DiscoverFamily First Podcast#141: 4 Things to Do When You’ve Failed
#141: 4 Things to Do When You’ve Failed

#141: 4 Things to Do When You’ve Failed

Update: 2018-02-27


What is your lifelong dream? Is it to be the parent of a star athlete or have your own business? Whatever it is, having a dream energizes you (even on Monday mornings) as you passionately drive closer and closer to reaching it. Unfortunately, not all dreams happen. When a dream dies, it can be devastating. What can you do to get over the slump when you fail and find a new goal to pursue?

Twin brothers David and Jason Benham had a dream of playing major league baseball together. It was a dream they shared with their father and grandfather. After many years of working, praying and hoping, they got into the minor leagues, but realized their biggest dream-playing in the major leagues -was never going to happen. In today’s podcast, I discuss with them what they did to get over that disappointment. Their new book, Miracle in Shreveport, describes their journey of pushing toward their dream. In today’s podcast, they discuss how they got over the feelings of failure and how they found new dreams to pursue.

Discussion Recap

The events that led the Benham Brothers to play professional baseball together at Fair Grounds Field in Shreveport can be described only as a miracle—a reminder of God’s presence in our lives and His faithfulness to work behind the scenes for us, even when we can’t see Him.

“We aren’t human doings, we are human beings—who we are in Christ is what matters most.”

4 Things to Do When You’ve Failed:

  1. Remember God is sovereign
  2. Keep an eternal perspective
  3. Know God is working behind the scenes and will use your weaknesses
  4. Being faithful in the little things is important as you discover God’s dream. Do one-step after the next until it becomes clearer.

“There is power in prayer.”

Episode Resources

You can follow David and Jason on Twitter: @DavidDBenham and @JasonBBenham
Visit their website
Like them on Facebook—BenhamBrothers
Follow them on Instagram—BenhamBrothers









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#141: 4 Things to Do When You’ve Failed

#141: 4 Things to Do When You’ve Failed

Family First