Happy Me Happy Earth

Welcome! If you’re on a mission to make the world a better place then join host Eva Peterson to learn how to expand your impact without sacrificing your health and well-being. By developing the Changemaker Mindset and tapping into the regenerative cycles of nature we can become more confident and effective agents of change. Consider each episode a permission slip to let loose and truly enjoy life! Eva is a certified Life Coach, Ayurvedic Health Counselor, and climate justice activist. Find the show notes and other free resources at happymehappyearth.com.

054: How to End The Year Strong!

Did November creep up on anyone else?! There are just two months left in 2023, so it’s time to end the year strong and intentional! In this episode, I share a year-end review process that you can use to celebrate your past accomplishments, identify life lessons, build self-trust, and make the most of the next two months! Year-end review questions: What intentions/goals/resolutions (if any) did you set last year? Did you stick to your resolution or intention? Did you reach your goal? What worked last year? Challenge yourself to think of 10 – 15 accomplishments and other things you can celebrate from the past year. What didn’t work? Why didn’t these things work? What thoughts or beliefs led you to this outcome? What life lessons did you learn? You can find the full show notes here. Get the free guide Self-care for Changemakers for more support in managing stress and creating the change you want to see in the world without sacrificing your health! Follow me on Linked In. Podcast Music: “Bounce” by Coma-Media on Pixbay


053: Are You Living in the Past?

We all do it. We repeat the same ol' habits and the same ol' problems show up in our lives again and again. But you can change the way you show up in your relationships, work, health journey, etc. by understanding the ways that your past experiences are influencing your current life. In this episode, I share how to recognize when you’re living in the past and what to do to overcome this and move forward. It’s time to switch off autopilot and start intentionally creating the life you want! Reflection questions mentioned in the episode: What types of situations do I typically overreact or underreact to? What unhealthy patterns do I keep repeating? What coping mechanisms do I typically reach for? Get the free guide Self-care for Changemakers for more support in managing stress and creating the change you want to see in the world without sacrificing your health! Follow me on Linked In. Podcast Music: “Bounce” by Coma-Media on Pixbay


052: Comparing Yourself to Others

Have you constantly been told that comparing yourself to others is a bad thing? I disagree. We human beings are wired for comparison, so trying to banish it from our lives is a losing battle. It’s natural, neutral, and not a problem unless we use comparison to put ourselves down or inflate our egos. In this episode, I share how we can instead use our brain's tendency to compare for good and as fuel for our personal growth. If you often compare yourself to others and feel bad about it this episode is for you! Reflection Questions: What, exactly am I comparing here? In what ways, specifically, do I feel like I don’t measure up? What does this person have or achieved that I want? What actions did they take to achieve this or get this? What thoughts caused them to take those actions? I’m currently reading (and loving!) Katie Silcox’s new book, Glow-Worthy: Practices for Awakening Your Inner Light and Loving Yourself as You Are—Broken, Beautiful, and Sacred. Learn more about Nidhi Pandya here. Get the free guide Self-care for Changemakers for more support in managing stress and creating the change you want to see in the world without sacrificing your health! Follow me on Linked In. Podcast Music: “Bounce” by Coma-Media on Pixbay


051: Self-Worth Pep Talk

If you struggle with low self-worth you’re not alone! We often think that the next promotion, publication, certification, award, or relationship will finally make us feel worthy. But once the initial good feelings wear off, we’re back where we started… searching for the next thing to boost our self-worth. This endless, depleting cycle of trying to validate our worth inevitably leads to burnout and resentment. Luckily, your worth isn’t based on external achievements. You can develop unshakable self-worth right now - just as you are. Tune in for today’s self-worth pep talk! Get the free guide Self-care for Changemakers for more support in managing stress and creating the change you want to see in the world without sacrificing your health! Follow me on Linked In. Podcast Music: “Bounce” by Coma-Media on Pixbay


