Genius Marketing Solutions for Wedding Professionals

The Genius Marketing Solutions for Wedding Professionals Podcast will provide tools, tips and marketing solutions that help wedding professionals scale their businesses. The word scale can mean different things to different people. Maybe you want to scale your business and increase your revenue. Perhaps you want to scale your business to bring on a virtual assistant (VA) or maybe a full time employee. You may possibly want to scale your business to provide a better work life balance. During my podcast episodes, I want to focus on actionable steps, actionable tips, actionable tricks... and you are probably getting the point. I want you to be able to take action using the information that I share with you each week; as well as my incredible guests that are going to be joining on the podcast and sharing their knowledge and wisdom. My hope is that you will walk away with information you can implement immediately to make an impact on your business. I invite you to become a listener of the Genius Marketing Solutions for Wedding Professionals podcast where I will share years of knowledge gained through education, training, life and business experiences, and implementation of successful strategies. Each week, I promise you will hear bite size, digestible episodes that contain information to help you reach your business goals.

The Inevitability of Change

In this episode, Kristina is talking about change. Most people immediately get a negative vibe when that “C” word is mentioned… but hang with us! We are going through some major changes and want to share the exciting news. Tune in to hear more!Change can be a positive thing if you open your mind to the opportunities that await by shifting your mindset. Tune in to hear Kristina talk about how we all pivoted and adjusted the way we did business to accommodate Covid’s gathering restrictions and how now, that things are opening back up, we are pivoting again.Our client’s and customer’s needs are constantly changing. Their changing needs dictate the products and services we are delivering. Are you resisting change? How are you embracing and evolving from it? Kristina speaks in this episode all about the inevitability of change, how her own team is welcoming some major changes and the opportunities it will bring wedding professionals and engaged couples in one cohesive on-line community.BY THE TIME YOU FINISH LISTENING, YOU’LL UNDERSTAND that change equals opportunities and it means you are evolving. When you finish listening, we would love to hear your takeaways from this episode.  Visit our website to send us a message or record a voicemail with Genius Marketing Solutions on social media and more, click here.Connect with the host:Kristina Stubblefield - social media @kristinastubblefield  


Captivate The Room With Your Voice

Kristina speaks with special guest Tracy Goodwin in this episode. They are talking about transformation, finding your voice and maximizing it to serve your audience and make an impact with your message.Our voice is the most powerful instrument we have! How are you using yours to make an impact on your business, your leads and your sales? Tune into this episode to hear Kristina talk with voice coach, Tracy Goodwin, about finding the best version of yourself through your voice.You don’t have time NOT to slow down when speaking to potential customers! You could be losing leads and sales! People want to connect! Connections happen in the voice. Trust happens in the voice. Listen to this episode to hear why customers are deciding who you are based on what they hear.What makes you stand apart from the competition? It’s not about pricing and the details but about making customers feel like you are the person that “gets” them… that connects with them… and the person that can help them! Make potential customers feel that and the price becomes irrelevant! Tune in to hear how the words you use have the power to affect buying decisions.BY THE TIME YOU FINISH LISTENING, YOU’LL FIND OUT that words are everything and they're nothing! It’s how you make me “feel” with the words you use and your voice that have the power to affect customers and their buying decisions.When you finish listening, we would love to hear your takeaways from this episode.  Visit our website to send us a message or record a voicemail with Genius Marketing Solutions on social media and more, click here.OUR GUEST: Tracy Goodwin Owner of Captivate the Room and Creator of Psychology of the VoiceCONNECT WITH TRACY: Goodwin, owner of Captivate the Room and creator of Psychology of the Voice has taught thousands of celebrities, professionals, and entrepreneurs, how to transform their lives and the lives of their listeners with their voice by stepping into the power of their natural voice so they amplify their authority and captivate the room. Tracy’s unique approach, Psychology of the Voice gets to the core of limiting voice habits and transforms voices from the inside out. People all over the world seek her out for her expertise to free voice barriers and get them to the next level in their business and life. Her game changing voice training teaches you how to captivate the room, no matter the message, the venue or the size of the audience.


