DiscoverReal Estate Tech Show010: All About Time Management
010: All About Time Management

010: All About Time Management

Update: 2018-04-031


Welcome to the tenth episode of the Real Estate Tech Show! If you haven’t checked it out already, visit our website We have the domain up and running, and you can download our toolkit of our top ten favorite tech tools.

The tech we’re talking about today is all about time management. The whole reason we run our own businesses is to have the freedom that comes with working for yourself. But that freedom can also be a curse if you don’t know how to manage or your time effectively. Because it’s not just about setting aside time to work. It’s about using that time wisely.

Cory shares two of his favorite time management tricks – the Pomodoro Technique and his own Doctor’s Appointment Technique. Both will hold you accountable to your time and how productive you are with it. You can use your own timer to apply these techniques, or take advantage of some of the tools we talk about today, including:

  • Focus@Will, Cory’s favorite Pomodoro-style app. It comes with binaural beats to help you stay focused.
  • BeFocused is an iPhone app with a Pomodoro timer
  • Momentum will keep you motivated by only letting you focus on one task at a time

The most important takeaway from today’s episode is to value your attention. With so many different things competing for our attention these days, it can be hard to stay focused on the task at hand. We hope that our advice today and the tools that we use can help you be productive and stay motivated.


1:35 Are you any good at time management?

2:38 Josh Schoenly’s 9 tips for time management

3:56 Learn how to value your attention

6:08 Writing it down can help you stay focused

7:12 Remember to give yourself a little grace

9:21 Cory’s favorite: The Pomodoro Technique

12:25 Focus@Will app uses the Pomodoro Technique

17:28 Cory’s own “Doctor’s Appointment Technique”

18:50 BeFocused app uses Pomodoro too

20:45 The tyranny of the urgent

23:07 Time management is really energy management

24:00 Don’t forget to drink coffee

25:08 How to use the Momentum app on your browser

27:27 Cory recently started using the Productive app

28:02 Our last minute favorite podcast apps!


“I think there’s definitely a value to putting in consistent and intentional work. What I’m not a big fan of is just being busy for the sake of being busy.” Cory

“Focus on just one thing at a time. You’ve got one major thing that you can do a day, you’ll accomplish way more than somebody who was four things to do in one day.” Joe


Josh Schoenly 9 Tips for Staying Focused & Getting the “Right” Things Done

Jesse Itzler

Tomato Timer

Eat the Frog by Brian Tracy

We Do Hard Stuff


Death Wish Coffee

The No B.S. Time Management for Entrepreneurs by Dan Kennedy
















Sleep Timer


End of Episode

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010: All About Time Management

010: All About Time Management