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Hi, Fam!
Author: Avital Schreiber Levy
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Welcome to Hi, Fam! Learn how to blend ancient wisdom with modern living to design a family life you love.
Your host, Avital (pronounced Ah-Vee-Tal), is a designer, parenting coach, and mother of five on a mission to guide parents to build unbreakable homes, create passionate marriages, and raise resilient kids.
Tune in weekly for no-nonsense myth-busting, tough love, fascinating conversations, and deep dives into controversial subjects.
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Your host, Avital (pronounced Ah-Vee-Tal), is a designer, parenting coach, and mother of five on a mission to guide parents to build unbreakable homes, create passionate marriages, and raise resilient kids.
Tune in weekly for no-nonsense myth-busting, tough love, fascinating conversations, and deep dives into controversial subjects.
Learn more at
166 Episodes
Do you struggle with feeling like you’re not good enough, or that you don’t measure up? There are so many different parenting philosophies out there: Attachment, RIE, simplicity, unconditional, Montessori, Waldorf, Reggio, gentle, respectful, conscious, peaceful…but which one is right for you? Join me as I dive into this topic and reveal my parenting philosophy. The problem: Every book, expert, & philosophy seems to contradict the others. It can make you feel like you don’t measure up when you can’t or don’t 100% follow a particular philosophy. Some of these groups can be so judgmental and unsupportive when you don’t fully stick to their philosophy. There’s so much out there and it’s hard to decide what will work for you. The solution (and my philosophy): Love parenting and parent from love. Love Parenting Parenting should be enjoyable. We should feel good about the way that we parent. No one benefits from you being a martyr (including your children). Not that it’s always easy. There are definitely hard times in parenting. But overall, you should not parent in a way that feels like constant suffering & misery. Design a life that you love. You could go through your entire life…many people have and are currently doing so…not enjoying life. Keep your cup full and spill out onto others. What would make parenting fun for you? Minimize/reduce/outsource as many of the negative things as possible. Parent from Love When you’re truly motivated from a place of love & care, you’ll find the right words & actions (vs. operating out of fear or anger). Holding your goodness to light. Self-compassion. Do things that are kind. Trust your intuition. Break down old paradigms. Keep it flexible enough and use as a clear guideline. It liberates you from attachment parenting or from mainstream parenting. PERMISSION to LOVE parenting, permission to parent from LOVE. Links & Resources: Show notes at (FB Group)
In this special bonus episode of the Parenting Junkie Show, I interview Tosha Schore, whose mission is to create a more peaceful world one sweet boy at a time. Tosha helps parents who have young boys who are struggling with aggression issues, helping change their behavior without using punishment or harshness. This episode will be helpful even if you don’t have boys. You no doubt have boys in your life in some way (nephews, friends of your kids, etc.) and you’ll learn about what we need to change regarding the way we treat boys in our culture. [3:46] We have an opportunity to bring more peace to the world by changing how we parent/treat boys. [11:12] Men often tamp down their boy's feelings to help them avoid the shame they experienced as a child. [13:08] The way to “fix it” is not by shaming parents or the boys. [15:32] Parents get scared; men don’t want their boys to be shamed like they were, and women are often triggered by past trauma. [16:03] First we have to heal ourselves and work on our own triggers. [17:18] We often believe a fallacy that if they behave “properly,” then they get our love and affection. We need to flip that around. [22:23] Move in close and try to be playful about it. [23:39] It's not about teaching them what’s ok and what’s not...they know. [27:46] Kids often will say or do things that are contrary to what they really want or need. [30:34] Your body/physical touch is a parenting tool. [31:55] Setting limits is extremely important for the well-being of you and your family. [33:52] Limits will shine a light on the area(s) your kid's struggle with. [37:17] Limits can (and should) be set with love. [38:25] We often subconsciously expect kids to love the limits we set...but they won’t. You have to get comfortable with the fact that they won’t like it. [40:33] Why do we do things that don’t work over and over, expecting them to suddenly start working? [42:53] Being playful and silly is a great way to diffuse tense situations. [43:28] Once a child feels seen and connected, he wants to cooperate. [44:57] If you're uncomfortable with aggressive play, step outside your comfort zone and experiment with allowing it. [51:56] What about aggressive video games? [53:09] Do what’s best for you and your family (even if “all their