Built With Science

Let’s face it. There’s a lot of advice out there. In fact, there’s so much advice that it’s hard to know who to trust or what to listen to. You end up confused, overwhelmed and distracted… And getting sucked into these information rabbit holes isn’t doing you any favors. In this podcast, you will get our proven, science-based nutrition and fitness guidance, allowing you to achieve the results you want in the fastest a amount of time possible. With no noise. No BS!

Diets You Should AVOID For Building Muscle

In today's episode, Built With Science researchers Max Coleman and Daniel Plotkin discuss some of the diets that you should avoid, especially if your goal is to build muscle. They'll also discuss some diets that you could incorporate, but should take into consideration depending on your goals. Take our quiz to find the best fitness program for you and your body: https://quiz.builtwithscience.com/


The Most Underrated Exercise for Fat Loss & Health

In today's episode, Built With Science researchers Max Coleman and Daniel Plotkin discuss one of their most favorite exercises for fat loss and overall health: walking.


Intermittent Fasting: How It Works & What It Does To The Body

In today's episode, Built With Science researchers Max Coleman and Daniel Plotkin discuss everything you need to know about intermittent fasting, also known as time restricted feeding in the literature. They'll discuss different ways to implement it, and some situations it may be better suited for to optimize body composition changes.


How to Work Out Like A Minimalist And Still Make Gains

In today's episode, Built With Science researchers Max Coleman and Daniel Plotkin discuss the least effort you can put into your training and nutrition but still make noticeable gains. Take our quiz to find the best fitness program for you and your body: https://quiz.builtwithscience.com/


Light VS Heavy Weights: What Builds More Muscle?

In today's episode, Built With Science researchers Max Coleman and Daniel Plotkin discuss the research around heavy versus light load training for muscle growth. Do you really need to "lift big to get big"? Take our quiz to find the best fitness program for you and your body: https://quiz.builtwithscience.com/


Natty VS Steroids: Should We Train Like Them?

In today's episode, Built With Science researchers Max Coleman and Daniel Plotkin discuss their opinions on the "natty versus not" movement from the perspective of the origin of the movement and how you should interpret discussions on whether an individual is natural or not. Take our quiz to find the best fitness program for you and your body: https://quiz.builtwithscience.com/


How to Lift Weights for MAXIMUM Muscle Growth

Various components of form and technique can alter an exercise, such as range of motion, tempo & repetition speed, and posture and positioning (biomechanics). In today's episode, Built With Science researchers Max Coleman and Daniel Plotkin discuss the optimal technique that will result in the most muscle growth possible. Take our quiz to find the best fitness program for you and your body: https://quiz.builtwithscience.com/


We Were WRONG (5 Fitness Beliefs We've Changed Our Minds About)

In today's episode, Built With Science researchers Max Coleman and Daniel Plotkin discuss various topics they've changed their minds about over the years as their knowledge and experience have expanded. They also discuss why changing your mind and opinion isn't necessarily bad! Take our quiz to find the best fitness program for you and your body: https://quiz.builtwithscience.com/


How to Build Muscle Almost 2x Faster (NEW RESEARCH)

In today's episode, Built With Science researchers Max Coleman and Daniel Plotkin discuss partial range of motion training, specifically training the muscle at a long muscle length and how that can potentially lead to more muscle growth than full range of motion. Take our quiz to find the best fitness program for you and your body: https://quiz.builtwithscience.com/


10 Things That ACTUALLY Kill Your Gains (Based On Science)

In today's episode, Built With Science researchers Max Coleman and Daniel Plotkin discuss things that will slow down the gains you could be making in the gym or those things that'll result in no progress at all or even reduce muscle mass. Take our quiz to find the best fitness program for you and your body: https://quiz.builtwithscience.com/


How to Eat to Build Muscle and Lose Fat (Using Science)

With the start of 2024, you might have set some new goals to lose fat or build muscle, but where do you start? In today's episode, Built With Science researchers Max Coleman and Daniel Plotkin discuss how to set your diet up based on your goals. They'll discuss cutting, bulking, and even maingaining, what they are, and how to set up your diet for each phase.


The Best Recovery Hacks to Build Muscle Faster (Based On Science)

What's even more important than what you do in the gym is what you do afterwards. Muscles grow through rest, and proper recovery is an extremely important part of the muscle building process. In today's episode, Built With Science researchers Max Coleman and Daniel Plotkin dive into the science behind proper recovery. They'll cover what recovery methods ACTUALLY work, as well as overrated methods and methods that might actually hinder growth! Enjoy!


10 Most Common Reasons You're Not Making Gains

There's a lot of information online about the best way to build muscle and lose fat. But what methods are actually effective, based on science? Today our researchers Daniel Plotkin and Max Coleman share the 10 most overrated and underrated ways to build muscle. Tune in and enjoy!


The BEST Workout Split to Build Muscle (According to Science)

What is the best workout split to build muscle? Push-pull legs? Upper/lower? Full body workout split?  What about the "bro-split" where you train one muscle group each workout? How effective is that? Today, researchers Max Coleman and Daniel Plotkin dive into the science to find out what the best workout split is for natural lifters. The answers may surprise you. Enjoy!


How to Get More Gains in Less Time (Time-Saving Workout Strategies)

Want to learn some true science-based strategies to make more gains in less time? Researchers Daniel Plotkin and Max Coleman share a few ways to do just that. Within the podcast you'll learn how to effectively cut down your workout time in half (or less) without compromising your muscle growth.