050: Ayurvedic Travel Tips

After 6.5 years of full-time travel and digital nomad life, I have finally settled in Germany! In this episode, I share my favorite Ayurvedic travel tips from how to keep your mind and body in balance while flying to preventing jet lag. I also share the plant allies (herbs) that I use to prepare for and recover from traveling. Dr. Lad’s “Jet Lag Tea” - Put 1/3 teaspoon each of the ayurvedic herbs jatamansi, tagara, and ashwagandha in a cup of hot water, steep for 10 minutes, and enjoy! Get the free guide Self-care for Changemakers for more support in managing stress and creating the change you want to see in the world without sacrificing your health! Follow me on Linked In. Podcast Music: “Bounce” by Coma-Media on Pixbay


049: The Moon and Your Menstrual Cycle - Part 2

Let’s dive deeper into the four phases of the moon and our menstrual cycle! Today I chat about how our energy levels, mood, creativity, and cognitive powers change and flow during each phase of our cycle so that we can work WITH our cycle and thrive! Learn how to plan your work, workouts, and social calendar to take advantage of the gifts of each phase. Phase time stamps: Bleeding Phase - 8:30 & 11:12 Follicular Phase - 9:18 & 13: 41 Ovulatory Phase - 9:44 & 15:44 Leutial Phase - 10:25 & 18: 32 Full show notes link coming soon! Get the free guide Self-care for Changemakers for more support in managing stress and creating the change you want to see in the world without sacrificing your health! Follow me on Linked In. Podcast Music: “Bounce” by Coma-Media on Pixbay


048: The Moon and Your Menstrual Cycle - Part 1

For so long I fought against my period. I wanted to be “on” and super productive all the time. But a woman’s hormones ebb and flow in a predictable way over the course of her monthly cycle. These hormones affect our energy levels, skin, nutritional needs, mood, mindset, motivation, sex drive… everything! So in this episode, I share how we can work WITH our menstrual cycles and align our lives with the moon cycle. The moon cycle orchestrates the tides of the ocean and the tides of our minds and bodies. By the end of this two-part series, you’ll more deeply understand your body and you’ll know how to tap into the powers of each phase of your cycle (and the moon cycle) to plan your life and thrive! Full show notes link coming soon! Get the free guide Self-care for Changemakers for more support in managing stress and creating the change you want to see in the world without sacrificing your health! Follow me on Linked In. Podcast Music: “Bounce” by Coma-Media on Pixbay


047: Tap Into the Benefits of Sunlight (Surya Snan)

Sunlight exposure regulates our hormones, strengthens our bones, and improves our skin. So it’s not a surprise that the sun is revered in Ayurveda and other ancient health systems. Every aspect of our health and well-being is influenced by the rhythms of the sun, and yet most of us spend the majority of our time indoors. Today I help you tap into the benefits of sunlight and teach you how to practice Ayurvedic sun bath therapy, Surya Snan. Get the free guide Self-care for Changemakers for more support in creating the change you want to see in the world without sacrificing your health! Follow me on Linked In. Full show notes link coming soon! Podcast Music: “Bounce” by Coma-Media on Pixbay


046: Reclaiming Our Body Wisdom & Feminine Energy with Natalie Small

Today I’m joined by my dear friend Natalie Small - founder of the Groundswell Community Project. Natalie and I first met back in early 2019 in the small surf town of Huanchaco, Peru. In this episode, we talk about our shared love of surfing, the ancient, matriarchal cultures of Peru, lessons learned from Mother Nature, reclaiming our body wisdom, understanding our feminine power, and much more. Check out the Groundswell Community Project website and Instagram to learn more about their awesome work and find out how you can get involved! Learn more about Natalie’s therapy practice on her website. Find the full show notes here. Get the free guide Self-care for Changemakers for more support in creating the change you want to see in the world without sacrificing your health! Follow me on Linked In. Podcast Music: “Bounce” by Coma-Media on Pixbay


