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The Family First Podcast with Mark Merrill
66 Episodes
Scars. We all have them, whether they are the time we fell off our bike when we were young or the emotional ones we carry with us as an adult. Every scar has a story! On today’s show, we will hear from former NFL player Devon Still, and how his life has been a journey from one scar to the next.We will discuss his story of pushing through pain and overcoming obstacles of all shapes and sizes – of choosing to fight for the sake of his family, his community and his faith.Devon is a professional ...
How many of us struggle with trust? I know I do. Sometimes you just have to persevere. But it can still be hard to believe what you cannot see. Trust is something I have to work on daily. I am always up for a conversation that is going to inspire me to trust and persevere even when I don’t know the outcome. That is why I was excited to have this discussion with NFL quarterback Case Keenum.On today’s show, we will hear from Case about what it means to trust and how important it is to know who ...
What is your lifelong dream? Is it to be the parent of a star athlete or have your own business? Whatever it is, having a dream energizes you (even on Monday mornings) as you passionately drive closer and closer to reaching it. Unfortunately, not all dreams happen. When a dream dies, it can be devastating. What can you do to get over the slump when you fail and find a new goal to pursue?Twin brothers David and Jason Benham had a dream of playing major league baseball together. It was a dream ...
Have you ever had a song that stuck with you? A song that resonated with you so much that you wanted to listen to it over and over again? “I Can Only Imagine” is that kind of song for millions of people, including myself. Whenever I have trials in life, whenever Susan has another heart surgery, whenever work overwhelms me, whenever my back pain becomes unbearable, it gives me great peace to reflect on the lyrics:I can only imagine what my eyes will seeWhen your face is before me…Surrounded by...
For centuries one story has touched the lives of people across the world. This holiday season you’re invited to discover the story of the first Christmas from an entirely new perspective, and today on our show we have DeVon Franklin, one of the executive producers of the new movie The Star in theaters November 17th.Discussion RecapThe Star, coming out in theaters November 17th.The Star TrailerThe Christmas story through the eyes of animals.Impressive list of voice talent: Oprah Winfrey, Chris...
“The great thing about integrity is that it is truly no respecter of position or wealth or race or gender. It is not determined by shifting circumstances, cultural dynamics, or what you’ve previously achieved. From the moment you are born, you –and you alone-determine whether you will be a person of integrity. Integrity does not come in degrees-low, medium, or high. You either have integrity or you don’t.” This was the commentary given in Every Man’s Bible by the co-founder of All Pro Dad and...
Good conversations lead to connection and intimacy. The best way to facilitate a good conversation is to ask great questions. Whether you feel like you know your spouse well or not, there are questions that will be helpful. The spouse who becomes an expert in the art of asking questions is the spouse who will win their spouse’s heart. Susan and I will be going through ten questions to ask your spouse every year (or more often if you’d like).Discussion RecapHere are 10 Questions to Ask Your Sp...
Pornography is a beast that kills – kills the soul and ravages relationships. No one is immune to pornography. Everywhere you turn, it’s becoming more and more available. At the same time, men are becoming less and less aware of its harmful nature and its lasting impacts. It’s an addiction that squelches intimacy. Intimacy takes an investment of time and energy, while pornography is a way to manufacture cheap, fleeting thrills instantaneously. Those manufactured feelings begin to replace actu...
If someone were to ask you the question: What is the key to intimacy in marriage? What answers do you think you’ll receive? I can imagine a lot of words that might be racing through your mind. Sexual compatibility. Time. Romance. Open Communication. Compromise. Forgiveness. Kindness. All of those are good answers, but on today’s show, Susan and I would like to suggest that there’s a strong case to be made that TRUST is an important key that unlocks the door to emotional and physical intimacy ...
NFL athlete and Super Bowl champion Benjamin Watson knows a thing or two about big games. But he says the biggest game in life—parenting, specifically fatherhood—is one for which there is no playbook. Watson shares, “I could find clearer direction for putting together a baby swing than for taking care of a newborn child.” His new book, The New Dad’s Playbook: Gearing Up for the Biggest Game of Your Life solves this problem of being a new dad and feeling unprepared by sharing parenting tips, w...
