Discover台北當代藝術館 MoCA on Air46. S6EP05|Haitian Vodou & Caribbean Diaspora: Decolonizing Power of Art & Religion & Literature(ft. Tzu-yu Lin & Kyrah Malika Daniels)
46. S6EP05|Haitian Vodou & Caribbean Diaspora: Decolonizing Power of Art & Religion & Literature(ft. Tzu-yu Lin & Kyrah Malika Daniels)

46. S6EP05|Haitian Vodou & Caribbean Diaspora: Decolonizing Power of Art & Religion & Literature(ft. Tzu-yu Lin & Kyrah Malika Daniels)

Update: 2023-08-09


【Episode Introduction】

Can mermaids’ skin color be black? The beliefs and legends of water are widespread in various regions where life thrives by the sea. The blended images of aquatic deities from Africa and Europe come together in Hans Christian Andersen's "The Little Mermaid" and in the Haitian Vodou tradition as La Sirène.

The Black Atlantic's two sides aren't merely straightforward departure and arrival points, but rather the intricate result of interactions between Europe, Asia, Africa, North America, and South America. In this episode, literary researcher Tzu-yu Lin and art historian and religion scholar Kyrah Malika Daniels discuss the concept of dual consciousness, coexistence, and symbiosis between colonizers, the colonized, and cultural heritage in the context of Vodou and Caribbean diasporic literature.



美人魚的膚色不可以是黑色的嗎?水的信仰與傳說遍佈各個以海維生的地方,各種非洲與歐洲水中神靈的混合形象,是漢斯.安徒生的《美人魚》,是海地巫毒信仰中的La Siréne。

兩樣膚色、兩種空間,黑色大西洋的兩端,從來不是單純出發抵達的點對點關係,而是歐亞非南北美複雜互動的結果。文學研究者林子玉與非洲暨加勒比海研究者Kyrah Daniels從巫毒信仰中的天主教及加勒比海離散文學中被重新發明的倫敦,討論在歐洲、非洲與美洲,殖民者、被殖民者與文化遺產之間共生共存的雙重意識,一門挪用、混合但保持距離的藝術,交織出黑色大西洋上的流動認同。


01:37 Think about the Caribbean from Taiwan

03:08 Diaspora— The triangular relationship

05:07 Constructing a collective black migrant identity

05:51 Diasporic journeys: the ship & the sea

06:58 Mermaids are not unique to European

10:14 Water spirits in Vodou

12:21 My Love, My Love or the Peasant Girl by Rosa Guy; Re-telling of "The Little Mermaid"

13:17 Creating another Londen--- Sam Selvon’s novel The Lonely Londoners

16:02 Haitian Vodou religion

20:37 Gran Bwa (Great Woods) & Saint Sebastian

24:19 Who has the right to believe in Vodou? Path to decolonization

29:01 “Art is not a mirror to reflect the world. Rather it is a hammer with which to shape it.”


01:37 從臺灣遙想加勒比海

03:08 離散—兩點關係vs三點關係 Diasporic model— Triangular Relationship

05:07 《黑色大西洋:現代性與雙重意識》

05:51 逆旅—疾風世代的離散作家,乘著文字回到千里達

06:58 美人魚並非歐洲原創!

10:14 巫毒信仰的水中神靈們

12:21 改寫|羅莎.蓋伊的海地美人魚—《My Love, My Love, or, the Peasant Girl》

13:17 逆寫帝國|山姆.賽爾文創造一個新的倫敦—《孤獨的倫敦人》

14:52 擬態—在相似與相異之間的離散文學與信仰

16:02 海地巫毒(非洲原住民信仰+兩種天主教)

20:37 圖像挪用|Gran Boa(植物神)& 聖塞巴斯丁

24:19 誰有資格信仰海地巫毒?

29:01 Disobedient object:藝術不是反映世界的鏡子,而是改造現實的鐵鎚


Tzu-yu Lin

Tzu-yu Lin is a Lecturer of Translation Studies at University College London (UCL) in the UK, where she teaches a range of modules in comparative literature, literary translation and translation theory. She holds a PhD in Comparative Literature from Edinburgh University, and was awarded a British Academy Postdoctoral Fellowship before being appointed to a Lectureship at UCL. She has published her research in a variety of edited volumes, journals, and reference work and is the author of “Selvon’s Lonely London and Diasporic Caribbean Identity in Literature” (2013) and Detoured, Deferred and Different: A Comparative Study of Postcolonial Diasporic Identities in the Literary Works of Sam Selvon and Weng Nao (2014).

Kyrah Malika Daniels

Dr. Kyrah Malika Daniels is an Assistant Professor of African American Studies at Emory University. Her first book (Art of the Healing Gods, in progress) is a comparative religion project that examines sacred art objects used in healing ceremonies in Haiti and the Democratic Republic of the Congo. Her work has been published in the Journal of Africana Religions, the Journal of Haitian Studies, and the Journal for the American Academy of Religion. Dr. Daniels currently serves as Vice-President for KOSANBA, the Scholarly Association for the Study of Haitian Vodou, and as a Leadership Council Member for the African and Diasporic Religious Studies Association (ADRSA).



