Swimming with Polar Bears Podcast

<p>Swimming Workouts, Swim Technique Advice, and Competitive Swimming thoughts from the coaches of Northern Lights Swim Club in Alaska.   Visit www.nlscak.coach for more.</p>

Swimcast No. 362 | The 25's Set | USRPT

https://youtu.be/u9Ruy9redv8Our original USRPT set is back! #swimming #vo2max #speedwork #kickingVisit www.nlscak.coach for additional practice videos. #swimming #swimcoach #nlscak #nlscakpracticevideo #usaswimming #worldaquatics #alaskaswimming #swimfaster #thelegsfeedthebear @usaswimming


Swimcast No 361 | VO2Max | Mid-Distance | High Intensity Kicking

https://youtu.be/6rwbHJt1bCgIt is a VO2 Max themed week! Check out the mid-distance tango and the intense kicking! #swimming #vo2max #middledistance #kickingVisit www.nlscak.coach for additional practice videos. #swimming #swimcoach #nlscak #nlscakpracticevideo #usaswimming #worldaquatics #alaskaswimming #swimfaster #thelegsfeedthebear @usaswimming


Swimcast No 360 | Aerobic Maintenance | Sprint Endurance | Breaststroke Power

https://youtu.be/uue0shvzzC4More aerobic maintenance today, however we do have a more anaerobic threshold set today. Toward the end of practice we do some breaststroke, first some paddled power swims, followed by some 25's sprint breaststroke kick. #swimming #enduranceswimming #breaststroke #aerobicmaintenance #aerobicswimmingVisit www.nlscak.coach for additional practice videos. #swimming #swimcoach #nlscak #nlscakpracticevideo #usaswimming #worldaquatics #alaskaswimming #swimfas...


Swimcast No 359 | Aerobic Maintenance | Sprint Kick

https://youtu.be/STK0vHx2B1IWe are in an aerobic maintenance phase of our training cycle, so we do have a relatively large volume, however we have a recurring sprint kick set as part of our practice, so there is some spiked intensity. #swimming #aerobicmaintenance #aerobicswimming #sprintkickVisit www.nlscak.coach for additional practice videos. #swimming #swimcoach #nlscak #nlscakpracticevideo #usaswimming #worldaquatics #alaskaswimming #swimfaster #thelegsfeedthebear @usaswimming


Swimcast No. 358 | Aerobic Maintenance | DK's SLOB | Vertical Kick

https://youtu.be/5GOz7BI0Q3AWe are in the Aerobic Maintenance phase of our current training cycle, so be prepared for a "moving Monday". We have Dolphin Kick on our back streamlined as well as some vertical kicking today. #swimming #aerobicmaintenance #aerobicswimming #verticalkickVisit www.nlscak.coach for additional practice videos. #swimming #swimcoach #nlscak #nlscakpracticevideo #usaswimming #worldaquatics #alaskaswimming #swimfaster #thelegsfeedthebear @usaswimming


Swimcast No. 357 | Aerobic Maintenance | DK's SLOB | UDK's w/ Bungee

https://youtu.be/fNxFCBTEn2IAlthough it seems early, some of our local HS programs have begun their taper for Regions and State. We will supplement that taper with some aerobic maintenance and a bit of speed. #swimming #bungeeswimming #aerobicmaintenance #aerobicswimmingVisit www.nlscak.coach for additional practice videos. #swimming #swimcoach #nlscak #nlscakpracticevideo #usaswimming #worldaquatics #alaskaswimming #swimfaster #thelegsfeedthebear @usaswimming


Swimcast No 356 | Pete & Repeat | Turn Time | Short Axis

https://youtu.be/p0jkOcct49IA lot of the same themes as #355. Check it out. #swimming #technique #repeatVisit www.nlscak.coach for additional practice videos. #swimming #swimcoach #nlscak #nlscakpracticevideo #usaswimming #worldaquatics #alaskaswimming #swimfaster #thelegsfeedthebear @usaswimming


Swimcast No 355 | Short Axis Technique | Turn Time | Fly Tempo

https://youtu.be/UbmGdNjUOgYTransitioning over to some short axis technique work. Today we will be looking a Breaststroke a lot. We want to find our most efficient body position in our stroke. #swimming #swimmingtechnique #shortaxis #breaststrokeVisit www.nlscak.coach for additional practice videos. #swimming #swimcoach #nlscak #nlscakpracticevideo #usaswimming #worldaquatics #alaskaswimming #swimfaster #thelegsfeedthebear @usaswimming


Swimcast No. 354 | Long Axis Techniqu | Turn Time | Rest & Recovery

https://youtu.be/NruYsKhw8ecToday is more recovery and technique work. We just completed our first competition of the season, so we are going to spend some time working on our "problem" areas. Turns and Long Axis technique will be today foci. #swimming #swimmingtechnique #turnsVisit www.nlscak.coach for additional practice videos. #swimming #swimcoach #nlscak #nlscakpracticevideo #usaswimming #worldaquatics #alaskaswimming #swimfaster #thelegsfeedthebear @usaswimming


Swimcast No. 353 | Post Meet Technique | Turn Time | Do The Work

https://youtu.be/euRYipt43v4We are coming off our first meet of the 2024-25 season. Really nice results, but we need to address some technique and turn issues. #dothework #swimming #swimmeet #technique #turnsVisit www.nlscak.coach for additional practice videos. #swimming #swimcoach #nlscak #nlscakpracticevideo #usaswimming #worldaquatics #alaskaswimming #swimfaster #thelegsfeedthebear @usaswimming


Swimcast No 351 | Spirit Week - Jean Day | Pre-Meet Prep

https://youtu.be/vEMt5fW6RNgIt is Spirit Week as we head into our first meet of the season this weekend. Today is Jeans Day! We will be working on our race specific strokes with an eye on top end speed. We have some Turn Time today as well as our Max Tempo Fly set. #swimmeetprep #swimmeet #swimming #speedworkVisit www.nlscak.coach for additional practice videos. #swimming #swimcoach #nlscak #nlscakpracticevideo #usaswimming #worldaquatics #alaskaswimming #swimfaster #t...


