DiscoverBringing You Back Into BalanceThe Power of Healing Past Life Imprints
The Power of Healing Past Life Imprints

The Power of Healing Past Life Imprints

Update: 2024-04-04


This month I’m talking about something that blows me away every time it shows up in my work; the influence of past lives.

Have you ever walked into a place (a house, a hotel, a new town) somewhere you know you’ve never set foot before but felt an overwhelming sense of familiarity? Like you’ve been there before?

Have you ever been in the middle of a conversation and suddenly felt a flash of recognition – of having said and heard those exact same words before? 

Have you ever met someone for the first time and felt an immediate connection? Almost as though you’ve known this person for a very very long time.

If you’ve ever had a fleeting sense of 'I’ve seen this before or I’ve done that before' … then you’ll know what I’m talking about.

Did you dismiss the experience as just a random occurrence – a coincidence with no special meaning? Or did it get you pondering on what it might mean?

Has it ever crossed your mind that these experiences might be hinting at the possibility that you actually have been here before? That maybe these were memories of a dim and distant past that you once lived through …? 

If you already have a belief in reincarnation …the idea that our souls return to this planet in different guises again and again to balance things out within themselves, and between themselves and others, then this idea may not be too challenging for your mind to comprehend. But, if this is a new idea for you then I invite you to listen to this podcast with an open mind and prepare for an eye-opening half an hour that could expand your perspective on life quite significantly.  

Thanks for listening!

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The Power of Healing Past Life Imprints

The Power of Healing Past Life Imprints

Harinder Ghatora