DiscoverSelf Improvement Brain's Podcast5 Ideas To Adapt To A New Belief System
5 Ideas To Adapt To A New Belief System

5 Ideas To Adapt To A New Belief System

Update: 2015-07-06


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Do you believe that your belief system is what makes things work for you or against you?

With your belief system you could create a life with your own values and desires which could ultimately shape your future. If your life has not been successful then you should probably change your earlier beliefs so that the new ones work for you and not against you.

Here are some useful tips to change your belief system into one that could work for you.

  • Let go of fear - do not allow past experience of pain and fear guide you about what you need to do. Fear is an obstacle to growth. Fear freezes your mental ability to think positively. You should learn to empower yourself with positive attitude and get rid of fear. Stare fear in its face and just see what you are afraid of. When you analyze the causes and reasons for your fear you would realize that most of it is just created by yourself. If you have fear in your mind, erase it right away. Face your life with boldness and look for ways to reach for your goals.

  • Develop optimism– optimists are self-disciplined and persistent in what they want to achieve in their life. Optimists plan and take action to move forward. They constantly learn about how to get better at their skills. Their self-confidence helps them to look for solutions and lead them to success in their goals. If you are pessimistic it is time you shed your pessimistic attitude and develop optimism in its place.

  • See change as an opportunity for growth – change leads to growth. We all go through so many changes in life. We all learn to grow through these changes. If a particular belief is making you stagnate or blocks your progress in life, just change it and follow a new belief system that would enhance your growth and development in life. Get rid of your old belief and replace it with a new one.

  • Analyze your belief system – generally our beliefs are formed from our past experiences in life. We also adopt certain beliefs from our parents, culture, peer and environment. When you realize that your beliefs do not support you in your life, be brave and open yourself to build a new belief system. Life changes all the time and you could change your beliefs accordingly without feeling guilt or fear. 

  • Adopt new beliefs, which you think would help you in your life. Write them down and practice them over and over consciously until they become a part of your daily routine

Educate yourself about your belief system. Learn to support your beliefs. Ask yourself why you believe in something, what made you change your old belief in its place, whether you are happy with your new beliefs, etc.

When you change your limiting beliefs and adopt new ones, you may see your course of life running smoothly.


I have just one question for you, 

"What Self Improvement Question

Are You Struggling With Today?"

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Thanks, Don Weyant.









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5 Ideas To Adapt To A New Belief System

5 Ideas To Adapt To A New Belief System