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Real Estate Tech Show

Author: Joe McCall and Cory Boatright

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Real Estate Tech Show brings together two real estate investing experts to talk through the technology they use to grow and run their businesses. Tune in each week as Cory Boatright and Joe McCall share insights, tips and tricks for what's working in Real Estate Investing Tech today.
16 Episodes
In this episode – the final part of our Virtual Assistant Domination special – we cover the ways your virtual assistant can manage the marketing side of your real estate business. A lot of investors forget all about marketing. We get too busy and focused on our properties that we forget to generate more leads in the meantime. This is where a VA can really pay off.  Virtual assistants can help you market and generate more leads while you run your business. We break down the top three things a virtual assistant can do to help you market your real estate business, including: Using Craigslist and Facebook to find and market to realtors directly Scraping phone numbers effectively Sending mailers and automating your mailing services  Remember, technology is supposed to make your job easier, not harder, and today’s tech makes it possible for you and your virtual assistant to work remotely. Just think about it – your VA could be contacting new leads while you’re closing on a deal halfway across the globe.  Tune in now to find out which tech you can start using right now to generate leads with a virtual assistant.  MINUTE MARKERS 2:57 What’s Cory doing in real estate right now? 4:49 What’s Joe doing in real estate right now? 6:50 Joe’s insight on automated wholesaling 9:16 Marketing is the most important part of this business 12:46 How VAs can free up your time 16:35 The first marketing task for a VA 18:25 How to use Vumber and CallRail with a VA 18:45 Marketing tip: VAs sending personalized texts 20:45 Where we find VAs 21:55 Pros and cons of local and international VAs 23:52 Marketing tip: 3 questions to ask a realtor 30:38 Playing the numbers game in real estate 33:41 Cory shares his favorite coaching exercise 34:28 Using a VA to send mailers 36:56 Joe’s favorite tech tool for sending mailers 37:41 Cory’s favorite tech tool for mail 41:17 Marketing tip: Have your VA use Click2Mail 43:53 The inside scoop on probate attorneys    RESOURCES Vumber CallRail UpWork Fiverr VAServant Click2Mail SendFuse DealMachine Zapier Haim Mamane Palman Dan Schwartz Seth Williams QUOTES "You can literally run a multimillion dollar business from anywhere in the world, all you need is a laptop.” Joe “The bottom line is, how can you replace yourself or how can you duplicate yourself and the efforts and by creating systems, and having virtual assistants to help you.” Cory    
Welcome to Part Two of our Virtual Assistant Domination Series! Last episode we talked about where to find virtual assistants, and today we’re going to get into the nitty gritty of training VAs. If you can properly train your VAs, you are going to seriously leverage your time. Whatever you don’t have time to do in your business, a VA can easily pick up the slack. They can be the person you pass the ball to when there’s just too much on your plate. You just have to prepare them for the job, and that means giving the proper training. For us, proper training is done with what we call a “video training library”. We share the tech we use to make these videos and how to share them with virtual assistants across the globe. What’s great about these videos is that they give you something you can use over and over again to train new assistants. Training videos also create a line of communication between you and your assistants, which is absolutely necessary if you want to have a successful VA. Communication is critical to having success with your VAs, no matter where you find them. There are so many tech tools you can use to keep up with your VAs and talk to them in real time, and we share a couple of our favorites today. With so much technology at your fingertips, there’s no reason not to get a virtual assistant. Technology makes it so much easier to manage and communicate with a virtual team, and your real estate business has the chance to grow exponentially if you just try it out. MINUTE MARKERS 2:04 What’s Cory’s favorite podcasting app? 2:50 The weather is getting a little weird 4:54 How to leverage your time with a VA 6:30 Joe’s Training Philosophy 8:34 The tech Joe uses to train new VAs 13:46 The safest way to share your personal information with VAs 19:16 Creating a video training library 21:00 Joe shares his Podio on this podcast for the first time ever! 27:40 Where to find high-quality and affordable VAs 33:10 What is a daily check-in and scorecard? 34:55 Communication is critical 38:27 Tune in next time for Part 3 of our Virtual Assistant Domination trilogy! 39:20 We answer questions on Facebook Live QUOTES Whenever you’re giving tasks to a VA, it’s got to be measurable. You need to figure out some way to measure it so that you know it’s being done. What you want in a virtual assistant is a driver, they take responsibility and then they have accountability. RESOURCES Screencast-O-Matic Upwork Vumber Dropbox Podio VA Servant Fiverr Reedsy Slack