friends” play a certain game and you feel uncomfortable with it). [55:04] Be interested in what your kids are interested in and learn about the games they’re playing. [55:28] Tech should stay in a family space (i.e. not in a bedroom). [56:01] If something interferes with their wellbeing, you may need to set limits around that activity. And experiment with limits and adjust as necessary. [58:50] Behavior doesn't equal identity. If we consistently step toward our boys when they act up and focus on building connection, we’ll start to see the aggressive behaviors “peel off” (like layers of an onion). Remember, your sweet boy is in there regardless of current behavior If you enjoyed this episode and it inspired you in some way, I’d love to hear about your biggest takeaway. Take a selfie of you listening or a screenshot of the show, post it to instagram stories, and tag me @parentingjunkie or feel free to DM me on instagram, I try to reply to as many as I can!Are you subscribed to my podcast? Subscribe here so that fresh episodes are delivered directly to you. Those shiny 5-star ratings and sweet reviews have me all gushy, thank you. But more importantly, they help other parents discover the Parenting Junkie Show and spread the word about Loving parenting and Parenting from Love. If you have a moment to spare, those reviews mean the world to me, you can leave one here. Want to connect to like-minded parenting junkies? Join our (free & awesome) FB community Love Parenting with Avital. Links & Resources Mentioned: Tosha’s book Listen: Five Simple Tools to Meet Your Everyday Parenting Challenges Tosha’s website Tosha’s Facebook Page Tosha’s course “Out With Aggression” Show Notes:
Do you ever wonder how some people make it look so easy and seem to “do it all?” They homeschool their kids while also growing a business. They’re highly productive, yet spend time with their loved ones and are fully present and engaged. People often ask me how I do it all; run a business, homeschool my children, take care of our home, take care of myself, my spouse, etc. In this episode we’re going to dive into the topic of how I do it all. First, it’s important to dispel the myth that any of us can do everything. You can do anything, but you can’t do everything. I believe in doing all of the IMPORTANT things, then outsourcing, reducing, and/or eliminating the rest. I believe in working and taking action and accomplishing things, but I don’t believe in busyness. How to do it all: Don’t do it all! Get help! Get as much help as you can. As your situation allows, outsource things that other people can do to enable you to do the things that only you can do. Outsource things you don’t enjoy doing. Things that take you away from things that bring you joy and fulfillment. It takes a village! You need other people in your life. There are people who will help for free. Drop your kids off to play with your friend’s kids so you can run some errands. There are people who’d love to come play with your kids so you could take a break or work on some other things. Multi-task. It’s not for everyone for every time. In caregiving times and other times when I need to be present and engaged, I’m not multitasking. But while I’m driving, walking, or doing other things that are autonomous where you could be listening to audio books, podcasts, etc. Routine & rhythm. We have a predictable weekly and daily flow. It drastically cuts down on power struggles throughout the day (getting out the door, meal times, getting to bed, etc). And because it’s so predictable, I have blocks of time where I know I can get my work done and schedule in my self-care. Declutter like your life depends on it...because it does. Declutter both physically (in your home, office, etc) and in terms of your time/schedule. There are many things that don’t happen in this season in my life: I don’t answer every email, I pursue every project that comes along, and I say no to a lot of things.Everything that comes into your home and schedule needs to earn it’s place. It needs to be deserving of the energy it takes. If there are things in our home that aren’t serving us, that are adding to the clutter, I get rid of them. If there are relationships that are draining and not bringing me joy, I let them slip away.This helps me bring my full energy and enthusiasm to the things that I’m doing and keeping in my life. I don’t watch much TV (maybe 45 min a week). I don’t go out much. I try very hard to reduce or eliminate mindless scrolling on social media. Supreme self-care.If you want to bring your best to everything you do, you need to take care of yourself. Our bodies and minds need time to rest and rejuvenate. Running yourself ragged is a recipe for burnout and depression. Once you feel rested, nourished, and taken care of, then everything else flows and you can give in a way that is never a sacrifice. It just flows from you naturally. There will be days that are hard and you’ll fall into a victim mindset. But you’re responsible for your own self-care and well-being, and when you take care of yourself, the bad days will be few and far between instead of normal. You need to stop putting yourself last. Stop