DiscoverWhy You Can't Sleep: What Causes Insomnia and How To Fix It For Good
Why You Can't Sleep: What Causes Insomnia and How To Fix It For Good

Why You Can't Sleep: What Causes Insomnia and How To Fix It For Good

Author: The Sleep Detective

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Can't sleep and don't know why?

Not knowing why you can't sleep is one of the most frustrating parts of insomnia! In this limited series, I explain how different imbalances in your body affect sleep and why nothing has helped so far. You'll learn what causes sleep issues and, most importantly, what you can do to overcome insomnia once and for all.

If you have trouble sleeping, sleeplessness at night or chronic insomnia, you'll find help and relief here. Learn what causes insomnia and what the "cure" and treatment is so you can fall asleep fast, sleep all night and wake up rested.
25 Episodes
In this podcast series, you’ll learn what causes poor sleep and how to “cure” your insomnia so you can sleep better permanently and naturally. Resources -Download the checklist to find out what could be causing your sleep issues -Use code SLEEP20 to get $20 off the Sleep Essentials course -Sign up for the Insomnia Insight program to find out exactly what's causing your insomnia and get a plan to fix it within 30 days. We can help you get 7+ hours of consistent, uninterrupted sleep.
In this podcast series, you’ll learn what causes poor sleep and how to “cure” your insomnia so you can sleep better permanently and naturally. Resources -Download the checklist to find out what could be causing your sleep issues -Use code SLEEP20 to get $20 off the Sleep Essentials course -Sign up for the Insomnia Insight program to find out exactly what's causing your insomnia and get a plan to fix it within 30 days. Client Testimonial My client Laurie said: “Lately I’ve been sleeping 7-8 hours a night. I can get up and go to the bathroom and I can go right back to sleep, most of the time. Sometimes I’ll have an issue where a night or two will be a little funky. But then I just get back to it. So I don’t worry about that because my pattern now is more to sleep, than not to sleep…in a big way. Show Notes Why can't you sleep? Both your mind AND your body contribute to your sleep issues. Cognitive behavioral therapy helps with the mental part. Doctors may try to help with the physical part but they usually end up prescribing sleeping pills or anti-anxiety medication. The only way to truly get over your insomnia is to find out what's going on in both your body and your mind and correct all of those things at once. Find exactly how in this episode! We can help you get 7+ hours of consistent, uninterrupted sleep.
In this podcast series, you’ll learn what causes poor sleep and how to “cure” your insomnia so you can sleep better permanently and naturally. Resources -Download the checklist to find out what could be causing your sleep issues -Use code SLEEP20 to get $20 off the Sleep Essentials course -Sign up for the Insomnia Insight program to find out exactly what's causing your insomnia and get a plan to fix it within 30 days. Client Testimonial My client Jaipal said: “The Complete Sleep Solution has truly been life-changing. That isn't just a cliche statement for a testimonial. It is just the truth. My life can be divided into Pre-Martha, and Post-Martha. Before I met with Martha, I was waking up exhausted every single day and sluggishly fighting through each day feeling like I had no energy, no clarity, and no creativity. As an Architect, I need each of those three things to succeed. I started losing confidence in my creative abilities, and my self-worth, and really went down a dark path. Through a series of lab tests, through metrics and analysis, Martha was able to hone in on the source of my restlessness and lack of proper sleep. She also gave me very useful tools to release stress, both emotional and mental, as well as a full education on the entire subject of sleep. Less than two weeks into the program, I began to notice some changes. A month in, I started to sleep much better. Two months in, I realized I had dropped 15 lbs of extra weight. I started waking up with more energy and found that I could get through a full day with focus and attention. Three months in, I had fully formed new habits, transformed my diet, and transformed my body. It's been nearly six months since I initially started the program. And, I have regained the confidence, energy and positivity that I always remembered throughout my life. I feel good. I feel creative. I feel like I am a success. And, just in time! My 40th birthday is tomorrow! Thank you, Martha!" Show Notes There's one main hormone that sabotages your sleep. When your body constantly releases cortisol to deal with stress, it affects your body in many different ways, and they aren't good! Learn more in this illuminating episode.  My clients tell me this explains everything for them: why they can't sleep and why they don't feel well. If you’re experiencing any symptoms at all, including sleep problems, you have cortisol regulation issues and you’re nowhere near perfect health. It takes more than supplements, diet and exercise to get back in balance. The longer you wait to address it, the longer and harder it’s going to be to get better. We can help you get 7+ hours of consistent, uninterrupted sleep.