Welcome to The Real Estate Tech Show! We are trying a new format with today’s episode to be a little more interactive. The podcasts will be on Zoom from now on so we can get likes and comments from our listeners in real time. If you like this new format – and even if you don’t – leave us a comment and let us know. Now, on to today’s episode – This episode is the first in a series about using virtual assistants in real estate. Joe swears by virtual assistants. He’s been using one for nine years now, and he’s learned a lot about hiring, firing, and creating what he calls a “standard operating procedure”. This procedure is something like a training checklist. It’s a way for you to clearly communicate your expectations with your VAs so you can make sure they’re doing the job right. We go over a few of our favorite places to find VAs, but that’s not the most important takeaway from today’s episode. The key to hiring a virtual assistant is you. Your training, your communication, and your ability to build a relationship with your VA will be the only way you can guarantee success. It’s important to keep that personal touch, even if your assistant is a million miles away. We share a few of our favorite tech tools for building that virtual relationship, and next week we’ll be talking about all the things a VA can do for you and your real estate business.   MINUTE MARKERS 0:27 Joe finds his assistants on Virtual Staff Finder 1:25 The biggest mistakes people make with VAs 2:09 Cory loves a checklist 3:31 What is a “standard operating procedure”? 6;28 How do you know when you have a good VA? 10:16 The proper pay for your VA 13:20 Don’t lose that personal touch 15:00 A quick run-down of what a VA can do for you 16:55 Interact with us in our new live format QUOTES “You’ll get really good virtual assistants if you set up those procedures, that checklist right up front, but then also communicate with them and give them that scorecard.” Joe “The more that you build that relationship with them often, the more that they’re going to feel compelled to want to work with you and do a better job because they feel like you care about them.” Cory RESOURCES Virtual Staff Finder Upwork Online Jobs Zoom Video Screencast-o-Matic Jing Chris Ducker MLS Hacks And don’t forget to download our Top Ten Tech Tools!  
012: Evernote as a CRM

012: Evernote as a CRM


This episode is going to be a little bit different from our typical fare. Today we’re only talking about one tool – Evernote. But there are so many different ways to use Evernote that it deserves its own episode. Using Evernote for CRM (customer relationship management) is probably the easiest and most obvious choice for this tech tool. In fact, it’s the only thing Joe uses for CRM. He uses it for a bunch of other things too, which he goes into today, but it’s the most efficient tool for managing clients and leads that he’s found in this business. The most important thing about Evernote is its simplicity. On this podcast, we are trying to show you how easy tech can be. We don’t want to confuse you or complicate your business. And we also don’t want to scare you away from technology. Simplifying your life, automating your systems - these are the goals we have when we record this show. And with Evernote, you can share links, save photos, and send emails from an app on your phone. The biggest takeaway from today’s episode is the way Joe uses his Evernote as a CRM and a personal diary. There are no rules when it comes to using these tools, it’s just important that you do use it. It’s important to invest in technology if you want to accelerate your business to the next level, and what we talk about today should justify the small fee you pay for using some of the better features of Evernote. MINUTE MARKERS 1:50 Our new favorite book 2:51 Joe uses Evernote all of the time 7:10 Evernote creates much needed CRM structure 12:39 Get familiar with Evernote on YouTube 14:48 Joe walks us through the ways to use Evernote (see video) 20:48 What Cory loves most about Evernote 23:22 Attaching property photos to Evernote 26:49 How to use tags in Evernote 27:46 How to search tags in Evernote 33:21 Keep it simple or you’ll never use this tech 38:22 The best automation you can get is a virtual assistant 39:21 Don’t be afraid of technology RESOURCES Evernote Evernote CRM on YouTube Zoom Good to Great by James Collins Joe’s podcasts with Rick Otton And don’t forget to download our Top Ten Tech Tools! QUOTES These tools allow us to create organization and structure in a way where you don’t have to think about it. If you complicate your CRM too much, you’re not going to use it.
