DiscoverSingle and Probably Asexual9. Compulsory Sexuality Pt. 2
9. Compulsory Sexuality Pt. 2

9. Compulsory Sexuality Pt. 2

Update: 2023-01-18


This weeks solo episode, I will be adding onto my last solo episode, Compulsory Sexuality Pt. 1.

Compulsory Sexuality is the idea that everyone thinks and feels the same about sex. We all want it, we all need it, we all have to have it in order to be functioning members of society and productive humans. And one of the bigger ideas and displays of normative heterosexuality, is that women are subservient to men and that men are owed sex from women. But also, that they are just "owed" sex in general. Women are one of the more ostracized groups of individuals affected by compulsory heterosexuality, alongside with people of color, people on the LGBTQIA spectrum and children.

This episode doesn't shy away from touchy subjects. When it comes to something as serious as compulsory sexuality and how is relates and purely operates through many facets of life that we are aware of today, it's hard not to dive into the topic. The deplorable meaning behind it, how is exploits women, children and how it dehumanizes people of color, especially black women. Compulsory sexuality and compulsory heterosexuality was and is created for men and how we operate as a society, world and country, is in reflection of what is traditionally expected of a woman and of a man. Or, those with a penis vs those with a vagina.

and since we're on the topic, sex in general was create for men, by men.

Thanks for listening and feel free to send in any questions of things you would like to add to this topic!

My education on this topic aside from a little bit of Google has been this book, Refusing Compulsory Sexuality, A Black A-Sexual Lens on our Sex Obsessed Culture by Sherronda J. Brown (They/Them) I highly recommend this book to everyone. Even if you are someone who experience's sexuality and sexual desires in a way relating to compulsory sexuality, this is still a good read to get a perspective on those who do not. Tell me what you think about this episode! Part 2 will be out after my next interview episode!

TW: Violence, generational trauma, SA, rape, death, discrimination to those marginalized

Want to be a guest on the podcast? Send me a message, always looking for new people to talk to!

IG/TikTok @kendrakphoto









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9. Compulsory Sexuality Pt. 2

9. Compulsory Sexuality Pt. 2

Kendra K