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Feel Better. Live Free. | Healthy Weight Loss & Wellness for Midlife Women
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Feel Better. Live Free. | Healthy Weight Loss & Wellness for Midlife Women

Author: Ruth Soukup

Subscribed: 225Played: 2,520


Feel Better. Live Free. with Ruth Soukup is the revolutionary health & wellness podcast brought to you by Thinlicious®. It's a show dedicated to helping midlife women find lasting health & sustainable weight loss by healing our bodies from the inside out, while questioning the outdated mainstream narratives surrounding health and weight loss that haven't worked.

Our mission is to help you the freedom to look and feel your best. The freedom to NOT be controlled by food addictions ever again. And the freedom to confidently pursue all your big goals and dreams because your health and weight issues are no longer holding you back.

Each week we’ll discuss what it means to live your best life as a woman in your 40’s, 50’s, and beyond, talking openly and honestly about the highs and lows of weight loss, wellness, cultivating a healthy mindset, and pretty much everything in between.

We'll also speak with leading health experts on everything from thyroid and cortisol health to hormonal balance and menopause to healing your gut.

It’s a place where you'll discover actionable strategies for losing weight and getting healthy, unconventional health breakthroughs that no one else is talking about, and the powerful mindset shifts you’ll need to find lifelong wellness and true happiness (with a whole lot of tough love along the way.)

Basically, this is the podcast to listen to if you're looking for answers to these type of questions:

-Why is it so hard for women over 40 to lose weight?

-How can I improve my mindset and get healthy for life?

-What supplements should I be taking?

-How can I improve my immune system?

-How do I overcome resistance and finally get motivated?

-Why am I so tired all the time?

-What's the healthiest way to lose weight?

-Should I go on Ozempic?

-What does it mean to be metabolically flexible?

-How does stress affect weight loss?

-What is gut health, and why does it matter?

-Could I have a thyroid issue?

-What can you eat to reduce inflammation?

-What are the biggest health mistakes to avoid?

-How can you lose weight without dieting?