You’re probably asking yourself – what does a real estate investor need with editing tools? Short answer is closing deals. If you want to close deals faster and make more money in your business, these tools will absolutely get you there. The editing apps we talk about on today’s episode do everything to make an investor’s life easier. Take screenshots, sign documents, and edit photos right from your phone. The screenshot feature we talk about on today’s episode is not available for Android users. Because we both have iPhones, we’re going to take advantage of our native features first. But the rest of the tools we discuss today are available across mobile devices and can be integrated your desktop: Droplr: an image editing tool that allows you to share edited photos and videos as links instead of large files Get Stencil: Cory’s favorite editing app is this simplified photoshop-esque tool for editing, creating, and re-creating images Canva: This editing tool is free but gives you the option of buying your special effects a la carte without any commitment Dropbox: You’ve probably used this tool before but not in the way we’re talking about today. Did you know you can run presentations through Dropbox? PicMonkey: Our favorite editing tool for social media posts Both of us talk about exactly how we use these tools and why. They are so handy and have become such a natural part of our work processes. When you can run your business and indulge a little creativity at the same time, you need to take advantage of it. Go out and use the tools we talk about today. If you’re interested in using technology to make your business better and more successful, get out there and start trying. Leave us a review and let us know how you are using these tech tools. MINUTE MARKERS 0:39 Check the video for Joe’s treadmill desk 2:50 The iPhone screenshot tool 5:01 Cory shares his screenshot secrets 8:25 Screenshots and signatures 11:44 Cory’s first editing tool: Droplr 13:32 Joe explains why real estate investors need editing tools 15:35 Jing might look old but it still gets the job done 16:22 What’s The Grateful Project? 19:01 Get Stencil is close as you can get to Photoshop on your phone 21:14 Canva is a great free editing tool 22:55 The secrets you didn’t know about Dropbox 29:24 How to use PicMonkey 30:57 Why are these editing tools so important? 32:01 Use technology to make your business better 33:41 How many steps did Joe take during this episode? 35:40 FitDesk vs. VARIDESK 39:25 Joe is looking for a masseuse in St. Louis QUOTES “You don’t want to be that guy to take some picture of their screen from their phone and then try to email a six megabyte file.” Joe “They say time is money, but I believe also you gotta get with the times.” - Cory RESOURCES Droplr Jing Get Stencil Canva Dropbox CamScanner PicMonkey TechSmith Grateful Project The Prayer Project Varidesk FitDesk Ergodriven
Welcome to the tenth episode of the Real Estate Tech Show! If you haven’t checked it out already, visit our website We have the domain up and running, and you can download our toolkit of our top ten favorite tech tools. The tech we’re talking about today is all about time management. The whole reason we run our own businesses is to have the freedom that comes with working for yourself. But that freedom can also be a curse if you don’t know how to manage or your time effectively. Because it’s not just about setting aside time to work. It’s about using that time wisely. Cory shares two of his favorite time management tricks – the Pomodoro Technique and his own Doctor’s Appointment Technique. Both will hold you accountable to your time and how productive you are with it. You can use your own timer to apply these techniques, or take advantage of some of the tools we talk about today, including: Focus@Will, Cory’s favorite Pomodoro-style app. It comes with binaural beats to help you stay focused. BeFocused is an iPhone app with a Pomodoro timer Momentum will keep you motivated by only letting you focus on one task at a time The most important takeaway from today’s episode is to value your attention. With so many different things competing for our attention these days, it can be hard to stay focused on the task at hand. We hope that our advice today and the tools that we use can help you be productive and stay motivated. MINUTE MARKERS 1:35 Are you any good at time management? 2:38 Josh Schoenly’s 9 tips for time management 3:56 Learn how to value your attention 6:08 Writing it down can help you stay focused 7:12 Remember to give yourself a little grace 9:21 Cory’s favorite: The Pomodoro Technique 12:25 Focus@Will app uses the Pomodoro Technique 17:28 Cory’s own “Doctor’s Appointment Technique” 18:50 BeFocused app uses Pomodoro too 20:45 The tyranny of the urgent 23:07 Time management is really energy management 24:00 Don’t forget to drink coffee 25:08 How to use the Momentum app on your browser 27:27 Cory recently started using the Productive app 28:02 Our last minute favorite podcast apps! QUOTES “I think there’s definitely a value to putting in consistent and intentional work. What I’m not a big fan of is just being busy for the sake of being busy.” Cory “Focus on just one thing at a time. You’ve got one major thing that you can do a day, you’ll accomplish way more than somebody who was four things to do in one day.” Joe RESOURCES Josh Schoenly 9 Tips for Staying Focused & Getting the “Right” Things Done Jesse Itzler Tomato Timer Eat the Frog by Brian Tracy We Do Hard Stuff Bulletproof Death Wish Coffee The No B.S. Time Management for Entrepreneurs by Dan Kennedy Things Focus@Will BeFocused Momentum Productive PocketCasts Breaker
