DiscoverReal Estate Tech Show013: Virtual Assistant Domination - Part 1
013: Virtual Assistant Domination - Part 1

013: Virtual Assistant Domination - Part 1

Update: 2018-05-15


Welcome to The Real Estate Tech Show! We are trying a new format with today’s episode to be a little more interactive. The podcasts will be on Zoom from now on so we can get likes and comments from our listeners in real time. If you like this new format – and even if you don’t – leave us a comment and let us know.

Now, on to today’s episode –

This episode is the first in a series about using virtual assistants in real estate. Joe swears by virtual assistants. He’s been using one for nine years now, and he’s learned a lot about hiring, firing, and creating what he calls a “standard operating procedure”. This procedure is something like a training checklist. It’s a way for you to clearly communicate your expectations with your VAs so you can make sure they’re doing the job right.

We go over a few of our favorite places to find VAs, but that’s not the most important takeaway from today’s episode. The key to hiring a virtual assistant is you. Your training, your communication, and your ability to build a relationship with your VA will be the only way you can guarantee success. It’s important to keep that personal touch, even if your assistant is a million miles away. We share a few of our favorite tech tools for building that virtual relationship, and next week we’ll be talking about all the things a VA can do for you and your real estate business.  


0:27 Joe finds his assistants on Virtual Staff Finder

1:25 The biggest mistakes people make with VAs

2:09 Cory loves a checklist

3:31 What is a “standard operating procedure”?

6;28 How do you know when you have a good VA?

10:16 The proper pay for your VA

13:20 Don’t lose that personal touch

15:00 A quick run-down of what a VA can do for you

16:55 Interact with us in our new live format


“You’ll get really good virtual assistants if you set up those procedures, that checklist right up front, but then also communicate with them and give them that scorecard.” Joe

“The more that you build that relationship with them often, the more that they’re going to feel compelled to want to work with you and do a better job because they feel like you care about them.” Cory


Virtual Staff Finder


Online Jobs

Zoom Video



Chris Ducker

MLS Hacks

And don’t forget to download our Top Ten Tech Tools!










Sleep Timer


End of Episode

5 Minutes

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120 Minutes

013: Virtual Assistant Domination - Part 1

013: Virtual Assistant Domination - Part 1