09: Healing Requires Surrendering
How can surrender and healing reshape your life, and what role do safety and trust play in this transformative process?
Welcome to episode 09 of the Embodied: Step Into You Podcast with your hosts Paula Scatoloni and Leslie Rhyne. In this episode, Paula and Leslie discuss the intricate relationship between surrender and healing, highlighting how safety and trust are essential to this process. They share personal anecdotes and theoretical insights that illuminate these themes.
Through various stories and reflections, they explore how subtle internal changes can lead to significant shifts in the external world, underlining the deep connection between the tangible and intangible aspects of life.
The episode also covers their own journeys, touching on concepts from polyvagal theory, internal family systems, and spirituality, all while offering practical exercises to help you deepen your connection with yourself and others.
In this episode, you will hear:
· Personal reflections and insights
· An exploration of surrender
· Stories that illustrate the power of surrender and healing
· The critical role of safety and trust in the process
· Personal experiences with surrender
· The connection between the formless and the form
· Embodied healing and inner child work
· A practical exercise on yielding and noticing
Find Paula & Leslie Online
Paula Scatoloni: https://paulascatoloni.com
Leslie Rhyne: http://www.originalstatehealing.yoga
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Podcast Produced by Vaudeo Productions – https://vaudeoproductions.com