In this podcast series, you’ll learn what causes poor sleep and how to “cure” your insomnia so you can sleep better permanently and naturally. Resources -⁠Download the checklist⁠ to find out what could be causing your sleep issues -Use code SLEEP20 to get $20 off the Sleep Essentials course -Sign up for the Insomnia Insight program to find out exactly what's causing your insomnia and get a plan to fix it within 30 days. Client Testimonial My client Rachel said: “After discovering Martha and enlisting her services, she did a full analysis of my body and helped me to understand the imbalance and why I wasn't able to fall asleep/stay asleep. She gave me natural solutions on how to get my body flow back in balance and after a year of following her advice, I can fall asleep and stay asleep on my own. I won't ever go back to prescription pills-thanks to Martha. Whatever advice she is giving you, take it. She has your best interests in mind as she did mine. Because of this, I no longer have a negative relationship with sleep. I rarely think about the upcoming sleep which is the opposite of how it used to be. I used to dread going to sleep and would think about it all day long--  now I can appreciate it more. I'm finally getting the consistent enough results I've been looking for my whole life. Knowing what I know now through this experience with you, makes me realize how terrible the literature & culture on insomnia is.  It blows my mind all the people in your Facebook group who comment on all the crazy stuff they've been doing to try to sleep such as weighted blankets, psyh drugs, cognitive behavioral psychology studies, pills pills and more pills.  You hold the easy answer to everyone's sleeping problems and it's almost criminal that society makes people think all these other tools are the solution to what is simply an out of balance body.” Show Notes If you can’t sleep, your body is in chaos! Your body wants to be in balance, but when it can’t handle all the stress it’s under, it gets completely out of balance and all the systems stop working optimally. In this episode, I explain the concept of "metabolic chaos" and why it is the sole, overarching reason why you can't sleep. You'll learn: what metabolic chaos means what causes metabolic chaos how metabolic chaos can lead to insomnia the problem with treating symptoms instead the root cause how to get out of metabolic chaos so you can sleep normally We can help you get 7+ hours of consistent, uninterrupted sleep.
In this podcast series, you’ll learn what causes poor sleep and how to “cure” your insomnia so you can sleep better permanently and naturally. Resources -⁠Download the checklist⁠ to find out what could be causing your sleep issues -Use code SLEEP20 to get $20 off the Sleep Essentials course -Sign up for the Insomnia Insight program to find out exactly what's causing your insomnia and get a plan to fix it within 30 days. Client Testimonial My client Wes said: “I’m doing great. I’m getting back to sleep when I wake up in the middle of the night. I still wake up most nights, but I’m able to get back to sleep fairly quickly. I’m sleeping 7-8 hours a night. I feel really good. Physically, I feel better. Mentally, I feel better. And even nutritionally, I have gained a little weight, not a lot, but a couple of pounds here and there, but that’s probably good. I feel great. I’m doing really well. And in general, just happier. I’m not worried about sleep. It’s not constantly on my mind. It was consuming so much of my thinking throughout the day, and now I’m not worried about it. I sleep well. I look forward to going to bed. And I wake up pretty refreshed. I’m doing really well.” Show Notes If you Google "how to sleep better" you'll find the same tips: don't watch screens before bed don't drink caffeine past 2 p.m. follow a relaxing bedtime routine exercise everyday etc. These tips don't work for most people with chronic insomnia and I explain why in this episode. We can help you get 7+ hours of consistent, uninterrupted sleep.