英國倫敦大學學院 專任助理教授,英國愛丁堡大學比較文學博士,2016年獲英國國家學術院贊助,於倫敦大學學院翻譯研究中心擔任研究員。目前於倫敦大學學院教授比較文學、文學翻譯與翻譯理論等課程,並出版多篇期刊文章與專書論文。其中〈薩爾文的寂寞倫敦與加勒比海文學中的離散身分認同〉收錄於專書《離散身分認同與帝國:文化論點與文學地景》。

Kyrah Malika Daniels

Kyrah Malika Daniels 博士是艾莫里大學非洲裔美國研究助理教授。她的第一本書《治癒神的藝術》(進行中)是一個比較宗教的專案,探討了在海地和剛果民主共和國的治療儀式中使用的神聖藝術品。她的作品曾發表在《非洲裔美洲宗教期刊》、《海地研究期刊》和《美國宗教學院期刊》上。Daniels 博士目前擔任 KOSANBA(海地巫毒研究學術協會)的副主席,並且是非洲和散居宗教研究協會(ADRSA)的領導委員會成員。


1. Tzu-yu Lin

Lin, Tzu Yu. "Detoured, deferred and different: a comparative study of postcolonial diasporic identities in the literary works of Sam Selvon and Weng Nao." Thesis, University of Edinburgh, 2014.

2. Kyrah Malika Daniels

Daniels, Kyrah Malika. "The Color of Devotion: Whiteness, Power, and Religious Citizenship in Haitian Vodou." *Nova Religio *26, no. 4 (2023): 85-101.

3. Paul Gilroy, The Black Atlantic: Modernity and Double-Consciousness. 1995.

4. Windrush generation

- What is Windrush, and who is the Windrush generation? | BBC

5. Yemoja | Olokun | Simbi | La Sirène, Agwe | Ogun

La Sirène – A Deep Dive | Lwa and Order-An Exploration of Haitian Vodou

6. Rosa Guy, My Love, My Love, or, the Peasant Girl, 1985.

- Lynn Ahrens, Once on This Island, 1990.

- Hans Andersen. Den lille havfrue, 1837.

7. The Empire Writes Back

Bill Ashcroft, Gareth Griffiths, Helen Tiffin. The Empire Writes Back: Theory and Practice in Post-Colonial Literatures, 1989.

8. McLeodJohn. Postcolonial London: Rewriting the Metropolis. London: Routledge, 2004.

- Sam Selvon. The Lonely Londoners, 1956.

- Rashmi Varma, Routledge Research in Postcolonial Literatures, New York and London, Routledge, 2012, 224 pp.

9. mimicry

Homi Bhabha. The Location of Culture, 1993, 122-3。

10. Life Between Islands: Caribbean-British Art 1950s-Now|Tate Britain (2022)

11. Maya Deren & Katherine Dunham, Zora Neale Hurston

Katherine Dunham dance scene:

12. Disobedient Object | V&A (2015)

Art is not a mirror to reflect reality, but a hammer with which to shape it.” —Bertolt Brecht.


1. 林子玉

Lin, Tzu Yu. "Detoured, deferred and different: a comparative study of postcolonial diasporic identities in the literary works of Sam Selvon and Weng Nao." Thesis, University of Edinburgh, 2014.

2. Kyrah Malika Daniels

Daniels, Kyrah Malika. "The Color of Devotion: Whiteness, Power, and Religious Citizenship in Haitian Vodou." *Nova Religio *26, no. 4 (2023): 85-101.

3. 保羅.吉爾羅伊(Paul Gilroy),《黑色大西洋:現代性與雙重意識》(The Black Atlantic: Modernity and Double-Consciousness),1995。

4. 疾風世代(Windrush generation)

- What is Windrush, and who is the Windrush generation? | BBC

5. Yemoja | Olokun | Simbi | La Sirène, Agwe | Ogun

La Sirène – A Deep Dive | Lwa and Order-An Exploration of Haitian Vodou

6. 羅莎.蓋伊(Rosa Guy),《My Love, My Love, or, the Peasant Girl》,1985。

- 林恩.阿倫斯(Lynn Ahrens),《小島故事》(Once on This Island ),1990。

- 漢斯.安徒生(Hans Andersen),《小美人魚》(Den lille havfrue),1837。

7. The Empire Writes Back(逆寫帝國)

比爾.阿什克羅夫特(Bill Ashcroft)等,《逆寫帝國:後殖民文學的理論與實踐》(The Empire Writes Back: Theory and Practice in Post-Colonial Literatures),1989。

8. McLeodJohn. Postcolonial London: Rewriting the Metropolis. London: Routledge,. 2004.

- 山姆.賽爾文(Sam Selvon),《孤獨的倫敦人》(The Lonely Londoners),1956。

- Rashmi Varma, Routledge Research in Postcolonial Literatures, New York and London, Routledge, 2012, 224 pp.

9. mimicry(擬態)

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46. S6EP05|Haitian Vodou & Caribbean Diaspora: Decolonizing Power of Art & Religion & Literature(ft. Tzu-yu Lin & Kyrah Malika Daniels)

46. S6EP05|Haitian Vodou & Caribbean Diaspora: Decolonizing Power of Art & Religion & Literature(ft. Tzu-yu Lin & Kyrah Malika Daniels)
