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Running Lean

Author: Patrick McGilvray

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Running Lean is hosted by Patrick McGilvray - NASN Licensed Primary Sports Nutritionist, NASN Certified Personal Trainer, UESCA Certified Running Coach, Master Life & Success Coach, experienced marathoner and ultrarunner, and The Weight Loss Coach for Runners. Patrick helps runners properly fuel their bodies and their minds so they can achieve peak performance and optimal health and fitness. Whether your goal is to lose weight, get stronger, run faster or further, or improve your mindset, you'll learn it all in this informative, inspirational weekly podcast. Learn more at
250 Episodes
Lots of factors go into whether or not you will successfully achieve a goal. How bad you want it, where you are in your life, your physical limitations just to name a few. But one of the most powerful indicators of success is a shift in your mindset. So in this episode, I want to talk about the mindset shift required in order to succeed and accomplish everything you want in your life. The post 247. The Mindset Shift Required in Order to Succeed appeared first on Running Lean with Patrick McGilvray.
I talk a lot about carbs here on the podcast, mainly why it’s advised to keep your carbs low if you’re a runner who wants to lose weight and use body fat as fuel for running. I realized I haven’t spent much time talking about the other macronutrients - fat and protein. So this episode is all about the macronutrient that matters most for runners and how it benefits your overall health and fitness. The post 246. The Macronutrient That Matters Most for Runners appeared first on Running Lean with Patrick McGilvray.
I talk a lot about losing weight and eventually getting to your “natural weight” but I’ve never really taken the time to explain what your “natural weight” is. Several people have been asking me about this lately so I thought it would be a good idea to dig into this topic here on the podcast today. In this episode, I’m going to talk about some of the standards we use to determine ideal weight, and why they don't work for everyone, what “natural weight” means, and how to tell when you’re at your natural weight. The post 245. Replay: How to Tell When You’re at Your Natural Weight appeared first on Running Lean with Patrick McGilvray.
If you have a big goal like losing weight and keeping it off, then you know it is going to take a while to reach that goal. One of the main reasons people don’t reach their weight loss goal is that they lose motivation. The interesting thing is that there are different motivation strategies that work for different people. Not everyone responds to the same types of motivation. So today I’ve got a few motivation strategies to keep you moving forward so you can actually achieve those big goals. The post 244. Motivation Strategies to Keep You Moving Forward appeared first on Running Lean with Patrick McGilvray.
When it comes to weight loss tips, one principle stands out among all the others: counting calories. For decades, you’ve been told that the only way to lose weight is to make sure you count all your calories. Honestly, if this worked as advertised, we wouldn’t have a crisis of obesity here in this country, and no one would struggle with their weight. But the truth is, it doesn’t work. Today on the podcast, why counting calories doesn’t work and what you should probably do instead. The post 243. Why Counting Calories Doesn’t Work appeared first on Running Lean with Patrick McGilvray.
There is so much contradictory advice out there when it comes to losing weight. It’s really hard to know what’s right and what’s just BS. With that principle in mind, for this episode of the podcast, I want to share with you my top 10 weight loss tips for runners. These tips should work for most of you - not all of you - so as always, try a few things and find what works for you. The post 242. Top 10 Weight Loss Tips for Runners appeared first on Running Lean with Patrick McGilvray.
A lot of runners believe that when it comes to exercise, running is more than enough. They love running, do it 6-7 days a week, and don’t feel the need to do anything else. Then there are those runners who believe in the power of cross-training. Wherever you fall on this spectrum, there are some forms of cross-training that provide more benefits to you as a runner. In this episode, I explain what cross-training is, what it isn’t, and offer suggestions for the best cross-training exercises for runners. The post 241. The Best Cross-Training Exercises for Runners appeared first on Running Lean with Patrick McGilvray.
When it comes to going after big goals like losing weight and keeping it off or running a faster marathon, it is pretty much a guarantee that you will experience setbacks, failures and disappointments. The problem is that when most people experience these setbacks, they tend to see them as insurmountable obstacles, and oftentimes, they lead to giving up. So today on the podcast, how to handle setbacks, failures, and disappointments so you can get back on track and accomplish all of your goals. The post 240. How to Handle Setbacks, Failures, and Disappointments appeared first on Running Lean with Patrick McGilvray.
There seems to be a lot of misleading information out there about intermittent fasting. People think it will mess up your metabolism, or it’s unsafe, or it’s just plain crazy. The truth is very different. Intermittent fasting is not only safe, but it provides some pretty amazing health benefits, especially when combined with a low-carb diet. Today, I’m going to separate fact from fiction and share all of the incredible positive health benefits that intermittent fasting provides. The post 239. Replay: The Myths and Benefits of Intermittent Fasting appeared first on Running Lean with Patrick McGilvray.
When it comes to changing your diet in order to lose weight or just be healthier, most people feel like whatever they do is too restrictive. So what’s the answer here? Should you restrict certain foods or not? That’s the big question I am going to answer today in this episode of the Running Lean podcast. The post 238. Should You Restrict Certain Foods? appeared first on Running Lean with Patrick McGilvray.
