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The original online radio show dedicated to Supercross and Motocross with rider interviews and good ole tomfoolery.
196 Episodes
#8 Coach Robb

#8 Coach Robb


Coach Robb’s Podcasts are frequently referred to as the “people’s podcast”,  During this podcast, Coach Robb answered numerous listener’s questions such as:  why being motivated by fear is keeping you from reaching your personal and personal goals; why cutting calories will make you progressively “fatter”; how to reset your fat point, why you gain more weight than you lost during a “diet phase”,  the dangers of eliminating food items from your diet,  why chronic stress is causing you to hold onto those unwanted pounds, why exercise is making you gain weight, why chronic stress is making you sick at a chemical, physical and mental level and understand how all of these topics are inter-related.  Be sure to follow Coach Robb on YouTube, LinkedIn, Twitter and Instagram for daily tips, suggestions and daily motivational quotes. 
#9 Coach Robb

#9 Coach Robb


Coach Robb outlined the Top 8 Mistakes People make when trying to improve their health, wellness and/or sports performance.  When it comes to avoiding burn out, becoming injured, sick or excessively sore, Coach Robb walks through the key elements to an exercise or sports performance program that guarantees success. In Coach Robb’s opinion, creating an exercise or performance program that is sustainable specific to an individuals personal and professional schedule is the foundation of success and in this podcast he walks you through – step by step to help jump start your program!  In addition to outlining the top 8 mistakes, Coach Robb answered several listeners questions about heart rate monitors, getting sick often and how to adjust a workout if you are short on time.  If you have any particular frustrations or questions that you would like Coach Robb and his staff to research, please feel free to email them to 
#10 Coach Robb

#10 Coach Robb


Screw Your New Year’s Resolutions  and How to Set Yourself Up for a Lifestyle Change! During Podcast #10 Coach Robb outlines the top four reasons why people are constantly hungry and can’t lose weight, and the truth behind what it takes to actually enjoying exercise.  After listening to this podcast, you will learn how to avoid falling into the trap of the complacency syndrome, which in Coach Robb’s opinion, is the number one reason why we end up injured and/or sick.  Coach Robb also answers several listener’s questions sent about whether you should goto the gym when the flu bug is floating around; whether avocados should be avoided due to the amount of calories; and the truth behind supplementation.    Yours in sport & health, -Coach Robb, Coaches & Staff
#11 Coach Robb

#11 Coach Robb


Are frustrated that your training and eating habits are not producing the results you are looking for?  Coach Robb’s Podcast #11 drills down on the top six culprits that could be holding you back.  Coach Robb taps into his 30+ years of working with clients, athletes and racers to outline how overlooking little things can create a domino effect that undermines your efforts and eventually your health – without you seeing it until it is too late.  He also explains why trying harder is not always the correct mindset when it comes to breaking through personal plateaus. If you are tired of being tired or ready to bust through performance glass ceilings, you don’t want to miss this podcast.  Additionally, Coach Robb answers some pretty heated questions about PEDS (performance enhancing drugs), the negative side to energy bars, when and how to use ibuprofen and more!  Note: Coach Robb will be hosting a live webinar “Nutrition for Performance” on February 27th from 6-9pm EST.  For more information, please contact Christy at for pricing and availability.
If you have been a listener to Coach Robb for any length of time, you know his strong opinion about the importance of heart rate monitors.  During this podcast, Coach Robb outlines how you can utilize your heart rate monitor to build muscle, burn fat and improve your performance results all at the same time!  Please note, during this podcast, Coach Robb provided some helpful illustrations that you will want to write down and keep as a simple, yet powerful resource to understanding how your body utilizes stored fat, sugar and protein to fuel your exercise efforts.    After listening to this podcast, you will have a clear understanding why changing up your intensity levels, durations and frequency will keep you from falling into weight loss stagnation or performance plateaus.  And as always, Coach Robb answered listeners questions about Lance Armstrong’s drug testing results, the use of quinoa on the two week food challenge, capturing your resting heart rate and why athletes are petrified of success! 
