DiscoverSelf Improvement Brain's Podcast5 Practical Steps for Professional Growth Development
5 Practical Steps for Professional Growth Development

5 Practical Steps for Professional Growth Development

Update: 2015-07-14


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Professional growth is essential for everyone.

Your quality and status of life depends on you position in your profession and financial income. Your professional growth plan would lead you to the position and income you desire so as to fulfill the dreams of your life.

Your professional growth development depends upon these factors: Your ambition, your drive, your abilities and your interests.

You should have a clear-cut idea about these factors so that your path towards your future becomes clearer to you. Your professional growth plans need not be complicated but you could write down simple but detailed plans so that you could eventually achieve them in time.

Here are a few tips to map out your professional growth plan:

  1. Take responsibility and be in charge of your professional growth - Do not rely on others to map out your career plans. If you have a mentor or a manager to support do not hesitate to take advantage of it. But otherwise you would be better off scheduling and planning your own growth in order to reach the top.

  2. Write a list of different ways you want to grow - If you would like to stay on with the current employer and plan to grow with the company you could look for skills you need to beef up. Check you performance reviews, feedback from management and peers, any appreciation letters, awards, etc. These are some inputs that could reveal your strengths and weakness. Whether you plan to change careers or go up the ladder in the same career find someone who has tread-ed the path before you and ask them for advice. Focus on one or two areas on improving at one time. Learn to grow slowly and steadily so that you could win the race.

  3. Explore your options open before you, to learn and grow - Research your scope and options open before you. Check around the various educational opportunities, training opportunities, etc. that would help you to grow personally and professionally. Time management, leadership development and team building skills, etc. are essential for corporate promotions. Your social skills also develop along these lines.

  4. Identify suitable options that fit your needs and learning style - Each one of us is unique. We all learn in different ways at different pace. Once you explore the learning options before you, consider the methods that best suit you –

Do you like interacting with others? Do you prefer to listen to classroom lectures? Are you a self-learner who learns by reading books? Are you a self-motivator? Do you have time needed to attend regular classes? How much could you spend on these programs? Does your company support your interests by paying for them? These are important points to explore.

Do not procrastinate and get started - The biggest and the most common barrier to development is procrastination. We all plan and talk about our plans. But only a few stick to their plans and start off at the planned time in a planned manner. What good is it if you just plan and do not take steps to execute your plans?

If you do not start, you would never succeed in your professional growth development. So start now.









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5 Practical Steps for Professional Growth Development

5 Practical Steps for Professional Growth Development