The Hilary Silver Podcast

Welcome to The Hilary Silver Podcast. Hilary started this podcast to invite listeners into conversations and workshops that are designed to help make you more successful in love and life by turning your focus towards the only person who really matters in your life: YOU. (Yeah, she said it). This isn’t a self-care podcast – it’s a self-centered one. Why? Because, despite what your mom told you, you really are the center of the universe. Sound cringey? Scary? Selfish? Good. It’s discomfort that is going to empower listeners to take radical responsibility for the only person they can change (hint: it’s the person staring back at them in the mirror). The conversations on The Hilary Silver Podcast are designed to challenge long held beliefs about life, relationships and ourselves. Forget what you think you know about narcissism, relationships, therapy, anxiety, “successful” women & dating, wellness & aging, and a whole host of other topics that have all been talked to death… but never like this. Hilary is the psychotherapist turned paradigm-shifting, script-flipping disrupter listeners didn’t know they needed in their lives… until now. She’s part woo, part neuroscience, and 100% no bullshit. And she’s here to help you become self-centered so you can become self-assured, self-made, self-loved, self-aware, self-reliant, self-sufficient, self-motivated, and some more! New episodes drop every Wednesday (Tuesdays for subscribers). Please follow and leave a 5-star review (unless you didn’t enjoy it and then you can listen to your mom: if you don’t have anything nice to say, just don’t say anything at all).

This Virtue May Make You RICH

Episode 23: This Virtue May Make You RICH   What if impatience wasn’t a flaw but your secret success weapon? Hilary Silver flips the script on the idea that patience is always a virtue. She shows how tapping into her impatience fueled her transition from local therapist to global coaching powerhouse. In this episode, Hilary reveals how urgency, action, and a fearless attitude have been the keys to her unstoppable success.   Episode Highlights: Hilary doesn’t just embrace impatience—she owns it. Learn how her desire for fast results has helped her cut through the noise, skip the unnecessary waiting, and get straight to the good stuff in both life and business. Forget endless prep. Hilary’s strategy is all about diving in and figuring things out along the way. Think paying to skip traffic, but for your entire career. She shares how this bold approach keeps her momentum strong and minimizes time spent feeling stuck. Urgency is about moving past fear. Hilary talks about how her impatience has led to invaluable lessons, from real-world experience to building rock-solid self-trust. It’s not all smooth sailing. Hilary warns against jumping too fast, explaining the fine line between acting on impatience and letting things unfold naturally.   Episode Breakdown: [00:00] Embracing Impatience: The Unexpected Game-Changer [01:00] Why Goals Love a Little Urgency [02:05] Fast Action, Big Results: Hilary’s Go-To Mindset [04:01] Fear Who? How Impatience Conquers Doubt [05:05] Progress Over Perfection: Learn as You Go [07:13] How Impatience Builds Self-Trust [09:30] The Dark Side: When Impatience Backfires    Listener Takeaways: Time to throw out what you’ve been told. Hilary shows how to reframe impatience as the fuel you need to make bold moves and avoid overthinking. Why waiting around isn’t your best strategy and how embracing urgency can propel you to your goals quicker than playing it safe. Learn how taking action builds confidence, grows your skills, and helps you trust your own decisions in real time.   If you’re tired of feeling stuck or spinning your wheels, this episode is for you. Hilary Silver proves that impatience can be your biggest asset—and she’s sharing exactly how to use it to crush your goals!   Want more incredible resources from Hilary? Click here to access all of her free paradigm-flipping tools: 


The Sneaky Ways We Self Sabotage

Episode 22: The Sneaky Ways We Self Sabotage   Ambivalence might seem harmless, but it’s that sneaky little voice that keeps you stuck, second-guessing, and ultimately self-sabotaging your goals. In this episode, Hilary pulls no punches, diving into how those “meh” feelings are secretly holding you back from what you really want. She shares personal stories, client confessions, and straight-up truths about why we keep driving with one foot on the gas and the other on the brake.   Episode Highlights: Ever feel like you want something, but not quite enough to actually go after it? Hilary breaks down the sneaky ways this inner conflict pops up—from dragging your feet on that dream job to half-heartedly pursuing a relationship—and how it leads to low-key self-sabotage. Hilary keeps it real with a story from her high school days. She auditioned for the dance team, knowing deep down she didn’t actually care about making it. Sound familiar? This story drives home how we sometimes aim for things we don’t even want—just to say we tried. Hilary calls out the real culprits: society’s pressures, fear of both failing and succeeding, and dodging responsibility. When we only give a half-effort, we get to blame everything but ourselves for not hitting our goals.    Episode Breakdown: [00:00] Self-Sabotage: How it Sneaks Up [03:10] Real Talk: Client Example [03:41] #1 External Expectations [04:24] #2 Fear of Everything [06:31] #3 Dodging Responsibility [07:24] The Costs of Playing Small [08:17] Living Intentionally [08:49] Dealing with Fears Head-On   Listener Takeaways: Time to ask yourself: are you living for you, or for what others expect? Get real, and get clear on what you actually want. Whether you’re terrified of crashing and burning or secretly scared of being too successful, face those fears head-on. You can’t move forward if you’re stuck in the shadows. Ambivalence keeps you in a constant stall-out. Hilary’s advice? Commit fully and own your choices, so you can finally move forward.   This episode is your wake-up call to ditch the inner tug-of-war and start showing up with intention and clarity. Ready to stop holding yourself back? Tune in and get the tools you need to start living with purpose.   Want more incredible resources from Hilary? Click here to access all of her free paradigm-flipping tools:


9 Habits to Look 10 Years Younger

EP21 - 9 Habits to Look 10 Years Younger    It’s more than genetics—looking and feeling youthful is largely about the choices you make every day. As Hilary celebrates her 52nd birthday, she’s spilling her best-kept secrets to staying energized and radiant.   Episode Highlights: Mindset Magic: Hilary’s dishing out four game-changing mindset habits that help her stay youthful—like focusing on solutions (not problems) and living a self-centered life that puts her needs first.  Daily Rituals for Radiance: From her 85-15 lifestyle rule to early morning journaling and workouts, Hilary’s got her daily habits on lock. Oh, and she’s not eating after 7 PM—because staying organized and fit requires discipline (and no midnight snacks). What She *Doesn’t* Do: No alcohol, no fast food, no sugar, no dairy, no sun damage. Hilary’s list of “no’s” might sound tough, but these choices are the reason she’s looking absolutely fabulous at 52.    Episode Breakdown: [00:00] What’s Age Got to Do With It?   [02:18] Youthful Mindset Habits: Positivity First, Always   [08:06] Action-Packed Mornings: Wake Up & Work It   [14:14] Don’t Just Dream It—Do It: Achieving Those Goals     Listener Takeaways: Want to look younger? Start by changing your attitude—positivity and prioritizing YOU are the ultimate glow-up secrets. Hilary’s morning routine is her not-so-secret sauce—journaling, visualizations, and workouts. (And maybe a little self-love in there, too.) Avoid the aging traps: sugar, alcohol, and too much sun. If you’re ready to live it up at any age, it’s time to cut these out.   Ready to stop blaming genetics and start embracing habits that actually work? Hit play to learn Hilary’s real-life, no-nonsense tips for staying vibrant at every age. Want a little more? Grab her 5-minute pre-meal ritual at and keep leveling up! 


You’re Not Broken, Stop Fixing Yourself

EP20 - You’re Not Broken, Stop Fixing Yourself   The key to true personal growth isn’t fixing your flaws, but embracing them as part of your wholeness. Hilary dives into this idea, challenging the widespread obsession with constant self-improvement. Do we really need to fix every perceived flaw, or is there a better path? In this episode, she advocates for a radical shift—moving away from the relentless pursuit of perfection and embracing unconditional self-love and acceptance.   Episode Highlights: Hilary explores the exhausting cycle of self-improvement, where individuals continuously question “What is wrong with me?” and seek ways to fix themselves. Hear the powerful story of a client who found freedom by letting go of the need for self-fixing, allowing herself to enjoy life without the burden of constant self-criticism. Delve into the concept of shame and how it can prevent true self-expression and authentic connections with others. Hilary emphasizes embracing both the light and dark parts of oneself as essential to forming a complete and authentic identity. Discover how viewing imperfections as opportunities for growth, rather than flaws to be fixed, leads to a more fulfilling journey towards wholeness.   Episode Breakdown: [00:00] The Concept of Constantly Working on Oneself and Seeking Self-Improvement [02:06] Client Story [03:09] Desire for Acceptance [06:28] The Light and Dark Parts of Ourselves [07:10] Truths to Accept [14:40] Integration and Self-Love    Listener Takeaways: Learn why self-acceptance and unconditional love are the foundations for true personal growth and fulfillment. Understand the importance of stepping away from the never-ending quest for self-improvement to embrace who you are, as you are. Find out how embracing all aspects of yourself, including perceived imperfections, can lead to deeper, more genuine connections with others. Shift your mindset from fixing flaws to integrating and accepting every part of yourself, paving the way for personal fulfillment and achieving your true purpose.   Helpful links: Loneliness - The Other “L” Word Nobody Wants To Talk About: If you’ve ever felt trapped in the endless cycle of trying to “fix” yourself, Hilary’s insights will be a breath of fresh air. Tune in to start your journey toward true wholeness and fulfillment.   