Swimcast No. 350 | Spirit Week - Floaty Day | Silver & Bronze | VO2Max

https://youtu.be/9gB3MYhgETwIt's Wednesday of Spirit Week, and that means Floaty Wednesday! We are getting prepared for our first meet of the season this weekend. The Silver group has a BOSS 500 as well as some 200 Pace work. The Bronze group is working backstroke finishes among other things. #spiritweek #swimming #vo2maxVisit www.nlscak.coach for additional practice videos. #swimming #swimcoach #nlscak #nlscakpracticevideo #usaswimming #worldaquatics #alaskaswimming #...


Swimcast No. 349 | Twin Day | Swim Meet Prep | Bronze & Silver | Legs, Legs, Legs

https://youtu.be/r-MfdbfKR3EToday is Twin Day for Spirit Week! We are headed into the first meet of the season..it is time to race! Today we will be working on our legs! #swimming #swimmeetprep #vo2max #legday #legsworkoutVisit www.nlscak.coach for additional practice videos. #swimming #swimcoach #nlscak #nlscakpracticevideo #usaswimming #worldaquatics #alaskaswimming #swimfaster #thelegsfeedthebear @usaswimming


Swimcast No. 347 | Antisocial & Breakneck

https://youtu.be/Ib06yvW_reMIt has been a nice week of training, and with no practice tomorrow (due to a HS meet) we will be hitting it fast and strong today! We have a set working on Breaststroke hand speed, and another (Breakneck) that encourages top end sprint speed in our Freestyle. #sprintrevolution #lacticacid #swimming #swimcoach #polarbearVisit www.nlscak.coach for additional practice videos. #swimming #swimcoach #nlscak #nlscakpracticevideo #usaswimming #worldaquatics #al...


Swimcast No. 346 | Finish Your Races with Speed & Guts

https://youtu.be/AIhAOvm34OgRemember to register for the Fall Equinox Dual meet! Today's practice focuses on finishing our stroke races with speed and guts! #speedwork #swimming #sprintrevolutionVisit www.nlscak.coach for additional practice videos. #swimming #swimcoach #nlscak #nlscakpracticevideo #usaswimming #worldaquatics #alaskaswimming #swimfaster #thelegsfeedthebear @usaswimming


Swimcast #345 | Fall Equinox Invite | Descending Times | UDK's

https://youtu.be/ERqMj-AGOc4First, we have a quick reminder to sign up for the Fall Equinox Invite, coming up on the 28th with the deadline to register the 21st. Today we are working on our Underwater Dolphin Kicking (UDK's) and we will be working on speed play by descending within our main sets. #swimming #swimcoach #enduranceswimming #speedworkVisit www.nlscak.coach for additional practice videos. #swimming #swimcoach #nlscak #nlscakpracticevideo #usaswimming #worldaquatics #alaskaswi...


Swimcast No. 344 | Fall Equinox Invite | Free w/ Snorkel & Fins | Short Axis

https://youtu.be/OtsVH3-MGIARemember to register for the Fall Equinox Invite, we have some sprint kick sandwiched by some Free with Snorkel and fins. The last part of practice has some short axis work with technique work and sprint kick on our Breaststroke. #swimming #swimtechnique #breaststroke #sprintkickVisit www.nlscak.coach for additional practice videos. #swimming #swimcoach #nlscak #nlscakpracticevideo #usaswimming #worldaquatics #alaskaswimming #swimfaster #thelegsfeedtheb...


Swimcast No, 343 | Antisocial Swim | Propeller Fly | Core Buster

https://youtu.be/JwT5FMNQPXIMonday morning practice for the Gold group. We have a nice long relaxing 1500 free with fins and snorkels (paddles optional), then we have an aerobic maintenance backstroke set that is blended with fly sprints with propellers. Finally we are going to work our core with dolphin kick on our backs and dolphin kick bungee sprints. #aerobicswimming #bungeeswimming #propellerswimming #sprintrevolution #udk #antisocial #corestrengthVisit www.nlscak.coach...


Swimcast No. 342 | Swimposium Saturday | Swim Clinic | Parent Education

https://youtu.be/q7BiC9Qd2VQCheck out this primer for tomorrow's NLSC Swimposium. There is a small clinic for the swimmers, while the parents have a season and club familiarization session. This is a really great kick-off for the 2024-25 season. #swimclinic #swimposium #parenteducation #seasonkickoffVisit www.nlscak.coach for additional practice videos. #swimming #swimcoach #nlscak #nlscakpracticevideo #usaswimming #worldaquatics #alaskaswimming #swimfaster #thelegsfeedthebe...


Swimcast No. 341 Upcoming Swimposium | Aerobic Stroke Work | Paddles

https://youtu.be/XfpjkFeV4mwToday we are reminding everyone that there is no Friday practice, but we do have a Swimposium practice on Saturday from 8:30-10a with breakfast afterward. This practice has some body position work, aerobic choice work, and some fast paddle swimming. #swimming #aerobicswimming #swimpaddlesVisit www.nlscak.coach for additional practice videos. #swimming #swimcoach #nlscak #nlscakpracticevideo #usaswimming #worldaquatics #alaskaswimming #swimfaster ...


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