Machines VS Free Weights: What Builds More Muscle? (According To Science)

In this episode, researchers Daniel Plotkin and Max Coleman explore the current science behind what builds more muscle - free weights or machines. Free weights, such as barbells and dumbbells, have long been viewed as superior for muscle growth. But is that really the case? Not quite. It seems like machines can be just as effective. But it's important you know the major differences between using machines and free-weights, and what muscle groups benefit the most from either machines or free weights. Enjoy!


The WORST Mistakes Almost All Beginners Make in The Gym

In today's podcast, researchers Max Coleman and Daniel Plotkin will dive into the most common mistakes beginners make in the gym. They will touch on:- how avoiding common gym mistakes can speed up progress- why "one size fits all" plans aren't the best- how to individualize your approach for better results- the role nutrition plays in progress- doing the wrong exercises- chasing perfection - how "influencers" and "gurus" are creating a problem...and much more. Enjoy!


The WORST Supplements For Building Muscle (Stop Wasting Money!)

The supplement industry is notorious for false promises and outlandish claims. In this episode, Built With Science researchers Max Coleman and Daniel Plotkin discuss the supplements you should stop wasting your money on, based on science. Introduction: Why it's important to discuss supplements that don't work. The prevalence of supplement usage and the strong beliefs surrounding them. The placebo effect and its role in supplement perception. Segment 1: Fat Burners - Are They Worth It? Explanation that fat burners are a class of supplements. The general ineffectiveness and lack of regulation in the fat burner market. Discussing the theoretical mechanisms behind fat burners (increasing metabolic rate, reducing nutrient uptake, reducing appetite) and why they often fail. The recommendation to opt for single ingredients instead of complex fat burner cocktails. Segment 2: The Truth About Creatine The effectiveness of non-mono creatine forms. The cost-effectiveness of various creatine forms. Debunking misconceptions and highlighting the efficacy of creatine. Segment 3: BCAAs - Are They Overrated? Explanation of BCAAs (Branched-Chain Amino Acids). The role of leucine in muscle protein synthesis (MPS). Presenting studies that indicate potential downsides of BCAA supplementation. The recommendation to consider essential amino acids (EAAs) instead. Segment 4: The Glutamine Myth Explaining glutamine and its non-essential status. Presenting evidence showing the lack of usefulness of glutamine supplementation. Segment 5: Proprietary Blends - Know What You're Taking The issue of proprietary protein blends and proprietary blends in general. Emphasizing the importance of knowing the composition of supplements for safety and effectiveness. Segment 6: Testosterone Boosters - Separating Fact from Fiction Discussing turkesterone and ecdysteroids as potential testosterone boosters. Presenting mixed results and highlighting sketchy findings from unreliable sources. Encouraging skepticism and caution when it comes to testosterone booster supplements. Segment 7: Antioxidants and Muscle Growth Explaining the role of antioxidants. Discussing studies showing that very high antioxidant doses can reduce muscle gains. Emphasizing the importance of moderation in antioxidant supplementation. Segment 8: Gene-Specific Supplements - The Complexity of Genetics Addressing gene-specific supplements and their limitations. Discussing the challenges of identifying candidate genes for specific effects. Highlighting the modest contribution of identified genes to desired outcomes.


How Much Workout Volume to MAXIMIZE Muscle Growth? (Based on Science)

In this episode, we will discuss the latest science on how much workout volume you need to maximize muscle growth. Segment 1: Introduction and Volume Basics Discuss the importance of finding the right volume for muscle building. Define what volume is and hint at differing measurement methods. Highlight the significance of volume in muscle development. Segment 2: The Importance of Volume Explore the significance of volume with evidence from meta-analyses. Emphasize that low volumes can yield meaningful results. Introduce the concept of minimum effective and excessive volume. Segment 3: Customizing Volume for Individuals Stress the need for personalized volume recommendations. Discuss factors influencing optimal volume, including recovery and performance. Emphasize the importance of adhering to guidelines unless there's a compelling reason not to. Segment 4: Evolution of Volume Over Time Examine how volume requirements change throughout one's training career. Discuss whether volumes tend to increase or decrease over time. Highlight the dynamic nature of volume needs between individuals, muscle groups, and exercises. Segment 5: Special Considerations for Volume Explore how volume interacts with other training variables. Discuss differences in volumes during cutting, bulking, and maintenance phases. Touch on frequency, intensity (load and RIR), muscle groups, exercise types, and intensity techniques. Address the research bias towards specialization phases.


The BEST Supplements to Build Muscle (Ranked Using Science)

In this episode we discuss the best supplements to build muscle, based on science. Here's an overview of the supplements we will cover: Segment 1: The Tried and True Supplements Creatine: The gold standard for performance enhancement. Caffeine: Its role depending on fitness goals, dosage recommendations. Protein Supplements: Why they're essential for muscle recovery. Segment 2: The Jury's Still Out Explore supplements with potential benefits but limited evidence: Segment 3: Controversial Contenders Discuss supplements with mixed results: Segment 4: The "Not Harmful, but Maybe Not Helpful" Category Touch upon supplements that won't hurt but may not provide significant benefits: Segment 5: The No-Gos Discuss supplements that don't show promise and may even be harmful:


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