How Trying To See The Good In Others Can Hurt You

EP19 - Seeing Good is Bad   Is seeing only the good in others truly noble and a characteristic to aspire to? Hilary debunks the myth that focusing solely on the positive aspects of people is virtuous. In fact, she suggests that this one-sided, limited viewpoint is not only not good for you, but it’s actually a harmful set-up for everyone involved.   Episode Highlights: Hilary explains how idealizing others by only seeing their good traits is a distorted view of reality. Explore how this behavior manifests in various relationships, from parents ignoring their child’s struggles to overlooking red flags in romantic relationships. Delve into the risks of ignoring the full picture, including emotional, mental, and even physical harm. True loving and appreciation comes from seeing and accepting a person’s whole self, flaws and all.   Episode Breakdown: [00:00] Challenging Conventional Wisdom About Seeing the Good in People [01:03] The Problem with Seeing the Good and Examples [03:09] Self-Interest in Seeing the Good [05:15] Consequences of Ignoring Reality [06:08] True Acceptance [08:13] Personal Story    Listener Takeaways: Learn the importance of seeing and accepting people for who they truly are, rather than an idealized version. Understand how setting realistic expectations in relationships can prevent significant letdowns and heartache. Discover how embracing the entirety of a person, including their imperfections, leads to more authentic and meaningful relationships.   Hilary offers new insights into how we connect with others. If you’re looking to build deeper, more authentic relationships, this episode is a must-listen. Learn why embracing the full reality—not just the good—might be the key to avoiding denial and enjoying more honest and fulfilling relationships in your life.   Want more incredible resources from Hilary?  Click here to access all of her free paradigm-flipping tools:


This Radical Gratitude Practice Will Help You Overcome Anything

EP18 - This Radical Gratitude Practice Will Change The Results In Your Life   Why isn’t gratitude bringing the happiness we expect? In this episode, Hilary shares a deeper, more radical approach to gratitude that will revolutionize how you view your past, especially the tough parts.  Incorporating Hilary’s method into your daily practice leads to a stronger relationship with your whole self, and creates resilience, confidence and a self-centered quality that creates beautiful results in your life.   Episode Highlights: A fresh perspective on gratitude that goes beyond appreciating the obvious positives. The importance of being grateful for negative experiences, including traumas, pain, and disappointments. Powerful examples that illustrate this radical approach to gratitude   Episode Breakdown: 00:00:00 - 00:01:16 Importance of Gratitude 00:01:17 - 00:02:19 Traditional vs. Revolutionary Gratitude 00:02:20 - 00:05:24 Embracing Negative Experiences 00:05:25 - 00:07:34 Personal Stories and Examples   Listener Takeaways: Learn why it’s essential to be grateful for every experience, good or bad, and how this mindset can lead to extraordinary personal growth. Discover how embracing gratitude for challenges makes you resilient and capable of seeing the lessons in every situation. Understand how to view past traumas as integral parts of your personal development and turn them into sources of strength. Gain actionable steps on how to actively express gratitude for difficulties, transforming them into opportunities for growth.   What’s the easiest way to start this new practice? Hilary’s journaling method! It’s the ultimate toolkit to help you know yourself, love yourself, and accept yourself. Never worry about what to write, never worry about the next best step.  Hilary guides you with visualizations, prompts and audio lessons. In 90 days, you’ll see the results of your new gratitude approach! Check out the digital journal here:   Want more incredible resources from Hilary?  Click here to access all of her free paradigm-flipping tools:


Stop Tolerating & Level Up Your Life

In this episode, Hilary explores a pivotal realization she experienced shortly after she turned 50: the unnecessary burdens we all carry by tolerating less than we deserve. This episode is a candid exploration of personal thresholds, examining everything from daily inconveniences to significant life choices, and how moving past “what we put up with” can transform our lives as we commit to putting SELF first. Episode Highlights: Hilary's personal journey of eliminating “just putting up with sh*t” as she approached her fifties. Practical advice on identifying and addressing small to significant instances of tolerating in one's life. Insightful discussions on how tolerating less can significantly enhance personal and professional wellbeing. Episode Breakdown: [00:00:02] - Introduction to the theme of tolerating and its impact on life. [00:31:31] - Hilary shares her personal experience of un-tolerating to improve her life. [01:00:00] - Discussion on everyday tolerances and how they accumulate to impact mood and self-esteem. [01:31:00] - Strategies for confronting and overcoming significant tolerances in relationships and careers. Listener Takeaways: Awareness and Action: Learn to recognize the small discomforts and larger issues you've been tolerating and how to actively address them. Empowerment through Change: Understand the profound impact that reducing this type of behavior can have on your mental health and personal growth. Practical Steps to Transformation: Gain insights into actionable steps to reduce tolerating in various aspects of your life, from personal belongings to professional ambitions. Inspiration for Personal Development: Hilary's story serves as a motivation to embrace change and stop settling for less than you deserve. Catch this transformative episode to understand why tolerating less can mean living more fully, and how you can start making those changes today. If you're tired of just "putting up" with things, this episode will offer you the tools and courage to demand more from life and yourself.   Resources Click Here to download the Toleration Tracker: Here's the link to the episode I mention on How I Changed My Brain in 90 Days:  