Focus On The Core Aspects

Are you getting in your own way of being more profitable in your business? In this episode, Kristina talks about focusing on the core aspects of your business… your area of expertise, and how outsourcing the tasks you’re not an expert at will actually save you valuable time and money.Listen to this episode to hear Kristina talk about bettering your business and increasing your profits by outsourcing some tasks to the pros!What is your hourly rate? What are you worth? Tune into this episode to hear how wearing all the hats for your business is costing you valuable time & dollars and how you’d be better served paying someone else to do some of those tasks.If you got the time back you spend each month on tasks that don’t generate income for your business, how much more profitable would your business be? Don’t miss this episode! Kristina is discussing outsourcing and how it can actually save you money!BY THE TIME YOU FINISH LISTENING, YOU’LL DISCOVER that outsourcing tasks not in your area of expertise will save you valuable time and allow you to produce more dollars for your business.When you finish listening, we would love to hear your takeaways from this episode.  Visit our website to send us a message or record a voicemail with Genius Marketing Solutions on social media and more, click here.Connect with the host:Kristina Stubblefield - social media @kristinastubblefield  


Goal Setting

Do you have goals for your business and are they attainable? In this episode, Kristina talks about goal setting; how having goals will keep you on track with your business and marketing plans and how goals can help drive you!Have you carved out time to brainstorm what you want to achieve in your business? Do you know what it takes to keep your doors open, how much over and above you want to profit this year and how many events it will take to get you there? Listen in on this episode! Kristina is talking about goal setting and staying on track to see results! Tune in to this episode where Kristina talks about the importance of goal setting. No matter the method you use to set them, having goals reminds us of where we have been and where we intend to go.In this episode, Kristina is sharing her thoughts on goal setting. Energy, effort and sometimes money have to be put into your goals… but the rewards they can reap like uniting you and your team in a coordinated effort is well worth the time invested in creating thoughtful SMART goals.BY THE TIME YOU FINISH LISTENING, YOU’LL FIND OUT that you can’t have a clear view of what you are working towards in your business if you don't set thoughtful goals to attain whatever it is you want.When you finish listening, we would love to hear your takeaways from this episode.  Visit our website to send us a message or record a voicemail with Genius Marketing Solutions on social media and more, click here.


The Never Ending To Do List

In this episode, Kristina talks about her slow process to let go of all the paper to-do-lists and her transition to digital to-do tracking software... and gives suggestions on how you can do the same.Listen up! Kristina is talking about the never ending to-do-lists that business owners face, how to organize your thoughts, create a plan of action, execute and move forward.Tune in to this episode where Kristina talks about her painful journey of leaving the paper to-do-lists behind and how an online project management/CRM software has helped her and her team become more productive!Paper and pen still fulfill an immediate need when it comes to taking down notes or creating a to-do-list. But how are you organizing all these paper lists? What is your highest priority? Are all these notes centralized in one place and easy to access? Kristina walks you through some FREE and some paid softwares available to help you streamline your to-do process.BY THE TIME YOU FINISH LISTENING, YOU’LL LEARN that having a centralized, organized and prioritized to-do-list will help you to be more productive.When you finish listening, we would love to hear your takeaways from this episode.  Visit our website to send us a message or record a voicemail


The Basics of SEO

In this episode, Kristina breaks down the basics of SEO… what it is, what it means, what it can do for you and how to implement it.SEO is a detailed ever-changing set of practices that gives your business a shot at the search engines. Listen to this episode so you understand the basics of what it is, how it works and how to implement it.We are talking about SEO in this episode! Don’t let those eyes glaze over just yet! We are breaking it down for you in understandable terms. So if you want to improve the quality and quantity of your website traffic and leads, you won’t want to miss this episode!Stay tuned! We are talking about the importance of SEO this week. Listen in to hear how your business can cover more ground and come across more credible by coming up organically (without paying for it) with a little search engine optimization.BY THE TIME YOU FINISH LISTENING, YOU’LL UNDERSTAND what SEO is, why it is important, how it works, how to utilize it to optimize your website and how it will continually deliver for you when you initiate using it.