What is the opposite of love? If you said hate, well, I hate to disagree with you, but I’m convinced that the opposite of love is really selfishness. And in marriage, selfishness often makes you the worst threat to your marriage and can become the root cause of your marriage problems.Discussion RecapConsider these truths about selfishnessWhen selfishness has a seat at the dinner table, it always demands to be fed first.The human heart is naturally bent towards selfishness…it wants what it wan...
You and your spouse are allies, not enemies. We must fight for our marriage because we love. We must fight for who we love. We must make war to make love last in marriage. Make war against those things that could divide our union. Fight for those things that will protect and preserve our union. Make love our highest priority as we pursue a selfless, sacrificial, and more perfect union. Here are 4 ways to fight for your marriage.Discussion RecapMake war together on these 4 subtle and silent ma...
When I got married…I didn’t expect conflict, financial pressures, or challenges with children. I always thought the tough part about marriage was finding the right girl. I thought that once I found her, being married was the easy part. When I said my vows I EXPECTED it would always be better. I never EXPECTED that there would be worse. And there was…Today Susan and I will discuss how you married for better, but what about for worse?Discussion RecapHow can you love your spouse through the wors...
Busyness is a thief that steals meaningful time and lasting memories. [Tweet This] Creating a relationship bucket list will be helpful; it will work in all phases of your life and all relationships. Being INTENTIONAL is the key to having a strong relationship bucket list. Today, Susan and I will discuss why you need a relationship bucket list. Discussion RecapWhen you do decide to make a bucket list, keep these things in mind…Have common experiences that create lasting memori...
Expectations: It’s a huge word in marriage and something that many couples, ourselves included, struggle over. We oftentimes have unfair and unrealistic expectations when we go into marriage or even throughout our marriage. When we were writing our two new books Lists to Love By for Busy Husbands and Lists to Love By for Busy Wives, we found that this was a common denominator that was present in many of the historic blogs as well as current blog posts. People were looking for what should I ex...
t’s been said that we should never say never in our marriage and we should never use the word always, because, usually, they are unhelpful in navigating through issues or through conflict. But today, we are going to talk about things you should always do in your marriage or that you should never do in your marriage. This is a list from our Lists to Love By for Busy Husbands and Lists to Love By for Busy Wives books, and it talks about 7 Must Do’s and Don’ts for Your Marriage.We’ve been to a n...
Today we have an exciting show because we are going to be talking about things that spouses wish the other knew. In List #8 of our newly released books, Lists to Love By for Busy Husbands and Lists to Love By for Busy Wives we have things wives wish husbands knew and husbands wish wives knew. We wish for our spouses to know our heart. We both learned that knowing what your spouse desires is key to investing your time wisely and getting the greatest return for your marriage. We will share a fe...
Susan and I recently released our new books, Lists to Love By for Busy Husbands and Lists to Love By for Busy Wives and we both felt it very necessary to have our first list in both of our books be about truths. For today’s podcast, we will share with you 7 truths about marriage that we have come to know to keep us grounded and have become particularly important when we experience rough patches in our relationship.Discussion Recap7 Truths about Marriage:Marriage is not a quick sprint; it’s a ...
When we initially think about what we should do for our kids every day, we think of things like help with homework, make their lunches, take them to school, but really it’s the relational things that they will remember. For today’s podcast, we will go much deeper with the things we should be doing for our kids!Here are 8 things parents should do for their kids every day for a strong parent-child relationship.Discussion Recap8 things parents should do for their kids every day:Be fully pr...
There are lots of not-so-great choices families make once in a while with no major consequences. But when those choices become habits, you’ve got a problem. Such is the case with most of these 8 negative habits to kick. If you see them making regular appearances in your family’s life, act fast to correct them.Today, we will discuss 8 family habits to break.Discussion RecapTop 8 Habits to Break as a Family:BickeringDisorganizationWasteful spendingOverschedulingFailing to eat togetherTechnology...