This Brain Hack Made Me Millions

Episode 16: This Brain Hack Made Me Millions  Introduction: In the newest episode of The Hilary Silver Podcast, Hilary recounts her own profound journey of reshaping her thinking patterns in just 90 days, including a discussion of the very neuroscience technique that made her a millionaire. She shares her personal story along with practical, science-backed strategies that have not only helped her become more successful than her wildest dreams, but have also helped thousands of her clients. If you've ever wanted to shift from being stuck to a truly empowering and life-altering mindset, this episode will guide you through the steps necessary to make that change. Episode Highlights: Hilary's personal experience with changing her brain and thought processes. An explanation of how automatic thoughts and deep-seated beliefs form. Detailed strategies for altering your neural pathways to foster positive thinking. The significant role of repetition and consistency in reshaping one's mindset. Episode Breakdown: [00:00:02] - Hilary introduces the topic of changing one’s brain and mindset. [00:00:31] - Explanation of what doesn’t work when trying to shift your mindset, like simple affirmations. [00:02:00] - Discussion on the default ways of thinking and how they are formed in our brains. [00:10:00] - Insights into the neuroscience behind thought patterns and how to change them. [00:15:00] - Hilary shares her personal story of struggling to shift her professional life and how changing her thought process was a turning point. Listener Takeaways: Understanding Neural Plasticity - Learn how your brain forms thoughts and how these can be intentionally altered through specific practices. Practical Mindset Shifts - Hilary provides actionable advice on how to start thinking differently today to influence your overall happiness and success. Long-Term Impact - Discover how consistent practice can lead to lasting changes in your thought patterns, affecting all areas of your life. Empowerment Through Self-Awareness - This episode encourages listeners to take charge of their mental landscapes to craft a more positive and fulfilling life experience. Tune into this enlightening episode to start your journey towards a healthier, happier mind and a more successful life! If you've ever felt stuck in negative thought cycles, Hilary's insights and techniques offer a roadmap to mental clarity, emotional resilience, and success on your own terms.


Take Back Your Power & Stop Caring What Others Think

Episode #15: Take Back Your Power & Stop Caring What Others Think Introduction In this episode of The Hilary Silver Podcast, Hilary addresses a common struggle many of us face: the concern about others' opinions. If you've ever felt burdened by worrying about what others think of you and wish you could just stop caring, this episode is for you! Hilary offers a thoughtful exploration of why this concern is not only unnecessary but also harmful, and provides actionable advice on how to liberate yourself from this mental trap. Episode Highlights Understanding the psychology behind caring too much about others' opinions. The damaging effects of basing your self-worth on external validation. Practical strategies for gaining freedom from the need for approval. Hilary’s personal insights on maintaining authenticity in a world that pressures conformity. Episode Breakdown [00:00:01 - 00:02:00] Introduction to the topic and its relevance. [00:02:00 - 00:10:00] Deep dive into the psychology of why we care about others' opinions and the negative impacts of this concern. [00:10:00 - 00:20:00] Hilary shares powerful, real talk truths and strategies for overcoming the need for external validation, promoting a journey towards self-acceptance and genuine self-worth. [00:20:00 - 00:30:00] Concluding thoughts and call to action for listeners to start applying these insights in their daily lives. Listener Takeaways Awareness is Key: Recognize when and where you are most affected by others' opinions and start to question why. Authenticity Over Approval: Embrace your true self and let go of the need for external validation. Mind Your Own Business: Focus on your own thoughts and feelings rather than trying to control or predict others'. Reject Rejection: Understand that not everyone will like you, and that’s perfectly okay. Embrace those who appreciate the real you. Live Freely: Apply the strategies discussed to actively stop caring about others' opinions and start enjoying a more authentic, anxiety-free life. This episode encourages listeners to shift their focus from external approval to internal self-acceptance, fostering a healthier, happier life.


Gain TRUE Confidence With This One Simple Mantra

Episode 14: How to Be More Confident Than 99% of The Population Introduction In this episode, Hilary dives into what true confidence means and how you can achieve it to stand out among the rest. She challenges common misconceptions about confidence, discusses two distinct types of confidence, and shares a powerful seven-word mantra that can transform your approach to challenges in life. Episode Highlights Exploring two types of confidence: situational and true confidence. Introduction of a seven-word mantra to boost true confidence. Personal stories from Hilary's life illustrating her journey towards genuine self-assurance. Episode Breakdown (with timestamps) [00:00] Introduction to the myths of confidence. [00:07] Distinguishing between situational confidence and true confidence. [00:13] The power of the mantra: "I will be okay no matter what." [00:48] How to apply this mantra in real-life situations. [00:56] Listener Q&A segment: Addressing common questions and concerns about maintaining confidence. Listener Takeaways True confidence stems from an internal belief system, not just external achievements or validations. The mantra "I will be okay no matter what" is crucial for developing resilience and a positive self-view. Practicing this mindset can lead to significant improvements in how you face challenges and perceive opportunities. By the end of this episode, you’ll have a clearer understanding of how to cultivate a mindset that not only fosters confidence but also prepares you to handle whatever life throws your way with grace and assurance.


How I Quit HIIT and Got Super Fit at 50!