Online Appointment & Booking Software

In this episode, Kristina provides solutions to help with your productivity and gives recommendations for online appointment and booking softwares that will save you time and stress!If we could provide a solution that would help you have more time in your schedule, would you listen? Well listen up! This episode dives into online appointment and booking software… the benefits, the ease of use, the built-in automations and more!Tune into this episode to hear how making the appointment scheduling process simpler for the end user will end up being a win for you and your business!Can you imagine an online tool that syncs with your calendar, allows new business to schedule with you without you ever having to speak to them and sends confirmation emails or texts for you? Well it exists! And Kristina will tell you all about it in this episode!BY THE TIME YOU FINISH LISTENING, YOU’LL DISCOVER how to save precious time and potential stress for you and your business by utilizing an online appointment and booking software.Online Appointment and Booking ToolThis link can help you book appointments, meetings, events, etc online.Book Like A Boss


Wedding Shows & Making An Impression

In this episode, Kristina talks about wedding shows… why you should do them, how to make an impact and stand out, the follow-up after the event and more.Wedding shows are a great way to market your business to engaged couples but are you making an impact and standing out front the competition? Listen to this episode to hear Kristina’s tips on making an impression while at a show and advice on the follow-up that occurs after the show.Wedding shows can be multifaceted for marketing your business. Beyond communicating with engaged couples, are you building relationships with other vendors? The alliances you create with these fellow wedding professionals can be your biggest referral source! Tune in to this episode to hear Kristina’s opinion on how to go about creating these connections.Tune into this episode to hear Kristina offer up her advice on participating in wedding shows, your booth basics, making an impression with other vendors and engaged couples and the promotion you should be doing on your own social channels and website ahead of time.BY THE TIME YOU FINISH LISTENING, YOU’LL DISCOVER that wedding shows are an effective means of marketing your business and the follow-up you do after could win you more clients!


Your Backup Plan

In this episode, Kristina talks about a recent technology failure incident that could have been catastrophic for business had she not had the proper back-up plans in place.Almost everything we do revolves around digital or smart technology. Do you have a plan in place should your technology fail you? Listen to this episode to hear about the plans to have in place and the technologies our team uses to save us time and resources should our devices fail us.We’ve established that technology can increase revenue and productivity… but what if it fails one day? Do you have a back-up plan in place to make this potential incident just an inconvenience and not a crisis situation? Kristina shares the importance of a back-up plan and how you can go about creating your own.Don’t miss this episode! Kristina is talking about client relationship management softwares, project management softwares, Dropbox, Carbonite backup systems, G-Suite and more… and how all of those cloud based technologies recently saved our business from a potential disaster that only took hours to recover from… not days or weeks!BY THE TIME YOU FINISH LISTENING, YOU’LL UNDERSTAND that having a backup plan in place for when, not if, your technology fails will save you valuable time and resources and allow your business to make a speedy recovery when it happens to you.


The Benefits of Consistent Networking

In this episode, Kristina talks to Josh Suiter of The St. Matthews Chamber of Commerce in Louisville, Kentucky about the importance of consistently networking your business and offers several useful tips on how to go about it.Tune in to this episode to hear networking savant, Josh Suiter with the St. Matthews Chamber of Commerce in Louisville, KY, discuss networking and why you have to stay consistent with it and continue showing up to networking events... Connections lead to conversations and conversations lead to opportunities!Whether networking virtually or in person, you don’t want to miss the great tips offered up in this episode. Kristina sat down with a Chamber of Commerce networking expert to talk about how he kept his Chamber members involved during the pandemic by thinking outside of the box.Listen in to hear how building a network of a core group of people you can call upon will prove to be invaluable for your business and afford you access to opportunities you might not be able to find on your own.BY THE TIME YOU FINISH LISTENING, YOU’LL DISCOVER that consistent networking will foster relationships and the exchanging of business resources, provide support from those in your industry and get referrals for your business.Join our free, private Facebook Group where we post weekly teasers, podcast news, additional marketing tips and any of Kristina’s upcoming marketing offerings that can help you scale your business.Visit our website to send us a message or record a voicemail and share with us your marketing pain points or any topics you would like to be considered for an upcoming episode.CONNECT WITH OUR GUEST: Josh SuiterWebsite: www.stmatthewschamber.comEmail: JoshS@stmatthewschamber.comFacebook:


Time Is Money & Productivity Saves You Time

In this episode, Kristina dives into her favorite FREE Google productivity tools to help you increase revenue and add more hours to your day!Stay tuned to hear about all the free Google productivity tools that can save you time and energy and help you maximize your opportunities to scale your business to increase revenue.Listen to Kristina talk about her favorite time saving tools that are FREE to use… yes, FREE! She wants to help you save precious time… and any amount she can help you get back is more time you have to market and grow your business.In this episode, Kristina is talking about the array of Google tools available that are not only FREE to use but sync on all devices making life easier and more user-friendly.BY THE TIME YOU FINISH LISTENING, YOU’LL UNDERSTAND the productivity tools that Google offers, how these tools sync on all devices and the abundance of softwares that integrate with these tools… and why using them can give you precious time back to work on your business instead of in it!


