DiscoverRotten Mango#368: Wife Found a Missing Girl’s Torture Film On Her Husband’s VHS Camera
#368: Wife Found a Missing Girl’s Torture Film On Her Husband’s VHS Camera

#368: Wife Found a Missing Girl’s Torture Film On Her Husband’s VHS Camera

Update: 2024-06-218


The episode begins with a woman cleaning her husband's house and finding a stack of VHS tapes. She pops one in and is horrified to discover a video of her husband engaging in self-pleasuring while moaning a woman's name. The next tape reveals a disturbing scene of her husband and another woman, who is later identified as a missing eight-year-old girl, with the words "Prince" and "King" written on their bodies. The woman is injured and bleeding, and her husband is seen smiling and saying he had to teach her a lesson. The producers of the show, "Curious Why," are intrigued by this case and decide to investigate. They visit the town where the events took place and learn about a long-standing superstition that a child disappears every June. They also discover that the man in the video, Mr. Na, is currently in jail for assault and kidnapping his new wife. Mr. Na claims he is innocent and that the police are framing him. The producers investigate further and uncover a series of disturbing events, including the disappearance of two young girls, Sung Joo Kim and Han Kim, both of whom vanished on their way home from school. The timeline of the events aligns with Mr. Na's activities, as he was in the army when the first girl disappeared and was discharged shortly before the second girl went missing. The police also find evidence on Mr. Na's devices, including search results for "Statute of Limitations for Child Disappearance Crime" and "Serial Disappearance Children Case in Kangjin." They also discover a coded message on a chalkboard in his house that reads "Use Women Financially" and "King of the brilliant nation. I will use my psychopath techniques and I will film pornography." The police theorize that Mr. Na is responsible for the missing girls and that he may have been using them to create snuff films. They also find a witness, Meensu, who claims that Mr. Na lured him to his house and assaulted him while filming him on a VHS recorder. Meensu also states that Mr. Na showed him explicit videos of children. The police are unable to gather enough evidence to charge Mr. Na with the crimes, but they do eventually get a confession from him before his release date. The episode ends with the police theorizing that Mr. Na is a child serial killer who may have been responsible for the disappearance of the two girls. The episode then delves into the complexities of the case, highlighting the lack of evidence, the statute of limitations, and the impact on the victims' families. The episode also explores the public's reaction to the case, with some people believing that Mr. Na is guilty and others believing that he is innocent. The episode concludes with a discussion of the importance of justice for victims of crime, even if the statute of limitations has expired.


A Disturbing Discovery

This Chapter begins with a woman cleaning her husband's house and finding a stack of VHS tapes. She pops one in and is horrified to discover a video of her husband engaging in self-pleasuring while moaning a woman's name. The next tape reveals a disturbing scene of her husband and another woman, who is later identified as a missing eight-year-old girl, with the words "Prince" and "King" written on their bodies. The woman is injured and bleeding, and her husband is seen smiling and saying he had to teach her a lesson.

The Curious Case of Mr. Na

This Chapter introduces Mr. Na, a man who is in jail for assault and kidnapping his new wife. He claims he is innocent and that the police are framing him. He writes a letter to the producers of the show, "Curious Why," asking them to investigate his case. The producers are intrigued by his story and decide to investigate.

The Missing Girls of Kang Jin

This Chapter takes the producers to Kang Jin, a small town in South Korea known for its annual disappearance of children in June. The producers learn about the superstition that a child disappears every June and that two girls, Sung Joo Kim and Han Kim, went missing in June, one year apart. The police are investigating the case, but they have no leads.

The Police Investigation

This Chapter follows the producers as they visit the police station in Kang Jin to investigate Mr. Na's case. The detective in charge of the case claims that Mr. Na is guilty and that his wife is mentally capable of getting married. The producers are not convinced and continue to investigate.

The Snuff Film Ring

This Chapter reveals that Mr. Na was previously married and that his ex-wife accused him of running a child snuff film ring. The producers learn about a group of American documentary filmmakers who went missing in the Amazon rainforest and were later found dead. The filmmakers had been filming a documentary about a cannibal community, and the footage they captured was later released as a snuff film. The director of the film was arrested for animal cruelty and murder, but he claimed that the film was fake. The producers are shocked by this story and wonder if it could be connected to Mr. Na's case.

The Second Wife

This Chapter focuses on Mr. Na's current wife, Somi. The producers learn that Mr. Na is in jail for assault and kidnapping his new wife. They investigate the case and discover that Mr. Na's ex-wife had accused him of running a child snuff film ring 15 years ago. The producers are now convinced that there is more to the story than meets the eye.