Do you struggle with building a nutrition and training program that doesn’t leave you exhausted and flat on race day?  During Podcast #13, Coach Robb walks you through the four stages necessary for optimum strength, speed and endurance specific to anything endurance (triathlon, running, mountain biking, road cycling, adventure racing, long distance open water swimming, hiking and climbing, off road motorcycle racing (2 plus hours like BAJA & GNCC).  Before listening to this podcast, make sure you have a pen and paper to take some notes.  Coach Robb outlines the three main components associated with performance then walks you through four stages associated with building the perfect endurance program: Creating an Athlete Performance Profile, Creating an Athlete’s Foundation for Performance, Performance Evaluation and Performance Development.  After listening to this podcast, you will have the ultimate template for optimized endurance specific performance.  And as the people’s podcast, Coach Robb answers listeners questions about the benefits of massage, how to control intensity for weight loss and cycling, how to recover from a snowboarding session, benefits of energy gels and blocks during a half marathon and when to review biofeedback indicators. 
Building the Perfect Speed & Agility Program – How to Identify, Train and Speed Up Recovery While Sick If you are an athlete (or know someone) that plays ball and stick sports like baseball, basketball, soccer, football, lacrosse or tennis, you don’t want to miss this podcast.  Grab a pen and paper because during the first half of Podcast #14, Coach Robb walks you through the four key components paramount to achieving raw speed, explosive speed, top end speed, re-direction and sport specific endurance (along with ways to evaluate progress).  He also explains why “punishing athletes” by running laps is reducing the athletes ability to improve explosive speed and endurance.  After listening to the first half of the podcast, you will have the ultimate template for improving your ability to accelerate, decelerate, pivot and re-accelerate.   During the second half of the podcast, Coach Robb outlines the five key symptoms of a virus (versus being fatigued), how to speed up recovery when you become sick and how to properly train when you are sick.   Finally, as the people’s podcast, Coach Robb answers listeners questions about which style of heart rate monitor is the best; do digital scales work; are beans, butter and peanuts ok on the two-week food challenge, and is pouched tuna a good protein source.  If you have a particular frustration or question that you want Coach Robb and his team to research and discuss, please don’t hesitate to send an email to 
Building the Perfect Weight Loss Program – Cramping: Causes and Solutions Dropping unwanted body fat is something that everyone can benefit from.  During the first half of Podcast #15, Coach Robb will explain the four necessary steps to an effective and sustainable weight loss program that he has successfully used with his clients over the last 33 years.  Note, this information is NOT what the weight loss systems want you to understand and requires NO special foods, supplements or gimmicks.  Listen and learn what they are afraid for you to know but is imperative for you to understand regarding the truth associated with body fat reduction, increased energy and improved body composition.   During the second half of the podcast, Coach Robb address the causes associated with muscle cramping and three simple solutions to keep them from beginning or reoccurring.  In addition to explaining the causes, he provides insight on two resources you can download from his website and implement immediately to address dehydration and electrolyte depletion.    Like all previous podcasts, Coach Robb answers listeners questions about protein shakes, salmon and mercury levels, “cooking” a virus, fatigue while traveling and training/racing and recovering in hot and humid conditions.  Remember, if you have a particular frustration or question that you want Coach Robb and his team to research and discuss, please don’t hesitate to send an email to  Yours in sport & health, -Coach Robb, Coaches & Staff
If you love and train for any type of motorsports (motocross, supercross, off road, NASCAR, cart racing or Formula One), you don’t want to miss the first 20 minutes of this podcast.  Coach Robb outlines why this type of training and racing is so difficult: handling heat in race gear; high intensity racing for long periods of time; running out of energy; expecting to win every weekend – all year long; dealing with a hot motor, heat and humidity!  As Coach Robb explains, there is no other sport that has these similar challenge.  During this podcast he provides you specific solutions to resolve these challenges! During the second half of the podcast, Coach Robb address the frustrations associated with getting older and wiser but not always leaner and faster!  Coach Robb breaks down the specific challenges and provides simple, yet proven steps you can implement immediately to offset the aging affects on training and racing.  Forget what the internet warriors want to tell you is “going to happen”, follow these steps to build muscle, drop unwanted fat and improve your aerobic capacity – no matter what your age!   Whether you are 15 or 85, there are  nuggets of information that you don’t want to miss! As the “Peoples Podcast”, Coach Robb answers listeners questions about Therapeutic Use Exemptions, High Intensity Training and Volume, Glycemic Index and Functional Clothing.  If you have a particular frustration or question that you want Coach Robb and his team to research and discuss, please send your questions to  Yours in sport & health, -Coach Robb, Coaches & Staff
As the “Peoples Podcast”, Coach Robb will address listener Anthony from Australia’s question about addressing an injury.  Anthony voiced his frustration of the conflicting information about how to handle and recover from an injury between physicians, physical therapists and trainers.  He also voiced his frustration about the conflicting ideas associated on both how to handle an injury and how long should it legitimately take to fully recover.  Coach Robb will outline his three stages he uses to handle injuries with his clients and what he implements to speed up the overall recovery process and get them back to 100% ASAP.  If you have ever experienced an injury, this information will be invaluable! Coach Robb also answers listener’s questions about glycogen vs blood glucose; knee braces – good or bad; how sleep helps lose unwanted body fat; are raw nuts considered a fat or a protein and the difference between being warmed up and being hot.  Listen, take notes and walk away from this podcast with a blueprint of handling an injury along with clarification on some confusing concepts.  If you have any questions, frustrations or need anything clarified, don’t hesitate to drop Coach Robb and his research team an email.  Your question will be answered either via email and/or on a future podcast show!