putting everything and everyone else before your own well-being. When you leave your self-care for last, there’s never enough time and energy. Start making self-care a priority and schedule it in first. Then take care of others with whatever time and energy is left. I would love to hear what you’re saying “no” to so that you can say “yes” to self-care. Take a screenshot of this podcast episode and tag me on Instagram. Tag me (@parentingjunkie) and use the hashtag #parentingjunkie, and let me know what you’re doing to reclaim self-care. One final tip: Focus on being relentlessly optimistic! Focus on gratitude, abundance, and resilience. See challenges and problems as opportunities to grow; rather than being something done to me, they’re opportunities for me. Links & Resources: Show notes at Note: You mentioned bluetooth earbuds. Do you want to include a link to them? Do you have an amazon affiliate account (or whatever it’s called) where you can get a small commission on the sale of anything purchase from your links? Note: You mentioned they can listen to episode 2 to get an outline of your weekly/daily routines. Link to episode 2? Sponsorship:
Links & Resources: Show notes at Show #1: Video about bedtime routines Video about allowance & chores:
Show Notes: Sponsorship: Empathic Limits Course:
Show notes:
Deal with distractions, enjoy them while they're young and bring peace and calm to your mind. In this episode I’m going to give you actionable ways to bring more presence into your life so that you can experience regret -free living, enjoy your children (even while they’re young) and feel satisfied that you’re living life to the fullest. Here’s the best part: It takes less than a minute a day. In this episode you’ll hear: ● What presence is (and isn’t). ● How you’re not the only one who’s constantly feeling distracted. We all are! ● Why you shouldn’t wait for the “perfect circumstances” to be present, avoiding the “I’ll be present when...” trap. ● Why this is crucial for everyone (even if you think you’re already present or think it’s not for you). ● How to parent a child who grows up thinking “my parent connected with me and was there for me.” ● The 5 simple ways you can pull yourself into any moment and be present. Links & Resources: ● Show notes: ● The Top Five Regrets of the Dying: A Life Transformed by the Dearly Departing by Bronnie Ware ● Sponsorship: ● Parent in Love Course: ● Facebook Community: ●
It doesn't take two to tango. Do you ever feel frustrated, disconnected, or misaligned with your spouse or partner? Does it seem like the spark and passion you once had is gone? Have you ever thought that maybe your relationship has run its course, and it’s time to go separate ways? If so, I've got good news for you! There is hope for you, AND change is possible, even if you have to work on it without your partner. Free Masterclass: “How Peaceful Parenting RUINED My Marriage...and How I Saved It.” In this episode, I interview Meredith. Things we discussed: How she felt overwhelmed by the demands of life, the unrealistic expectations of society for partners and parents. She was so tired of how everyone paints this [phony] picture of what life is supposed to look like, and how it can make us all feel like we’re missing the mark. How Meredith and her partner were on the verge of splitting up. Not completely miserable, and they had their up moments, but there were a lot of down moments, and it was wearing on them. She knew that something needed to change. She was tired of trying to figure it out on her own by reading articles, asking friends for advice (who often ended up reinforcing the negativity), etc. They were having the same fights over and over. Budgeting and money. Misaligning over approaches to parenting. Arguments over where they should live. How as partners, we’re supposed to fill each other up, not deplete each other. Remember you have choices (own your own choices). Just because you feel it doesn’t make it true. You can always choose how you respond. Don’t let your emotions rule you. You can take a break, clear your head, and come back with a fresh perspective. Stop saying yes to everything. Prioritize your time. It’s ok to say no and spend more time with your family. Give yourself permission to say no, to have some downtime, to just be. Instead of shoving everything down, putting on the game face, dig in and investigate when you’re feeling angry or stressed. Outsource/delegate to give you more time. Crystal clear communication (learn to really listen and not take what your spouse is saying personally). Think about what kind of memories you want your children to have of you, of their childhood. (what helped her decide to go through the course). Investing in the course is a no brainer. We all want our children to grow up to be amazing adults, and feel connected to us. The course not only helps you learn how to improve your relationship with your partner, but also helps you deal with other people. It doesn’t take both parents. Change is possible even if only one partner is working on it. Links & Resources Show Notes: Free Masterclass: “How Peaceful Parenting RUINED My Marriage...and How I Saved It.”
