146: Defining Your Battles
Hello Warriors and Battle Buddies!
Here we go with Episode 146!
Back in 2013 I read a book that has been very influential on my life called Die Empty by Todd Henry. Looking back on it, I realized that I did so in the same window of time as Terry's first accident.
Many of the thoughts and lessons in this primarily business book apply to life in general in my opinion as well.
I still utilize many of the concepts today in my own life and even have Die Empty tattooed on my arm to remind myself.
Some of the tenets in the book include living a life of no regret, living by design as opposed to by default and the topic we will discuss today. "Defining Your Battles"
We learn some of the questions to ask yourself when determining what battles to fight and when in your recovery, what exactly does emptying oneself mean and Terry's perspective on the concepts offered as it relates to the Brain Injury community.
Notes and resources for this episode
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Until next time - For those healing, show yourself some grace. For those who know someone healing, show them the same, and give them a great deal of love. Keep Battling!
Please note that Terry and Drew are not medical professionals nor should their perspectives be taken as medical advice.
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