Financials - The Other “F” Word

In this episode, Kristina talks with Kari Johnson of about bookkeeping and financial tracking for small business owners. They discuss how most businesses could make more money if they knew where their finances stood and could focus their energy on the things that generate profit. You will gain many valuable insights and tips with this episode! Kristina talks with Kari Johnson from about all things bookkeeping and financial for small business owners.One of the smartest things a small business owner can do is have a cash reserve! Does your business have one? Tune into this episode to understand why it is so important, how to go about creating one, how much you should have in the reserve and much more!Could your business benefit from accurate bookkeeping? Of course it could! In this episode, Kristina talks with Kari Johnson of about how paying attention to your finances can give you an advantage… and how accurate bookkeeping and knowing where you stand will help you sleep better at night.BY THE TIME YOU FINISH LISTENING, YOU’LL DISCOVER how most businesses could make more money if they knew where their finances stood and could focus their energy on the things that generate profit. ABOUT OUR GUEST: Kari Johnson is a small business owner, just like you. She understands the challenge of trying to juggle all the hats you're asked to wear. She has an expert-level knowledge of all areas of small business from her time as an owner AND as a Business Advisor for the Indiana Small Business Development Center, hosted by the SBA. She doesn't just "keep your books." She provides guidance and insight into any areas of your business that you lack training and confidence. She is an all-around business coach, disguised as a bookkeeper...and priced at a bookkeeper level. She specializes in QuickBooks Online and QuickBooks Self-Employed. She currently holds a QuickBooks Online Advanced Certification. Kari works virtually, so she can take clients from anywhere in the country.WEBSITE: www.mypennytracker.comFACEBOOK:


Social Media Marketing Overview

In this episode, Kristina talks extensively about social media marketing, the benefits of using it to reach the 3.8 billion active users and the first 3 things to consider before you utilize social media to reach your target audience.Don’t miss this episode! Kristina dives into all the benefits of social media marketing and the benefits of utilizing it. From better brand awareness and loyalty to improved SEO rankings and conversion rates to connecting with your customers, this episode is packed full of great information to help you gain knowledge to properly market your products or services.If you have been searching for a proven way to actually generate leads without spending a lot of time or money, you have to listen to this episode! Social Media Marketing is undoubtedly the most effective way to increase sales, online presence and brand loyalty and Kristina tells you all about it in this episode!Could your business benefit from increased brand loyalty, referrals and better conversion rates? Well of course, it would! Tune into this podcast episode to hear all about social media marketing, the benefits of using it to reach the 3.8 billion active users and the first 3 things to consider before you utilize social media to reach your target audience.BY THE TIME YOU FINISH LISTENING, YOU’LL UNDERSTAND that if potential customers can't find you, they can’t become your customer… and the most cost-effective & efficient way to help them find you is through social media marketing!ACCESS THE FREE SOCIAL MEDIA MARKETING BOOTCAMP: 


Marketing Strategy & Thinking It Through Before You Do

In this episode, Kristina talks to her friend and Wonder Woman or Jack of All Trades, Christy Smallwood, about being strategic when marketing your business and “thinking it through before you do!”Fasten your seatbelts and hold on for this episode! Kristina chats with Christy Smallwood, a self proclaimed jack of all trades in the digital marketing world, about marketing strategy and thinking it through before you do!Are your marketing efforts creating awareness in the marketplace? Do you desire to be the market share of your industry in your area? Then listen to this episode to hear about actionable steps you can take right away.Do you know who your target audience is? Are you consistent with posting content? Do you have an action plan? Tune in to this episode to hear why it is important to understand that there isn’t just one magic piece to the marketing puzzle.BY THE TIME YOU FINISH LISTENING, YOU’LL UNDERSTAND why marketing is not sales and awareness is not referrals and how you can be more strategic when you have a marketing plan in place. Join our free, private Facebook Group where we post weekly teasers, podcast news, additional marketing tips and any of Kristina’s upcoming marketing offerings that can help you scale your business.Visit our website to send us a message or record a voicemail and share with us your marketing pain points or any topics you would like to be considered for an upcoming episode.Connect with the host:Kristina Stubblefield - social media @kristinastubblefield  About Our Guest: Christy Smallwood is the CEO & Chief Strategic Guide of Eagle Eye Strategies - a strategy-first business that educates and empowers business leaders to new heights of success. She helps people solve problems strategically to maximize time, effort, and money. Her background includes 20+ years in media, marketing and advertising, consumer behavior, leadership training and design, and executive business coaching.She is also author and speaker of the message of "Being Super - How to be super through turbulent times."Christy’s mission is to break the status quo of small business, bring order to chaos clearing the clutter of stinking thinking, spark the inspiration of big ideas and audacious goals for purpose-driven entrepreneurs and light a fire under their asses to bring it all to life.Website:


Your Communication Style Can GET YOU or COST YOU Clients

In this episode, Kristina talks about the varied ways customers can communicate with your business and why your communication style may be getting you or costing you clients!How many ways can your clients reach out to you? Besides phone, email & text, you also need to consider that someone may be trying to reach you through social media direct messaging. Are your notifications turned on? Do you even know? YOU MAY BE MISSING OUT ON BUSINESS!Your communication - through all channels - should be a reflection of your business’s personality and branding. Does your current communication style, response time, follow-up, tone and helpfulness reflect that? Response time can get you or cost you clients! If you can’t respond right away, do you have automated systems in place to give potential new clients realistic expectations of when they will hear back from you?BY THE TIME YOU FINISH LISTENING, YOU’LL DISCOVER why your business’s communication style may be getting you or costing you new customers!Join our free, private Facebook Group where we post weekly teasers, podcast news, additional marketing tips and any of Kristina’s upcoming marketing offerings that can help you scale your business.Visit our website to send us a message or record a voicemail and share with us your marketing pain points or any topics you would like to be considered for an upcoming episode.Connect with the host:Kristina Stubblefield - social media @kristinastubblefield  


Google My Business - The FREE Game Changing Marketing Tool

In this episode, Kristina talks about the importance of Google My Business and why it is a game changing marketing tool that every business should utilize.Tune in to hear about a FREE game changing marketing tool that you can set up immediately to help make a positive impact on your business. YES! It is THAT important!Listen to this episode to hear Kristina discuss Google My Business listings; setting them up, why they are important, consistent posting, insights & traffic report availability and more!Take note of this episode! Kristina shares her wisdom about a FREE tool that needs to be at the top of your weekly marketing plan.BY THE TIME YOU FINISH LISTENING, YOU’LL DISCOVER why having a Google My Business listing for your business will be a game changer marketing tool that is FREE, easy to implement and gives your business the power to show up in Google searches.Need help with Google My Business platform?  I offer 2 Bootcamps:Google My Business Bootcamp for Beginners your GMB Listing Bootcamp you finish listening, we would love to hear your takeaways from this episode.  Visit our website to send us a message or record a voicemail Connect with Genius Marketing Solutions on social media and more, click here.


The Four F’s of Procrastination & Overcoming Them

In this episode, Kristina talks to Clinical Psychologist, Author and Procrastination Coach, Dr. Christine Li, about becoming the master of your time and emotions by jumping off the procrastination hamster wheel!Would you like to learn four core principles of being productive and mastering your time? Then tune into this episode to hear Kristina discuss this subject in detail with Procrastination Coach, Dr. Christine Li.Lacking focus and feelings of overwhelm can keep us paralyzed from forward momentum. Listen to this episode to understand how we control what has our attention and how a simple mind shift and breaking things down into manageable segments can make all the difference in your productivity.Did you know that becoming more productive is in your power to create? Don’t believe me? Then tune in to this episode to hear how you get to decide what you do with your time; you get to define your own style of productivity; you get to determine what works for you… and how something as simple as consistency will enable you to see enormous rewards and what you’re really made of!BY THE TIME YOU FINISH LISTENING, YOU’LL UNDERSTAND why forgiving yourself, pushing past your fears, focusing on your purpose and allowing flow/consistency will allow you to overcome your procrastination tendencies and get you on a productivity cycle where you become the master of your time!Join our free, private Facebook Group where we post weekly teasers, podcast news, additional marketing tips and any of Kristina’s upcoming marketing offerings that can help you scale your business.Visit our website to send us a message or record a voicemail and share with us your marketing pain points or any topics you would like to be considered for an upcoming episode.