Welcome to The Real Estate Tech Show! It’s official. We officially own the domain: so visit our site to access the amazing tech tools we talk about on our podcast. But before you start this episode, be aware: you do not want to spam people. Call broadcasting is an effective marking move, but you have to be cognizant of who you’re calling and when. Leaving an automated message in a client’s voicemail isn’t technically against the law, but make sure you know what’s legal in your state before you use the call broadcasting tools we talk about today. That being said, the possibilities you have with call broadcasting tool are endless. The top four we recommend today are – Call Loop: Call Loop lets you blast messages, send invoice texts, and promote webinars, but we use it on our show for the short code. Short codes are the shorter numbers you can use to send out texts or voicemails without using your own phone number. Sly Dial and Sly Broadcasting: This tool is Joe’s favorite for sending out individual and personalized texts to his clients. It may sound tedious, but Sly Dial makes it so easy for you to reach out and broadcast to clients without being spammy. CallFire and CallRail: Another favorite tool of ours for sending mass texts. It also lets you record phone calls, both incoming and outgoing, which can prove to be an extremely valuable way to keep records of your business. It can also be integrated with other tools, like Zapier. Vumber: Vumber is a cheaper way to get an extra phone number and it’s easier to use than some of the other tools we talk about today. For those of you just starting a broadcasting campaign, Vumber is a great place to start. Once someone’s opted onto your list, you can use any of these four tools to send them personalized texts or leave automated messages on their voicemail. The tools we talk about today can transform your real estate business, but only as long as you’re using the tool the way it’s designed to be used. We do not endorse spamming potential clients. Rather, Cory discusses how you can be clear on your “opt-in” options so your clients, students, or fellow real estate agents know exactly what they’re getting when they opt-in with you. MINUTE MARKERS 1:40 An important DISCLAIMER 3:36 What it means to “opt in” 5:10 Frogs, snakes, and other reptiles Cory doesn’t like 7:00 What happened to Joe when he was scraping phone numbers? 10:48 Our friend Chris and Call Loop 11:35 OnCarrot with our friend Trevor 12:20 We’re using Call Loop right now on this show 17:00 Trint is for transcripts 17:40 What’s the difference between Sly Broadcasting and Sly Dial? 20:12 How Joe uses Sly Dial for texting 22:10 How do Cory and Joe leave messages? 25:04 Using CallFire for mass texting 26:20 Joe’s texting preferences 27:45 What is Twilio? 29:55 Why is Joe using Vumber? 31:44 Do you know Mitch Stephen? 34:53 Joe gives us investors another warning 36:01 Cory’s tips for texting lists 37:00 A quick recap of our top 4 broadcasting tools 40:00 The Pep Boys Case from Ohio County, West Virginia 41:50 Check in later for Episode 10 of the Real Estate Tech Show! RESOURCES Call Loop Sly Broadcast Sly Dial CallFire CallRail Vumber Chris Brisson Trevor Mok Mitch Stephen OnCarrot Joe Likes Carrots Zapier Trint Podio InvestorFuse FreedomSoft EZtexting ClickFunnels Twilio CallRail Livecomm
The Real Estate Tech Show is all about making technology work for you. And we’re talking about some epic timesavers in today’s episode. Because you shouldn’t be spending more than a couple of minutes looking at comps, not when you’re making your initial offer at least. There are apps out there that can give you access to property detail reports and sales history right on your phone or tablet. Being able to do what you do on a mobile device is incredibly important. Anything that saves Joe time and money is automatically at the top of his favorites list, and he really loves RealQuest Express. Joe uses RealQuest to find zoning information, recorded mortgages, and old county records on his properties. It gives him everything he needs in one place, and he can easily share this information with his buyers as a PDF document. For Cory, his ultimate comp tool is House Price Robot. Just like a hotel finder, House Price Robot collects information from all sorts of free realty sources (including Zillow and Redfin) and displays them in one place. There’s no point scouring the internet for the sales information on one property when House Price Robot can do it for you. Cory shares why the social media perks make this his favorite comp tool and how he uses it to connect with other investors on Facebook. These are only a few of the comp tools we talk about today, and all but one of them are free. You don’t have to spend a lot of time or money on comps when you can make technology work for you. And when that tech is free, there’s no excuse for not using it! Try these out and let us know how they work for you on iTunes. MINUTE MARKERS 1:35 We officially own the domain 3:04 Momentum is our favorite plug-in 4:16 It’s worth it to go platinum with RealQuest Express 8:27 Why does Joe love Redfin? 11:06 iComps offers quick, fast value 12:47 Why does Cory think the MLS is the best? 14:02 Cory walks us through using House Price Robot 20:58 How to use Rentometer with House Price Robot 22:40 Cory recommends teaming up with a real estate agent QUOTES “Listen, bottom line, when you’re making that initial offer, you shouldn’t spend more than a couple minutes looking at comps.” Joe “The tools that are paid tend to be the most accurate.” Cory RESOURCES Claude Diamond Tai Lopez John Cochran Momentum RealQuest Express Core Logic Redfin iComps House Price Robot Rentometer  