In this podcast series, you’ll learn what causes poor sleep and how to “cure” your insomnia so you can sleep better permanently and naturally. Resources -⁠Download the checklist⁠ to find out what could be causing your sleep issues -Use code SLEEP20 to get $20 off the Sleep Essentials course -Sign up for the Insomnia Insight program to find out exactly what's causing your insomnia and get a plan to fix it within 30 days. Client Testimonial My client Emily said: "Things are going great. Getting to bed and falling asleep within 30 minutes now. Love it!!!" Show Notes Is your blood work “normal” but you can’t sleep? Many of my clients have this experience. There’s something going on in their bodies that is causing their sleep issues but blood work doesn’t usually find it. There are a few reasons why that I explain in this episode. We can help you get 7+ hours of consistent, uninterrupted sleep.
In this podcast series, you’ll learn what causes poor sleep and how to “cure” your insomnia so you can sleep better permanently and naturally. Resources -⁠Download the checklist⁠ to find out what could be causing your sleep issues -Use code SLEEP20 to get $20 off the Sleep Essentials course -Sign up for the Insomnia Insight program to find out exactly what's causing your insomnia and get a plan to fix it within 30 days. Client Testimonial My client Mike said: “I am 66 years old and have always had trouble sleeping. I am about 60 days into the program with Martha which started with an evaluation and then lab testing. Now I am taking various supplements that Martha has recommended. I am sleeping better already! Just as important, I have learned more about my body than I have ever known and that includes much more than just sleep related issues. If you want help with your sleep and want to learn as I have, Martha is dedicated, competent, honest, wholehearted and she has answers. Her knowledge of body chemistry and treatment including diet is extremely impressive.  You can feel better." Show Notes The medical system can’t help you with insomnia. This is because insomnia is caused by imbalances in your body. Your body isn’t totally healthy if you can’t sleep normally. (Even if you eat well and exercise and care about your health.) Building health and fixing disease are two different things. In this episode, I explain why the medical system can’t solve your insomnia AND what can! We can help you get 7+ hours of consistent, uninterrupted sleep.
In this podcast series, you’ll learn what causes poor sleep and how to “cure” your insomnia so you can sleep better permanently and naturally. Resources -⁠Download the checklist⁠ to find out what could be causing your sleep issues -Use code SLEEP20 to get $20 off the Sleep Essentials course -Sign up for the Insomnia Insight program to find out exactly what's causing your insomnia and get a plan to fix it within 30 days. Client Testimonial My client David said: “I cannot tell you what an amazing feeling it is to be able to fall asleep pretty quickly at night, and then fall back asleep in the middle of the night, and wake up actually feeling rested. I don’t remember the last time I woke up feeling really rested and not being on some form of medication.  Show Notes Does your monkey mind keep you awake at night? Either you can’t fall asleep or you wake up with your mind racing? It’s not your fault! Your ruminating thoughts might seem like a mental problem but it’s not all in your head. There are true physiological reasons why you can’t control your thoughts. In this episode, you’ll learn the 4 main reasons why you have a racing mind that’s keeping you awake at night. You’ll see that your mind isn't racing because you aren't meditating enough or because you don’t know how to control your brain. Physical imbalances are causing your mental symptoms. Therapy gives you great tools to try to manage anxious thoughts but it won’t help you get to the root of why this is happening The only way to calm your racing mind without medication is to find out what’s causing it and correct it. That’s exactly what we can help you with.  We can help you get 7+ hours of consistent, uninterrupted sleep.
In this podcast series, you’ll learn what causes poor sleep and how to “cure” your insomnia so you can sleep better permanently and naturally. Resources -⁠Download the checklist⁠ to find out what could be causing your sleep issues -Use code SLEEP20 to get $20 off the Sleep Essentials course -Sign up for the Insomnia Insight program to find out exactly what's causing your insomnia and get a plan to fix it within 30 days. Client Testimonial My client Emily said: "Right from the start your program helped me to sleep. When I contacted you I had been going 5-7 days without sleeping and my entire body was failing because of it. There seemed to be no hope, no prescription, no "cure". I am constantly referring to others to the immediate success I had working with you and how the lab tests legitimately found the imbalances in my body which were causing my sleep issues so I was able to keep improving. I am just so grateful to have started your program and will be able to use what I learned as a stepping stone to continue to keep up my health." Show Notes If you aren’t sleeping, you have inflammation. In this episode you'll find out how inflammation destroys your sleep and the 3 main sources of inflammation. We can help you get 7+ hours of consistent, uninterrupted sleep.