During Podcast #18, Coach Robb outlines How to Train and Race in Hot and Humid Conditions for Optimum Performance.  Coach Robb walks you through five key steps to take prior to, during and following training and/or racing to ensure that you perform well in these difficult situations, along with how to correctly recover in the shortest amount of time.  During the first segment, he also outlines how to identify and offset a heat stroke.  During segment #2, Coach Robb addresses the Role of Carbohydrates, Protein and Fat as it Relates to Performance.  He outlines how each of these plays a significant role in your energy levels, performance levels, and your ability to recover.  You might be surprised to learn what it takes to become both lean and strong! Finally, Coach Robb answers listener’s questions about eating enough to offset weight gain associated with stress; how to lose fat and not muscle; why eggs are important in a meal plan; and why do I train faster than I race? If you have any questions that you would like Coach Robb and his staff to research and discuss, please don’t hesitate to drop an email to  For additional resources on nutrition, hydration, strength training, flexibility, and much more – please visit our resource page on each sport specific website ( – –– -
One of the biggest challenges Coach Robb faces on a daily basis when working with clients around the world, is that he emphasizes the importance of health, wellness THEN performance.  He has gone on the public record both here on his own podcast as well as DMXS Radio, numerous online magazine articles and blogs that he is willing to risk being terminated because he will not push a person beyond the threshold of health while trying to improve an athlete’s strength, speed and/or endurance.    During this podcast, Coach Robb outlines what he evaluates when working with a client to ensure that the foundation of health is established prior to building a performance program.  The evaluation elements will surprise you, so grab a piece of paper and take some notes! Listeners questions include: Sleeping aids during muti-day races; How to Handle Hitting the Ground When You have More Racing to Complete; Heat & Humidity  while living in a motorhome; Anemia associated with a heavy menstrual cycle; What Does an Exhausted Hormonal System mean?
Athletes have gotten busted in a multitude of sports for various performance enhancing drugs: triathlon, cycling, running, tennis, motocross and even curling back in the Olympics!  As a result, Coach Robb has been inundated with questions about why they are used, the associated health risks and is there a way to win naturally?  In this podcast, Coach Robb outlines the performance benefits and health dangers associated with PEDS, and explains why (in his opinion), you can’t win at the highest level without the use of PEDS! Whether it is testosterone, hGH, cortisone or EPO, Coach Robb explains the ethical decision that individuals and athletes must make when it comes to the use of these performance enhancing substances.  If you or anyone you know, is using performance enhancing drugs, you definitely want to listen to this podcast before you destroy your mental and physical health.  The lack of knowledge may be the difference between living and dying! Listener questions included: The dumbest thing Coach Robb has seen an athlete do?; Why am I dehydrated?; Professional golfer with a sore elbow – cause and how to fix?; Should you wear a sweatshirt to acclimate to the heat? Resources Mentioned within the podcast: Avg Speed of the TDF European Journal of Applied Physiology ( Risks associated Dr. Mark Bonar 150 athlete LA Cyclist Track and field failed drug tests and duration of ban:  EPO Improves performance by 54% -
Over the last 34 years of coaching, Coach Robb has seen countless cases of post-race depression.  This is not a subject that he takes lightly and in this podcast he explains why it happens, as well as providing some very important steps you can take to help offset the symptoms.  **Note: if you are dealing with depression, Coach Robb strongly urges you to seek professional help immediately! ** Coach Robb also outlines what over training is, how to identify if you are on the path to overtraining, along with four specific questions you must answer to keep it from happening again.  Grab a piece of paper and jot down the blueprint Coach Robb is going to walk you through so that you can elevate your health, wellness and performance without having any future performance setbacks.  Listeners questions include: What is the difference between electrolytes and calories in a sports drink; When should I resume training after muscle soreness, Tips to keeping Energy Fuel cold during long workouts, Can you drink Energy Fuel with dinner, and the fine line between being too technical and not technical enough.    More sport specific resources, please visit our various websites:
