3. Why Habit Design is Critical to Boost Donor Engagement & Enable Fundraisers with Mallory Erickson
In this episode, I delve deep into the transformative impact of Dr. BJ Fogg's behavior model on my fundraising career. I learned that the behavior model hinges on the triad of motivation, ability, and prompts. The interplay of these three elements determines whether an individual takes action or not. Understanding this principle was pivotal for me in comprehending why donors contribute, debunking the myth that donors give without a prompt. This led to a shift in my approach, focusing on enhancing donor motivation, making the action easier, and prompting donations strategically. Applying the Fogg behavior model in designing donor engagement and donor calls to action was a game-changer in my work, and it ensured more frictionless donor experiences.
In the second part of this epsiode, I focus on how the Fogg behavior model has been instrumental in shaping my own behavior as a fundraiser. Notably, the model emphasizes that fundraising actions, though simple, are not necessarily easy because they involve fear and vulnerability. I emphasize the need to distinguish between 'simple' and 'easy,' urging fundraisers to increase hope and decrease fear. To make fundraising tasks easier, I propose breaking them down into small steps, what we call 'tiny habits.' Inside Power Partners, I share a range of fundraising habits using this model. Also, we tackle resistance in fundraising, exploring how to prompt ourselves effectively to accomplish those tasks that linger on our to-do lists. At the end of the day, the key take-away is that the number one indicator of donor behavior is fundraiser behavior, and it's crucial to address any fear related to fundraising to improve donor engagement. I hope you enjoy this episode as much as I enjoyed creating it for you!
In this episode, you will learn:
The Fundamentals of the Fogg Behavior Model: Dr. BJ Fogg's behavior model revolves around three key components - motivation, ability, and prompt. Understanding this model helps to predict and shape human behavior, which is essential in fundraising.
The Importance of Prompting in Donor Engagement: Contrary to popular belief, donors usually don't give without being prompted. Knowing how to increase donor motivation and make the action of giving easier can greatly enhance donor engagement and ultimately your fundraising results.
The Distinction Between Simple and Easy Tasks in Fundraising: While some fundraising tasks may seem simple, they often aren't easy due to fear and vulnerability associated with them. By breaking these tasks down into smaller, more manageable actions or 'tiny habits', we can make them easier and overcome the hurdles preventing us from completing them.
The Connection Between Fundraiser Behavior and Donor Behavior: One of the key takeaways is recognizing that fundraiser behavior significantly impacts donor behavior. By addressing fears related to fundraising and implementing strategies to boost our own motivation, we can influence donor engagement in a positive way.
To see the Power Partners Formula™ Live in action, join us for the re-launch of my FREE Masterclass on August 17th, 2023 - How to Raise More from the Right Funders WITHOUT Hounding People for Money. Sign up here: malloryerickson.com/free
Learn More About the Power Partners Formula™ Collective Program here: https://malloryerickson.com/power-partners-formula/