120 // Simple, Fun Way to Fight Anxiety WITH Your Kids: Chat With My Daughter, Gracie

120 // Simple, Fun Way to Fight Anxiety WITH Your Kids: Chat With My Daughter, Gracie

Update: 2024-11-12


Hey, Holistic Wellness Warrior 👋

   Did you know that kids are developing their identity in their first 8 years of life. So as a mom raising kingdom kids, it's crucial that we help our kids learn this identity. AND its counter culture. The culture around us and the lies that are fed to us daily are what you are, what you have, what you do and what people say about you. And that's not true. The only one who can identify you is the one who made you and you are His child, His masterpiece and He defines who you are.

  So first, you have to know this- that's why I love belief cards, we rewrite the beliefs that you have that  say…. "I have to be a good mom, I have to do xyz and everything else so that I have a good mom and others think so too"....OR "I'm so busy and can't do all the things required of me, run a great business, run a safe home, raise great humans"..... "I have to look the part and have all the nice, trendy things and so do my kids to be a good mom" ….THESE are all lies that we can rewire - write TRUTH on your neuro pathways instead with belief cards.

  We do this in my coaching as we work together, because there are for sure layers and deep roots to these lies. We have to dig them up at the root to connect the neurons completely- it takes consistency and accountability. I needed a coach to actually do it, and it changed my brain and my life, so that's what I will do for you. And at the same time we can partner with creating deep rooted beliefs in your kids of who they are! I can hold you accountable to doing that because I know you want that for your kids. You want your kids to be rock solid in their beliefs about their identity so that they can detect lies of the enemy that come from kids at school or social media telling them otherwise. Let's chat to work together on this - go to bit.ly/chatwithshan

 SO today, I have my 11 year old Gracie on again to share where I start with kids on beliefs. This is a belief card poem so it's easy to memorize and say daily - 2x a day with your kids to solidify who they are. Then there are ways you can go deeper as they mature in their unique kingdom identity. Grab the FREE Printable HERE 

Speaking of kids…Speaking of kids….Christmas is coming!!

You may remember in ep 105 with Jenna Michael (the author of lets be less) we discussed Christmas gifts a little bit. And I shared how we were probably transitioning in our family to the 4 gifts- want, need, wear, read. Well, this isn't the easiest transition and doing anything new and different comes with a learning curve and extreme intentionality. Once all the hoopla and busyness kicks in it's going to be so easy to go back to what's comfortable and typica!

SO, Jenna and I are teaming up for a Christmas gifting LIVE in the fb group (new name: Simple Wellness Solutions for Motherhood Stress) bit.ly/holistichacks on 11/12 at 11am EST. It will be live in the group so the replay will be there! Come chat with us and discover how we are trying our hardest to keep Jesus as the center of Christmas. 

Also, if facebook groups aren't your thing and you are stressed about the holidays, let's chat about it!! We can learn how to take action in a perspective shift together in a free 15 min chat. Book that bit.ly/chatwithshan

Speaking of gifts….

gift YOURSELF wellness!! My favorite wellness supplements from the #1 liquid collagen in the world to belly fat blaster to NEW patented natural GLP-1 transforming system to viral 5 day whole body reset to my daily brain fuel to newborn clean laundry detergent to moody mommy magic.....ALL On sale for black friday! Best part, the freebies and doorbusters!! Bad part...they will go fast and sell out! Deals start TODAY and runs through 11/28. Don't wait, email me hello@theshanwright.com for questions, concerns, to grab the sale for you, whatever! or click this Shopping Link! (which also has a new customer $25 off code attached!) 

I started on these supplements 4 years ago- it helped immensely with postpartum anxiety, losing 30 lbs fat and inflammation, and reverse age with the best collagen on the market. I know you have heard about collagen-  please don't flush your money down the toilet- literally in your urine- this is bioidentical collagen, patented with the right molecular size to absorb and it's never on this crazy of a sale!  We are all losing collagen so replace and make more and anti-age with the best- which means best results! 

Let's go to battle! 

Shalom Shalom, 

Xx, Shan



Belief Card Poem for Kingdom Kids

🤩   Natural Adaptogens/ Moody Mommy Magic! 

🌱Natural GLP-1 for fat loss- coupon attached 

🌱Natural Hormone HELP 

🌱 Natural Supplements for less Anxiety

🎉 JOIN The Wright Wellness Group 


Disclaimer: Information given within the podcast is not intended for medical advice, rather advice and encouragement for developing wellness habits for healthy living. 

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120 // Simple, Fun Way to Fight Anxiety WITH Your Kids: Chat With My Daughter, Gracie

120 // Simple, Fun Way to Fight Anxiety WITH Your Kids: Chat With My Daughter, Gracie

Shan Wright | Wellness Mentor, Christian Mom Mentor, Holistic Nurse, Accountability Coach