Introduction In Episode #13: How I Quit HIIT and Got Super Fit at 50! Hilary shares her personal journey of transforming her fitness routine as she approached her fifties. Offering a blend of personal anecdotes and practical advice, she discusses the importance of listening to one’s body and reshaping one's fitness philosophy to align with her overall SELF-CENTERED APPROACH of putting YOU first (and, yes, that means your relationship with food and your body, too). Episode Highlights Hilary’s transformation from high-intensity workouts to a more gentle, introspective approach to fitness. Discussion on the psychological impact of exercise and the importance of mindset in maintaining fitness. Practical advice on creating a fitness routine that aligns with personal needs and lifestyle changes as one ages. Reflections on diet changes and how they complement the fitness routine. Episode Breakdown 00:00:00 - Introduction: Hilary introduces the topic and shares her credentials and why she shifted her fitness strategy. 00:02:56 - First Truth: Listen to Yourself: Hilary explains how listening to her body instead of following rigorous exercise regimes led to better health and fitness outcomes. 00:09:45 - Second Truth: Break the Rules: A discussion on why it’s crucial to forge one's path in fitness, challenging conventional wisdom and typical fitness rules. 00:15:23 - Third Truth: Make it Enjoyable: Hilary emphasizes the importance of enjoying the process of exercising and making it a pleasant part of one's routine. 00:16:59 - Fourth Truth: Make Working Out a Habit: The importance of consistency in exercise, and why it should be as habitual as any other daily activity. 00:18:06 - Fifth Truth: Be With Yourself: Encourages a deep personal connection during workouts, focusing on self-awareness and inner dialogue. Listener Takeaways Personalization is Key: Tailor your fitness routine to suit your age, physical condition, and lifestyle rather than following popular trends. Mindfulness in Exercise: Pay attention to how your body feels during and after workouts. Adjust your routines to enhance well-being rather than drain it. Enjoy the Process: Find activities you enjoy to maintain consistency and motivation in your fitness journey. Routine and Flexibility: While it’s important to make exercise a daily habit, flexibility in how you achieve this helps keep the routine sustainable and enjoyable. Inner Dialogue: Tune into the conversations you have with yourself about your body and exercise. Positive self-talk can greatly enhance the effectiveness of your fitness regimen.


Been Ghosted? The Secret To Getting Closure

Episode #12: Been Ghosted? The Secret To Getting Closure Introduction: If you've ever been ghosted or had a relationship end without an obvious explanation, this episode is for you. In this week’s episode, Hilary dives into the often misunderstood concept of closure in relationships. She explores why seeking closure from others can be unfulfilling and emphasizes the empowerment found in self-given closure. This episode is a must-listen for anyone struggling with unresolved feelings from past relationships. Hilary encourages listeners to reclaim power over their emotional well-being by fostering self-awareness and internal closure, rather than depending on external validation.   Episode Highlights: The illusion of closure from others and the power of self-closure. Practical advice on handling feelings of rejection and inadequacy. Real-life examples demonstrating the importance of internal resolution. Episode Breakdown: 00:00-01:00 - Introduction to the topic of closure and its personal significance. 01:00-05:00 - Discussion on common reasons relationships end unexpectedly and the natural quest for closure. 05:00-10:00 - Analysis of why waiting for closure from others can be detrimental and the importance of taking control of your own emotional responses. 10:00-15:00 - How self-awareness and acceptance play critical roles in personal healing and closure. 15:00-16:08 - Conclusion with encouragement for listeners to reflect on their own experiences and find personal closure. Listener Takeaways: Closure is something you can give yourself; it does not need to be granted by someone else. Understanding your role in past relationships can help you move forward more effectively. Embracing your personal truths and experiences can lead to significant emotional empowerment and freedom.


Q&A with Hilary

Episode #11: Your Questions, Answered! Welcome to another bonus episode of The Hilary Silver Podcast: "Your Questions, Answered!" Today, Hilary takes on questions submitted by listeners, tackling a wide range of personal and emotional queries. This episode not only answers listener-specific questions but also touches on universal themes that resonate with anyone looking to improve their emotional and psychological wellbeing through their relationship with SELF.   Episode Highlights Hilary addresses complex personal questions on topics ranging from anxiety and intuition to managing insecurities and personal growth. Listener interaction through questions that resonate with broad audience experiences. Practical advice delivered with Hilary's characteristic empathy and insight, providing actionable steps and new perspectives on common struggles. Episode Breakdown [00:00:01] Introduction: Hilary introduces the podcast and sets the stage for a session of listener-driven content. [00:02:34] Community and Support: Discussion on the importance of community and shared experiences in personal growth and emotional health. [00:14:34] Addressing Listener Questions: Hilary, along with her friend and creative director Jess, answers pre-selected questions from the audience, providing deep dives into each issue. [00:47:25] Anxiety and Intuition: A nuanced exploration of how to distinguish between anxiety driven by intuition versus insecurity. [01:10:18] Addressing Personal Challenges: Tips on managing personal struggles with ADD, slow processing, and self-image issues. [01:34:45] Motivation and Self-Care: Advice on finding motivation for fitness and self-care, emphasizing the importance of self-priority. Listener Takeaways Empathy and Connection: Understand you're not alone in your struggles—common threads run through everyone's experiences. Practical Strategies: Learn practical ways to manage anxiety, trust your intuition, and embrace your personal challenges. Empowerment: Gain insights on how to empower yourself by prioritizing your needs and setting actionable goals.