045: Why You Should Add Rose to Your Summer Self-care Routine

For thousands of years, women have been using rose and rose oil to sooth stress, balance hormones, and deepen self-love. Today I dive into all the healing benefits this luxurious flower has to offer and share some simple ways that you can incorporate it into your life. Consider this episode a big ‘ol permission slip to stop and smell the roses! Paavani’s Rose Water Find the full show notes here. Sign up for my ⁠newsletter⁠ to get fun, behind-the-scenes access. Get the free guide Self-care for Changemakers for more support in creating the change you want to see in the world without sacrificing your health! Follow me on Linked In. Podcast Music: “Bounce” by Coma-Media on Pixbay


044: Reduce Anxiety With This Vagus Nerve Exercise

Anxiety and I are old friends, so today I share vagus nerve exercises that you can use to target your anxiety at the source and improve your ability to deal with the everyday stressors of life. I talk about what anxiety is, the role the vagus nerve plays in stress management, and how to reduce general anxiety by practicing vagus nerve exercises. Find the full show notes here. Sign up for my ⁠newsletter⁠ to get fun, behind-the-scenes access. Get the free guide Self-care for Changemakers for more support in creating the change you want to see in the world without sacrificing your health! Follow me on Linked In. Podcast Music: “Bounce” by Coma-Media on Pixbay


043: 60-Second Nervous System Regulation Exercises for Stressful Moments

When your heart starts pounding or your mind goes blank use these quick nervous system regulation exercises to restore balance to your mind and body. Your nervous system affects every process, conscious and unconscious, that happens in your body! So I’m not exaggerating when I say that these simple practices can have a profound effect on your stress levels and every other aspect of your health. In this episode, I share three quick nervous system regulation exercises that you can use in stressful moments. Find the full show notes here. Sign up for my ⁠newsletter⁠ to get fun, behind-the-scenes access. Get the free guide Self-care for Changemakers for more support in creating the change you want to see in the world without sacrificing your health! Follow me on Linked In. Podcast Music: “Bounce” by Coma-Media on Pixbay


041: Emotional Burnout + Life Update + Season 2 Preview

Season two, baby! In this chatty first episode of the season, I share a quick life update and talk about emotional burnout, stress management, and breaking unhelpful life patterns. I also talk about the decision I’ve made to narrow the focus of my work. I’ll now be focusing solely on helping ambitious women to manage stress, heal burnout, and master life balance. If you’re feeling overextended, overwhelmed, stressed, burnout, or all of the above I want to invite you to book a FREE 60-minute coaching session with me. I’ll provide you with expert coaching to help you start managing stress better and healing burnout so that anxiety and exhaustion no longer run your life. And you’ll be helping me better understand the challenges, stressors, and desires of ambitious women. It's a win-win! You can put a call directly on my calendar by clicking this link, and if none of the available times work for you please email me at hello@theevapeterson.com and we’ll set up a time. What to expect from season two: Bite-size episodes about stress management, emotional processing, nervous system regulation, vagal nerve toning, Ayurveda (of course), burnout recovery and prevention, self-awareness, embodiment, and more. Get the free guide Self-care for Changemakers. You can succeed in your important work without sacrificing your health and well-being! Follow me on Linked In. CTZNWELL Newsletter by Kerri Kelly. Podcast Music: “Bounce” by Coma-Media on Pixbay


040: The 5 Elements of Nature & You (Part 2 - Fire, Water, Earth)

The 5 elements of nature are constantly at play in or bodies and minds. This week I talk about how the fire, water, and earth elements express themselves in our bodies, what an elemental imbalance feels like, and what you can do to rebalance yourself if you’re feeling “off.” This is Part 2 of my two-part series: The 5 Elements of Nature & You! To learn more about the ether and air elements check out last week’s episode (Ep 39). Find the full show notes here. Get the free guide Self-care for Changemakers for more support in creating the change you want to see in the world without sacrificing your health! Follow me on Linked In. Podcast Music: “Bounce” by Coma-Media on Pixbay


039: The 5 Elements of Nature & You (Part 1 - Ether & Air)

