303: How Affirmations Work Magic on Your Mind
Episode 303: How Affirmations Work Their Magic on Your Mind
THIS WEEK’S TOPIC: Affirmations might seem simple, but their impact on our outlook and confidence can be profound — almost like magic! In this week’s episode of She Said/She Said Podcast, host Laura Cox Kaplan dives into the transformative power of affirmations and why they work. She shares tips on ways to craft effective affirmations.
ABOUT THIS WEEK’S TOPIC: Laura Cox Kaplan explores how affirmations can help silence or quiet our inner critic, boost confidence, and unlock our potential. Though affirmations are not magic, they are backed by science. Our brains are adaptable and capable of forming new neural connections, which means even deeply ingrained negative thoughts can be challenged and replaced with empowering ones. Laura shares how practicing affirmations can help build a more growth-oriented mindset and improve resilience. She also offers tips for crafting effective affirmations that can make a lasting impact on your mindset and outlook.
THE POWER OF AFFIRMATIONS: Laura explains how affirmations work, breaking down the science behind this simple yet effective practice.
CRAFTING EFFECTIVE AFFIRMATIONS: Learn how to create specific, relevant affirmations that address and challenge limiting beliefs.
BUILDING A GROWTH MINDSET: Discover how affirmations can help you approach challenges with a focus on learning, growth, and improvement.
TIPS FOR IMPLEMENTATION: Get practical advice on incorporating affirmations into your daily routine, including visual reminders and ensuring affirmations are realistic and believable.
PERSONAL EXPERIENCE: Laura shares her own experience with affirmations and how they have helped her shift her thinking.
Do you regularly use affirmations? We would love to hear how they work for you. If you suggestions from this episode, we would love to hear about that, too! Reach out at info@shesaid.media
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