗎?(Hey … isn’t it Santa Claus?)旁邊還有麋鹿。(He has reindeer there.) Amal:我聽說聖誕老公公只照顧一些小朋友,沒想到他會來找我們。(I heard that Santa Claus only takes care of some children, I didn’t expect that he’d come to us.) Olivia:才不是,聖誕老公公照顧全世界的小朋友。(No, Santa Claus takes care of children everywhere.) Amal:他為什麼坐在地上?(Why is he sitting on the ground?)臉好髒,衣服也破了。(His face is dirty and his clothes are torn.) Oliva:走,過去問他。(Let’s go over and ask him.) Amal:你是聖誕老公公嗎?(Are you Santa Claus?) Santa:是的,我是!(Yes, yes I am!) Olivia:真的是你!(You’re really him!) Amal:你為什哭得這麼傷心?你怎麼了?(Why are you crying like that? What happened?) Santa:我給你們孤兒院帶了好多禮物,(I brought a lot of gifts to your orphanage,)可是,剛剛一顆飛彈擊中我的雪橇,現在禮物全沒有了!我拿什麼送給你們?(but a missile just hit my sleigh and now all the gifts are gone! What can I give you?) Olivia:喔,謝謝你!可是真的沒關係。(Oh .. thank you! But it really doesn’t matter.)你受傷了嗎?(Are you hurt?) Santa:幸好我跟麋鹿都沒事。(Luckily, I and my reindeer are all fine.)可是,沒有禮物了,怎麼辦?(But if there are no gifts, what should I do?) Amal:你來看我們,就是最好的禮物。(You came to see us. That’s the best gift.) Olivia:是啊!我以為全世界都忘記我們了。(That’s right! I thought the whole world had forgotten about us.) Santa:喔!不不不,我沒忘記你們。(Oh! No, no – I haven’t forgotten you.) Amal:謝謝你,我會告訴其他小朋友的。(Thank you! I will tell the other children.) Santa:請告訴大家,我明年一定會再來,請等我。(Please tell everyone that you can expect me to visit next year – please wait for me.) Olivia:可是…我不確定明年我們還活著。(But … I’m not sure we’ll be alive next year.) Santa:喔!我可憐的孩子。真的對不起,真的對不起。(Oh! My poor kids. I’m really so very sorry.) Amal:Olivia,你不要亂說,你害聖誕老公公更傷心了。(Olivia, don’t talk like that. You made Santa even more sad.) Olivia:沒事,沒事,我亂說的,真的亂說的。(It’s fine, it’s fine – I really didn’t mean that.) Amal:警報聲響了,一定是炸過來這裡了。院長一定會急著找我們去地下室躲藏。(That’s the alarm sounding –the bombing is definitely coming this way now. The Director will be looking for us to go hide in the basement.)我們得走了。(We have to go.) Olivia:對,要是院長找不到我們,她會很擔心的。(Right – the Director will be very worried if she can’t find us.)你要不要跟我們一起去躲在地下室裡?(Do you want to come with us to shelter in the basement?) Santa:不行,我得快走了。(I can’t – I have to go.) Amal:那你一定要小心。(Then you really must be careful.) Santa:我會的,放心,麋鹿會帶我回去。(I will! Don’t worry, the reindeer will bring me back.)記得,要懷抱希望。等我,我一定會再來的。(Remember, have hope, and wait for me – I’ll definitely come back.) Amal、Olivia:嗯,我們答應你。(We promise!) Santa:快進去吧!(Quick, go inside!)聖誕節快樂!(Merry Christmas!) Amal、Olivia:聖誕節快樂!(Merry Christmas!)再見!(Goodbye!) Santa:再見(See you)!等我!(Wait for me!) Amal、Olivia:好!(OK!) Olivia:我們能嗎?(Can we?) Amal:我不知道,可是我們會努力試試看,對吧?(I don’t know, but we will try hard, right?) Olivia:嗯,我們會的。(Yes, we will.) Amal:快跑!(Run!) 小朋友,如果今年聖誕老公公沒給你禮物,可能是因為他沒時間修好他的雪橇,請不要失望。(If Santa Claus doesn’t bring a gift this year, maybe it’s because he didn’t have time to repair his sleigh; please don’t be disappointed.) 還有,在我們慶祝聖誕節的同時,有很多小朋友正活在戰火中,隨時都有可能喪命。(And remember that while we’re celebrating Christmas, there are children who are living through war, with their lives at risk.)因此,希望你也能為他們祈禱,祝他們平安、幸福。(So I hope you can pray for them and wish them peace and happiness.) 如果你希望神能夠保佑一個人,用英文,你可以說: “God bless you.” 意思是「神保佑你」。請跟Bear老師再說一次: “God bless you.” 小朋友,平安幸福的生活,不是理所當然的。(A safe and happy life is not something you can take for granted.)請珍惜你所擁有的一切,好好地發展自己的能力,並且善待他人。(Please cherish everything you have, develop your abilities well, and be kind to others.) 祝你聖誕快樂!(Merry Christmas!) 我們下次見嘍(See you next time)! -- Hosting provided by SoundOn