In this podcast series, you’ll learn what causes poor sleep and how to “cure” your insomnia so you can sleep better permanently and naturally. Resources -⁠Download the checklist⁠ to find out what could be causing your sleep issues -Use code SLEEP20 to get $20 off the Sleep Essentials course -Sign up for the Insomnia Insight program to find out exactly what's causing your insomnia and get a plan to fix it within 30 days. Client Testimonial My client Adam said: “Before working with you, I was constantly waking up through the night and often could not go back to sleep. I was excited to get some help. I have learned that I (and most of my family) are gluten intolerant, (that was hard to take at first but has been a real help in my diet), I learned some mental tricks about sleep that help me, learned some behavioral problems. I also had a gut parasite and imbalance that once was fixed I now feel much better as far as general health.I liked your attention to my physical health in all of the tests we did. I found that the food sensitivity test was particularly helpful.I now sleep through the night, I still wake up often but that is because of my CPAP, but I am almost always able to go back to sleep and I feel more rested throughout the day.Thanks again for all your help, I really am happy that we went down the road, as hard as it was to hear some of the bad news, it has really helped me and my family.” Show Notes Eating foods you’re sensitive to and don’t know it can sabotage your sleep.  In this episode, you’ll learn: The difference between a food sensitivity and an allergy How to find out if you have food sensitivities How food sensitivities affect sleep We can help you get 7+ hours of consistent, uninterrupted sleep.
In this podcast series, you’ll learn what causes poor sleep and how to “cure” your insomnia so you can sleep better permanently and naturally. Resources -⁠Download the checklist⁠ to find out what could be causing your sleep issues -Use code SLEEP20 to get $20 off the Sleep Essentials course -Sign up for the Insomnia Insight program to find out exactly what's causing your insomnia and get a plan to fix it within 30 days. Client Testimonial My client Peter said: “What I really liked about working with you is…it’s all based on data. I check-in with my doctor every 6 months, and we have been for years. A number of things came up in your tests that we didn’t know about. One of the most important was insulin resistance.” Show Notes Keeping your blood sugar steady is critical to sleeping well! If you wake up in the middle of the night, there’s a good chance it’s because your blood sugar levels aren’t healthy. This can happen even if you eat healthy and avoid sugar and carbs. In this episode, you’ll learn: What happens when you’re on the blood sugar roller coaster. How my client Peter’s sleep was affected by blood sugar. The signs of low blood sugar and insulin resistance. How blood sugar affects the brain. How to balance your blood sugar for optimal sleep. If you have blood sugar issues and you aren’t sleeping, your body isn’t healthy. The only way to get better is to find everything that’s causing stress in your body and mind and correct them. You want to look at gut health, hormone balance, minerals, food sensitivities, mental stress and more. Diet, exercise and random supplements aren’t enough to get back in balance so you can sleep normally. I use functional lab tests to find what’s going on in your body that’s causing your sleep issues so we know what to correct. We can help you get 7+ hours of consistent, uninterrupted sleep.
In this podcast series, you’ll learn what causes poor sleep and how to “cure” your insomnia so you can sleep better permanently and naturally. Resources -⁠Download the checklist⁠ to find out what could be causing your sleep issues -Use code SLEEP20 to get $20 off the Sleep Essentials course -Sign up for the Insomnia Insight program to find out exactly what's causing your insomnia and get a plan to fix it within 30 days. Client Testimonial My client David said: "I contacted Martha during the fall of 2020 and at that point in time sleep was a very difficult process in my life. Today I can proudly say 'The combination of changes in life events and the results from Martha’s help have truly turned my life around.' Martha’s knowledge on testing and then applying it to the proper supplements is worth its weight in Gold!" Show Notes All of my clients have an unhealthy gut! What’s going on in your gut has an enormous effect on your health. If your gut isn’t healthy, your mood and your sleep won’t be healthy either. In this episode, you'll learn the 3 ways your gut can be unhealthy and how they affect your sleep. We can help you get 7+ hours of consistent, uninterrupted sleep.