You might have been reasonably happy in your marriage before kids came along – but we all know that going from two to three is a major life change and some marriages don’t survive it very well. It’s really hard to go from wife to mom, or husband to dad. Although parenting is hard, many find that it’s easier than marriage. And so we get stuck in our parenting role and neglect our marriage role. You may feel you have more control, influence, and even love for your kids, which can make you feel more and more disconnected from your partner. If any of this sounds familiar, there’s hope! What you’ll hear in this episode: How just like mainstream parenting advice is no longer working for families today, mainstream marriage advice is failing us. A new approach to relationships is needed. How it’s possible to have a type of home life dynamic where: We can all become extremely content and even in love with exactly what we have as we have it. We can manage conflict with relative ease and experience high levels of connection and presence with our partners even with very young children. How you don’t fix or find a soulmate you BECOME a soulmate. Peaceful partnering – creating a loving, lasting, sustainable, and synchronized marriage. 3 secrets behind the Parent In Love method. Show notes: Watch "How Peaceful Parenting RUINED My Marriage and How I Saved It":
Have you ever had thoughts or conversations about natural consequences, logical consequences, punishments, rewards, positive or negative reinforcement, etc., and felt like there was something missing – like there’s a deeper level to it all? Today we’re going to dive into these terms and get some clarity on what consequences really are, how we can apply them mindfully, and common pitfalls to avoid. What I cover in this episode: Why you should avoid punitive consequences and positive/negative reinforcement. How natural consequences are good, but often aren’t enough. Extend yourself grace. You won’t get it right 100% of the time. I don’t always get it right, and neither will you. 3 types of consequences you probably haven’t heard of Show notes: Learn more:
We’re bombarded by society (our culture, parents, neighbors, friends, religious institutions, schools, movies, magazines, internet, etc.) with all sorts of inputs and directives about how we’re supposed to raise our children. It’s time to dispel some common myths about parenting and relieve the pressure of trying to be the “perfect parent.” Myths we’re busting: You are in control of your children. There’s one right way to parent. Harder is better. Parents aren’t sexy or interesting. Raising children is boring. You should do it alone. The days are long, but the years are short. Parenting is a “job.” Links & Resources: Show notes: Potty Time Course
Stress… We don’t want our kids to be stressed, but I think it’s safe to say we all want our children to be able to handle stress. In this episode I discuss ways to help develop resiliency and anti-fragility in your children so they’ll be prepared to handle the stress of the “real world.” [1:37] Giveaway winner! [4:43] Stress is inevitable. [7:15] Stress can be a positive thing. [10:37] Too much stress can be damaging. [12:42] Not enough stress can be damaging as well. [15:39] Definition of fragile, resilient, adaptive, & antifragility. [20:17] Don’t overprotect your children from information. [28:07] Don’t overprotect your children from social discomfort. [30:17] Don’t overprotect your children from risks. [33:27] Don’t overprotect your children in their relationships with other adults. [35:03] Don’t overprotect your children from their feelings. [38:41] Don’t overprotect your children from responsibility. [40:35] Share stories with your children (especially inspiring biographies). [42:37] Label your children as strong and resilient. Links & Resources Peaceful Parenting Meditations TED Talk: "How to make stress your friend | Kelly McGonical Book: “The Coddling Of The American Mind” Book: “Free-Range Kids” “Who Is…?” series on Audible Show notes
I'm sharing my experience and thoughts on sleep training so you can hopefully feel calm, cool, and confident in offering your child the best sleep. I hope you can listen to this episode in its entirety, because this is a nuanced and triggering topic that deserves in depth conversation. I wouldn't want you to miss the full context of the ideas presented here. [1:20] Giveaway winner! [4:47] 2 Emails I received from concerned parents [11:02] We’re all torn over the approach to helping our babies sleep better. [21:00] Every child is different and much of their temperament is “baked in” (they’re born with it). [23:59] Flaws with thinking that there’s only one way to do it. [25:34] What does sleep training mean? [27:45] What can be learned from nature? [30:24] What does crying mean? [39:34] Is sleep deprivation respectful? [42:22] Is frustration bad? [48:01] Is it all or nothing? [49:48] The process with my last child. [55:29] We have to trust ourselves. [1:01:02] Summary [1:05:19] What’s coming next week Links & Resources Present Play Batya the Baby Coach 3 Things I Love About the RIE Approach Show notes:
