8. Galen Udell
Thousand Greens is the social network for members of private golf clubs seeking camaraderie through golf. Golf Anywhere, Friends Everywhere.
Today, we venture to the Great White North and speak with Coppinwood member and consummate TG Host, Galen Udell. Galen tells us about his own history trying to build a golf network, why he decided to join TG instead, and how it has made his golfing life better. We also talk about rebuilding a golf swing after injury, how to get started in learning about golf architecture, and his experiences playing club matches in Scotland and Ireland.
During our chat, we referenced two books: Golf's Grand Design: The Evolution of Golf Architecture in America by Bob Cupp, and The Links by Robert Hunter. Both are available on Amazon. We also highly recommend checking out Golf Club Atlas and the Fried Egg to get tons of information regarding this subject.
If you like what you hear, please like, subscribe, share, and of course, sign up at www.thousandgreens.com. Feedback: lov@thousandgreens.com.
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