#88: The importance of listening to your "inner tutor"-Guest Alana Joy, Psychotherapist
Alana Joy is a practicing psychotherapist and a former registered nurse with over 20
years experience working in healthcare. Listening to the guidance of her body, she left
her government position and embraced entrepreneurship to fulfill her soul's purpose.
Since childhood, Alana Joy experienced many unusual and poorly understood injuries
and symptoms and she accumulated multiple diagnostic labels. Her experience of her
body was often disbelieved and she learned to distrust it and become disconnected
from it.
In her 30’s, Alana Joy was diagnosed with a rare genetic degenerative condition
of the connection tissue. Her diagnosis followed by her father’s death confronted her
with her mortality and catalyzed her spiritual awakening.
A disorder of connection- she
HAD to reconnect.
The layers of conditioned patterns, behaviours and identities
collapsed and she reconnected with her core essence, uncovering her soul's purpose.
In her work, Alana Joy brings together her knowledge and experience as a nurse,
psychotherapist and her own awakening, weaving science and spirituality for deep
physical, emotional and spiritual healing.
Her mission is to guide others through the
process of reconnecting with their heart, body and soul for a more purposeful and joyful life.
Instagram- @alana_joy_newton