80/20 Running - How to Use Polarized Training to Maximise Your Training Time
Here’s what your running probably looks like;
You mentally sign up for an event but don’t actually sign up because that’s a bit too much commitment upfront.
Start training… without a plan. Or try some free generic plan from Garmin or whoever.
Pretty much ignore the plan and run everything steady because easy running feels like a waste of time and looks lame on Strava.
If you do decide to do some intervals, you smash the first few and then struggle through the last couple or just give up.
You miss a few days of training because you haven’t committed to a training plan to help you plan ahead, so family, work, travel and life fill the spare time you hoped you’d have for running.
All of your training and race paces from 10km - marathon begin to merge into this small bandwidth because you haven’t been training for fitness or speed. You’ve just been sending it when you had the chance.
Race day finally arrives, and you’re totally unsure if you can achieve the arbitrary finish time you’ve chosen for yourself.
After the race, you know you could have run faster, but you’re not really sure how.
Can you relate? Sweet, then sign-up for my running masterclass to optimise your training https://link.drwillo.com/reigniteyourrunning
Read the full blog - https://www.drwilloconnor.com/blog
Follow me on Instagram (DMs welcome) - https://www.instagram.com/drwilloconnor
Stalk my training on Strava - https://link.drwillo.com/strava-profile
Links and resources to help your running.
1. Steal my formula for smashing mind-blowing running PBs FOR FREE! https://link.drwillo.com/stealmyformula
2. Buy one of my $59 DONE-FOR-YOU Training Plans. https://link.drwillo.com/leadtrainingplans
3. Head to https://link.drwillo.com/reigniteyourrunning to apply for my group coaching program that hands intermediate runners the advanced level, personalised and scientifically-backed ‘here’s how you do it’ repeatable runner’s road map, so they can master the workout ‘why,’ consistently increase speed and leap towards their next PB in record time.