12: Three ways an unhealthy gut causes insomnia
In this podcast series, you’ll learn what causes poor sleep and how to “cure” your insomnia so you can sleep better permanently and naturally.
-Download the checklist to find out what could be causing your sleep issues
-Use code SLEEP20 to get $20 off the Sleep Essentials course
-Sign up for the Insomnia Insight program to find out exactly what's causing your insomnia and get a plan to fix it within 30 days.
Client Testimonial
My client David said:
"I contacted Martha during the fall of 2020 and at that point in time sleep was a very difficult process in my life. Today I can proudly say 'The combination of changes in life events and the results from Martha’s help have truly turned my life around.' Martha’s knowledge on testing and then applying it to the proper supplements is worth its weight in Gold!"
Show Notes
All of my clients have an unhealthy gut!
What’s going on in your gut has an enormous effect on your health. If your gut isn’t healthy, your mood and your sleep won’t be healthy either.
In this episode, you'll learn the 3 ways your gut can be unhealthy and how they affect your sleep.
We can help you get 7+ hours of consistent, uninterrupted sleep.