Discover台北當代藝術館 MoCA on Air47. S6EP06|Caribbean Otherwise—Magical Realism in the Contemporary Time(ft. Lucia Chen & Nicholas Laughlin)
47. S6EP06|Caribbean Otherwise—Magical Realism in the Contemporary Time(ft. Lucia Chen & Nicholas Laughlin)

47. S6EP06|Caribbean Otherwise—Magical Realism in the Contemporary Time(ft. Lucia Chen & Nicholas Laughlin)

Update: 2023-08-23


【Episode Introduction】

How is the literature, with language as the vessel, circulated among the geographically, historically, and linguistically dispersed Caribbean region?

Magical Realism Literature has revealed different characteristics across the Hispanophone and Anglophone Caribbean over the years. Yet it is ultimately an attempt to document or record the true essence of this region.

Delving into the complexities of the languages and cultures in the region, in this episode, Latin American researcher Lucia Chen and Caribbean literary figure Nicholas Laughlin discuss the origin and development of Magical Realism and how it continues to influence contemporary Caribbean literature.







02:18 The origin of the Magical Realism

04:27 Caribbean region: Cultural complexity, multiple languages, and the need for translation

09:21 Common characteristics of Magical Realism: realistic setting, magical elements, limited information, critique of Imperialism, unique plot construction

13:00 Anglophone Caribbean Literature in the 1930-1950s

20:20 Alejo Carpentier’s “Marvelous Realism” (lo real maravilloso)

23:57 Transition from traditional Social Realism to Magical Realism

25:34 Did the writers think about how people label their writing?

26:27 Magical Realism writing in the contemporary time

30:38 “The Caribbean Otherwise”: What is real can be seen be unreal

34:05 Lucia and Nicholas read a passage describing boucan, the Cuban Barbeque, from Alejo Carpentier’s Siglo de las luces (Explosion in a Cathedral)

40:31 Go read the book!


02:18 魔幻寫實的起源

04:27 語言的隔閡,翻譯的需求

09:21 共性:現實場景、魔幻元素、有限的線索+批判帝國主義

13:00 英語系加勒比海文學

20:20 卡本迪爾的神奇寫實(lo real maravilloso)

23:57 從社會寫實,到魔幻寫實

25:34 作者本人是否要有意識於自己作品被歸類為哪種文學?

26:27 當代魔幻—書寫技巧、各自發揮

30:38 The Caribbean otherwise—填補缺乏的創造性魔幻

34:05 《光明世紀》中的加勒比海烤肉boucan

40:31 讀書吧!包裹著魔幻的歷史與人文現實


Lucia Chen

Lucia Chen took her Ph.D. at The National Autonomous University of Mexico in 1998. She is a full professor of Latin American Studies in the Department of Global Politics and Economics at Tamkang University. She also serves as Vice President for International Affairs at Tamkang University. Her latest books are Magical Cuba, Magical Latin America (I): Magnificent Lives in Turbulent Times, and Magical Latin America (II): Gorgeous Lives in the Ordinary. Latin America for her is the second homeland.

Nicholas Laughlin

Nicholas Laughlin is the festival and programme director of the NGC Bocas Lit Fest and the former editor of Caribbean Beat and The Caribbean Review of Books. The Strange Years of My Life (2015) and Enemy Luck (2019) are his poetry collections. He is the editor of a collection of early essays by C.L.R. James, Letters from London (2003); a revised and expanded edition of V.S. Naipaul’s family correspondence, Letters Between a Father and Son (2009); and the anthology So Many Islands: Stories from the Caribbean, Mediterranean, Indian, and Pacific Oceans (2018). He is co-director of Alice Yard, a contemporary art collective based in Port of Spain.




Nicholas Laughlin

Nicholas Laughlin是NGC Bocas文學節的節目總監,曾任《Caribbean Beat》和《The Caribbean Review of Books》編輯,著有詩集《The Strange Years of My Life》(2015)和《Enemy Luck》(2019)。他曾編輯C.L.R. James散文集《Letters from London》(2003)、V.S. Naipaul父子家庭通信集《Letters Between a Father and Son》(2009)修訂擴充版、選集《So Many Islands: Stories from the Caribbean, Mediterranean, Indian, and Pacific Oceans》(2018),他也是千里達西班牙港當代藝術團體Alice Yard的聯合總監。


- Lucia Chen

- Lucia Chen (2021), Savoring Delicacies, Nourishing Our Lives(品讀珍饈:滋養你我人生), Taiwan Publishing and Reading 2, 04-11.

Nicholas Laughlin

- ROH, FRANZ, and Wendy B. Faris. “Magic Realism: Post-Expressionism (1925).” In Magical Realism: Theory, History, Community, edited by LOIS PARKINSON ZAMORA and WENDY B. FARIS, 15–32. Duke University Press, 1995.

- Juan Rulfo, Pedro Páramo, 1955.

- Miguel Asturias, Hombres de maiz, 1949

- Alejo Carpentier, Los pasos perdidos (The Lost Steps), 1953

- Alejo Carpentier, El siglo de las luces (Explosion in a Cathedral), 1962

- Gabriel Márquez, Cien años de soledad (One Hundred Years of Solitude), 1967.