Today’s episode is short and sweet and straight to the point because digital signing is one of the easiest things you can do to save you time when you’re closing deals. If you aren’t using digital signing in your real estate business, then you aren’t using technology the way you’re supposed to. The tech we talk about on this show is all about saving you time and money, and what better way to save time than to have clients digitally sign all of your contracts? There are tons of apps you can use for digital signing. And most of them are free! Joe loves to use his iPad and his favorite signing tool is Apple’s Notability. You can email contracts directly through the app, which is convenient. But Joe’s favorite part is that you can sign with a stylus, picking ink color and stroke thickness, to make it feel like you’re signing with an actual pen. If you’re willing to pay a little extra for a digital signing app, Cory breaks down a few of the perks the investment can give you. He compares his favorite free and paid apps that let you take a picture and share signed documents. Paying for an app that goes a little extra mile in case you need your tech to do a little bit more for you is a good move. The most important thing about these apps is that you can turn these digitally signed documents into pdfs that you can send to clients, secretaries, and real estate agents across your contacts list. Today’s episode may be short and sweet, but Cory and Joe share more tips for using apps like SignNow, Docusign, and even Evernote to digitally sign, share, and save all of your contracts. If you have a favorite app you’re using right now, tell us about it on iTunes! MINUTE MARKERS 2:13 What app does Joe use for digital signing? 3:00 Cory breaks down his favorite digital signing apps 3:33 SignNow is the app Joe usually uses 4:32 Joe likes to use his Apple’s Notability   6:05 Cory likes CamScanner to convert contracts to pdfs 11:00 Joes uses Turboscan and Evernote instead 13:43 What does Joe love the most about tech? 16:00 Joe uses Podio for almost everything RESOURCES Docusign HelloSign SignNow Notability CamScanner Scannable Turboscan Podio Evernote   QUOTES   “If you’re not using digital signing in your real estate business right now, you are missing the mark.” Cory   “One of the things that I love the most with technology today – I haven’t been to a bank in about a year!” Joe
The new tech we’re talking about on today’s episode are two of the coolest tools on the market right now. These tools will make you money and save you time. More than that, they’re going to make you more personable when it comes to finding new clients and closing those big deals. We each share a favorite new tool we’re using. The first tool is Bonjoro, which just goes above and beyond a typical messenger. Bonjoro will let you know when new clients visit your webpage, sign up for your newsletter, or purchase your products. With the alert, you can then send a video immediately to their email. These videos can be anything from a “thank you” to a quick coaching moment, which is how Cory likes to use this tech. And the videos are great for creating a more personal connection between you and your clients. Our other favorite Bonjoro features include – Completely customizable templates Enough storage space for videos Connects right to our email and task managing apps With Bonjoro, you definitely need to get Storage Space +. This video and photo compressor allows you to compress folders of videos into a smaller file so you can send it across email or messenger more quickly. Think about it – all of the videos you create on Bonjoro plus all the videos you may be making for seminars or coaching classes can all be zipped together and sent straight to your email in 5-7 minutes without losing any of your HD quality. Our other favorite Space Storage + features include – Connects with Dropbox, Cloud, and other apps Compresses videos of any size Folders that help us stay organized These are two of the newest tech tools we have found to save us time so we can continue doing what we do best. We discuss the ways different entrepreneurs can use these apps to connect with clients and grow their business. You don’t need to be an investor to use Bonjoro or Storage Space +, so check them out and see how they work for you. MINUTE MARKERS 2:30 Joe McCall loves Bonjoro 3:31 Cory uses Bonjoro as a coaching tool 5:46 How can realtors use Bonjoro? 9:50 How to use Bonjoro with other apps 11:46 Cory Boatright loves Storage Space + 14:08 How to use Storage Space + with other apps 16:50 How to use Storage Space + compression settings 18:28 Why are high-quality video so important? 20:00 Catch us on Facebook for upcoming announcements! QUOTES “You can get very, very personalized quickly with Bonjoro.” Cory “Storage Space + is more than just like a Cloud based storage platform.” Joe   RESOURCES Get your Top 10 Toolkit! Bonjoro Storage Space + BombBomb Zapier Google Sheets Dropbox Slack Twist Todoist
Welcome to the fifth episode of The Real Estate Tech Show! It’s about time we discussed our favorite task management tools. We use task managers all the time to run our businesses and organize our personal lives. Some of them are easy and intuitive, and others are more detail-oriented. Your business needs will help you decide which of these tools work best for you, but we’re breaking down a bunch of our favorites to help you make that decision! Joe loves: Podio – For the more detail-oriented investor, Podio is great for organization and scheduling. And it allows direct messaging between you and your team to keep everyone on task. Things 3 – If you have a Mac, you need Things. The 3 update is sleek, simple, and connects with all of your Apple devices. It’s expensive but absolutely worth the investment. Toodledo – This very simple list-making app works for anyone. You can create lists and share them with clients, or track your work habits to avoid missing out on deals. Cory loves: Todoist – An intuitive task manager that helps you set dates, organize projects, and collaborate with your team or clients through comments. Evernote – With this app, you can create and share anything from a text message to a link to a to-do-list. It can even run presentations for you. MindMeister – This interactive task manager also works as a mind-mapping tool to inspire some creativity and new ideas. Those are our top three tools, but we discuss many more in today’s episode, including