075 9 Ways to Get Through the Holidays
I understand firsthand that navigating the holidays while trying to lose weight is extremely difficult, so why not put things in place to make it as easy as you can for yourself? In this episode of Disrupting Obesity, I’ll be sharing 9 ways to help you get through the holidays, from tips you can start implementing, to mindset strategies to help you become more aware, reflective and ultimately change your relationship with food so you can end of this last quarter confidently and prepare for the new year in a way you haven’t been before. It’s time to start doing things differently, to stop sabotaging yourself, and I’m here to help! Tune into to hear about:
• Being intentional, staying present and paying close attention to what you are eating right now.
• Changing the ultimately hurtful mindset when it comes to complete food restrictions, instead of just having a little.
• Acknowledging your triggers and implementing incentives to get through them.
• Why low calorie swaps are still worth it even during the holidays.
• Asking yourself the hard questions, accepting the impact of ‘comfort, reward, cope’ and remembering to 3A Way it!
It is possible to disrupt those old patterns and set yourself up for success! If you enjoyed this episode, don’t forget to subscribe so you never miss an episode! As always, keep trying, keep tracking, don’t be intimidated and don’t give up. You’ve totally got this!
Episodes Mentioned:
• 072 9 Ways to Keep Yourself Going
• 012 The 3A Way
• 005 Comfort, Reward, Cope
Looking for help on your weight loss journey? I’ve created a couple of resources for you:
• My new immersive weight loss experience, The Program: https://charlotte-skanes.mykajabi.com/the-program
• My cookbook Disruptor:
• My free guide ‘Getting Started for the Last Time’, which you can find here: https://charlotte-skanes.mykajabi.com/getstarted
• My weight loss workbook Disruptor, which you can find anywhere in the world through Amazon by searching “Disruptor Charlotte Skanes”.
• 'Get Started For The Last Time' LIVE Webinar Replay Sign-Up