DiscoverLive Behind The VeilA Closer Walk With God
A Closer Walk With God

A Closer Walk With God

Update: 2024-05-05



We have many fine examples to lead us into a closer walk with God. We have from Abraham to Job to John the beloved to Paul, and they all point to walking in the footsteps of Jesus Christ right into the heart of the Father.

Show Notes:

  • In our walk with the Lord we must come into a complete trust in Him.

  • Job was a perfect example of a man who trusted God with his whole heart.

  • Because of Job’s focus on the Lord, he had victory all the way through his testings.

  • As we put our trust in the Lord it positions us in His presence.

  • God first brings us into the realm of faith and real trust. Out of that comes the deliverance’s He has promised.

  • He’s with us 100% of the time. He’ll allow our faith to be tested. He wants it to come through as refined pure gold.

  • We go through many testings and trials, and it works in us a total faith and trust in Him.

  • We must not complicate the promises of God. They are all fulfilled in His presence.

  • It is His work not ours. We must trust and abide in Him, keeping our focus on Him as He goes after things that He want’s out of our spirits,

  • The secret in our walk with Him is our focus and trust in Him.



  • This is what we really cried for, is a closer walk with God. And how do you get one without faith, without trust, without trusting Him? That you really believe that every aspect of your life is in His hands.

  • ...I can have authority and control of what I choose to believe. And of course, this is the foundation of a closer walk with God.

  • Job had victory over everything that he was facing before he went into it, because of his focus on the Lord.

  • Where does trust position you in relationship to the Lord? It positions you in His presence.

  • Everything we're going through is His design. Because he's creating something greater than you and I have ever known.

  • He's working with us. He's making me eternal like Himself.

  • We have complicated every promise that God has given us, and made it conditional. It's not conditional; it's His presence.

  • God is working in us that the end result is the promise: Spirit, soul, and body complete in His presence.

  • The Father comes and He'll prune you. That's a very real experience as we, He goes after different things, but it's not us going after it.

  • Focus on the vine, and the life flow that comes, and how we minister life to one another. That's everything to us.

  • What is repentance? Yes its turning to the Lord. Its turning away from your soul flesh, yes its turning to God.

  • We're just learning how to move into God, to a depth where these things operate and have a completion in us.

  • This is a day that the Lord is ushering us into a new level, a new day, a new beginning, a new place.

  • ...the secret of our relationship with God is putting Him first.


Proverbs 3:5-6

Trust in the Lord with all your heart
and lean not on your own understanding;
6 in all your ways submit to him,
and he will make your paths straight.

Isaiah 49:16-18

(Your life is in HIs hands)

Book of Job

(A man who wholly trusted God in all he went through)

Philippians 3:10

...that I may know Him and the power of His resurrection and the fellowship of His sufferings, being conformed to His death..

Revelations 12

(the way we over come)

John 17

(Jesus has given us His glory which is His presence)

II Corinthians 4:17-18

(Eternal weight of glory)

Isaiah 55:8-9

For my thoughts are not your thoughts,
neither are your ways my ways,”
declares the
9 “As the heavens are higher than the earth,
so are my ways higher than your ways
and my thoughts than your thoughts.

John 15

(Abiding in the vine)

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A Closer Walk With God

A Closer Walk With God

The Epistles