DiscoverThe Subtle Art of Not Giving a F*ck Podcast5 Ways to Hack Your Mind For Success
5 Ways to Hack Your Mind For Success

5 Ways to Hack Your Mind For Success

Update: 2024-05-296


This episode of the Subtle Art of Not Giving a Fuck podcast dives into five psychological research-backed strategies to hack your brain for success. The first strategy is to "Find the Pain You Enjoy." This involves identifying areas where you thrive despite discomfort, which can become your competitive advantage. Mark Manson, the host, shares his own experience with writing and how he enjoys the creative process, even the challenges. The second strategy is to "Turn Off the Autopilot." This encourages embracing a bit of chaos and unpredictability to spark growth and excitement. Mark shares an inspiring story about an MMA fighter who sets impossible goals for herself, like climbing Everest with no training. The third strategy is to "Adopt the 10x Mindset." This involves thinking bigger and setting ambitious goals, recognizing that our capacity is often underestimated. Mark emphasizes the importance of zooming out and considering the long-term impact of our actions. The fourth strategy is to "Focus on Fewer Things for Longer Periods of Time." This aligns with Cal Newport's deep work philosophy, highlighting the mental tax associated with constant task switching. Mark emphasizes the importance of blocking out distractions and dedicating focused time to meaningful tasks. The final strategy is to "Focus on What You Can Control." This involves recognizing that we can't control external factors like other people's actions or emotions, but we can control our responses to them. Mark emphasizes the importance of taking responsibility for the things we can change and reframing negative emotions as temporary.



This Chapter introduces the topic of hacking your brain for success and sets the stage for the discussion with Drew, who is seeking advice on how to achieve success. Mark Manson, the host, emphasizes the importance of psychological research in understanding how to achieve success.

Find the Pain You Enjoy

This Chapter explores the concept of finding the pain you enjoy as a key to success. Mark argues that everyone has a certain area of their lives where they thrive despite discomfort, and this can become their competitive advantage. He shares his own experience with writing and how he enjoys the creative process, even the challenges.

Turn Off the Autopilot

This Chapter emphasizes the importance of embracing a bit of chaos and unpredictability to spark growth and excitement. Mark shares an inspiring story about an MMA fighter who sets impossible goals for herself, like climbing Everest with no training. He suggests that intentionally injecting chaos into our lives can lead to unexpected insights and personal growth.

Adopt the 10x Mindset

This Chapter explores the concept of the 10x mindset, which involves thinking bigger and setting ambitious goals. Mark emphasizes the importance of zooming out and considering the long-term impact of our actions. He also highlights the tendency to underestimate our own capacity and encourages setting goals that feel impossible to push our limits.

Focus on Fewer Things for Longer Periods of Time

This Chapter aligns with Cal Newport's deep work philosophy, highlighting the mental tax associated with constant task switching. Mark emphasizes the importance of blocking out distractions and dedicating focused time to meaningful tasks. He also discusses the increasing prevalence of burnout in a world where work is objectively easier than in the past.

The Importance of Generalists

This Chapter explores the counterargument to Cal Newport's deep work philosophy, which emphasizes specialization. Mark discusses the importance of generalists in a world where information is readily available and diverse. He cites examples of successful individuals like Steve Jobs and Roger Federer who were generalists with broad interests.


This Chapter concludes the episode with a reflection on the concept of success and the importance of defining it for ourselves. Mark acknowledges that success is a complex and multifaceted concept that requires individual exploration.


Mark Manson

Mark Manson is the author of the New York Times bestseller "The Subtle Art of Not Giving a Fuck" and the host of the podcast of the same name. He is known for his unconventional and often humorous approach to self-help and his focus on embracing reality and accepting imperfection.


Success is a multifaceted concept that can be defined differently by individuals. It often involves achieving goals, overcoming challenges, and finding fulfillment in life. The podcast explores various strategies for achieving success, emphasizing the importance of psychological research and personal growth.


Autopilot refers to a state of routine and habit where we operate without conscious thought or effort. The podcast encourages breaking free from autopilot by embracing chaos and unpredictability to spark growth and excitement.

10x Mindset

The 10x mindset involves thinking bigger and setting ambitious goals, recognizing that our capacity is often underestimated. It encourages pushing our limits and aiming for greater achievements.

Deep Work

Deep work, as defined by Cal Newport, is the ability to focus without distraction on cognitively demanding tasks. The podcast emphasizes the importance of deep work in a world where constant task switching and distractions are prevalent.

Internal Locus of Control

Internal locus of control refers to the belief that we have control over our own lives and outcomes. The podcast emphasizes the importance of developing an internal locus of control by focusing on what we can control and taking responsibility for our actions.


A generalist is someone with broad knowledge and skills across multiple domains. The podcast explores the argument that generalists are becoming increasingly important in a world where information is readily available and diverse.


  • What are some psychological research-backed strategies to hack your brain for success?

    The podcast explores five strategies: Find the Pain You Enjoy, Turn Off the Autopilot, Adopt the 10x Mindset, Focus on Fewer Things for Longer Periods of Time, and Focus on What You Can Control.

  • What does it mean to "Find the Pain You Enjoy"?

    This involves identifying areas where you thrive despite discomfort, which can become your competitive advantage. It's about embracing challenges and finding satisfaction in overcoming them.

  • How can I "Turn Off the Autopilot"?

    Embrace a bit of chaos and unpredictability in your life. Set impossible goals for yourself and push your limits. This can lead to unexpected insights and personal growth.

  • What is the "10x Mindset"?

    It's about thinking bigger and setting ambitious goals, recognizing that our capacity is often underestimated. It encourages pushing our limits and aiming for greater achievements.

  • Why is it important to "Focus on Fewer Things for Longer Periods of Time"?

    Constant task switching and distractions create a mental tax that can lead to burnout. Dedicate focused time to meaningful tasks and block out distractions to achieve deep work.

  • How can I "Focus on What I Can Control"?

    Recognize that we can't control external factors like other people's actions or emotions, but we can control our responses to them. Take responsibility for the things we can change and reframe negative emotions as temporary.

  • Is it better to be a specialist or a generalist in today's world?

    The podcast explores both sides of the argument. While specialization can lead to deep expertise, generalists are becoming increasingly important in a world where information is readily available and diverse.

  • How can I apply the principles of the 10x mindset to my relationships?

    The podcast suggests that while business principles may not always apply to relationships, the core idea of aiming for a higher level of connection and understanding can be beneficial.

  • What is the "Costanza Theorem"?

    It's the idea that if you feel stuck in an area of your life, try doing the opposite of what you normally do. This can lead to unexpected results and break you out of a rut.

  • What is the importance of defining success for ourselves?

    The podcast concludes by acknowledging that success is a complex and multifaceted concept that requires individual exploration and definition.

Show Notes

The way you think about the world and your place in it can have a huge impact on your life. And yet, when it comes to evaluating the way we think, we’re rarely able to smell our own bullshit.

So today, Drew and I break down five different mindsets you can adopt to live a more examined, successful life. This requires you to reject many of the mindless beliefs you’ve been force fed your entire life.

Let’s do it.

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5 Ways to Hack Your Mind For Success

5 Ways to Hack Your Mind For Success

Mark Manson