Website 101 & Why It Is The Foundation Of Your Business

In this episode, Kristina talks about websites being the foundation of your company and why you may be losing out on new clientele if you aren’t paying attention to a few fundamental elements about your business’s website.Is your website such a great representation of your business that you are shouting it from the rooftops? If not you are missing out on utilizing the most powerful marketing tool in your toolbox. Tune in to this episode to hear how you may be losing out on new clientele if you aren’t paying attention to a few fundamental elements about your business’s website.Your business is being judged by the look of your website. Is it fresh and clean? Is it updated regularly? Do you have a clear Call To Action? Tune in as Kristina discusses why these elements are important when engaged couples land on your website and make an instantaneous decision on whether or not they want to do business with you.Does  your website offer  “About” information on your home page? Does your site load quickly? What does it look like on a mobile device? Do you have reviews & testimonials? Listen up as Kristina talks about why each of these things are so important.BY THE TIME YOU FINISH LISTENING, YOU’LL DISCOVER why your website is the foundation of your business and why it should be fresh and clean, updated regularly, have a clear CALL TO ACTION and more!WEBSITE GRADER LINK REFERRED TO IN EPISODE: our free, private Facebook Group where we post weekly teasers, podcast news, additional marketing tips and any of Kristina’s upcoming marketing offerings that can help you scale your business.Visit our website to send us a message or record a voicemail and share with us your marketing pain points or any topics you would like to be considered for an upcoming episode.Connect with the host:Kristina Stubblefield -  instagram: @kristinastubblefield_facebook: @kristinastubblefieldpage


Online Presence: How It Can Impact Your Reputation & Revenue

In this episode, Kristina talks about your online reputation, what it means, why it is important and how consumers are making decisions about your business based on what they can find out about you in online searches.Consumers are making decisions based on the information available about your business when they do an online search. How does your business rank to your competitors? Tune in to this episode to hear why it is important to keep your online presence up to date.If consumers have to jump through hoops online to find your product or service, they are moving on! Is your business easily found and identifiable? Tune in to hear Kristina talk about why ensuring how your business is found and portrayed online makes an impact on your bottom line.There are 60+ search engines out there! Is your business information consistent and accurate across all of these platforms? Find out how you show up and rank by tuning in to this episode.BY THE TIME YOU FINISH LISTENING, YOU’LL UNDERSTAND why building a solid foundation with your online presence will boost your presence, your reputation and help consumers make an informed decision when choosing to do business with you.LINKS REFERRED TO IN EPISODE:Google My Business link to start your business listing: listing report link: our free, private Facebook Group where we post weekly teasers, podcast news, additional marketing tips and any of Kristina’s upcoming marketing offerings that can help you scale your business.Visit our website to send us a message or record a voicemail and share with us your marketing pain points or any topics you would like to be considered for an upcoming episode.Connect with the host:Kristina Stubblefield - instagram: @kristinastubblefield_facebook: @kristinastubblefieldpage  


A Case Study: Growing Your Business Through Digital Marketing

In this episode, Kristina talks with Lead Wedding Planner, Sharon Rumsey of A Perfect Plan Events, about wearing many hats as wedding business owner and how she learned about digital marketing, where to spend her marketing dollars, how to work her leads, the right social media platforms to use… and why she has doubled her fees for planning weddings.Struggling with boundaries when working with your wedding clients? Tune into this episode to hear how wedding planner Sharon Rumsey learned to set them and has increased her revenue and created more work/life balance.Do you work your leads from wedding shows or other sources? Tune in to hear how one wedding planner learned how to streamline that process to make it more manageable and increase her R.O.I.Digital marketing is a puzzle… and some pieces are BIGGER than others. Tune in to hear about the puzzle pieces that are most important and where your time should be allocated as a wedding professional.BY THE TIME YOU FINISH LISTENING, YOU’LL UNDERSTAND how to work your leads, where to spend your marketing dollars and how processes and automation can play a HUGE role in your R.O.I.Join our free, private Facebook Group where we post weekly teasers, podcast news, additional marketing tips and any of Kristina’s upcoming marketing offerings that can help you scale your business.Visit our website to send us a message or record a voicemail and share with us your marketing pain points or any topics you would like to be considered for an upcoming episode.Connect with the host:Kristina Stubblefield - instagram: @kristinastubblefield_facebook: @kristinastubblefieldpage


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