Trello, InvestorFuse, and Momentum, which is our favorite Google Chrome plug-in. These task managers are amazing for real estate investors, but you don’t have to be an investor to use them. These apps are what you make them do for your business, and any tool that helps you organize your life is guaranteed to save you time, money, and stress. Mastering these task managers can take your business to the next level, and a lot of the ones we talk about today have free trial periods you need to take advantage of. Don’t settle on the first one you hear us talk about. Test each of them out and let us know what you think. We’d love to hear your feedback, so leave us a comment or a review on iTunes. MINUTE MARKERS 1:28 Talking about task managers 4:12 Remember the Blackberry days? 5:25 The classic Mac vs. PC debate 7:17 Joe’s first favorite task manager: Toodledo 9:26 Why is Things 3 Joe’s new favorite task manager? 10:25 How Joe uses Podio for team task management 11:09 How Cory uses Evernote for task management 12:23 Tags are a key tool for task management 13:30 Cory’s favorite task manager: Todoist 14:57 If you’re detail-oriented, TeamworkPM is the app for you 15:40 Geolocation and task management 16:18 Pros and cons of MindMeister 17:30 Cory breaks down his top favorite task managers 20:37 Why does Joe love Trello? 23:15 How important is flexibility to you? 24:44 Use YouTube to learn how to use new apps 26:30 Joe’s tricks for managing stress 27:37 Pomodoro Technique and Cory’s trick for stress management 30:21 Momentum is the app for stress management 32:33 Soon we’ll be interviewing these app creators! 35:04 Don’t forget about Google Calendars! RESOURCES Get your Top 10 Toolkit! Cris Chico Pomodoro Technique Toodledo Todoist Things Podio Remember the Milk Twist TeamworkPM MindMeister InvestorFuse   Trello Momentum Google Calendars
Joe takes time out of his camping trip today to check in on this special episode of The Real Estate Tech Show. It’s his turn to drop his own top 5 favorite tech tools! Joe McCall specializes in lease options, with a little bit of wholesale on the side, but you don’t have to be a real estate investor to use this tech. Our favorite tech tools are for everyone, and Joe breaks down exactly how he uses each tool to meet the different needs of his business. One of our favorite things about using this tech is the flexibility it gives investors and entrepreneurs. The versatility of some of the tools Joe shares today really makes them accessible to anyone listening to this podcast. The five tools we talk about today are: Podio: Joe’s absolute favorite way to manage projects and track his business Slack: an all-in-one communication tool with customizable channels Evernote: a note-keeping app that doubles as a CRM Voxer: the walkie-talkie app that lets you record, transcribe, and send pictures Google Drive: the easiest tool you will ever use   Pay close attention to what Joe talks about, because he uses a lot of these tools and apps in a way you wouldn’t expect.  He shares which plug-ins work best with which tool so you can learn how to customize your tech to meet your unique business needs. We created this podcast so you could start using technology as a tool to grow your business. Technology is here to help you, not hinder you, and Joe’s top five favorites are definitely going to strengthen your real estate investment strategies. MINUTE MARKERS 2:00 Joe’s having squirrel stew for dinner 4:16 Joe just got his MBA – Congrats! 5:01 What’s Joe’s biggest motivation? 7:04 Joe’s #1 Tool: Podio 8:42 What wowed Joe most about Podio? 11:36 What about FreedomSoft and Realeflow? 14:25 What third party integration does Podio need? 18:10 Joe’s second favorite tool? Slack 19:55 What channels on Slack can do 20:12 Slack does live video calls too! 20:48 Tool #3: Evernote 22:26 Cory and Joe swap Evernote techniques 24:19 How to digitize with Evernote 26:00 How to use Evernote as a CRM 27:35 Tool #4: Voxer 28:50 The ways Joe uses Voxer 29:33 The ways Cory uses Voxer 30:16 The one small flaw with Voxer 31:39 How to use Voxer to be more efficient 33:13 Joe’s fifth and final favorite tool - Google Drive 33:56 Google Sheets and Google Docs vs. Microsoft Office 35:42 Joe’s favorite Google add-ons 36:13 How Joe uses Google Drive for his courses 37:05 How to keep things private on Google Drive 39:00 Cory’s advice for understanding new tech
On today’s episode of The Real Estate Tech Show, we’re really focusing on one of the things we’re asked about most - What are the top tools that you use? What is the one tool that you can’t live without in real estate? Everyone is always shooting us emails or pulling us aside in meetings asking us what kind of tech we use and how we use it. We want to share with you not only the tech tools we’re using every day, but how you can basically life hack your way through these tools in order to get the best for your real estate business. Cory is sharing his top five favorite tech tools. He recommends these five to all the real estate investors he coaches and works with. If you don’t usually watch our videos, definitely tune in for this episode. Cory is sharing his screen and showing you how to use these tools in real time, and it’s going to be really beneficial if you’ve never used this technology or seen it in action. The five tools Cory breaks down for us today are: vFlyer: an amazing website for creating and sending out fliers for your properties GMass: an awesome plug-in to amp up your Gmail and emailing services CallRail: a fantastic tool for reporting Slybroadcast: an even better way to do phone trees House Price Robot: a tool to give you everything you need to know about pricing properties in your area Technology is one of the easiest and most user-friendly ways to boost your profit margin. Beyond just keeping you connected to your team and your clients, these tech tools really give your brand an extra boost. You want to stand out from the rest of the investors, and Cory’s top five tech tools will really push you into a league above the rest of the guys. The whole purpose of this podcast is to share with you everything we do to be successful and make our jobs easier. Don’t forget to tune in next week for Joe McCall’s top five favorites! MINUTE MARKERS 1:09 You guys seen this C.K. Louis skit? 1:50 Cory’s favorite coffee 2:08 Why are we so excited about this tech? 3:26 Get our favorite tools right now 4:45 #1 Tool: vFlyer 6:36 How does Cory use vFlyer? 