Wishing You Well with Maria Patrick

<p>The "Wishing You Well" podcast is hosted by Maria Patrick, a Certified Health Coach and Qi Gong Instructor who specializes in helping people find balance in their lives through nutrition, movements and lifestyle changes. This is a chance to connect and discuss health and wellness topics and inspiration.<br><br>For Maria's YouTube channel, go to "Qi Gong with Maria" -  https://www.youtube.com/@qigongwithmaria.<br><br>For daily, weekday. live classes with Maria on Zoom, go to www.QiGongWithMaria.com<br><br>For Maria's support with nutrition counseling and health coaching, go to www.CoreFourHealthCoaching.com<br><br>To support this Podcast (and get a shout-out in a future episode) go to the WISHING YOU WELL PODCAST WEBSITE</p><p><a href="https://www.buzzsprout.com/2239735">https://wishingyouwellwithmariapatrick.buzzsprout.com</a></p>

Guided Meditation for Spring Energy

Spring Energy Guided Meditation. If you are feeling sluggish after the time change, meditate with Spring energy. This will help you to align yourself with the energy of the season and feel inspired to reach your Spring Fitness goals. Find that lost hour of time and energy by slowing down and going inward. #mediation #guidedmeditation #springforward #springahead #springfitness #springenergy #dst #renew #recharge #refresh Reach out with questions or comments. Support the show Thanks for tuning...


Awakening of Spring Guided Meditation

As we slowly and gently come out of our winter hibernation, we embrace ourselves with the beautiful energy of the Spring Awakening. Join me for a Guided Meditation to help you with the transition from one season to the next. #guidedmeditation #springmeditation #awakeningofspring #renewal #newseason #freshenergy Reach out with questions or comments. Support the show Thanks for tuning in! I am a Certified Health Coach and Qi Gong Instructor. I specialize in helping people to improve thei...


It's Time to Get a Hobby

It's Time to Get a Hobby! There are many health benefits to taking up a hobby, something that engages us, stimulates our brains and encourages us to be social. Tune into to listen to what we can do to help us to reach our longevity goals. Having a hobby can help us to live a longer, stronger, healthier and better life. #hobbies #childhoodhobby #joannfabrics #healthbenefits #intentionalactivities #lowerstress #boostbrainhealth #joy #entertainment Dont' forget about the special offer from DIVIN...


Breathing with Flowing Water Meditation

GUIDED MEDITATION. Let's Go With the Flow....by breathing with the imagery and sounds of flowing water. We can use this meditation to relax, slow down, and embrace the energy of the flowing water. Each and every inhale allows us to bring in the smooth and effortless energy of a river or ocean waves. Every exhale encourages the release of heaviness and stress. Join me for a relaxing 9 minutes of peace and flow. Reach out with questions or comments. Support the show Thanks for tuning in! I am ...


Let's SPILL THE TEA (on what's in our TEA)!

SEASON 4, EPISODE 21. Have you heard the news that there are MICROPLASTICS in our TEA BAGS? And they are getting into our brains! Today we are discussing the steps we can take to make sure we are drinking a safe cup of tea. I have a VERY SPECIAL OFFER FOR YOU TODAY! Use the code MARIA 25 at the online organic tea store DIVINITEA to get 25% off your tea order and FREE SHIPPING! This is an amazing offer from a company that is Certified USDA Organic. This offer applies to the purchase of T...


Guided Meditation for Cleansing and Renewal

Guided Meditation for Cleansing and Renewal which is perfect for the month of February. The month of February derives from the Latin word Februum which means purification or purging. This name reflects the ancient ceremonies and rituals that took place during the month of February to cleanse the soul and prepare for the coming of Spring. Let's do that together with this meditation! #Meditation #GuidedMeditation #february #cleansing #renewal #cleansethesoul #preparingforspring #relax #un...


Guided Mediation for the Heart

Just in time for Valentine's Day and Heart Health Awareness Month! A Guided Meditation to help you relax, balance your emotions, and strengthen and heal your heart. Join me on this journey to emotional wellness. #Meditation #GuidedMeditation #hearthealth #balancedemotions #heartstrengthening #hearthealing #emotionalhealing #relax #unwind #meditate Reach out with questions or comments. Support the show Thanks for tuning in! I am a Certified Health Coach and Qi Gong Instructor. I special...


What the Ruck? (The Health Benefits of Rucking)

SEASON 4, EPISODE 18 WHAT THE RUCK? Are you familiar with the latest fitness trend, Rucking? Rucking is a fitness trend that involves walking or hiking while carrying a weighted backpack. It's a low-impact, full-body workout that’s growing in popularity. It strengthens your muscles, raises your heart rate and gets you moving outside.It originates from military training, where soldiers carry heavy loads over long distances to build endurance, strength, and resilience. You can easily do i...


Guided Meditation for the Year of the Snake

HAPPY LUNAR NEW YEAR! Today the Year of the Snake begins! The Snake is a symbol of good luck, fortune, transformation, wisdom and inner strength. Just like the Snake sheds its skin, this coming year is all about us letting go and shedding what no longer supports us. It is a time for growth, renewal, deep transformations and new beginnings! With the Snake, you will be able to step fully into your power so that you can embrace change. The Year of the Snake is also a wonderful invitation and o...


Our Food Is Killing Us!