You’ll discover 3 potent techniques to get back on track to loving your kid so you can flip the script when you start feeling annoyed, irritated or out of love with your child. I’ll even share some personal truths that I don’t usually talk about. [1:26] Giveaway winner! [4:10] You love your child, but sometimes you don’t like them. [6:52] You may not be struggling with this…yet. [7:30] You might be burned out. [9:35] There might be a mismatch in expectations. [14:33] Pretend they are someone else’s child. [17:40] Pretend you’re being watched. [20:26] Pretend it's your last day on earth with them. [22:44] Flip “I can’t” to “I can.” Links & Resources Show notes: Present Play
In this episode you’ll discover a powerful way of viewing your parenting role so you can remove yourself from the drama of childhood and offer the meaningful support your children need. [1:28] How much should we intervene and solve problems for our kids? [8:11] Intro to the Story Framework. [8:59] Basic structure of a story. [12:48] What does this have to do with parenting? [13:56] We are not the hero. [17:32] We are the guide. [23:02] We give them a plan. [23:49] We call them to action. [26:14] We help them succeed and avoid failure. [26:58] Measure every situation against this framework. Links & Resources Donald Miller’s book “Building A Story Brand” Show Notes:
Which school should you send your kids to? What extracurricular activities should they participate in? What books should we read? We’re obsessed with providing the best for our kids. In this episode I’m going to tell you why none of that matters as much as we think it does, and what I believe we should focus on instead.Spoiler alert - it's not what (or how) you think. Think back to your childhood - what were the biggest lessons you learned? Were they the ones that were dictated to you? The ones taught directly in school via a lesson plan? Or perhaps were they the ones that weren't directly spoken or intended? Usually the real lessons came between the “lessons.” How the adults in our lives spoke to us, spoke to each other, how they behaved, how they viewed the world - these were the real lessons for better or worse. In this episode, I’m sharing my belief that *I* am my children’s biggest and most powerful curriculum, and you are YOUR children’s biggest and most powerful’s what you’ll hear: [3:14] The “real” lessons we learned in our childhood. [5:47] The default way you are probably parenting, for better or worse [7:53] What is the true curriculum of childhood 📚 ❓ [8:52] Lecturing does not work. Do you learn best by being directed? [12:06] What educational institutions are teaching your kids (🤦) [15:29] The real curriculum is you (what you do, not what you say). Where to find the real curriculum [20:53] Don’t abdicate! (spoiler alert this is uncomfortable) [22:25] What we must demand of ourselves [28:46] How kids learn Social Skills 👯 [31:27] How your kids are learning to Life Management skills 🕐 [35:05] Model a healthy mindset. Mindset 🧠 How you show up, how you treat others, how you manage your life, and the mindset you carry through it all - this is what our children will learn. If you enjoyed this episode and it inspired you in some way, I’d love to hear about it and know your biggest takeaway. Take a selfie of you listening or a screenshot of the show, post it to instagram stories, and tag me @theparentingjunkie or feel free to DM me on instagram, I try to reply to as many as I can!Are you subscribed to my podcast? Subscribe here so that fresh episodes are delivered directly to you. Those shiny 5 star ratings and sweet reviews have me all gushy, thank you. But more importantly they help other parents discover the Parenting Junkie Show and spread the word about Loving parenting and Parenting from Love. If you have a moment to spare, those reviews mean the world to me, you can leave one here. Want to connect to like minded parenting junkies? Join our (free & awesome) FB community Love Parenting with Avital The (free) three week Reclaim Play challenge is dropping April 15th Grab Your Spot NOW Show Notes:
Do you want to create a meaningful relationship with your children? One that you have earned their trust and respect? A relationship that even a teenager (or any age for that matter) will still find some points of connection or interest in the relationship with you? What does it take to sustain a true relationship? What if we approached our relationship with our children the same way Olympic athletes approach their sport and their training? In this episode you’ll discover how you can be the best parent you can be, worthy of a gold medal. You’ll learn how to develop a game plan and feel confident you’re focusing on the right things – the right things for YOU and YOUR child. Here’s what you’ll hear: [3:20] Why meaningful relationships require a game plan [6:17] Who we are really competing against [9:10] Olympic athletes choose their sport - are you owning your choice? [11:40] Step 1 - Find your area of genius and focus on that [20:51] Step 2 - How to compound your results [25:37] Step 3 - Be Consistent [28:05] Step 4 - Your environment is your biggest supporter or your biggest saboteur. [32:12] Step 5 - Who are you as a parent? Who do you want to be as a parent? What is your identity as a parent? [37:19] Step 6 - Fill your own cup first [39:44] Step 7 - Celebrate your successes and learn from your failures Remember, this journey of parenting is an important, meaningful, and worthy endeavor, let’s show up to it with the same enthusiasm, passion and joy that an olympic athlete shows up to her sport. If you enjoyed this episode and it inspired you in some way, I’d love to hear about it and know your biggest takeaway. Take a selfie of you listening or a screenshot of the show, post it to instagram stories, and tag me @theparentingjunkie or feel free to DM me on instagram, I try to reply to as many as I can!Are you subscribed to my podcast? Subscribe here so that fresh episodes are delivered directly to you. Those shiny 5 star ratings and sweet reviews have me all gushy, thank you. But more importantly they help other parents discover the Parenting Junkie Show and spread the word about Loving parenting and Parenting from Love. If you have a moment to spare, those reviews mean the world to me, you can leave one here. Want to connect to like minded parenting junkies? Join our (free & awesome) FB community Love Parenting with Avital The (free) three week Reclaim Play challenge is dropping April 15th Grab Your Spot NOW Show Notes:
How can we discipline our children in a way that’s effective, meaningful, and peaceful? Do you ever feel like you are under incredible pressure to “discipline your child” but aren’t quite sure what exactly that means or what to do? It can be difficult with culture’s mandates and our own irritation levels to know exactly what to do. In this episode, you’ll discover the true meaning of discipline. I’ll be giving you 3 actionable steps to take toward better disciplining your child. [2:55] How do punishments work? Hint hint - not the way you think [3:55] What does discipline even mean anyways? [6:51] I’ve told him time and time again [10:05] What does practice have to do with discipline? [13:49] Step 1 - Show, don’t tell [19:28] Step 2 - We get what we pay for [26:14] Step 3 - Be the student Be the change you wish to see in your child and guide them along the way! If you enjoyed this episode and it inspired you in some way, I’d love to hear about it and know your biggest takeaway. Take a selfie of you listening or a screenshot of the show, post it to instagram stories, and tag me @theparentingjunkie or feel free to DM me on instagram, I try to reply to as many as I can!Are you subscribed to my podcast? Subscribe here so that fresh episodes are delivered directly to you. Those shiny 5 star ratings and sweet reviews have me all gushy, thank you. But more importantly they help other parents discover the Parenting Junkie Show and spread the word about Loving parenting and Parenting from Love. If you have a moment to spare, those reviews mean the world to me, you can leave one here. Want to connect to like minded parenting junkies? Join our (free & awesome) FB community Love Parenting with Avital The (free) three week Reclaim Play challenge is dropping April 15th Grab Your Spot NOW Show Notes:
“No mommy I love this, this is my all time favorite toy” – said every kid whose parent ever tried to declutter the toy that they have not touched in 2 years. Sound familiar? Tens of thousands of parents have gone through this free and simple process with me and it can make such a dramatic difference in their child’s play. The problem parents run into is not due to the complexity of decluttering but is actually due to their own beliefs sabotaging the efforts they make. On the surface decluttering toys doesn’t seem like a big deal. What parents don’t realize is that it usually leads to a pandora’s box of emotions and fears. In this episode you’ll discover the seven most common reasons people have too many toys and why it’s difficult to downsize. It’s time to overcome these limiting beliefs and clear the way for a decluttered, soothing play space! [3:37] “You’re not a real minimalist!” [5:36] But EVERYTHING sparks Joy 🥰 [11:20] #1: It’s all about Love! 