8:48 One of the limits of vFlyer 11:15 vFlyer pricing and how to get your money’s worth 13:20 Why is GMass Cory’s favorite emailing tool? 14:16 A breakdown of open rates and what they mean 15:51 One of the limits of GMass 16:45 What is CallRail? 17:52 Cory’s lifehack for CallRail 20:10 The biggest reason Joe and Cory use CallRail 20:59 How is Slybroadcast different from Slydial? 22:00 Anti-spamming tips for Slybroadcast 23:02 Joe’s favorite way to use Slybroadcast 24:00 How to use Slybroadcast like an investor 24:53 Rounding out Cory’s Top 5 is House Price Robot 26:36 How to use the search features on HPR 28:22 How to overcome comps when searching for house prices 29:10 All the different features of HPR 29:43 The main functionality of HPR 30:21 Why is Cory building House Price Robot? 32:04 Next episode Joe drops his favorite tech tools! RESOURCES Get your Top 10 Toolkit! C.K. Louis ‘The Miracle of Flight’ Death Wish coffee vFlyer GMass CallRail Vumber Slybroadcast Slydial House Price Robot QUOTES “You got to make sure you’re doing it the right way to the right people. We’re not here to give you legal advice. Just read the terms and conditions on these websites and make sure that you’re not being sneaky.” Joe   “Investors tend to push the envelope with a lot of things anyway.” Cory   “We want to be able to determine the data where people are searching. That’s more the value to me. I want to build a big list of where real estate investors are searching.” Cory   “People get stressed out and worried about this, but it shouldn’t take you longer than a couple of minutes to come up with a simple ARV, especially when you’re making your first initial offer, just to see if it works or not.” Joe
It’s the second episode of The Real Estate Tech Show and it’s time for Joe to interview Cory Boatright! Both of us are total nerds when it comes to tech, but Cory’s been tinkering with real estate and technology for almost a decade now.  Cory adopted tech early on, and he’s used it to basically transform the real estate investing world for good. Cory started out as a wholesaler, but it was technology that really inspired him to look at real estate in a whole new way. Without technology, Cory never would have discovered short sales. Now he’s known as the Oklahoma Short Sale Guy not just because he’s an amazing real estate investor but because he used the internet to build his brand and his reputation. He was connecting with investors on message boards back in the day, answering questions on threads and personal emails. Cory embraced technology at a time when it was brand new, and he used these tools to share his expertise. He is one of the first real estate investors to use webinars to help teach other up-and-coming investors, and it turned into an amazing networking tool that connected him with so many mentors in this industry. Technology helps you continue learning.  It gives us access to one another and to information that would otherwise be unavailable. Knowing how to use technology to get what you need is what this podcast is all about. Both of us love using technology to help each other out, and Cory is so inspired by teaching people like you how to use this technology and make it work for their investments. We’ve put together a toolkit of our Top 10 Favorite Tech Tools that should help you get started, and Cory shares a bit more about his favorite apps on today’s episode. So tune in now and meet Cory Boatright! MINUTE MARKERS 1:50 Check out Cory’s old videos! 2:56 When did Cory get into wholesaling? 5:50 Why was Cory teaching people about short sales? 7:10 How did Cory sell his first webinar? 10:35 A walk down memory lane with the Virtual Investing Seminar 12:38 Make technology work for you! 18:40 Using technology to coach and mentor 20:26 Technology creates leverage 23:54 What is it like to build your own apps? 28:29 Did Cory really own a mobile app company? 32:03 What’s on Cory’s radar right now? 33:50 How to build a website 35:16 What brand new tech does Cory want to invent? 38:38 Where is the future of tech headed? 41:34 How to engage with technology in the future RESOURCES Top 10 Toolkit Short Sale Builder House Price Robot Podio Investor Fuse Opendoor Chris Daigle QUOTES “I really didn’t embrace real estate in a way where it was something I thought I could do full time until many years into just dabble around and playing with it as a hobby. It wasn’t until really I started to understand this concept of wholesaling…that really changed the game.” Cory   “When blood’s in the street, there’s somebody making some kind of opportunity from it.” Cory   “If you had expertise in something, you could use technology to create a course and teach them about it.” Cory   “There are tools that you can use that you can quickly create templates and create a canned responses to save a ton of time on things, you can hit a button now and send out offers.” Cory   “I’ve always thought that simplicity has a lot of power to it.” Cory   “There is an opportunity right now where technology is integrating with real estate where it’s doing its best to cut out a real estate agent.” Cory   “The reality is that where we’re going in the future is all about engagement. This word ‘engagement’ is going to be the single biggest word that you’re going to see these companies going after, this is going to be the biggest KPI for them.” Cory   “Technology is good…It’s just a tool. The way that you use it, it can either take advantage of you or you can take advantage of it.” Cory
