DiscoverThe Freedom Journey PodcastBONUS Fathers Day Episode with Clay Collins
BONUS Fathers Day Episode with Clay Collins

BONUS Fathers Day Episode with Clay Collins

Update: 2023-06-16


How has your relationship with your earthly father shaped your perception of God? Join us on this special Father's Day episode of the Freedom Journey Podcast as Clay Collins, a father and mentor, shares his profound insights on fatherhood and the importance of healing father wounds. Discover the transformative power of forgiveness and the blessings that come from modeling God's love to our children. So, are you ready to embark on a journey of healing, growth, and gratitude?

Action item: Take a moment to reflect on any father wounds you may carry and commit to the process of forgiveness and healing. Seek guidance from trusted mentors, ministers, or counselors if needed, as you embrace the opportunity to cultivate a deeper understanding of God's love and extend grace to your earthly father.

Timestamped Chapter Summary

  • Introduction to the episode and the guest (00:00:00 )

  • The importance of healing father wounds (00:01:00 )

  • The impact of father wounds on our relationship with God (00:06:00 )

  • How to start healing father wounds: acknowledging the pain and hurt (00:08:00 )

  • The role of forgiveness in healing father wounds (00:10:00 )

  • How to forgive someone who has hurt you deeply (00:12:00 )

  • The importance of boundaries in relationships (00:15:00 )

  • The impact of father wounds on our parenting style (00:17:00 )

  • How to break the cycle of dysfunctional parenting (00:19:00 )

  • The role of community in healing father wounds (00:22:00 )

  • The importance of vulnerability in relationships (00:24:00 )

  • The role of modeling in parenting (00:11:00 )

  • The importance of acknowledging deep offenses (00:14:00 )

  • The impact of denial on forgiveness (00:16:00 )

  • The importance of true apologies and asking for forgiveness (00:18:00 )

  • The impact of denial on healing father wounds (00:19:00 )

  • The importance of giving back what you took in apologies (00:20:00 )

  • The importance of asking for forgiveness from your children (00:22:00 )

  • Balancing work and family (00:27:00 )

  • The importance of creating memories with your children (00:29:00 )

  • Understanding that we are all broken in need of a savior (00:36:00 )

  • The power of seeing things objectively (00:39:00 )

  • Prayer for forgiveness and gratitude towards fathers (00:42:00 )

Quotable Phrases

  • "When we have father wounds, we tend to project that onto our relationship with God." (00:06:00 )

  • "Healing father wounds starts with acknowledging the pain and the hurt." (00:08:00 )

  • "Forgiveness is not about excusing the behavior, it's about releasing yourself from the pain and the hurt." (00:10:00 )

  • "Boundaries are not about keeping people out, they're about protecting what's inside." (00:15:00 )

  • "The way we were parented becomes our default mode of parenting unless we intentionally choose to break that cycle." (00:19:00 )

  • "We need community to help us heal because we can't do it alone." (00:22:00 )

  • "Vulnerability is the key to intimacy and connection." (00:24:00 )

  • "Faith is not about having all the answers, it's about trusting in the goodness of God." (00:28:00 )

  • "As parents, we're afraid to let our kids know that we missed it and that we blew it. But children are forgiving when you invite them into truth." (00:08:00 )

  • "If you were perfect, you wouldn't need God." (00:08:00 )

  • "The perfect tool to overcome our weaknesses is forgiveness." (00:08:00 )

  • "The biggest gap between parents that did well and that didn't were the ones that cared enough to read the book." (00:09:00 )

  • "Understanding that I didn't get a perfect model and therefore my kids aren't getting a perfect model." (00:11:00 )

  • "It's only when you're stretched in an area that you really know what's there." (00:12:00 )

  • "Denial is not forgiveness." (00:13:00 )

  • "True apologies are about giving the power back that you took." (00:20:00 )

  • "Forgiveness is this thing that we have the opportunity to refine." (00:08:00 )

  • "Asking for forgiveness from your children is important." (00:22:00 )

  • "The importance of modeling worship in the home." (00:25:00 )









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BONUS Fathers Day Episode with Clay Collins

BONUS Fathers Day Episode with Clay Collins

Beth Collins