70. Mom Humor and It's Not So Funny Influence
It's time we agreed on one thing, that we ARE influenced.
Who you choose to allow into your head space will influence you for better or worse and the mind is such a fascinating place. The subconscious mind has no sense of humor so all of the "dark humor of motherhood" and little gabs at spouses and "jokes" about kids, are taken literally in your mind.
I want you to intentionally choose who is in your mind. Are they living their rent free- taking up space without giving you anything in return?
Clean up your influences today and see how your mind shifts!
I've been working really hard on myself this year and I want you to have the same clarity and vision for your life to be beautiful, joyful and pleasant to be in mentally, physically, emotionally and spiritually.
Lets stay connected on IG so I can keep the mindset flowing your way!
Put pen to paper before you join me back here next week! I'll teach you step by step how to journal for lasting change.