In this podcast series, you’ll learn what causes poor sleep and how to “cure” your insomnia so you can sleep better permanently and naturally. Resources -⁠Download the checklist⁠ to find out what could be causing your sleep issues -Use code SLEEP20 to get $20 off the Sleep Essentials course -Sign up for the Insomnia Insight program to find out exactly what's causing your insomnia and get a plan to fix it within 30 days. Client Success My client Teresa just slept the past 3 nights without sleep meds. Her insomnia started in July 2021, completely out of the blue. She never had sleep issues before. She had dealt with anxiety though, for a lot of her life. But then all of a sudden, she was only able to sleep 3-5 hours a night. She ended up getting on sleep meds, because she was desperate for more sleep. We ran 4 functional lab tests on Teresa, and it showed that she had copper toxicity through the roof. She also had depleted sex hormones, a parasite in her gut, high candida, liver detox issues, and high cortisol at night. Only 4 months after we started working together, she stopped the sleep medication and is now sleeping well.  Show Notes Every single one of my clients has hormone imbalances. Some are too high, some are too low. But either way, they can’t sleep and their hormones are a big part of the problem. In this episode I talk about: the different ways that hormones affect sleep why sex hormones get depleted and sabotage your sleep the only way to truly get your hormones back in balance how to find the root cause of your insomnia so you can get over it for good We can help you get 7+ hours of consistent, uninterrupted sleep.
In this podcast series, you’ll learn what causes poor sleep and how to “cure” your insomnia so you can sleep better permanently and naturally. Resources -⁠Download the checklist⁠ to find out what could be causing your sleep issues -Use code SLEEP20 to get $20 off the Sleep Essentials course -Sign up for the Insomnia Insight program to find out exactly what's causing your insomnia and get a plan to fix it within 30 days. Client Testimonial My client Jesse said: “On a macro level, my sleep has improved. It’s not perfect. It’s not where I ultimately want it to be, but it is certainly light years ahead of where it was several months ago. I now wake up in the middle of the night occasionally, rather than frequently. I sometimes wake up earlier than I would like to, so I don’t always feel super refreshed, but it’s significantly better than it used to be. There’s less of just dragging through the day. That’s given me reason to be optimistic that I can continue to improve, because so far I’ve seen an upward trajectory.” Show Notes Your liver could be causing your insomnia. Many of my clients have an unhealthy liver and it’s keeping them awake at night. That’s because the liver is most active between 1 and 3am. If it has more toxins than it can handle then those toxins circulate around causing lots of inflammation. Your body releases cortisol to deal with the inflammation which wakes you right up! In this episode, you’ll learn: other signs of liver dysfunction the functional tests I use to see if your liver is affecting your sleep simple things you can do now to support your liver We can help you get 7+ hours of consistent, uninterrupted sleep.
In this podcast series, you’ll learn what causes poor sleep and how to “cure” your insomnia so you can sleep better permanently and naturally. Resources -⁠Download the checklist⁠ to find out what could be causing your sleep issues -Use code SLEEP20 to get $20 off the Sleep Essentials course -Sign up for the Insomnia Insight program to find out exactly what's causing your insomnia and get a plan to fix it within 30 days. Client Testimonial My client Sherry said: "I slept 9 hours last night!!!!! First time in years that I didn’t have extreme irritability 2 days prior to period!!! I was in a great mood!  Thank you!!!” Show Notes You need the right amount of neurotransmitters to feel and sleep well. Neurotransmitter deficiencies happen when your gut isn't healthy and your brain isn't healthy. In this episode, you’ll learn: The most important neurotransmitters for sleep What causes deficiencies in neurotransmitters How to improve neurotransmitter levels so you can feel great and sleep well We can help you get 7+ hours of consistent, uninterrupted sleep.