SEASON 4, EPISODE 16: The latest health headline in the news is both good news and terrible news! The good news is that the United States Food and Drug Administration (FDA) is FINALLY banning Red Dye # 3 in food, beverages, medicines and supplements. The bad news? It doesn't have to happen for 2-3 more years and Red Dye # 3 is UBIQUITOUS! It's in everything (over 3,000 foods listed on the EWG website)!!!! Tune in today so that you can start cutting the poisons out of your life! https://www.e...


Which Light's On In Your Body? Maintenance or Check Engine?

SEASON 4, EPISODE 14: Do you have a personal MAINTENANCE PLAN? Our cars do...our bodies deserve the same treatment! Tune in today to find out my 5-Step Plan for Maintaining your health and well-being so that 2025 will be a year filled with tremendous health and much happiness. This is so much better than coming up with New Year's Resolutions! #maintenance #healthyliving #fivestepmaintenanceplan #lifelessons #healthyeating #regularcheckins #didieattoday #fuelyourbody #morningroutine #the3ms #...


Happy Birthday Dick Van Dyke! Tips to Live to 99!

SEASON 4, EPISODE 13: Happy 99th Birthday to the legend, icon and National Treasure, Dick Van Dyke! What is his secret to a long and healthy life? Tune into today's episode to hear the tips to living longer, stronger, better, happier and healthier life. This episode also includes my 9 Daily Practices for Living Well. #dickvandyke #99thbirthday #legend #icon #longevity #longlife #healthyliving #fitness #longlifetips #keepmoving #healthyaging #99yearsyoung #lucky13 #refirenotretire #agi...


"Over the River and Through the Woods"...tips for HOLIDAY DIGESTION

SEASON 4, EPISODE 12: This week's focus is on how we can enjoy the holiday season without ending up with digestive problems. Tune in to hear my Top 7 tips for how to survive eating during the holiday season. #digestion #healthydigestion #holidayeating #holidayeatingsurvival #digestivetips #holidaysurvival #overtheriverandthroughthewoods What are you dealing with this holiday season? Let me know and I might discuss it in a future podcast episode. Thank you for supporting my podcast this yea...


Are you eating like ELVIS or like you are in the END-ZONE?

SEASON 4, EPISODE 11: This week we are talking about the NFL's favorite and much eaten snack...the famous UNCRUSTABLE sandwich. They eat them before practices and games, during meetings and they are apparently even given out as a reward for doing well. I break down the nutritional content of the little PB&J sandwich and how you can turn it into a super-food snack. #uncrustables #nfl #snacktime #healthysnack #smuckers # denverbroncos #elvis #pbandb #pbandj #sandwich #peanutbutter #a...


The Power of One

SEASON 4, EPISODE 10: One person CAN MAKE A DIFFERENCE! I recently met an amazing young woman who made a huge impact on my life and my heart and I want you to hear all about her. She is an inspiration and I am forever changed for having had the pleasure of meeting her. #oneperson #inspiration #kindness #compassion #wellnessweekend #miravalaustin #miravalwellnessresortandspa #wellness #meaningfullife #lifelessons PODCAST: "I Made Space with Hoda Kotb" Have an idea for a future episode...


Quincy Jones Taught Us So Much

REBROADCAST of a previously published episode...in Memory of Quincy Jones. Sometimes our ego can get in the way of our success. Today's episode draws inspiration from the recently released documentary "The Greatest Night in Pop" on Netflix which chronicles the making of the charity song & video "We Are the World" back in 1985. We can learn a lot of life lessons from Lionel Richie and Quincy Jones. Tune in to find out! #wearetheworld #ego #greatestnightinpop #january1985 #quincyjones #li...


I Made Space with Hoda Kotb

SEASON 4, EPISODE 8: I am bringing you with me behind the scenes of Hoda Kotb's recent Wellness Weekend. It was called "Making Space with Hoda Kotb" and it was a weekend of inspiring and life changing speakers, beautiful music, powerful meditation and breathing sessions, fabulous yoga and pilates classes, spa treatments and incredibly delicious food. Tune in to hear the powerful and inspiring life lessons I learned while Making Space with Hoda. #hodakotb #hoda #makingspace #wellnesswee...


REBROADCAST....Remembering Matthew Perry on the 1-year anniversary of his passing

This is a REBROADCAST of the podcast episode that I released last year shortly after Matthew Perry's passing. Today is the one year anniversary of the day the world lost this beloved actor and favorite Friend. Matthew is on the minds and in the hearts of many. His family was on The Today Show this morning sharing their grief journey. It is an important reminder to hold our loved ones close and cherish every moment we have with them. #matthewperry #friends #grief #memories #ripmatthewpe...


Look For The Helpers - You Might Just Be One of Them!

SEASON 4, EPISODE 6: In scary times, it's important to look for the helpers. I learned that from the wonderful Mr. Fred Rogers whose words of wisdom have been a guiding light for many. This week I am bringing you a story from an inspiring woman who helped others. She paid it forward and started a movement. Helping has health benefits, not only for those whom you help but also for the helper. Tune in to hear this week's inspiration. Spread the love, look for the helpers, you might just b...


It's the Great Pumpkin Season!

SEASON 4, EPISODE 5: It's Pumpkin Spice Season! Most people fall into one category or another....fan or foe, love it or hate it. There are so many health benefits to adding PUMPKIN into your diet. Tune in today to find out the many ways the fruit can improve your health. RACHAEL RAY'S PASTA WITH PUMPKIN SAUCE RECIPE #pumpkin #pumpkinspice #itsthegreatpumpkin #charliebrown #linus #healthyeating #pumpkinhealthbenefits #eyehealth #immunity #cancerprevention #immunity #vitaminc #vitamina ...


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