💕 [13:23] #2: The hidden ball and chain [15:16] #3: How else will she become the next Einstein? [17:42] #4: Gotta keep up with the Jones’ kids! [19:32] #5: The most seductive of our methods [21:49] #6: Don’t pay for it twice! [23:24] #7: Fear Fear Fear 😱 Ultimately the relationship we have with our stuff mimics the relationship we have with ourselves and the world. If you enjoyed this episode and it inspired you in some way, I’d love to hear about it and know your biggest takeaway. Take a selfie of you listening or a screenshot of the show, post it to instagram stories, and tag me @theparentingjunkie or feel free to DM me on instagram, I try to reply to as many as I can! Are you subscribed to my podcast? Subscribe here so that fresh episodes are delivered directly to you. Those shiny 5 star ratings and sweet reviews have me all gushy, thank you. But more importantly they help other parents discover the Parenting Junkie Show and spread the word about Loving parenting and Parenting from Love. If you have a moment to spare, those reviews mean the world to me, you can leave one here. Want to connect to like minded parenting junkies? Join our (free & awesome) FB community Love Parenting with Avital The (free) three week Reclaim Play challenge started April 15th Grab Your Spot NOW! Show Notes:
Are you sabotaging your children’s behavior in subconscious ways, without even realizing it? You have a hidden power of influence that you may not even be aware of. Think about the last time you were at an airport or bus station, did someone have to verbally tell you or physically show you what to do? Would you act the same way in an airport as you do in a church? Or do you feel really creative and expressive in either of those places? Chances are you behave very differently depending on the location you are in and do so without being explicitly told to do so. In this episode you’ll discover a way to influence your children, your husband - even your own behavior - without the use of words. You can create more ease and flow in your life and reduce friction around day to day activities using this powerful tool. Here’s what you’ll hear: [5:56] Stop feeling like a nag [9:57] The hidden power that changes everything [11:05] How our behavior is influenced without any words [16:56] Use this to your advantage! [18:43] Clutter creates chaos [19:24] Items hold an energy (from a woo woo and a psychological perspective) [22:52] Create cohesiveness [23:41] Strewing!!! 🎉Spoiler Alert: You do NOT need more Toys!! [28:14] Take it to the next level! The things we see subconsciously trigger certain thoughts and associations in our mind which make us feel a certain way which make us behave a certain way. Are you using this to help you achieve the behavior you want to see? If you enjoyed this episode and it inspired you in some way, I’d love to hear about it and know your biggest takeaway. Take a selfie of you listening or a screenshot of the show, post it to instagram stories, and tag me @theparentingjunkie or feel free to DM me on instagram, I try to reply to as many as I can!Are you subscribed to my podcast? Subscribe here so that fresh episodes are delivered directly to you. Those shiny 5 star ratings and sweet reviews have me all gushy, thank you. But more importantly they help other parents discover the Parenting Junkie Show and spread the word about Loving parenting and Parenting from Love. If you have a moment to spare, those reviews mean the world to me, you can leave one here. Want to connect to like minded parenting junkies? Join our (free & awesome) FB community Love Parenting with Avital The (free) three week Reclaim Play challenge is dropping April 15th Grab Your Spot NOW Show Notes:
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thank you! i have a question. i heard you shouldn't drink raspberry leaf tea until your almost due as it can bring on labour. is that true? Also i was doing intermittent fasting and was told not to do it pregnant. im hoping as you are doing it then it cant be harmful? i really miss doing it. i think right now i cannot as crackers help my morning sickness but maybe second trimester! thanks always xoxo
GREAT episode. So reassuring and such important info
absolutely brilliant!
Avital, just put those cereals in special boxes. They stay fresh & you don't need to roll anything. Problem solved. (Posting this with humor. 🙂) You are awesome, thank you!❤️
This episode is pure GOLD!
I'm so incredibly type A and when given a strict guideline I follow it to the T in an almost unhealthy way. So the permission to relax and change things if it's not working for me is the best advice I've ever gotten. I feel more confident in trusting myself and I'm inspired by your advice and experience. Thank you Avital!
Definitely not for me. I listened to the whole first episode to give it a chance and after wading through 15 minutes of nothing before it properly started, I didn't really agree with anything at all.
Thank you Avital! It's like you know what I need to hear and when. You've changed the way I see parenting!