In this podcast series, you’ll learn what causes poor sleep and how to “cure” your insomnia so you can sleep better permanently and naturally. Resources -⁠Download the checklist⁠ to find out what could be causing your sleep issues -Use code SLEEP20 to get $20 off the Sleep Essentials course -Sign up for the Insomnia Insight program to find out exactly what's causing your insomnia and get a plan to fix it within 30 days. Client Testimonial My client Jim said: “Before working with you I was waking up for 2-3 hours during the night.  I also had an upset stomach and my energy level was good but not as good as it was in the past. My sleep has improved overall.  I’m still waking up during the night but I go back to sleep faster. I do feel I get a deeper sleep and I feel more rested, a noticeable improvement in comparison prior to working with you. Also, my stomach feels better and my energy level is much better.  Anxiety over the simplest things have diminished greatly.  Now I can better identify and handle stressful situations. I liked that you're very good at listening to any symptoms that I was experiencing and compassionate about those symptoms. You're knowledgeable on the tests and on the many products that are available to relieve/resolve a person's issues. It's been good working with you!” Show Notes Mineral imbalances can cause insomnia. You hear about vitamins all the time, but you rarely hear about the importance of minerals for health and sleep. All of my clients have some sort of mineral imbalance which makes sense since they aren’t sleeping well. In this episode you'll learn: how different mineral imbalances affect sleep how to test for mineral balance why you don't want to overlook minerals if you can't sleep I have all my clients do an easy Hair Tissue Mineral Analysis test so we can see what’s going on with their minerals that’s affecting their sleep. If you focus on your gut or your hormones but you don’t address mineral imbalances like copper toxicity, you won’t fully get over your insomnia. We can help you get 7+ hours of consistent, uninterrupted sleep.
In this podcast series, you’ll learn what causes poor sleep and how to “cure” your insomnia so you can sleep better permanently and naturally. Resources -⁠Download the checklist⁠ to find out what could be causing your sleep issues -Use code SLEEP20 to get $20 off the Sleep Essentials course -Sign up for the Insomnia Insight program to find out exactly what's causing your insomnia and get a plan to fix it within 30 days. Client Testimonial My client Todd said: “I am happy to report my 4th consecutive night of only getting up once. Yay.” Show Notes Heavy metals could be causing your sleep problems. I’ve seen this recently in many of my clients. They have high levels of mercury, aluminum, copper, lead and arsenic as well as others. In this episode, you’ll find out: What heavy metals are and how they get into our bodies How heavy metals affect the body and your sleep How to test for heavy metals Why it’s important not to overlook heavy metals if you can’t sleep If you've done other testing and haven’t solved your sleep problem, this could be the missing test. You can address gut health, hormone balance and everything else, but if you also have heavy metal toxicity then you won’t get better. We can help you get 7+ hours of consistent, uninterrupted sleep.
In this podcast series, you’ll learn what causes poor sleep and how to “cure” your insomnia so you can sleep better permanently and naturally. Resources -⁠Download the checklist⁠ to find out what could be causing your sleep issues -Use code SLEEP20 to get $20 off the Sleep Essentials course -Sign up for the Insomnia Insight program to find out exactly what's causing your insomnia and get a plan to fix it within 30 days. -To see the symptom clusters and the graphics explaining CIRS, go to Client Testimonial My client Maura said: “I love just having a plan. It wasn’t just ‘here’s your prescription and that’s all I got for you.’ Instead, it was ‘ok, we’re going to work together for this amount of time’ and slowly we added supplements. And once those were done working, we slowly took them away. And just having the support as well. If I needed to email you, you answered right away. Finally having someone in my court made me feel like I wasn’t in this alone. It was very helpful to know I had a team. I weaned off meds after 2 months. I was able to come off. I’m now sleeping 7-8 hours a night on average, and I’m feeling a lot better.” Show Notes Mold toxicity is an overlooked and common cause of sleep issues. You could be living in mold and not even know it because it isn't always visible. Or you could have been exposed to mold in the past and your body hasn’t been able to detoxify it properly. It’s estimated that 75% of homes have water damage. And 25% of the population has a gene that puts them at risk for developing CIRS (Chronic Inflammatory Response Syndrome) when they’re exposed to mold. This syndrome causes many symptoms in many different systems in the body. I have 6 clients with mold toxicity and whose sleep is getting better as we deal with it! In this podcast episode, I’m talking all about mold: How mold affects sleep What CIRS is and the symptoms The 4 steps for dealing with mold How to deal with mold in your body and in your environment While mold can cause many symptoms and severe sickness, it’s relatively simple to deal with once you know it’s there. If you can’t sleep and you have other weird symptoms, mold could be the culprit. And I can help you with this so you feel better and can sleep normally! We can help you get 7+ hours of consistent, uninterrupted sleep.
