Discover學英語環遊世界1684 (英語)雜物不過是推遲的決定|簡化生活挑戰|Day 4
1684 (英語)雜物不過是推遲的決定|簡化生活挑戰|Day 4

1684 (英語)雜物不過是推遲的決定|簡化生活挑戰|Day 4

Update: 2024-09-07


"Hello everyone, I have an exciting update! I’ve decided to change the name of our challenge from the 'Decluttering Challenge' to the 'Simplify Your Life Challenge.' The reason for this change is simple—I’ve realized that the word 'decluttering' is a bit tricky for me to say, and I want to make sure everything is as smooth and simple as possible for all of us.

But don't worry, the focus of our challenge remains the same! We are still committed to helping you clear out the unnecessary, create more space, and make room for what truly matters in your life. The 'Simplify Your Life Challenge' is all about finding joy in simplicity and bringing more peace and happiness into your daily life.

Thank you for joining me on this journey, and I can’t wait to continue exploring ways to simplify and enhance our lives together!"





“Clutter is nothing more than postponed decisions.' 



"Welcome to Day 4 of our 30-day Simplify Your Life challenge! Each day, we begin with a meaningful quote, reflect on a question, and then I’ll share my personal thoughts. The goal is to inspire you to think about the things in your life that may be weighing you down and how to let go of them."




"Today’s quote is: 'Clutter is nothing more than postponed decisions.' This quote encourages us to think about the choices we delay making, which can often lead to clutter in our lives."


「今天的名言是:Clutter is nothing more than postponed decisions.'雜物不過是推遲的決定。』這句話鼓勵我們思考那些我們推遲做出的選擇,這些選擇往往會導致我們生活中的雜亂。」


"Let's explore today’s question: 'Are there any possessions you're holding onto out of guilt or obligation?'"


「讓我們來探討今天的問題:“Are there any possessions you're holding onto out of guilt or obligation?”是否有一些你因為內疚或責任而保留的物品?』」

Lily's Answer:

"Yes, actually, I have some papers from the health insurance bureau at home. I am responsible for paying a certain amount of money I owe. These papers have codes for me to scan and pay, but now, as I'm writing this, I realize I can actually throw away the papers by just transferring the money to the bank account they provided me. This simple realization shows how sometimes we hold onto things unnecessarily, just because we haven’t made a decision."


Call to Action:

"Now it’s your turn! Think about the things you're holding onto because of guilt or obligation. It could be old letters, unused gifts, or documents that you think you need to keep. Take a moment to consider if they are truly necessary or if you can find a way to let go of them. I’d love to hear your thoughts and experiences. Please share them on our social media platforms or in the comments below this episode. Let's work together to clear the clutter and make room for what truly matters."



Special Offer:

"If you’re looking for more guidance on how to declutter your space and life, join my online Simplify your Life program. It includes a detailed PDF guide and access to group coaching sessions. Together, we can tackle your clutter and create a more peaceful and fulfilling environment. Visit our website to learn more and sign up."




"Thank you for joining me today. Remember, clutter is often just a sign of postponed decisions. Let’s start making those decisions now. See you tomorrow for Day 5 of our Simplify Your Life challenge!"



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1684 (英語)雜物不過是推遲的決定|簡化生活挑戰|Day 4

1684 (英語)雜物不過是推遲的決定|簡化生活挑戰|Day 4

Fly with Lily