13. John Lutz (Lutzy)
Thousand Greens is the social network for members of private golf clubs seeking camaraderie through golf. Golf Anywhere, Friends Everywhere.
Our guest today is John Lutz, better known to (what appears to be most of) the network as Lutzy. Lutzy has played over 2000 courses (or over 35,000 greens) in his career, including all of the US Top 100. He shares his favorites, which will no doubt surprise most listeners here. We also trade our personal rankings of the courses at Bandon Dunes and hear about why Lutz loves the network.
Listeners, this is the last episode of this season. If you’re tuning in for the first time, please enjoy the previous episodes, and if you’ve listened to them all, I sincerely thank you for joining me on this journey. I plan to branch out next season with a greater variety of topics and guests. If you have ideas for episodes, I’d love to hear them.
If you like what you hear, please like, subscribe, share, and of course, sign up at www.thousandgreens.com. Feedback: lov@thousandgreens.com.
Intro Music by ComaStudio licensed under Terms by Pixabay (2022)