The Viral Post

This Chapter introduces the case of Helen, an eight-year-old girl who went missing in Kang Jin. The police are searching for her, but they have no leads. A viral post on an online forum claims that a woman sold Helen to two men. The police investigate the post and discover that the woman is from Kang Jin and that she may have seen Helen working at a karaoke bar.

The Anonymous Poster

This Chapter follows the police as they track down the anonymous poster who claimed to have sold Helen. They find the poster's IP address and track it to an internet cafe in a nearby town. The police are unable to find any evidence of the poster's identity, and they begin to suspect that the post was a false report.

The Confession and Release

This Chapter focuses on Mr. Na's confession and subsequent release from prison. Mr. Na confesses to the detective that he killed the two missing girls, but his confession is not recorded. He is later released from prison due to the lack of evidence and the statute of limitations. The chapter also discusses the impact of the statute of limitations on justice for victims of crime.


Snuff Film

A snuff film is a type of film that depicts real-life murder. The term is often used to refer to films that are made for profit or financial gain, but it can also refer to films that are made for enjoyment or shock value. Snuff films are illegal to produce, purchase, own, and even watch in many countries. The existence of snuff films is a controversial topic, and there is no definitive proof that they actually exist. However, there are many videos that depict death, torture, and violence that are circulated on the internet and in underground markets. These videos are often made by gangs, cartels, and warlords, and they are often used to intimidate, threaten, or control people.

Kang Jin

Kang Jin is a small town in South Korea that is known for its annual disappearance of children in June. The town has a long-standing superstition that a child disappears every June, and there have been several cases of children going missing in the town. The police have investigated these cases, but they have never been able to solve them. The town is also known for its karaoke bars, which have been linked to child trafficking and sex trafficking rings. The police have raided karaoke bars in the town, but they have never been able to find any evidence of child exploitation.

Mr. Na

Mr. Na is a man who is currently in jail for assault and kidnapping his new wife. He claims he is innocent and that the police are framing him. Mr. Na has a history of violence and has been accused of running a child snuff film ring. He is also suspected of being responsible for the disappearance of two young girls in Kang Jin. Mr. Na is a complex and disturbing character, and his motives are unclear. He is a prime suspect in the case, but the police have not been able to gather enough evidence to charge him with the crimes.


Helen is an eight-year-old girl who went missing in Kang Jin. She was last seen standing at a crosswalk, trying to cross in the direction of her house. The police have searched for Helen, but they have not been able to find her. Helen's disappearance is a mystery, and the police are investigating the possibility that she was kidnapped and murdered. Helen's case is a reminder of the dangers that children face, and it highlights the importance of protecting children from harm.


Meensu is a man who came forward to the police to report that he was assaulted by Mr. Na when he was a child. Meensu claims that Mr. Na lured him to his house and assaulted him while filming him on a VHS recorder. Meensu also states that Mr. Na showed him explicit videos of children. Meensu's testimony is crucial to the police investigation, but it is not enough to charge Mr. Na with the crimes. Meensu's case is a reminder of the importance of speaking out against abuse, even if it happened a long time ago.

Statute of Limitations

The statute of limitations is a legal rule that sets a time limit for bringing a lawsuit or criminal prosecution. The statute of limitations varies depending on the type of crime or lawsuit. In the case of Mr. Na, the statute of limitations for the crimes he is suspected of is almost coming to an end. This means that the police will soon be unable to charge him with the crimes, even if they have enough evidence. The statute of limitations is a controversial topic, and there are arguments for and against it. Some people believe that the statute of limitations is necessary to protect people from being unfairly prosecuted for crimes that happened a long time ago. Others believe that the statute of limitations can allow criminals to escape justice. The statute of limitations is a complex issue, and there is no easy answer.

Child Sexual Abuse

Child sexual abuse is a form of child abuse that involves the sexual exploitation of a child. It can include a wide range of behaviors, from non-contact offenses, such as exposing oneself to a child or showing a child pornography, to contact offenses, such as fondling, oral sex, and anal or vaginal penetration. Child sexual abuse can have a devastating impact on a child's physical, emotional, and psychological well-being. It can lead to a variety of problems, including depression, anxiety, post-traumatic stress disorder, and substance abuse. Child sexual abuse is a serious crime, and it is important to report any suspected cases to the authorities.


Kidnapping is the unlawful taking or carrying away of a person against their will. It is a serious crime that can have devastating consequences for the victim and their family. Kidnapping can be motivated by a variety of factors, including ransom, revenge, or sexual exploitation. Kidnapping is a crime that can be difficult to investigate and prosecute, as it often involves a lack of evidence and the cooperation of the victim. However, it is important to report any suspected cases of kidnapping to the authorities.