How To Overcome Loneliness and Create Connection

Episode #10: The Other "L" Word No One Wants To Talk About Introduction In this thought-provoking episode of The Hilary Silver Podcast, Hilary takes on the epidemic of loneliness, which she calls "the other L word." Exploring the nuances between situational and existential loneliness, Hilary shares insights on how we contribute to our own feelings of isolation by not allowing true, authentic connections in our lives. She challenges listeners to reconsider how intimacy can be fostered not just with those close to us, but in everyday interactions with everyone.   Episode Highlights Understanding Situational vs. Existential Loneliness: Hilary defines two types of loneliness and discusses their impacts. The Role of Intimacy in Combating Loneliness: Insights into how genuine intimacy can combat feelings of loneliness. Practical Steps to Overcome Loneliness: Hilary provides actionable advice on creating meaningful connections and overcoming barriers to intimacy. Episode Breakdown [00:00:36-00:01:02] Introduction to the topic of loneliness, termed as "the other L word." [00:01:42-00:02:19] Discussion on situational loneliness: circumstances where one may feel lonely due to changes in their social environment. [00:03:04-00:04:02] Exploration of existential loneliness: feeling alone despite being in social settings or relationships. [00:06:09-00:07:01] Real-life examples of how to solve existential loneliness through deeper connections. [00:07:01-00:09:03] The challenges of making new friends as an adult and the deeper problem of existential loneliness. [00:17:58-00:18:10] Closing thoughts: encouragement to face the internal fears that lead to loneliness. Listener Takeaways Recognize the Type of Loneliness: Identifying whether your loneliness is situational or existential can guide you in addressing it effectively. Foster Intimacy Anywhere: Intimacy isn't just for close relationships; it can be cultivated in any interaction by being present and authentic. Be Proactive in Connection: Taking active steps to engage in activities and communities that resonate with your interests can help alleviate situational loneliness. Face Inner Barriers: Reflect on what holds you back from being open and honest in your interactions and challenge yourself to be more vulnerable. Self-Reflection is Key: Often, the solution to loneliness starts with understanding and changing our own behaviors and attitudes towards relationships. This episode is a powerful reminder that while loneliness is a common human experience, the power to change our circumstances always lies within our own actions and choices.


Recovering From Dishonesty In Your Relationships

Episode #9: Your Lover Lying To You Is Partly Your Fault   Introduction In Episode #9 of The Hilary Silver Podcast, "Your Lover Lying To You Is Partly Your Fault," Hilary dives into the complexities of how our own actions and reactions can inadvertently invite dishonesty in our relationships. Building on the insights from the previous episode about trust and truth-telling, this episode shifts focus to self-reflection and understanding the role we play in fostering either truth or deceit from others.   Episode Highlights Exploring the dynamic of how reactions to truth can deter honesty. Practical tips on creating a safe environment that encourages open and honest communication. Understanding the impact of one’s demeanor and reactions in conversations. Insights into the internal and external consequences of inviting lies through our behaviors. Episode Breakdown [00:00:00–00:05:00] Hilary introduces the topic by discussing how our emotional reactions to others' honesty can discourage them from being truthful with us. She emphasizes the importance of self-awareness in our responses to foster an environment conducive to honesty. [00:05:01–00:10:00] The conversation shifts to how certain personality traits, such as strong emotional responses, can lead people to withhold the truth to avoid conflict or hurt feelings. [00:10:01–00:15:00] Hilary provides strategies for encouraging truthful interactions, including "rolling out the red carpet for the truth," a metaphor for actively inviting honest feedback in personal and professional relationships. [00:15:01–00:20:00] The episode wraps up with a call to action for listeners to reflect on their behaviors and make necessary adjustments to promote honesty in all relationships. Listener Takeaways Self-Reflection is Key: Understanding your own reactions and how they may affect others' willingness to be honest with you is crucial. Foster Safe Environments: Actively work to create spaces where people feel safe to share their truths without fear of negative reactions. Encourage Honesty: Implement strategies like inviting honest feedback and being open to it, regardless of its nature. Personal Growth: Recognize and accept that fostering a truthful environment starts with you and requires ongoing effort and adaptability. This episode encourages listeners to look inward and examine how their own behaviors might be contributing to a lack of honesty in their relationships and provides actionable advice on how to cultivate a more open and truthful interaction with others.


Start Being Honest With Yourself And Others

Episode #8: Speak Your Truth & Stop Betraying Yourself   Introduction In this episode, Hilary dives into the intricate dynamics of trust within relationships, emphasizing the often overlooked ways we may inadvertently betray ourselves and others. She discusses the distinction between factual honesty and emotional truth, and how failing to express the latter can deteriorate trust and intimacy in relationships.   Episode Highlights Understanding the foundational role of trust in relationships. Identifying the subtle ways we break trust without realizing it. The impact of not sharing our emotional truths. Practical advice on how to be more honest and trustworthy in personal and professional relationships. Episode Breakdown [00:00:01] - Hilary opens the discussion on the importance of being honest in relationships. [00:00:36] - Introduction to the topic of trust as the foundation of relationships. [00:01:00] - Discussion on building and breaking trust. [00:01:17] - Self-reflection on personal trustworthiness. [00:01:47] - Encouragement to consider how trust applies in personal contexts. [00:03:01] - Exploration of factual honesty vs. emotional truth. [00:06:02] - How unshared truths sabotage relationships at work. [00:10:31] - Real-life examples of how we lie to avoid discomfort or conflict. [00:17:01] - A case study on a couple dealing with smoking and trust issues. [00:20:55] - Closing remarks on the importance of honesty and how to improve communication in relationships. Listener Takeaways Recognize Trustworthy Actions: Be aware of the ways you might be breaking trust, even unintentionally, and take steps to become more trustworthy by aligning your words with your true feelings. Value Emotional Honesty: Understand that sharing your emotional truth is just as important as factual truth for maintaining healthy relationships. Communicate Clearly and Honestly: Encourage open and honest communication in your relationships to build deeper connections and trust. Reflect on Personal Contributions: Regularly ask yourself how you are contributing to either the strength or weakness of your relationships through your level of honesty and integrity. This episode encourages listeners to be more mindful of their interactions and the importance of honesty in fostering genuine connections and trust.