We are each born with a unique, perfect balance of the 5 elements of nature in our bodies. Many nature-based cultures and traditions, including Ayurveda, have identified these five elements as ether, air, fire, water, and earth. As we grow up we’re exposed to different challenges, climates, relationships, seasons, etc. that cause our bodies and minds to go out of balance. These imbalances lead to physical and emotional health issues. So in this episode, I talk about how to reconnect with your true nature and return your body, mind, and spirit back to balance. This week, I chat about the first two elements (ether and air) and next week I’ll cover fire, water, and earth. Find the full show notes here. Get the free guide Self-care for Changemakers for more support in creating the change you want to see in the world without sacrificing your health! Follow me on Linked In. Podcast Music: “Bounce” by Coma-Media on Pixbay


038: Ayurvedic Summer Self-care Practices (Pitta Season)

These Ayurvedic summer self-care practices, herbs, and foods will help to keep your mind and body in balance through the hot summer months! According to Ayurvedic wisdom, a healthy lifestyle should ebb and flow with the seasons. Let’s tap into the transformative energy of the pitta season to stay cool and fuel our self-growth. Find the full show notes here. Get the free guide Self-care for Changemakers for more support in creating the change you want to see in the world without sacrificing your health! Follow me on Linked In. Podcast Music: “Bounce” by Coma-Media on Pixbay


037: Growing up Persian-American, Social Impact Work, and Opening to Abundance with Natasha Roya Azizi

Natasha Roya Azizi is a healer, earth mama, coach, entrepreneur, and wonderful friend! She’s founded a number of social impact projects and has worked in the nonprofit space as well. In this episode, we chat about Natasha’s Persian-American heritage, the challenges of social impact work, our evolving relationships with money and receiving, sacral leadership, the importance of community, frequency medicine, and much more. Learn more about Natasha Roya’s work by visiting her website: www.natasharoya.com Follow Natasha on Instagram: @natasha_roya Find the full show notes here. The free course that I mention in this episode, Identify Your North Star, is currently unavailable as I make some updates! Sign up for my newsletter here to be notified when it's available again. Podcast Music: “Bounce” by Coma-Media on Pixbay


036: What's a personal Impact Plan? + How to Create Yours!

Do you have a plan to create the change you want to see in the world? Creating a plan will bring a new level of focus, direction, and purpose to your life and work. You'll no longer have to wonder, "Am I actually making a difference in the world?" Learn what a personal Impact Plan is, why it’s so important to create one, and how to start yours today! Want more support as you create your Impact Plan? Sign up for new my course, Create Your Personal Impact Plan: Start Making A Positive Impact On The World In 30-Days. I’ll guide you step-by-step through the process of creating a clear, actionable plan to make your contribution to the world. Register before 11:59 pm on Monday, May 22nd, 2023 using discount code PRERELEASE to receive 65% off the course! Get the free guide Self-care for Changemakers for more support in creating the change you want to see in the world without sacrificing your health! Podcast Music: “Bounce” by Coma-Media on Pixbay


035: How to be Less Self-critical

Let’s shine a light on the parts of ourselves that we criticize and dislike. I share a practical exercise, a quick meditation, and other advice that you can use to heal and become less self-critical. Find the full show notes here. The free course I mention in this episode, Identify Your North Star, it currently closed as I make some updates. Sign up for my newsletter here to be notified when the updated version is released! Get the free guide Self-care for Changemakers for more support in creating the change you want to see in the world without sacrificing your health! Follow me on Linked In & Pinterest. Podcast Music: “Bounce” by Coma-Media on Pixbay


034: A Guided Meditation for Grounding

Today I guide you through a meditation for grounding that you can use to sooth anxiety and reconnect to your body and the present moment. I’ve been practicing this type of grounding meditation for years and with regular use it has helped me to become a less anxious person. Use this meditation when you’re feeling anxious and scattered, when you’re going through big changes and transitions in life, and when traveling to ground your energy and reconnect to yourself. Find the full show notes here. Get the free guide Self-care for Changemakers for more support in creating the change you want to see in the world without sacrificing your health! Sign up for my newsletter to get fun, behind-the-scenes access. Follow me on Linked In & Pinterest. Podcast Music: “Bounce” by Coma-Media on Pixbay


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