- Miguel Asturias, El Señor Presidente (Mister President), 1946.

- C. L. R. James, Minty Alley, 1936.

- Alfred Mendes, Pitch Lake: A Story from Trinidad, 1934.

- Edgar Mittelholzer, Corentyne Thunder, 1941.

- Edgar Mittelholzer, A Morning at the Office, 1950.

- Roger Mais, The Hills Were Joyful Together, 1953.

- Jean Rhys, Wide Sargasso Sea, 1966.

- Wilson Harris, Palace of the Peacock, 1960.

- Robert Antoni, Divina Trace, 1991.

- Shani Mootoo, Cereus Blooms at Night, 1996.

- Pauline Melville, The Ventriloquist’s Tale, 1997.

- Isabel Allende, The House of the Spirits, 1982

- Laura Esquivel, Como agua para chocolate (Like Water for Chocolate), 1989.

- Marlon James, The Book of Night Women, 2009

- Marcia Douglas, The Marvellous Equations of the Dread: A Novel in Bass Riddim, 2016

- Ayanna Lloyd Banwo, When We Were Birds, 2022

- Leonardo Padura, Vientos de cuaresma (Havana Gold), 1994.


1. 陳小雀

陳小雀,〈品讀珍饈:滋養你我人生〉,《台灣出版與閱讀季刊》,110 年第 2 期(總號第 14 期):舌尖上的閱讀,民國 110 年 6 月(2021.6),頁 04-11,國家圖書館 。

2. Nicholas Laughlin

3. ROH, FRANZ, and Wendy B. Faris. “Magic Realism: Post-Expressionism (1925).” In Magical Realism: Theory, History, Community, edited by LOIS PARKINSON ZAMORA and WENDY B. FARIS, 15–32. Duke University Press, 1995.

- 胡安.魯爾福(Juan Rulfo),《佩德羅.巴拉蒙》(Pedro Páramo),1955

- 米格爾.阿斯圖里亞斯(Miguel Asturias),《玉米人》(Hombres de maiz),1949

- 阿萊霍.卡本提爾(Alejo Carpentier),《消失的腳步》(Los pasos perdidos / The Lost Steps),1953

- 阿萊霍.卡本提爾(Alejo Carpentier),《光明世紀》(El siglo de las luces / Explosion in a Cathedral),1962

- 加布列.馬奎斯(Gabriel Márquez),《百年孤寂》(Cien años de soledad / One Hundred Years of Solitude),1967

- 米格爾.阿斯圖里亞斯(Miguel Asturias),《總統先生》(El Señor Presidente / Mister President),1946

- 塞利爾.萊昂內爾.羅伯特.詹姆斯(C. L. R. James),《有薄荷味的小巷》(Minty Alley),1936

- 阿爾佛雷德.曼德斯(Alfred Mendes),(Pitch Lake: A Story from Trinidad),1934

- 埃德加.米特爾霍爾澤(Edgar Mittelholzer),(Corentyne Thunder),1941

- 埃德加.米特爾霍爾澤(Edgar Mittelholzer),(A Morning at the Office),1950

- 羅傑.梅斯(Roger Mais),《群山一起歡樂》(The Hills Were Joyful Together),1953

- 珍.瑞斯(Jean Rhys),《夢迴藻海》(Wide Sargasso Sea),1966

- 威爾遜.哈里斯(Wilson Harris),《孔雀宮》(Palace of the Peacock),1960

- 羅伯特.安東尼(Robert Antoni),(Divina Trace),1991

- 薛尼.穆圖(Shani Mootoo),《夜花仙人掌》(Cereus Blooms at Night),1996

- 波林.梅爾維爾(Pauline Melville),(The Ventriloquist’s Tale),1997

- 伊莎貝.阿言德(Isabel Allende),《精靈之屋》(The House of the Spirits),1982

- 蘿拉.艾斯奇維(Laura Esquivel),《巧克力情人》(Como agua para chocolate / Like Water for Chocolate),1989

- 馬龍.詹姆斯(Marlon James),《夜之書》(The Book of Night Women),2009

- 馬西亞.道格拉斯(Marcia Douglas),(The Marvellous Equations of the Dread: A Novel in Bass Riddim),2016

- 阿雅娜.班沃(Ayanna Lloyd Banwo),(When We Were Birds), 2022

- 萊昂納多.帕杜拉(Leonardo Padura),(Vientos de cuaresma / Havana Gold),1994


Intro music: Floating Abstract by Coma Studio



Outro music: After Work by Winnie The Moog






Sponsor: Hui-Neng Chi Arts and Culture Foundation

Special Thanks: Jian Cheng Junior High School


片頭:Floating Abstract by Coma Studio


Licensed: <a href="

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47. S6EP06|Caribbean Otherwise—Magical Realism in the Contemporary Time(ft. Lucia Chen & Nicholas Laughlin)

47. S6EP06|Caribbean Otherwise—Magical Realism in the Contemporary Time(ft. Lucia Chen & Nicholas Laughlin)