Whether you are an individual that is trying to lose weight, are a recreational exerciser or hard core athlete there are five common mistakes that all of us make that is literally ruining our healthy literally on a daily basis.  During this podcast you will discover how each of these mistakes build upon each other until we are forced to pay attention because of headaches, insomnia (not able to sleep), irritability, high anxiety levels, unexplained weight gain, slower speeds, less strength and low energy!  As always, grab a piece of paper and get ready to understand what you can do to alleviate these negative symptoms as well as a strategy to keep them from coming back in the future.  If you have struggled with dropping those unwanted pounds of fat or have gained back more weight than you have lost using a commercial “diet plan”, Coach Robb will walk you through, in detail, why this is happening.   Keep in mind, this information is NOT what the weight loss systems, diet plans, multi-level marketing products and so-called trainers what you to learn about.  Why?  Because then the propaganda that they promote wouldn’t sell and you would remove your dependency on them.  Coach Robb is all about accountability and responsibility when it comes to your health, wellness and performance.  This podcast is all about equipping you with the truth about food, sleep and evaluating how stress effects your body (mentally and physically)! Listeners questions include: What is a complex carb; Why you should add butter to your potatoes; How do you know if you are warmed up; What do you burn more of during high intensity training-stored fat or carbs; Does intermittent fasting work?    Call to Action Submit your favorite healthy snack or meal for the Coach Robb Cookbook coming out in November!  If your recipe is selected, you will receive a FREE digital copy.  Deadline for submissions is September 30th.  You will be notified via email from our Customer Service team if your recipe has been selected.  More sport specific resources, please visit our various websites:
In Podcast #23 Coach Robb sheds insight into how the Ketogenic Diet (a.k.a. Keto Diet) originated and how this suggested way of eating has some immediate benefits, but also long-term consequences.  He also discusses the similarities of the Keto Diet and past “popular diets and systems” that focus on one element of nutrition, take it out of context, and market that element as a brand new idea that is revolutionizing the way humans should eat to shed body fat and improve performance.  As they say, everything old becomes new again, and after hearing Coach Robb take a deep dive on the Keto Diet, you will see how there is a much simpler and sustainable way to eat to drop those unwanted pounds of body fat without sacrificing your foundation of health and wellness.  During the second half of the podcast, Coach Robb explains what intermittent fasting is and how the body adjusts and adapts to short periods of complete fasting (eating no calories at all).  In addition to the pros and cons of intermittent fasting, he explains that if you implement fasting, of any duration, at the wrong time, the consequences could be quite substantial.  If you have read about fasting and wondered if this process is good for you, grab a piece of paper and jot down some notes. The decision to fast has many implications beyond what it does to the body during the fast. Listeners also need to understand the timing of the fasting process to avoid detrimental long-term results. Listeners questions include: What do I do if eating prior to exercise and/or racing makes me sick to my stomach?; Why does training in the heat makes it difficult to drop body fat?; How does a warm-up and cool down improve performance?; What are the hierarchy of needs relevant to overall health and performance?; and, What can I do to reduce cholesterol levels naturally? Resources mentioned by Coach Robb during the podcast for some deeper insight (beyond the scope of the podcast) Physiology of Fat Loss How Fasting Affects Your Physiology & Hormones   More sport specific resources, please visit our various websites:    Yours in sport & health, -Coach Robb, Coaches & Staff
No one is immune to the frustrations and discomfort associated with headaches!  During podcast #24, Coach Robb walks you through three specific triggers that he has experienced with his clients: allergies, muscle tightness and dehydration.  Each of these are independent; however, they are also all inter- related.  Coach Robb will walk you through 8 simple steps that you can implement immediately to help relieve a current headache as well as how to bullet proof your body against any possible future headaches.    If you (or someone you know) struggles with headaches – regardless of the catalyst, grab a piece of paper and get ready to write down a few notes to determine the “why” behind your headaches and what you can do to keep them from coming back.    Listeners questions include: Will having sex or drinking the day before a race affect my performance? What are the advantages of amino acid supplements? Can I drink alcohol when I am trying to lose weight? How do I identify a stress fracture? Are there pitfalls to a low fat, low calorie diet? Am I hurting my morning workouts by not eating first?   Call to Action: Order your Coach Robb Podcast t-shirt or coffee mug at and start snapping selfies sporting our new look wherever you like to train and travel! You can also get sport specific t-shirts by visiting the Coach Robb Beams Youtube channel and clicking on any video.  We will be offering up promotions for free products and services in upcoming weeks.   More sport specific resources, please visit our various websites:   Yours in sport & health, -Coach Robb, Coaches & Staff