Welcome to the first official episode of the Real Estate Tech Show! Last episode we talked about why we decided to come together and do this podcast, and today we’re getting into the real nitty gritty of what we do and why we love doing what we do. Cory is interviewing Joe McCall so you can hear about his experience and what really makes him a technology guru. Back in the olden days of real estate investing, there was no such thing as virtual investing or virtual wholesaling. No one ever dreamed of selling an unseen house to unknown buyers. But today technology can connect you with so many flips, deals, and wholesales that working from home (or Prague) in this business is practically commonplace. If you’re Joe McCall, you can crush wholesale deals while traveling the country in an RV. That’s because Joe used the right kind of tools in the right way in order to make technology work for him. He shares his favorite pieces of tech and talks about the investors who inspired him to start using it. The purpose of technology is to serve you and give you more freedom. Technology is the tool that can give you back your life when you use it correctly. That’s Joe’s mantra. On the Real Estate Tech Show, we don’t want to give you fluff. We want to share with you the tools that work for us and tell you about the ones that didn’t. Throughout Joe’s story today, you’ll hear about all the things he did right and wrong in order to get to the place he is today. You don’t want to be a slave to your business, so tune in now and hear what Joe has to say. It’s going to change your world and really give you the perspective you need to start pursuing the lifestyle you want. MINUTE MARKERS 2:37 Don’t be a slave to your business 5:30 Technology is more than a tool 7:20 Get our toolbox! 8:28 When and how did Cory and Joe meet? 12:25 What does Joe have going on in real estate? 14:07 What is nomadic entrepreneurship? 15:21 Real estate, virtual investing, and virtual courses 22:38 Joe’s Cris Chico moment 24:15 What happened after Joe released his first virtual course? 25:03 How did Joe start his podcast? 27:35 Joe hosted his podcast with someone he never met 31:16 Why does Cory love automation so much? 34:52 Sneak peek of future guests and interviews 36:15 Even if you aren’t tech savvy, this show is for you! 38:08 Why is Joe so excited about our new show? 40:07 Leave a review and you could win a new iPad! RESOURCES FreedomSoft Lifeonaire by Shaun McCloskey and Steve Cook The Stock Market Wizards by Jack D. Schwager Steve Cook Shaun McCloskey Cris Chico Chris Daigle Wendy Patton Sean Terry Alex Joungblood Internet Business Mastery Podcast Flip 2 Freedom Podcast QUOTES “I just love the idea of technology and using it as this model and seeing this innovation that you can use to make things more efficient.” Cory   “I say there are three keys to success in this business: Marketing, Automation and Delegation.” Joe   “I made every mistake possible and somehow still I did it, just because I was taking action.” Joe   “You need to be niched. The more narrow the niche you can be in, the better, more profitable your business is going to be.” Joe   “You can learn to do something once and never do it again.” Cory  
Welcome to the brand new podcast from top real estate investors Cory Boatright and Joe McCall! The two of us are hosting this – The Real Estate Tech Show – so we can bring you all of our favorite bits of technology. We’re sharing our favorite tech tools, tips, and tricks that we use every day to boost our business, and we’re bringing on some real estate experts to see what tech they’re using right now to enhance their profits. We know that the tech scene is always evolving, and we want to deliver relevant content and technology that you can use today. The Real Estate Tech show is a way for real estate investors like you to find and connect with the kind of technology that’s going to work right now in your business. Technology made it possible for both of us to scale our businesses, and sharing our experience and technology toolkit with you is where this podcast is going to start. Whether you’re a realtor or an investor, we’ll be focusing on the tech that you can start using right now in your business. Cory is always discovering new resources for connecting with clients, and Joe’s experience working remotely connects him with various tools for automation, communication, and organization. We’ve even created a list of our favorite tech and put into a toolbox that you can use right now. Check it out and see how you can use these apps and tools in your business, and tune in to every episode as we update that list. When you listen to The Real Estate Tech Show, you’re bound to uncover some new technology that will rocket your real estate business to the next level. MINUTE MARKERS 0:50 Today is our first episode of The Real Estate Tech Show! 1:33 How does Cory use technology? 3:16 What’s so exciting about new tech? 4:37 Meet and Greet: Cory Boatright out of Oklahoma! 9:08 Meet and Greet: Joe McCall out of St. Louis! 11:28 Download our toolbox before the next episode 12:50 The tech that will move the needle in your business 14:10 Joe McCall wraps it up RESOURCES The Slight Edge by Jeff Olson Automated Wholesaling with Joe McCall Real Estate Investment Profit Masters   QUOTES   “Technology can either hurt you or help you.” Cory   “Technology has been able to help both of us scale real, alive business, businesses that are doing six, seven figures a year, easily. There are ways that you can use that technology to give you a bigger benefit so you can save time, so you can be more profitable.” Cory   “Our focus on the show is helping people make more money and save more time using technology in their real estate business.” Joe   “Technology is only beneficial if it helps you save time and make more money.” Joe