各位小朋友與大朋友,為了配合工作與作息,Bear老師的故事改成每個月15號、30號晚上8:00上架。雖然間隔時間變得較長,但如此才能兼顧生活品質與錄音品質,細水長流地陪伴大家喔。 📃如果需要PDF文字檔或想知道更多關於每集的英語小知識,請追蹤: 🅸🅶:bear.bilingual 𝓕𝓑:Bear老師的中英雙語故事 ( 💝贊助連結: 🧸如果家長您手頭方便也願意贊助,Bear老師感謝您的支持。 本集背景音樂: Hello, this is Teacher Bear, 我是Bear老師。小朋友,在上一集當中,阿鼠、松鼠和貓頭鷹為了帶小獾回家,深入了森林裡(In the last episode, Mouse, Squirrel and Owl walked deep into the forest to take little Badger home.)。天快黑了,他們能不能成功地找到獾媽媽呢?(It’s getting dark – will they succeed in finding Mummy Badger?)讓我們繼續聽下去。(Let's keep listening.) An English Picture Book “I’m Not Grumpy ”/英文繪本《我的脾氣不暴躁》 Story by Steve Smallman /作者:史蒂夫‧史莫曼 Illustrated by Caroline Pedler/插畫家:卡洛琳‧佩德勒 On they trudged through the darkening forest. Little Badger yawned. (他們艱難地穿過黑暗的森林,小獾打著哈欠。) Squirrel(松鼠):“She’s tired!(她累了!)” Squirrel said, as shadows stretched across their path.(松鼠說話的同時,他們拉長的身影映在了路上。) Owl(貓頭鷹):“Well, it’s way past her bedtime.(嗯,已經過小獾睡覺的時間了。)” Mouse (阿鼠): “I know! She’s tired, and hungry, and scared, and she needs her mum, and it’s getting dark, and……I don’t know what to do!(我知道!她又累、又餓、又害怕,她需要媽媽,而且天快黑了,而且……我不知道該怎麼辦!)” Squirrel (松鼠): “There, there.( 秀秀,秀秀。)” Owl spread her wings, “I know what you need.” (貓頭鷹張開翅膀說:「我知道你需要什麼。」) Little Badger cheered(小獾歡呼著說):“Hug!(抱抱!)” Mouse felt funny. Being a bit of a grumpy mouse, he didn’t get very many cuddles. (阿鼠覺得有一點尷尬又好笑,因為他是一隻脾氣暴躁的老鼠,沒有得到過太多的擁抱。) Suddenly, there was flash of grey in the bushes. (突然,有什麼灰色的東西從灌木叢中閃了過去。 ) Little Badger (小獾):“Mummy?(媽媽?)” But it wasn’t Mummy Badger, It was…..a wolf! He swaggered over, licking his lips. (但這不是獾媽媽,而是……一隻狼!他大搖大擺地走過去,舔了舔嘴唇。) The wolf(狼): “Look what we have here!(看看這裡有什麼!) A squirrel for starters(松鼠當前菜), a badger and an owl for the main course,(主菜是獾和貓頭鷹,), and a mouse for pudding!(飯後甜點是老鼠!)” Mouse(阿鼠):“I am not a pudding! (我才不是飯後甜點!)And you can’t eat my friends!(還有你不能吃我的朋友!)” The wolf(狼):“Says who?(誰說的?)” Mouse(老鼠): “Me!(我!)” Squirrel(松鼠): “And me!(還有我!)” Owl(貓頭鷹: “And me!(還有我!)” “And me!(還有我!)” shouted Mummy Badger.(獾媽媽喊。) The wolf took one look at her angry eyes and scarpered.(狼一看獾媽媽憤怒的眼神,就驚慌地跑走了。) Mummy Badger hugged Little Badger tight.(獾媽媽緊緊地抱住了小獾。) Mummy Badger (獾媽媽):“Thank you all for bring her home!(謝謝你們大家帶她回家!)” Squirrel(松鼠):“It was Mouse’s idea.(是阿鼠的主意。) ” Mummy Badger(獾媽媽):“Well, thank you, Mr. ── wait a minute, Aren’t you the grumpy mouse who lives in the oak tree?(嗯,謝謝你,這位先生您……等一下,你不是那隻住在橡樹裡的脾氣很暴躁的老鼠嗎?)” Mouse (阿鼠):“For the last time, I am not grumpy……at least, not anymore!(最後一次,我的脾氣不暴躁……至少……以後不暴躁了。)” And for the first time in a long time, Mouse smiled.(阿鼠笑了,他好久沒笑了。) “Because now I have friends,(因為現在我有朋友了,) and friends, well, that’s just what I need!(而朋友們,正是我需要的!)” 小朋友,現在你是不是放心了呢?(Do you feel reassured now?)你覺得阿鼠是一個好朋友嗎?(Do you think Mouse is a good friend?)你願意接受一個脾氣暴躁的朋友嗎?(Could you accept a grumpy friend?)如果朋友的脾氣暴躁,你要怎麼幫助他呢?(If your friend is grumpy, what can you do to help?)你覺得松鼠跟貓頭鷹的貼心,對阿鼠有幫助嗎?(When Owl and Squirrel were kind to Mouse, do you think it helped?) 而你,是一個脾氣暴躁的人嗎?(And how about you? Are you a grumpy sort of person?)脾氣暴躁的時候,可能對別人造成傷害,讓朋友離你更遠。(When you’re in a bad mood, you might hurt others and drive your friends away.)因此,一定要想辦法找出脾氣暴躁的原因,並且改正,這樣才不會讓身邊的人感到不舒服喔。(In that case you need to find the reason why you’re grumpy, and fix it, so your companions can feel comfortable around you.) 還有,如果某天你因為沒控制好暴躁的脾氣而傷害了朋友,用英文,你可以怎麼表達歉意呢? “I lost my temper, I was wrong.” 意思是「我沒控制好脾氣,我錯了。」請跟Bear老師再說一次: “I lost my temper, I was wrong.” 小朋友,希望你不但能控制好脾氣,也能幫助脾氣暴躁的朋友。(I hope you can control your temper, and also help your grumpy friends.) 我們下次見嘍!(See you next time!) -- Hosting provided by SoundOn