Anxiety Epidemic: Revisited
Over the summer months, we'll be taking a look back at previous episodes, while sprinkling in new episodes every so often. We'll be back to a new episode every week in September. This week we take a look back at one of our most downloaded episodes - Anxiety Epidemic.
Anxiety among kids is on the rise since the pandemic, which can heartbreaking - especially when parents don’t know how to best help their children. Raising Me host Adrienne Stein has an impactful conversation with Rebecca Hoffman, Director of MaineHealth’s Center for Trauma, Resilience, and Innovation. Rebecca shares early signs to watch out for, sheds light on why anxiety rates are skyrocketing, and explains why this topic matters for all of us, even those who don’t have kids dealing with anxiety. Plus, a look back at how we were raised when anxiety may not have been talked about as a disorder.
About the guest: Rebecca Hoffmann is the Director of the MaineHealth Center for Trauma, Resilience, and Innovation and is an Assistant Clinical Professor of Psychiatry at Tufts University School of Medicine. By training, Rebecca is a family therapist and has worked clinically for 25 years with children, families and communities. Rebecca’s primary work is in the fields of trauma, violence, resilience, and wellbeing. She has overseen large federally-funded behavioral health research and service grants that focus on providing care and treatment for children and families that have been exposed to trauma. These programs focus on prevention of childhood exposure to violence, implementation of evidence-based trauma treatment, and fostering professional resiliency. In addition, Rebecca has overseen programs in disaster mental health, and in helping communities heal after trauma. Rebecca has extensive training and practice in the fields of childhood trauma, wellbeing and resilience, community coalition building, and collective healing. She has published numerous articles, book chapters, and other resources in this field.
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