As the dreaded days of winter are sneaking up on us, not only are we dealing with colder temperatures, but also starting and ending our days in the dark.  As a result, the cooler and darker days have a tendency to put a dark cloud over our motivation in the areas of food and exercise choices.  During podcast #25, Coach Robb discusses the top 10 dangers associated with the dark days of winter and what you can do to avoid the typical pitfalls that leads to winter time blues and even depression.  During the first half of the podcast, Coach Robb walks through the 10 biggest challenges that we all face during the winter months and why it results in unwanted weight gain and various physical issues (i.e. headaches and strained muscles) along with specific things you can do to keep all of these challenges from becoming a reality.  Some of the dangers are quite obvious; however, some will catch you by surprise.  For example, did you know that your inability to stay warm causes high levels of fatigue?  Did you know that holiday cooking and having a fire in your fireplace makes breathing difficult and could invoke an asthma attack?  During the second half of the podcast, Coach Robb explains how these winter specific stressors piled on tope of every day stressors such as work, school, financial, relationships and exercise cause the body to become overworked from the inside out. Coach Robb walks through the vicious cycle associated with excessive stressors, being exhausted (mentally and physically), and inability to sleep which often results in unwanted weight gain and poor health. He outlines specific steps you can proactively take to strike a good balance for health, wellness and performance, and avoid the imbalance that can lead to adrenal fatigue. Listeners questions include: Why am I gaining weight when I am training so hard?; How do I choose a good heart rate monitor on a budget?; What are biofeedback indicators and why are they important to evaluate?; How does a full bladder influence resting heart rate readings?; and How do I cross train to improve sport specific performance using heart rate intensity? Call to Action: During the podcast Coach Robb mentions a few of his popular resources that you can use to help document how your body responds and adapts to stress in a systematic manner: Body Analysis Spreadsheet, Heart Rate Spreadsheet, Body Composition Spreadsheet.  If you would like a copy of these, please email and indicate which resource you would like to receive.    More sport specific resources, please visit our various websites:  
Are you struggling with fatigue, can’t lose those last 10 pounds, not sleeping at night, have poor concentration, experiencing body aches…. (just to mention a few)? Have you sought professional help only to be made to feel like you are losing your mind and it is all in your head?  Well the truth is there is a process associated with fatigue and during this podcast Coach Robb walks you through the symptoms, causes and a few ideas on how to turn your miserable conditions around.  Over the last 34 years, Coach Robb has received thousands of emails from individuals all around the world who struggle with fatigue – both mentally and physically.  In this podcast Coach Robb walks through a concept he refers to as the “Flow Pattern of Fatigue”.  He explains how fatigue can manifest itself in the way of a virus, then overload your adrenal system and eventually result in a condition commonly referred to as Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, as well as discuss the pivotal differences between this condition, adrenal fatigue and Epstein Barr. After listening to this podcast, you will have a better understanding of where your symptoms originated, why your body is struggling and three specific steps to begin turning your symptoms around.  Listeners questions include: How does adding lemon to your water improve your health?; Go hungry or eat an energy bar?; What is the best/easiest way to warm up?; How to fuel for a three-hour race; Why am I am not losing weight even though I am lifting and doing cardio work? For more sport specific resources, please visit our various websites: (**New**)
During the first half of this podcast, Coach Robb explains why he wants you to embrace the joys of the holiday season with friends, family and colleagues.  Many people dread the holidays because they fear gaining those unwanted pounds and feeling guilty for indulging. By following Coach Robb’s four simple steps you will minimize weight gain, avoid feeling horrible, and prepare yourself for multiple days of holiday festivities.  During the second half of the podcast, Coach Robb explains the top seven things that contribute to injuries.  As Coach Robb explains, when it comes to improving your health, wellness and ultimately performance, the only two things that will impede your daily improvement is an injury and/or an illness.  By implementing these seven habits into your normal routine, you will keep from getting injured as well as improve your strength, speed and endurance.  As always, grab a piece of paper and jot down some notes that you can transfer over to post it notes as daily reminders.  Listeners questions include: Why is my sex drive higher in the morning?; Why has my motivation and performance results plummeted?; What should I study to do what Coach Robb does for my profession?; What is Coach Robb’s biggest frustration as a performance coach?; What is the catapult effect?; and What separates Coach Robb from other coaches? More sport specific resources, please visit our various websites:  Yours in sport & health, -Coach Robb, Coaches & Staff