Member Guest Tournaments with Nik Divakaruni
Thousand Greens is the social network for members of private golf clubs seeking camaraderie through golf. Golf Anywhere, Friends Everywhere.
Today, we dive into the world of member guest events. My good friend and soon to be multiple time member guest partner, Nik Divakaruni joins me to discuss the finer points of formats, picking the right partner, strategy, and how to have the best time possible during these events. While it’s still a little early in the season, it’s not a bad time to think about signing up for these events at your club.
Listeners, please stick around after the music to hear about Nik’s work with the First tee of Oakland. I personally spend my time working with the First tee of San Francisco, and we both encourage you to do whatever you can to support your local organization.
We mentioned a couple of clothing companies during our discussion. While there’s no free advertising on the TG pod, we like to give credit where credit is due. Below are links to the clothes we wore during our last member guest event.
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Intro Music by ComaStudio licensed under Terms by Pixabay (2022)