#10 Mindy Holman
Mindy Holman is the Chair of Holman, a privately owned 100 year old automotive services company with over 7000 employees in the US, Canada, Mexico, UK, and Germany. As the third generation leader of a company whose stated mission is to provide a rewarding career and a better life for their employees and their families, she takes that mission to heart. Mindy, in fact, is as much responsible for "Be the Sun, Not the Salt" as anyone. She wrote the forward to the book and embodies the principles articulated in it. She gets uncomfortable when we compare her to Mother Theresa but we think you’ll see why we do. As she shares in this podcast, “Everyone has work to do.” People need exemplars in their life, and Mindy is one of ours. The nickname for this episode is entitled, “Be on the Look Out.” She continues to inspire us to be a better person, may she do the same for you.
Useful Links from the Episode:
About "Be the Sun, Not the Salt"
Kim Cameron's podcast episode: https://bethesunnotthesalt.com/podcasts/episode-4-kim-cameron/
Jennifer Cohen's fitness podcast, Habits and Hustle: https://habitshustle.com/
"Unreasonable Hospitality" book: https://www.unreasonablehospitality.com/
To explore the book, or for more episodes, information, tips and tools to live a more heliotropic life, visit us at bethesunnotthesalt.com and find us on Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn and TikTok.