So many people I talk to about losing weight or running faster tell me they just can’t seem to make any progress because they feel stuck. This is a really tough place to be because when you feel stuck, it’s like there’s nothing you can do to get out of it. You feel like nothing will ever work, you feel discouraged, and you feel defeated. Today on the podcast, what to do when you feel stuck so you can get back on track making progress toward your goals. The post 237. What to Do When You Feel Stuck appeared first on Running Lean with Patrick McGilvray.
Oftentimes when we take on a big challenge like changing how we eat or training for a marathon, we don’t get the results we want fast enough. When you’re focused solely on the end result, and you’re not there yet, you can begin to hate the process it takes to get you there. Today, I’m talking about learning to love the process and how this simple mindset shift will absolutely change how you approach everything that you do. The post 236. Replay: Learning to Love the Process appeared first on Running Lean with Patrick McGilvray.
Creating lasting change is hard. It’s uncomfortable, it takes time, and it’s for these reasons that most people will not do it. Also, when most people set out to change, they just start with tactics. But there is a critical first step most people miss in the process. So this episode of the Running Lean podcast is all about the important first step in creating change so you can get to your results faster. The post 235. The Important First Step in Creating Change appeared first on Running Lean with Patrick McGilvray.
If you are a runner and you want to improve your speed, endurance, or both, then you’ll want to work on building some lean muscle. The problem is that most runners don’t really know how to build muscle, or they are using an outdated approach that really isn't doing much for them. Building a stronger body will not only help improve your running performance, it will also help you to lose weight, have more energy, and generally feel better all the time. In this episode, what it takes to build lean muscle so you can get leaner, get stronger, and become the most badass version of yourself yet. The post 234. What It Takes to Build Lean Muscle appeared first on Running Lean with Patrick McGilvray.
When it comes to creating healthy habits that last, the real key is consistency. You have to take consistent, aligned action if you want to create behavior patterns that get you results. And the key to taking consistent, aligned action is planning ahead. So in this episode of the podcast, you’ll learn the power of planning ahead and why you need to be practicing this right now. The post 233. The Power of Planning Ahead appeared first on Running Lean with Patrick McGilvray.
When most people set goals for themselves, they think small. But is this really what you want for yourself? Not me. I want to set goals that feel scary, uncomfortable, and impossible. In this episode I explain why you shouldn’t be setting small, easily-achievable goals, but instead working on achieving impossible goals. The post 232. Achieving Impossible Goals appeared first on Running Lean with Patrick McGilvray.
It’s that time of the year again! The kids are out of school, the weather is amazing, and you are going on vacation. But you might be worried because in the past, going on vacation meant going off the rails. You’re on vacation so you just want to have fun, right? If this means coming home 10lbs heavier and hating yourself…is it really all that fun? In this episode of the podcast, I’ll offer up some helpful tips for sticking to your plan - even on vacation - so you can come home feeling good about yourself. The post 231. Replay: Sticking to Your Plan – Even on Vacation appeared first on Running Lean with Patrick McGilvray.
For a lot of runners, the off-season can be a challenging time. It’s so important that what you do in the off-season can often make or break your next race. So today, what to do in the off-season as a runner to ensure you start your next training cycle on the right track. The post 230. What to Do in the Off-Season appeared first on Running Lean with Patrick McGilvray.
One of the big keys to achieving anything significant in your life - losing weight and keeping it off, running a marathon - is confidence. So how do you get more confidence? Well, you are in luck because that’s what’s on the agenda here today. In this episode, I explain what confidence is, how it might just be the game-changer you’re looking for, and how to have more confidence now. The post 229. How to Have More Confidence Now appeared first on Running Lean with Patrick McGilvray.
This past weekend was the biggest running event of the year here in Cincinnati - Flying Pig Weekend! I did a lot of racing this weekend and let’s just say that things did not all go as planned. But despite dealing with some very challenging situations, the whole weekend was a huge success, both for the city and for me personally. Today on the podcast, I share my experiences in dealing with all the challenges and all the lessons learned Cincinnati Flying Pig weekend. The post 228. Lessons Learned Flying Pig Weekend appeared first on Running Lean with Patrick McGilvray.
Comments (9)

Nick Wilkesmann

love the podcast, but it's ridiculous to go between ounces and grams in the same sentence.

Jan 24th

barry kaauamo

Any course of action on this, I'm having a relative issue. I tried to change things and this is what happened.

Sep 30th

Thomas jack

I love the gym and I am a gym trainer. I wake up early and going for running for maintaining my health.

Sep 16th

Asri Jasemi

Nice and amazing post this one is, thanks for sharing…

Aug 27th

John G. Maxwell

Thanks for sharing. I found a lot of interesting information here.

Aug 8th

jeems bond

Thanks for the update and quick reply. I'll be sure to keep an eye on this thread. Looking for the same issue. Bumped into your thread. Thanks for creating it. Looking forward for solution.

Jul 25th

Kenneth V. Johnson

Me too same problem, I am also looking for a solution.

Jul 8th

Kenneth V. Johnson

reallyu very usefull and important infermation

Jun 28th

Diane Bennett

I enjoyed this but I've been waiting days to be accepted into the FB community.

May 18th