94 Episodes
There’s nothing more inspiring than hearing real people overcome real challenges to get the results they want–especially when those are the same results you’d like to see in your own life!That’s why in this bonus episode we’re going deep with another amazing woman who’s actually been there, Rachel Elmore. Someone who has mastered the art of creating a healthy—and sustainable—lifestyle for herself.I can’t wait for you to hear her story!----------Get our FREE guide to finally fix your metabolis...
Here on this podcast we talk a lot about how to lose weight and improve your health.And it's all pretty important, right?But have you ever wondered WHY we even need to talk about it in the first place?Why is obesity such a huge problem?Why are 80% of adults in the US now considered overweight, when that wasn't the case 100 years ago, or even 50 years ago?Why DO we get fat?And why are we getting fatter?What's actually happening?That's EXACTLY what we're diving into today, and I'll warn you rig...
Sometimes it seems like Ozempic is everywhere these days, doesn’t it? And when your sister or your cousin or your neighbor down the street suddenly shows up 30 pounds lighter, it’s hard not to be tempted to jump on board.Or maybe you’ve already started taking one of the new weight loss drugs. And even though you were worried about the potential side effects, you haven’t experienced any of the really bad ones, so you figure it’s no big deal.Especially when even your doctor is saying it’s ...
There’s nothing more inspiring than hearing real people overcome real challenges to get the results they want–especially when those are the same results you’d like to see in your own life! That’s why in today’s bonus episode we’re going deep with another amazing woman who’s actually been there, and who’s finally seeing massive success after struggling for so long–I can’t wait for you to hear Richelle’s story!----------Find Dr. Kate on Instagram @healthyhormonedoctor and if you’d like to...
Have you ever noticed how often fear holds us back from getting what we actually want?It sometimes keeps us from trying at all, makes us self-sabotage even when we do try.And it comes up a LOT.It's also a phenomenon that has fascinated me for a long time—so much so that I spent more than TWO YEARS researching all the ways that fear holds us back and surveying more than 4,000 women, and then wrote a book about it called Do It Scared.And while these days I spend a lot of my time helping women o...
Do you ever feel a little bit baffled by menopause, or wonder what’s really going on with all those hormones everyone’s always talking about?And what’s the difference between menopause and perimenopause? And how do you know you’re in it?More importantly what can you actually do to make it through this change of life more comfortably?Those are all the questions we’re answering on today’s episode, and I’m telling you right now–you’re going to love our guest expert, Dr. Kate Naumes.She’s a...
There’s nothing more inspiring than hearing real people overcome real challenges to get the results they want–especially when those are the same results you’d like to see in your own life! That’s why in this episode we’re going deep with another AMAZING long-time TAS client, Kathy Busman, whose story is not only inspiring, but also super relatable. She’s bravely sharing honestly about her experience of taking Ozempic and then choosing to come off of it, as well as how’s she’s handl...
Do you ever feel like you're just NOT an energetic person? Like it's a struggle to get out of bed in the morning, or you're just dragging through the day, or you hit that 2pm slump and it feels like you need to take a nap RIGHT NOW just to make it through the rest of the day?If that's you, then you're definitely not alone. Because as a society, we've become so accustomed to feeling tired and run down all the time that we've started to think it's normal. And yet, it's not normal. It's not...
Have you ever just wished you could FEEL better? Oh sure it would probably be great to lose a little weight or look good in your skinny jeans, but what if there was a way to just make your body feel GOOD again.No more sore muscles or aches and pains. No more digestive issues. No more bloating or gas.And then what if I told you it might be possible to have all that without even changing the way you eat?Do I have your attention yet?Good, because I’m telling you right now–you are going to L...
There’s nothing more inspiring than hearing real people overcome real challenges to get the results they want—especially when those are getting the same results you’d like to see in your own life!That’s why in this episode we’re going deep with an amazing woman named Anita Burns who’s actually been there, and who’s finally seeing massive success after struggling for so long—I can’t wait for you to hear her story!Want to learn more about how our program can help you lose weight and get healthy...
Ah, hormones.It's a term that gets thrown around a lot, especially as we get older, but how often do we actually stop to think about what's really going on with our hormones, or the function they serve in our body?And as much as we make jokes about being "hormonal," how do you actually KNOW whether your hormones are out of whack?And even if you suspect there's something going on, what are you supposed to do about it?The truth is that for women over 40, hormones are a big deal.And yet most of ...
I’m not gonna lie—I may be a little bit OBSESSED with gut health.In fact, I talk about it so much at home that my husband and our friends have turned it into a drinking game.And no, I’m not kidding.But I can’t help myself because it is a HUGELY important topic that is SO critical to our overall health, especially if you’re a woman over 40 who’s trying to lose weight and get healthy.And if you’re excited to learn more about how to keep your gut healthy, you are going to LOVE today’s podcast gu...
There’s nothing more inspiring than hearing real people overcome real challenges to get the results they want—especially when those are the same results you’d like to see in your own life!That’s why in this episode we’re going deep with an amazing woman named Tammy Weiland who’s lost more than 60 pounds since first starting our —and who did it right alongside her husband—I can’t wait for you to hear her story!Are you ready to lose weight and heal your body for life (without dieting, drugs, or...
Have you ever actually thought about how much sugar you're actually eating in a day? Like really thought about it?Because I think most of us, at least on some level, probably realize that sugar is not great.But it's also pretty easy to not really think about how much sugar you're actually consuming on a daily basis.Or what all that sugar is actually doing to your body.Or the fact that if you're like most people, you're actually addicted to sugar and you don't even realize it....even if y...
Whether you're ready for it or not, summer is officially here.For those of us with kids still at home, that usually means relief from the crazy grind of the busy school year, but also a change in routine that can sometimes feel just as chaotic as that last intolerable month of school.But even if you don't have kids at home, there's something about summer that just changes the vibe, whether it's the longer days or the warmer weather or the vacations planned.It's a time to kick back and relax, ...
There’s nothing more inspiring than hearing real people overcome real challenges to get the results they want–especially when those are the same results you’d like to see in your own life! That’s why in this episode we’re going deep with an amazing woman named Tammie Matthews who’s actually been there, and who’s finally seeing massive success after struggling for so long—I can’t wait for you to hear her story!Get our FREE guide to finally fix your metabolism!Losing weight & getting ...
Have you ever gone to the doctor and had them whip out their prescription pad after just a few minutes and then send you on your way? My guess is the answer is yes, because in this day and age of modern medicine, that's pretty much the normal protocol, right? And it's kind of infuriating, especially when they hardly ask any questions, nor do they even give you a chance to question the diagnosis.Honestly, it's why I'm not a big fan of traditional medicine and why I always recommend looki...
Have you ever had one of those near death moments that completely changed your perspective on life? Where your life flashes before your eyes or you suddenly just wake up and realize it's time to do something different. And I realize that it doesn't always happen like in the movies, right? But those wake up calls do happen.And sometimes. They change everything. And in today's episode, we're going to be chatting with my friend and homesteading expert, Shelby DeVore about the very scary wake up ...
There’s nothing more inspiring than hearing real people overcome real challenges to get the results they want–especially when those are the same results you’d like to see in your own life!That’s why in this episode we’re going deep with an amazing woman named Tiffany Thompson who’s actually been there, and who’s finally seeing massive success after struggling for so long—I can’t wait for you to hear her story!Are you ready to lose weight and heal your body for life (without dieting, drugs, or...
Do you ever wish you could travel back in time and give yourself a little advice?I do, especially when I think about how much time and energy I wasted doing all the wrong things, or about how many mistakes I made, and how much frustration I could have avoided, had I only known THEN what I know now.And while there's a part of me that understands that sometimes we just need to learn things the hard way, I also think there's something incredibly valuable about sharing those lessons, those mistak...