Bringing You Back Into Balance

Helping you to bring peace and balance back into your life; mentally, emotionally, spiritually and physically. Because, we all deserve to lead a happy, healthy and empowered life.

Your Birth Experience and Why it Matters

What do you know about your birth? According to shamanic tradition, up to one third of our energy is determined by our time in the womb and our birth experience. This is why it’s so important to heal birth trauma and the negative experiences around birth.In this episode, with the help of client stories, we look at how a person’s birth experience can have a major impact on their subsequent experience of life well into adulthood. Thanks for listening!You can discover more about my wor...


Could Unmet Childhood Needs Be Causing Issues in Your Life?

Do you ever feel trapped in unhealthy emotional patterns like not feeling good enough? Or get triggered by people and situations without understanding why? You’re not alone. These deep-seated patterns often stem from an unhealed inner child, an issue I frequently encounter in my healing practice. In this episode, I explore the concept of the inner child and how emotional instability in our lives can often be traced back to our earliest years. As humans we’re all born with fun...


The Power of Healing Past Life Imprints

This month I’m talking about something that blows me away every time it shows up in my work; the influence of past lives.Have you ever walked into a place (a house, a hotel, a new town) somewhere you know you’ve never set foot before but felt an overwhelming sense of familiarity? Like you’ve been there before?Have you ever been in the middle of a conversation and suddenly felt a flash of recognition – of having said and heard those exact same words before? Have you ever met someone for t...


Are You Sabotaging Your Success and Happiness?

In this podcast we're exploring a behavioural pattern that I see a lot of in my holistic coaching practice; that of self-sabotage. Our inner saboteur can show up in a myriad of ways. Perhaps you can relate to one of these…Do you often feel trapped by fear?Are you always second-guessing yourself?Do you avoid setting goals or find yourself setting unrealistic ones?Have things not gone the way you’d planned more times than you’d like?Are you neglecting or doing things that undermine your he...


How to Let Go of Old Grief and Live in the Present

In this episode I’m talking about something all of us humans have to deal with at some point in our lives ...loss …and the energies of grief. You might immediately dismiss this topic if you haven’t suffered a bereavement but hang in there for a moment, as I’m not just talking about death. I’m talking about every kind of loss. Grief shows up in many different ways throughout life.…examples include things like the loss of a relationship, the loss of the ability to have children,...


Dealing with Cancer

In this episode, we’re delving into a deeply personal topic that touches so many of us: cancer. Few words strike more fear in people’s minds than cancer. Being faced with a diagnosis, whether directly or through a cherished loved one, can be extremely frightening.Cancer can have a huge, often devastating impact on a person’s life. But I believe that the more we know and understand about it, not just from a purely physical perspective, but also from an emotional and spiritual perspective,...


How to Forgive the People Who Have Hurt You

Is there someone in your life that has really hurt you and you’re struggling to let the issue go. Are you harbouring so much anger and resentment towards them that it’s hard to bring yourself to forgive them for what they did?When someone has abused us; attacked, cheated, betrayed, rejected, ridiculed or ignored us; treated us unfairly or taken advantage of us, the pain and trauma can run deep and be difficult to come back from.So why, you might ask, when you’ve been hurt so deeply, shou...


How to Handle Overwhelm

Life is a constant juggling act for all of us, and every now and again we’re faced with the fear that we have more on our plates than we can handle. I think I can speak for most people when I say that there’s nothing worse than that sickening feeling that arises when you think the intensity of your thoughts and emotions is about to get the better of you.There’s a sense of being out of control, as though you’re unequipped to handle not only what you have to do, but how you feel as well.If...


How To Cultivate Greater Self-Worth

In my professional work there is little more important than self-worth.Cultivating a healthy sense of self-worth is of vital importance because our level of self-worth pretty much dictates the quality of our entire existence.It determines how we feel, how we conduct ourselves in our day-to-day life, and how we allow others to treat us.High self-worth leads to greater self-confidence, self-belief, self-respect, happiness and achievement. It also results in better mental, emotional and physical...


Is Your Greatest Enemy Residing in Your Own Head?

I’m sure you’ve heard of the term ‘inner critic’. In therapy this concept refers to a subpersonality that exists within ourselves who judges and demeans us.If you pay close attention to your thoughts you’ll soon hear this internal voice. Everyone tends to have one.If left untamed, it can turn into a constant stream of negativity; one that can drag you down mentally and emotionally.One of the most significant steps a person can take towards leading a happier, healthier and more peaceful life i...