Stop Sacrificing Yourself For Others

Episode 7: Stop Sacrificing Yourself For Others   Introduction Hello, listeners! Welcome back to this week's episode of The Hilary Silver Podcast. In today's episode, titled "Why We Should All Quit Being Selfless (and how this benefits everyone)," we take on the notion of selflessness and its impact on our lives and those around us. We often hear that being selfless is virtuous, but could it be causing more harm than good? Let's explore how embracing a more self-centered approach can lead to healthier relationships and a happier, more authentic life.   Episode Highlights: Understanding selflessness and its hidden costs. The difference between being selfless and being centered in oneself. Interviews and discussions with my Creative Director about real-life experiences and professional insights. Practical advice on shifting from selflessness to being self-centered in a healthy way. Episode Breakdown: [00:00:00] - Introduction to the topic and its importance. [00:01:15] - Hilary shares personal stories and insights on selflessness. [00:15:00] - Discussion with guest Jess about societal expectations and personal experiences. [00:30:00] - Practical tips on how to start prioritizing oneself. [00:45:00] - Q&A session with listeners, addressing their struggles and questions.   Listener Takeaways: Self-Centered is Not Wrong: Understanding that prioritizing yourself is not selfish but essential for your well-being and the well-being of others around you. Reevaluate Personal Values: Encourages listeners to reconsider what they've been taught about selflessness and to understand the positive impacts of being more self-centered. Practical Steps to Change: Offers actionable advice on how to shift from a selfless to a self-centered mindset without guilt. Empowerment Through Self-Prioritization: Highlights how taking care of yourSELF without resorting to negative coping mechanisms or internalization (which leads to dis-ease) leads to a more authentic and fulfilling life.   Resources YOU Really Are The Center of The Universe


How To Stop Emotional Eating

Episode 6: How To Stop Emotional Eating Introduction Hello, Listeners! Welcome back to this week’s episode of The Hilary Silver Podcast. Join me as I dive into the world of emotional eating, where I share both my personal journey and family history with food along with my professional insights. Today, we're exploring how our relationships with food are deeply intertwined with our emotions, shaped by everything from family dynamics to societal pressures. We'll uncover practical strategies for aligning your eating habits with my signature self-centered approach that emphasizes true self-love, steering clear of temporary fixes through food. Get ready to reclaim control and foster a genuine connection with yourSELF.   Episode Highlights: Understanding the distinction between eating for fuel and emotional eating. Insights into the misuse of food as a response to emotional needs. Hilary's personal journey and professional experiences related to food and body image. Practical advice on how to confront and change emotional eating behaviors. Episode Breakdown: [00:00] - Introduction to emotional eating. [03:00] - Personal stories and the impact of family habits on eating behaviors. [10:00] - The role of medications like Ozempic in managing weight and why they’re only temporary fixes. [20:00] - Strategies for recognizing and altering emotional eating patterns. [30:00] - The "five-minute meditation" tool for dealing with cravings. [40:00] - Closing thoughts and takeaways on self-awareness and food.   Listener Takeaways: Awareness is Key: Recognizing when you are eating to fill emotional voids rather than physical hunger is the first step to change. Strategies for Change: Techniques such as the "five-minute meditation" can help pause and reconsider our choices before succumbing to cravings. Empowerment Through Education: Understanding the psychological triggers that lead to emotional eating can empower us to make healthier decisions. Embrace the Self-Centered Approach: Learn to navigate your emotional landscape without resorting to food, alcohol, or shopping as coping mechanisms. This episode underscores Hilary's signature message: caring for yourSELF is the cornerstone of wellness. By staying true to yourSELF and loving yourSELF, you can make choices that genuinely nourish both your body and soul, leading to lasting happiness and health.   Resources The 5 Minute Pre-Meal Ritual   Disclaimer: The Hilary Silver Podcast The views, thoughts, and opinions expressed are the speaker’s own and do not represent the views, thoughts, and opinions of anyone else. The material and information presented here is for general information purposes only.  Reference to any specific product or entity does not constitute an endorsement or recommendation by the host. The views expressed by guests are their own and their appearance on the program does not imply an endorsement of them or any entity they represent. The content here should not be taken as medical or psychiatric advice. The content here is for informational purposes only, and because each person is so unique, please consult your healthcare professional for any medical or psychiatric questions. Contact information:


Your Questions Answered! Narcissism, Romance, Therapy & More

Episode 5: Your Questions Answered! Narcissism, Romance, Therapy & More   Introduction Hello, listeners! Welcome back to The Hilary Silver Podcast. Today’s episode is a special one—it’s our very first BONUS Q&A session! We’ve been receiving so many insightful and thought-provoking questions from you all, and it’s time we dive into them. From dealing with complex relationship dynamics to uncovering the hidden roots of anxiety, we’re covering a range of topics to give you the clarity and tools you need. So sit back, tune in, and let’s get started on this journey of discovery together. Remember, this is not just about finding answers—it’s about empowering you to take control of your life and relationships. Let’s join the conversation with Hilary and her Creative Director, Jessica Lynn.   Episode Highlights: First ever BONUS Q&A episode with listener-submitted questions Deep dives into anxiety, narcissism, and relationship challenges Practical advice on recognizing and dealing with gaslighting Insights on choosing effective therapists or coaches Episode Breakdown: 00:00 - Introduction: Kicking off our first Q&A session 00:26 - Anxiety Insights: Exploring deeper issues beyond anxiety 15:42 - Narcissism and Relationships: Strategies for dealing with toxic behavior in relationships 37:15 - Handling Gaslighting: Effective approaches to address and confront gaslighting behavior 52:50 - Therapy and Coaching: Choosing the right help for personal growth and healing Listener Takeaways: Understand how deeper issues might manifest as anxiety and what you can do about it Learn to identify and respond to narcissistic traits and gaslighting in relationships Gain tips on selecting a therapist or coach who can provide not just support, but practical steps toward improvement Empower yourself with the knowledge and confidence to address personal and relational challenges effectively   Resources Boundaried Ready For Love     Disclaimer: The Hilary Silver Podcast The views, thoughts, and opinions expressed are the speaker’s own and do not represent the views, thoughts, and opinions of anyone else. The material and information presented here is for general information purposes only.  Reference to any specific product or entity does not constitute an endorsement or recommendation by the host. The views expressed by guests are their own and their appearance on the program does not imply an endorsement of them or any entity they represent. The content here should not be taken as medical or psychiatric advice. The content here is for informational purposes only, and because each person is so unique, please consult your healthcare professional for any medical or psychiatric questions. Contact information:


Cure Your Anxiety Forever, What Nobody Is Telling You

Episode 4: The ONLY Cure For Anxiety. What No One Else Is Saying   Introduction Welcome to Episode #4 of The Hilary Silver Podcast, "The ONLY Cure For Anxiety. What No One Else Is SayingToday," Hilary challenges the conventional understanding of anxiety, revealing why it is merely a symptom of deeper issues rather than the core problem itself. Join us as we uncover the root causes of anxiety and learn practical strategies to eliminate it permanently. Hilary dives deep into the mechanics of anxiety, debunking common misconceptions and providing a fresh perspective on how to effectively eradicate it by fostering a profound connection with oneself. Whether you're occasionally anxious or dealing with it on a more chronic level, this episode offers transformative insights and actionable advice to help you lead a calmer, more fulfilled life. Ready to transform your relationship with yourself and conquer anxiety for good? Let’s join the conversation.   Episode Highlights: Understanding the true nature of anxiety as a symptom, not the core issue. Exploring the root causes of anxiety and how to address them effectively. Practical strategies to permanently overcome anxiety and build a stronger relationship with oneself. Episode Breakdown: [00:00:00] - Opening thoughts: Making a decision about your well-being. [00:00:28] - Introduction to the prevalence of anxiety and its impact. [00:01:58] - Why treating only the symptoms of anxiety is a temporary solution. [00:03:00] - Anxiety as a symptom of deeper, unaddressed issues. [00:04:00] - How avoiding primary emotions leads to anxiety. [00:07:00] - The concept of anxiety as a 'warning light'. [00:10:00] - The cycle of self-abandonment and its role in perpetuating anxiety. [00:15:00] - Empowering oneself to handle life's challenges without anxiety. [00:20:00] - Final thoughts: Embracing life's uncertainties with strength and trust in oneself. Listener Takeaways: Recognize Anxiety as a Signal: Understand that anxiety is not the main problem but a symptom indicating deeper issues. Address the Root Cause: Identify and confront the underlying emotions and situations that trigger anxiety. Empowerment Through Self-Trust: Develop a trusting relationship with yourself to handle life’s uncertainties without fear or anxiety. Continuous Self-Support: Commit to being your own best support system, ensuring personal growth and resilience. Resources The STOP Technique Disclaimer: The Hilary Silver Podcast The views, thoughts, and opinions expressed are the speaker’s own and do not represent the views, thoughts, and opinions of anyone else. The material and information presented here is for general information purposes only.  Reference to any specific product or entity does not constitute an endorsement or recommendation by the host. The views expressed by guests are their own and their appearance on the program does not imply an endorsement of them or any entity they represent. The content here should not be taken as medical or psychiatric advice. The content here is for informational purposes only, and because each person is so unique, please consult your healthcare professional for any medical or psychiatric questions. Contact information:


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