In this podcast series, you’ll learn what causes poor sleep and how to “cure” your insomnia so you can sleep better permanently and naturally. Resources -⁠Download the checklist⁠ to find out what could be causing your sleep issues -Use code SLEEP20 to get $20 off the Sleep Essentials course -Sign up for the Insomnia Insight program to find out exactly what's causing your insomnia and get a plan to fix it within 30 days. Client Testimonial My client Burton said: "Before working with you, I was having trouble falling asleep and would stay up way too late. I also had trouble with waking up in the middle of the night and not being able to go back to sleep. I was alternating between Trazadone, Xanax, Advil Pm and tart cherry juice to sleep. Now I'm able to fall asleep on a consistent basis with a bedtime routine that Martha came up with without drugs. I can usually fall back asleep when I wake up in the middle of the night. It's a huge accomplishment to not need sleeping pills anymore. YAY!! The whole experience was great. It was interesting to learn about gut health and how it relates to my sleep. I used to be hesitant about going to sleep because it was hard for me to fall asleep in general unless I took a sleeping pill! Now I feel much more confident about sleep. I'm not as groggy as when I wake up from a sleeping pill. I'm also going to bed at a reasonable time. I'm more healthy overall. I'm eating a better diet and drinking less alcohol." Show Notes People wonder if their sleep issues are genetic because their mom or dad or sister or brother also has insomnia. The truth is, your genes do play a role in your sleep. In this podcast episode, you’ll learn: Why genes are not your destiny What really matters when it comes to genes and sleeping A genetic testing alternative Genes that lead to insomnia I know it can feel like you’ve tried everything, but we really need to look at everything going on in the body, mind, and genes. And if you haven’t taken the big picture, whole health approach, you haven’t tried anything like the Complete Sleep Solution. We can help you get 7+ hours of consistent, uninterrupted sleep.
In this podcast series, you’ll learn what causes poor sleep and how to “cure” your insomnia so you can sleep better permanently and naturally. Resources -⁠Download the checklist⁠ to find out what could be causing your sleep issues -Use code SLEEP20 to get $20 off the Sleep Essentials course -Sign up for the Insomnia Insight program to find out exactly what's causing your insomnia and get a plan to fix it within 30 days. Client Testimonial My client Andrey said: “I’m not 100% percent with everything, but I couldn’t imagine that I was going to feel like this. Honestly. Before your program, my cortisol was elevated when it wasn’t supposed to be. We did a mold test, and that came back elevated. I had a previous test done, which you accepted, and that was off. It’s a whole slew of things that traditional medicine doesn’t even test for, which is crazy to me.” Show Notes One of the most common causes of insomnia is high cortisol.  Cortisol should be low at night so you can fall asleep easily and stay asleep all night.  But if you can’t sleep, cortisol and other stress hormones are probably high at night.  In this episode, you'll find out:  what hidden health imbalances can make your body release cortisol at night  which tests identify what's causing high cortisol in your body  what genes cause your body to hold onto stress hormones at night  how to know if you have these genes and how to deal with them We can help you get 7+ hours of consistent, uninterrupted sleep.