DiscoverSelf Improvement Brain's PodcastWhat Does Your Eye Contact Tell About You?
What Does Your Eye Contact Tell About You?

What Does Your Eye Contact Tell About You?

Update: 2015-06-19


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The eyes are windows to our soul” say an English proverb.

This world is full of people and your eyes tell them a lot about you. Your eyes tell a lot about your personality. It shows if you are aggressive, soft, inviting or loving. If you notice salesmen, politicians, teachers and public speakers you would realize how effectively they use their eyes to maintain their contact with you. Eye contact is vital to effective communication.

Eye contact is a major body language factor when it comes to communication. If your eye contact is too much, you are seen as an aggressive person. On the other hand if your eye contact is too little you are seen as disinterested in the person speaking to you.

How do you use eye contact in every day life and in different situations?

Eye contact when talking to an individual – It is important to maintain eye contact with an individual during a conversation. But it could be uncomfortable if you stare intensely at her. In order to avoid this uncomfortable situation, it is good to break eye contact every 4 to 5 seconds while talking to the other person. You may look up or sideways as though you are noticing your surroundings or the decorations around you, etc. Looking down indicates you have ended your conversation.

Eye contact while listening to the other person – It would be very rude and putting off for the speaker if you just stare too hard at him or her. You could look at that person and also look around his facial features or observe around the room etc. in order to stop staring at him. Again, it is best to shift your eye contact every 4 to 5 seconds to keep the interest in the conversation without staring at the talker. You could use your head to nod as an agreement or say ‘yes,’ ‘hmm,’ or any other expression to show that you are listening so that the other person knows that you are listening to him with interest. This keeps the conversation going in a smooth manner.

Eye contact during an argument - Gazing during an argument shows strength. If you are aggressive, you wish to prove your point or your power to the opponent you gaze at him. If you look away during an argument that could mean you are not sure of your own self or about what you are saying and you give up or have lost an argument.

Eye contact while expressive love – When you like the person who is talking to you, you tend to use her whole face as your focal point. You look at her eyes, listen intently to what she is saying with a smile, raise your eyebrows or dilate your pupils to show that you are enjoying the conversation.

Lovers sometimes do not say anything to each other but share a prolonged gaze at each other. But if you were to look away or yawn while the other person is talking you may be telling her that you are not interested in talking to her.

You could use your eyes effectively to keep your relationships in a good stand.









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What Does Your Eye Contact Tell About You?

What Does Your Eye Contact Tell About You?