Is it a Crisis or an Awakening?

It is truly amazing how within a split second everything in a person’s life can dramatically change.I often come face to face with the shock and horror of sudden crises through my client work. I see the emotional, mental and physical devastation caused by nervous breakdowns, diagnoses of life-threatening illnesses, relationship breakdowns, bereavements, and the loss of livelihoods and security.What I find most striking is how we all go through life on autopilot, doing the same things day afte...


Are You Always Shoulding On Yourself?

In this episode I talk about something that causes a lot of misery in the lives of many people. If I had the power to introduce a global law, I would banish this thing! What am I talking about?The word ‘should’.Do you live in the ‘land of should’?Do you find yourself doing what you should be doing and not what you want to be doing all the time?Are you the one always doing the ‘right thing’ by everyone else? So much so that you have lost touch with your innate sense of fun, cre...


The Benefits of a Daily Meditation Practice

If you’ve worked with me or checked out my website you’ll know that I’m a great advocate of a daily meditation practice. I started meditating nearly forty years ago when I was 16 years old and I’ve made time for it every day since then. It all started out of sheer desperation quite frankly. I suffered from chronic anxiety and panic disorder, life felt pretty bleak and, unlike now, there was nowhere to go, no-one to seek professional support and advice from, no internet to google my ...


Is Your Morning Routine Making or Breaking Your Day?

Let me take you back to this morning and ask how you began your day. Did you have a calm, quiet and orderly start? Or, was it rushed, manic and frenzied?How we choose to spend the first minutes and hours of the day has a significant effect on all those that follow. What we do – and how we feel – sets the tone for the entire day. We all know that life reflects back to us the energy we are emanating. So, if we take the time to raise our energetic frequency first thing in the morning then w...


Are you always comparing yourself to others?

Do you find yourself constantly comparing yourself to others?Do you find yourself thinking that other people have more than you or are better than you in some way?This comparison game is as old as humanity itself. I guess we all want to know how we measure up to other people. This helps us understand ourselves and helps us figure out how and where we fit into society. In recent times, however, social comparison has risen to a whole new crazy level primarily thanks to social media. ...


How to Overcome Procrastination

In this podcast I’m focusing on a common issue that many people struggle with.What am I talking about? The self-sabotaging habit of procrastination. Do you procrastinate? Do you put off doing things until tomorrow and find that tomorrow never comes? Do you have dreams and ambitions but find you never actually get round to taking action? And then, worst of all, do you find yourself beating yourself up all the time?If there’s one thing that can really dama...


Declutter These Areas of Your Life and Regain Your Power

Spring has traditionally been seen as a time when people naturally turn their thoughts to some kind of spring clean. There was a time in my earlier life when I perceived clutter simply in terms of the things in my physical space. Nowadays my interpretation has widened considerably and extends to different parts of both my inner and my outer world.In this podcast I go through seven areas of life that can be a focus for a good declutter.You may be surprised by some of them.If you'd li...


How to Get What You Want Out of Life

It's the start of a new year and most of us are reflecting on our dreams and ambitions for this year, and, I'm sure, also hoping it doesn't turn out to be like 2020! Did you know that the universe we live in is not a random, haphazard place. It is a highly organised entity and there are certain underlying rules by which it operates. These spiritual laws, as Diana Cooper calls them, all play out simultaneously. They are universal in that they affect everybody, and they are exact. In ...


Alleviate Suffering by Changing Your Perspective

It can’t have escaped your notice that we are living through some pretty crazy times. 2020 will definitely go down in history as a year of uncertainty, unpredictability and unprecedented change; a year when the very foundations of our lives were seriously challenged.If, like me, you’re living in the UK then you’re not just heading into winter, with its short, dark, cold days but also a second lockdown with serious restrictions on our daily lives.This extraordinary mix of gloomy circumstances ...


Does Worry Blight Your Life?

If there’s one thing that can really cast a shadow over a person’s inner world it is worry. We all do it from time to time but for some people it becomes an incessant activity that has a seriously detrimental effect on their happiness and wellbeing. Did you know that worry really is an optional activity. It may not seem that way initially to someone who has little or no control over their mind, but a little knowledge, self-awareness and discipline can turn even the biggest worrywart into a ch...


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