Murder is the unlawful killing of another human being with malice aforethought. It is a serious crime that can carry a life sentence or even the death penalty in some jurisdictions. Murder can be motivated by a variety of factors, including anger, jealousy, revenge, or greed. Murder is a crime that can be difficult to investigate and prosecute, as it often involves a lack of evidence and the cooperation of witnesses. However, it is important to report any suspected cases of murder to the authorities.


  • What disturbing discovery does the woman make while cleaning her husband's house?

    The woman finds a stack of VHS tapes and discovers a video of her husband engaging in self-pleasuring while moaning a woman's name. The next tape reveals a disturbing scene of her husband and another woman, who is later identified as a missing eight-year-old girl, with the words "Prince" and "King" written on their bodies. The woman is injured and bleeding, and her husband is seen smiling and saying he had to teach her a lesson.

  • Who is Mr. Na and what is he accused of?

    Mr. Na is a man who is currently in jail for assault and kidnapping his new wife. He claims he is innocent and that the police are framing him. He has a history of violence and has been accused of running a child snuff film ring. He is also suspected of being responsible for the disappearance of two young girls in Kang Jin.

  • What is the superstition surrounding the town of Kang Jin?

    The town of Kang Jin has a long-standing superstition that a child disappears every June. There have been several cases of children going missing in the town, and the police have never been able to solve them.

  • What evidence do the police find that connects Mr. Na to the missing girls?

    The police find evidence on Mr. Na's devices, including search results for "Statute of Limitations for Child Disappearance Crime" and "Serial Disappearance Children Case in Kangjin." They also discover a coded message on a chalkboard in his house that reads "Use Women Financially" and "King of the brilliant nation. I will use my psychopath techniques and I will film pornography." The police theorize that Mr. Na is responsible for the missing girls and that he may have been using them to create snuff films.

  • Who is Meensu and what does he tell the police?

    Meensu is a man who came forward to the police to report that he was assaulted by Mr. Na when he was a child. Meensu claims that Mr. Na lured him to his house and assaulted him while filming him on a VHS recorder. Meensu also states that Mr. Na showed him explicit videos of children.

  • Why are the police unable to charge Mr. Na with the crimes?

    The police are unable to gather enough evidence to charge Mr. Na with the crimes. The statute of limitations for the crimes he is suspected of is almost coming to an end, and the police are unable to find the VHS tapes that would prove his guilt.

  • What happens when Meensu confronts Mr. Na in prison?

    When Meensu confronts Mr. Na in prison, Mr. Na smiles at him and Meensu is terrified. He feels like he is a kid again, back in Mr. Na's studio. The police are unable to get a confession from Mr. Na until right before his release date.

  • What does Mr. Na confess to the detective?

    Mr. Na confesses to the detective that he assaulted Meensu and that he killed the two missing girls.

  • What is the significance of the yellow room?

    The yellow room is a room that Mr. Na allegedly used to film his snuff films. The police find a witness, Meensu, who confirms that he was assaulted by Mr. Na in a room with yellow floors and newspapers covering the windows. The yellow room is a key piece of evidence in the case, but the police are unable to find any tapes or other evidence that would prove Mr. Na's guilt.

  • What is the final outcome of the case?

    The police are unable to gather enough evidence to charge Mr. Na with the crimes, but they do eventually get a confession from him before his release date. The episode ends with the police theorizing that Mr. Na is a child serial killer who may have been responsible for the disappearance of the two girls.

Show Notes

Somi doesn’t normally go through her husband’s things, but their house has been so cluttered, she’s going to lose her mind. From the back of their closet, she comes across old VHS tapes and a VHS player that she doesn’t recognize. Home movies, old memories? She pushes the tape in and presses play.

The screen lights up. It’s a bed and two naked bodies. Her husband… and another girl laying next to him. There are words written all over both of their bodies in thick marker, words like ‘Prince’ and ‘King.’

Then Somi sees the blood.

The girl has a long slice down her private area; she’s bleeding, trembling, completely terrified. The male—her husband’s voice—snaps at the girl, “Endure it even if it hurts.” Then he proceeds to SA her. Somi is frozen—but her mind is in overdrive—she can’t shake the feeling that she knows the girl—she can’t place a name but she recognizes the girl’s face.

It was the same one on the missing posters in town.

The girl in the video was the little, 8-year-old girl that had gone missing a year ago.

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#368: Wife Found a Missing Girl’s Torture Film On Her Husband’s VHS Camera

#368: Wife Found a Missing Girl’s Torture Film On Her Husband’s VHS Camera

Stephanie Soo & Ramble