DiscoverThe Freedom Journey PodcastHealing From Heartache: Part 3
Healing From Heartache: Part 3

Healing From Heartache: Part 3

Update: 2023-06-26



In this episode of the Freedom Journey Podcast, hosts Beth and Linda discuss the importance of healing emotional wounds and share real-life stories from people who have overcome challenges. They offer insights into how to break free from old patterns of behavior and addictions.


Beth and Linda explore the reasons why it's important to heal emotional wounds and how they affect our relationships and triggers. They emphasize the need to understand these wounds to avoid negative filters in our relationships and triggers. The hosts also announce that they will be taking listener questions in future episodes.

Timestamped Chapter Summary

  • Introduction (00:00:00 )

  • Importance of healing emotional wounds (00:01:00 )

  • Understanding emotional wounds and triggers (00:05:00 )

  • Need to heal wounds to avoid negative filters (00:06:00 )

  • Need to understand our heart's responses (00:09:00 )

  • Linda shares a story of a woman struggling with self-worth (00:12:00 )

  • The impact of father wounds on relationships with men (00:12:00 )

  • Beth shares a personal story of rejection and questioning her abilities (00:15:00 )

  • Recognizing the impact of fear of man and repenting of agreement with lies (00:16:00 )

  • Linda shares her experience with recognizing lies about God's character (00:17:00 )

  • The impact of childhood memories on emotional wounds (00:18:00 )

  • Linda shares her childhood memories of authority being unfair, unjust, and partial (00:19:00 )

  • The importance of understanding the lies in our hearts and forgiving those who hurt us (00:21:00 )

  • The supernatural gift of healing and connecting with God (00:23:00 )

  • Linda leads listeners in a prayer for healing emotional wounds (00:24:00 )

Quotable Phrases

  • "We don't need to dwell on the past, but we certainly need to be aware of it so we can understand why our hearts respond to things the way they do." 

  • "If we have a wound in our heart, everything else is going to filter through that wound."

  • "It's up to us to get those wounds healed and understand what those triggers are so that everybody doesn't have to walk on pins and needles around us."

  • "Understanding emotional wounds is key to avoiding negative filters in our relationships and triggers."

  • "We overcome by the word of our testimony"

  • "It's amazing what words can do to a person, especially those words spoken by our fathers."

  • "If the enemy can get you to view God in a negative way, he wins."

  • "Those are the areas that the enemy will do his best to cause trauma in so that you will not walk in your purpose and you will stay off of that course of purpose."

  • "Recognizing the impact of fear of man and repenting of agreement with lies" 

  • "The impact of childhood memories on emotional wounds"

  • "It takes the supernatural work of the Holy Spirit to untangle emotional wounds"


Healing emotional wounds is essential to living a fulfilled life and maintaining healthy relationships. Beth and Linda encourage listeners to understand their past and work towards healing their emotional wounds to avoid negative filters and triggers. They invite listeners to send in their questions for future episodes and share their own stories of healing. In this episode, Linda shares a powerful testimony of a woman struggling with self-worth, and Beth shares a personal story of rejection and questioning her abilities. It's important to be aware of the impact of father wounds on relationships with men and how the enemy will do his best to cause trauma in areas that are essential to fulfilling our purpose. Linda shares her own experience with recognizing lies about God's character and the impact of childhood memories on emotional wounds. The hosts lead listeners in a prayer for healing emotional wounds, emphasizing the need to connect with God and ask for supernatural healing. They also encourage listeners to ask the Lord to replace negative emotions with positive ones. If the Son sets you free, you are truly free (John 8:36 ). 









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Healing From Heartache: Part 3

Healing From Heartache: Part 3

Beth Collins